Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Apr 2, 2023


The story starts with the Game Hero ( in this case Rumprustler ) in bed after a long day of adventures and sex , so he is ready for a good nights sleep when he hears a noise by his window

A scratching sound like someone is trying to break in he grabs the biggest & heaviest dildo he has and goes to the window as he pulls it open he sees Amir trying to open it so as he lifts and say what are you doing my prince Amir say it is an emergency and he needs your help Game Hero says ok I'll open the door Amir say no he does not want anyone to know he is there & does a diving flip in to the room thru the window Game Hero : so what is so important and need to be kept a secret Amir: there is big trouble at the rainbow Bend Over bridge to As-hard the toll guard and the Bi-force are missing! Game-Hero: The Bi-force what is that? Amir: it's the portal lock that opens & closes the gateway orifices to the higher realms with out it and its guardian High-man the portals will close down and nobody will be able to get to the 3 higher realms Game-Hero: 3 realms ? Amir yes two realms are already been open you know them the mortal realm of the champions and the Devine realm of the Pantheon's Stairway but there is a third that has never been open the realm of the Enlightened Kingdom's Game-Hero so what has happen how did they go missing ? We think it has to do with the 3rd portal to the enchanted lands of the Enlightened Kingdom you see High-man has been trying to open it for a long time now but has not had the mystic energy to open it so he has been meditating to gain more power We now think he made one more attempt and that is when he & the Bi-Force disappeared Game-Hero: who are we ? I have asked Manuel Reyes to join us on this Quest he is new here but has much knowledge of sex I think he can be very helpful he will meet us at the portal-gateway to the bend-over bridge in town we must hurry lets leave now

A short time later at the bridge Game-Hero: why is the portal Blurry ? Amir as the energy fades the gateway will close till nobody can get thru Manuel then how will we pass ? Amir I have brought a magic carpet that is filled with the enchanted energy of the Enlightened Kingdom it will get us thru because that is where it is from Manuel how did you get it & how do you know so much about this place if the portal has never been open ? My home the White Desert Palace is there Game-hero wait before we go how do we know they are there maybe we need to spilt up & search all 3 realms ? Amir No you see before this the portal to the 3rd realm was pure black now it is a gray and green swirling mist so we know it has to be where they went to

All 3 hero's get on the carpet Amir in front Game-hero in middle & Manuel behind Game Hero : hey this tingles I don't know if it's the carpet or the rider's ? Manuel: well all I know is it's gonna be a fun ride Amir : hold on tight

They speed thru over the bridge and to the 3 portals turning toward the Enlightened Kingdom and pass right thru as the mist parts when the carpet glows with rainbow streams of light & a bright white flash of light ; when that is over they find them self in the desert sand next to an oasis Game-hero: so which way do we go now & how will we ever find him here its so big and what are those shadows one the horizon Amir: they are the Palaces of the Elemental Lords that rule here there are 4 kingdoms of the air, fire , water .and earth Jinni they are the reason the portal stay closed they don't want to have contact with lesser beings so we need to hurry before the spot us and send us back :game-hero: which brings me back how will we find him Manuel: with this 'as he pulls out a huge dildo shaped sword' this is high-mans two handed Broadsword Long-Schlong Game-hero: well where did that cum from and how will it show us where he is ? Amir Oh sorry we did not tell you we meant to but forgot to that is High-man Key to open & close the Bi-Force it was the only thing left behind being drained of almost all its power it will act like a compass to the Bi-force as Manuel walks into the Oasis he say come on its this way and leads them to a road paved with yellow stone slabs in the shape of penises and balls the head of one penis wedged inot the balls of the next like a daisy chain highway Mantuel : looks like we must Follow the Yellow Pick road

They travel till they get to a tent of silk and gold lace with rich gems : Manuel: Long-Schlong is pointing here it must be inside ' as they enter they see High-man bound & gaged at the side of a platform & on top of the platform a large being with the skin & head of a lion & body of a man Squatting with his legs out to the side & his arms down between his feet

Game-hero WHAT is that ? Amir its a Sphinxter an enchanted beasts of this land

Ha Ha Ha well come to my tent I am happy to greet new victims I am Lion-Hole your soon to be new master ! Manuel we are here to free our friend ! Lion-hole: you will be lucky to stay free yourselves for nobody leaves her unless the can solve my riddle & since there are 3 of you I will give you 3 chances to answer it if any of you answer correctly I will free you all if not you will remain to be my slave-guys just like your friend who failed my text Amir Give us your riddle Lion-Hole says : before the 1st egg hatched who had to cum 1st ? Amir : that's easy the Egg it had to cum 1st to hatch the 1st chicken Haa Haa Haa Wrong you will be mine soon Manuel: not so fast if its not the egg it's the chicken it had to cum 1st to lay the 1st egg Haa Haa Haa Wrong again you will all be mine Game-hero wait I still have my turn Amir think carefully you are our last chance Game-hero I am try to work it out not the egg not the chicken who could it be Lion-hole Hurry I will not wait much longer if you fail to answer you loss Game-hero give me one min I almost got it YES I know who had to cum 1st the Cock ! Manuel the cock what are you talking about ? Lino-Hole NOOOOO !

See he know he lost don't ya see the roster was the 1st one to cum to get the chicken pregnant show she could lay the 1st egg & another name for roster is cock so the cock had to cum 1stLion_hole it's not fair nobody ever answered right you can all go

High-man here is your sword key lets go home High-man: it not that easy the Bi-force was drained of all its power by lion-hole we must recharge it first Amir: but how can we do that Manuel: leave that to me that is why I am here right we must get the mystical energy back for lion-hole just follow my lead the 3 hero join in a four way with the Sphinxter one up his ass one sucking his dick & one straddles his face till he cums all over the Bi-force platform that then lights up in rainbow colors Amir: that's it we can go now High-man not yet one more thing to solve Amir: what is it now ? Long-schlong sltill does not have the power to break thru the enchanted portal Game-Hero oh an how do we solve this one now ? Manuel : I get this one too the prince told me that we had to bring you because you have special power up so High-man trust Long-schlong into the Bi-force (which he does) Amir: give me a hand they take Game-hero by the legs and lift him into a spilt & then lower him on the handle of Long-schlong Manuel: now go super Gaiyon like never before as game-hero lights up his yellow glow flairs up brighter then ever and flows down the sword till the Bi-force light up in a rainbow fountain and they are all transported in a white flash back to the base of the bend-over bridge near the 3 realm portals Game-hero: we are back but how come I have never seen you here before when I went to the realms High-man : because when someone enters the entrance portal I use long-schlong to transport them right to the realm entrance so to them it looks like they went right there Game-hero: oh , ok I get it now

High-man let me thank you all not only have you save me & the bi-force to keep the portals open but for unlocking the 3rd portal Amir: but the entrance is still not open High-Man yes but if you look it is no longer blocked by black light it is burry which mean we can get thru with game-hero's help if we need to I will now send you back so nobody will know there was trouble

So now our three hero's are back Game-hero's Apartment to celebrate by watching some of Manny's videos Game-Hero this is so great I never got to watch a porno with one of the stars in it Manuel well I really don't think you'll get to watch much of it would you rather watch it with me or make one with me ? Game-hero looks like this story is going to finish with a HAPPY ENDING'S

Next: Chapter 13

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