Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Vran in need of info Vran heard of information of Vrangel alive, he suspect it could be his bf. Trailing the info, he received information can be found with one of the prisoners in Anusbos dungeons in the desret. Vran, went straight to MC, informing him the need to go together to the dungeons. Vran: "MC, there is a valuable information of me not bein ghte last one of Rimmia" MC: "but you told me you are th elast one" Vran: "yes, and thats what I thought too, but I got information of another survival" MC: "you know Rimmia was destroyed, we searched and couldn't find anyone" Vran: "we cant confrim unless we reach the deserts of Armpitia, fighting our way into Anusbos dungeons" MC: "with your informaiton, anything needed to prepare?" Vran: "I prepared for everything, and your power is needed"

Travelling to deserts of Armpitia. Both determained to know more about the other survivor. MC: "we can just set an announcement to whomever from Rimmia, come to my Harem" Vran: "thats now feasable, we from Rimmia are wanted, due to the heavy training we underwent. Which make us target to all evil beings" MC: "and if an evil person got you, he can make all men submissives... I get it now. But is there is anything else you want to tell me?" Vran: "the initial information about that survivor indicate he might be.." MC: "might be?" Vran: "my lover" MC: "well, you should have told me before.. we should hurry"

Reaching at the gates of the anusbos dungeons

Agapios at bay

MC and Vran enters the dungeon. All what is heard is a lusty moan. Both walking and looking at the jails and chains on the sides, they are all empty, but the smell of semen and sweat is still fuming like it it is still going on. Vran: "the scent is strong, hold on" MC: "the smell is making me hard" Vran goes on one knee, picking up a test tube, and collect some of the semen on the floor and shake it, it gave a dark purple. Then collected another sample into the test tube and bright blue showed up. MC: "someone with great power came here and dominated all prisoners, taking them away. There must be a witness around"

Hearing sound of deep moaning and lust coming from deep dungeons. Both walked to the sound, keep an eye on the sides and it is still empty jails/cages and broken chain. Until both arrived to a bigger roam with a crack on the ceiling bringing in sunray and water drops.

At its wall, they saw Agapios chained, sweating, leaking, lusting and eager.

MC: "I asked myself where did you disappear" MC started to run, but stopped but Vran. Vran: "stop!!" MC: "hey! Thats Agapios you are talking about!" Vran: "he is not, look at his eyes" MC: "why his eyes are shining red?" Vran: "his spirit is possessed, probably he doesnt remember who he is, and if the information we need is with him, we need to be careful" MC: "whaats your plan?" Vran: "I can pin him, but you need to make him cum, alot" MC smiling: "yeah, I like that thought" Vran drinks a potion and do a magical spell over Agapios who struggled at first but he then seemed like he want" MC approached Agapios touching his sweaty skin smelling him and MC is really hard MC: "hey agapios, I missed you and I might not be holding myself" MC lift agapios's legs and pin him to the wall, pounding so hard, Agapios's hole is amazing and tight, MC cant stop, slowly getting rough. Agapios is leaking like never before. MC then unshakled Agapios and do him Dolphine style. Vran: "MC!, you need to be quick, spell wont last, you need to make him cum, alot" Before MC puting his cock in, he performs the enrgy puncture inside Agapios and followed it with a nonstop pounding dolphone style. MC, is about to blow, as Agapios started to cum with long ropes putting some pressure of MC's cock and breeding Agapios. Agapios is getting conscious. Realising the situation. Turn around to see MC, and they kiss mouth lock. Slowly Vran approaches them, "hey Agapios, how did you ended up here?" Agapios breathing fast: "I was invited here to perform some fighting, but was captured instead" Agapios looks at MC: "I want more of you, thank you for releasing me" MC: "it was Vram, but yeah, my effort, would do it more if you want" Vran: "who captured you?" Agapios while still being pound slowly by MC: "don't know, he had a sliver hair like yours with an eye patch" Vran: "did he had a scar on his chest?" Agapios: "yes a very long ass one" MC finishing Vran: "anything special about him?" Agapios: "he had a glowing necklace that was weird and they kept talking about Rimmia underground apocrypha" MC looking at Vran, "so he is alive, we better be going" They took a ship to Rimmia, Vran was leading the way, as MC and Agapios went in a nonstop steamy sex, how could they? Agapios has been urging and lusting for sex throughout the time he was captured.

Getting to Rimia Vran was leading the way, it was all destruction but they walked into the southern part of Rimmia, there was a shrine. Vran did some ritual and a hidden door on the floor. The three are walking down the stairs as it is getting darker and darker. Vran's bandit started to glow, he raised a hand to stop them. Vran: "this seems dangerous, you two need to be protected" Vran gave potions to MC and Agapio, who they drank it. Vran: "I never though apocrypha is still functioning" Vran claps and lights side the stairways down luminated. We need to hurry The three started running down the stairs walked a bit to reach another shrine, and there was, ripped muscled white hair with a scar on the back performing a prayer. Stood up and looked to the three character, with glowing red eyes. Vran hesitated as he is seeing his lover of his life infront of him. MC screaming "Vran!, spell" Vran, did the spell but was late. Agapio wift to the side and grabbed him from behind, MC followed and hugged him from front. Vran grabbed his focus and performed the spell Vran: "Mc, I know Brangel can handle DP, we need to save him, please" Brangel: "help me!" Agapios moved aside and looking at MC and Vran performing gentle DP. Slowly Brangel started responding to the steamy sex of Vran and MC. The bandit glows brighter and the red glow of his eyes is fading.. Vran: "Agapios, keep and eye around, there might be still the controler around" Agapios: "yes" Vran: "lets hurry up MC" MC performed the energy tip on Brangel's hole and stuffed their dicks back in him, seconds later, the bandit broke and Brangel became acting more like a human, interacting with DP like it was the thing that he needed the most. Agapios, noticed something moving in the shadows. Brangel started cumming like a fountain, while Vran and MC seeding Brangel AS soon as Agapios moved into the figure, it ran up the stairs. While Vran and Bran were kissing and hugging Agapios and MC went back on doing it. After finishing, they walked back to the harem.

MC: "arent we gonna talk about the figure?" Bran: "I know his hideout, we can catch up with him later, we need to recover, do you have a place?" MC: "Yes, i have the perfect place for you, in my harem"

Next: Chapter 15

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