Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Apr 12, 2023


The Hero is wandering through the Ninja Sacred Lands. He is on a hill overlooking the white and red houses as well as the Torii, while the pink petals of the cherry tree that he stands next to falls down around him.

"Hey!" Someone calls. Hero looks around. "Up here."

Hero looks up at the trees. Sitting on a branch looking down at him is Takeshi, known by his harem as the Wild Dog. He's wearing his leather jacket and pants, with his red mesh shirt underneath. He gets up and jumps down onto the ground beside Hero, who is surprised to see Takeshi so graceful.

"Hey, I'm Takeshi. Although people prefer calling me `Wild Dog'."

"Why do they call you that?"

We didn't bother to go somewhere private. Instead, Takeshi stripped off his clothes so that he was only wearing his collar and his headband.

"Want me to take it all off?" Takeshi asks.

"Keep your headband on."

Hero edges closer and kisses him, wrestling their lips together. Takeshi grips Hero's waist.

"So why do they call you the `wild' dog?"

He grins and gets in to his favourite position, the bridge. His asshole exposed to Hero, eagerly awaiting his cock, as Hero strips off. Hero grins.

"That's a good position. But I think it could better. I heard that the Ninjas of the Ninja Sacred Lands push their bodies to be the best possible warriors in the battle field."

Takeshi raises an eyebrow, still in his bridge position.

"Yeh?" He questions.

Hero pulls Takeshi's feet behind his head, so that Takeshi is wrapped in himself, his legs up, knees beside his ears, feet behind his head. Takeshi is incredibly aroused, his throbbing cock is just inches away from Hero's mouth.

"You really like to fuck yourself, huh?"


Hero licks his lips as Takeshi wraps his lips around his cock head.

"I'd happy watching him do this all day," Hero thinks.

Takeshi fucks himself with his throat while his pink boy pussy puckered, inviting Hero. Hero leans in and begins to rub his tongue against Takeshi's boy pussy, tasting sweaty while Takeshi's balls rub against Hero's forehead. Takeshi begins to moan as he throat fucks himself faster, while Hero is busy lathering Takeshi's hole with his spit. Hero digs his nails into Takeshi's thighs and began to slowly scratch him, causing him to moan louder, muffled by his own dripping cock. Hero presses more of his tongue inside Takeshi's bussy, causing Takehshi to spit out his cock and moaned louder than ever.

"I'm so close to cumming!"

Hero comes up for air.

"You can't cum yet!" It was a treat for Hero to see Takeshi's knees behind his ears. Hero has no clue how Takeshi can still be comfortable with his legs behind his head. "I want to do everything."

Takeshi's boy pussy suitably lube with Hero's spit, he climbs on top of him and presses his cock head against Takehi's hole. They grin at each other.

"Do you ever fuck your ass?" Hero asks him.

"All the time."

"That's what I wanted to hear." Hero grins.

Hero enters him, going as deep as he can. Takeshi's eyes roll to the back of his head, his tongue out. Hero begins to thrust his hips, Takeshi's boy pussy incredibly tight as Hero's cock stretches it.

"I never thought... this could feel... sooo good." Takeshi's eyes start to water.

"Suck yourself." Hero demands. Takeshi instantly pulled his lips over his cockhead and got to work, slurping along the length of his shaft. Hero can't take much more, and he raises his hips in the air just enough for the cockhead to stretch Takeshi's pussy only to smack them against down into his juicy booty, burying himself deeper in Takeshi's boy pussy. Takeshi, the Wild Dog, begins to bark.

"I'm so jealous," Hero pants. He pushed himself deeper in him and really started to pound him in to the ground, pressing his body in to the floor. "You can get a blowjob whenever you want."

Takeshi beings to giggle, blushing while looking in to Hero's eyes. He goes back to sucking his cock, only to come back out, popping his erection out of his mouth and lobbing some spit and precum on Hero's lips which he greedily licks off.

"So can you," Takeshi replies.

"Get back to sucking," Hero says. He smacks Takeshi deeper and deeper in to the ground. Takeshi begins to moan in total pleasure as Saburo and Gero peek at them in the background. Hero continues to fuck the Wild Dog until the last possible moment before pulling out and cumming against his fuck toys boy pussy, balls and hips. Saburo and Gero begin to make out, Takeshi and Hero so caught up in fucking one another that they don't notice them. Takeshi moves his legs from behind his head to his side with wild eyes. Hero grabs them and pulled them down, engoring himself on Takeshi's wet cock and giving him an expert blowjob, tasting his spit and delicious precum. Hero continues to throat fuck Takeshi as he gets back in to the bridge position, pushing his hips (and cock) up in to Hero. Saburo has Gero bent over, fucking him doggy style. Hero throat fucks Takeshi, greedily devouring the length of his shaft.

"I'm... I'm," Takeshi tries to say.

Hero spits out Takeshi's cock as a flood of cum erupts from his cock, flying in the air. The fountain of hot sperm ran from his lips down his chin to his belly. Saburo has his cock hotdogged on Gero's butt. Gero's eyes rolled to the back of his head as Saburo's own cum covers his back.

Still unaware of the two lovers in the background, Hero, knowing how much Takeshi will love it, begins licking both his and Takeshi's cum from his body, sparing no part of his smooth skin from his tongue. He licks up their jizz like a hungry dog, running his tongue along every inch of Takeshi's smooth boyhood. Hero grabs Takeshi's head on either side and went to town licking his face, causing him to moan and try and kiss Hero. Saburo and Hero, now dressed, walk away further in to the Sacred Ninja Grounds, naked, while Hero runs his tongue across one of Takeshi's eye, up to his forehead where all their cum is gathered all his cum and greedily swallows. Hero gasps, revealing the back of his throat and tongue to Takeshi.

"Now who's the Wild Dog," Takeshi says, glistening from Hero's spit.

Next: Chapter 20

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