Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Apr 14, 2023


You haven't seen Vlad in a while. Bunny told you he's been abstaining from sexual activity for a while. You worry and go check up on him, see if he's alright, cheer him up, and engage him with some new toys and gear. You manage to obtain some special ropes he might be into. You worry especially considering the consequences of his sex giant powers. You go to Shoto the very next day with the gifts. Vlad welcomes you into his house, he smiles kindly at you but looks tired. He refrains from any physical contact. You already find that unusual. You tell him of your new gift and he blushes a little, he is amazed by the new ropes. You help him with his chores and find the lack of sexual tension odd. He tells you to bring the new stuff to the attic. Bringing them up to his attic, you accidentally slip and find two doors that might lead to his attic. Looking inside you see notes and drawings of sex giants scattered around. Markings and seals on the walls. He might have been taking some potions to suppress his sexual urges. Rushing, you take a notebook with you. Going through it with Bunny you find out it's a diary. It reveals secrets about Vlad's sex giant powers. He's discovered new ways to control his power and make the sex giants submit to him. But you realize if this goes on it will cause Vlad to transform into a more fearsome sex giant, one who could go berserk and won't be satisfied until he has fucked the whole of Haremverse. You quickly get a team of some of the strongest and most well-endowed guys from your harem (besides you and Bunny, among them you pick Red, H.AL., Jarod, Travis, Lobo, etc.). You plan on surrounding Vlad, seducing him, and having him orgasm before things get out of hand with his power. Your surprise attack seems to have succeeded at first, Vlad is awestruck by all the hot naked guys suddenly all around him that he forgets himself. You all start fondling Vlad, he is flushing that he might burst just from that. The dry spell he's been on recently surely took a toll on him. However, he quickly regains himself, breaks free from the sexy bodies, and starts transforming. His new form is even bigger, way more defined, oozing out sexual energy. His body releases steam and his howls arouse everyone's senses. But you've already prepared for the worst. You were ready with backup, and immediately hundreds are ready to throw themselves at Vlad's new form. But it's not going to be easy. Not only has he pilled up immense sexual hunger that must be satisfied, but all sex giants have heard his call and are gathering to his side. It's gonna be a tough battle. With Devin's help, you manage to slow down Vlad's form enough for you to approach him. You jump into his mouth and find Vlad, his body tied to the flesh of his new form. Flesh-like cuffs keep both his hands and legs tied. You try to break him free but it is pointless. Vlad tells you the only way to end it, is if he achieves orgasm. He realized what he did was wrong. He wanted to learn more about his powers, but that only made it worse. In the end, he couldn't make it submit to it but was consumed by it. Since it cannot be controlled, it must be destroyed, before more harm happens in the future. He tells you the only way is to destroy the power, and once that's done, the sex giants will be forever gone from the world, freeing Haremverse from their constant scourge. To do that, you have to fuck the power out of him. You have to be fast and pound relentlessly. Once he orgasms the ties to his new form will be broken, and the body will begin to disappear. While doing so, its true source will be revealed. That's when you will have to give the final strike. However, in his current state, it becomes more difficult to orgasm, so you have to fuck as you've never fucked any guy before. Yet, time is of the essence; his form will start moving again and with him an army of sex giants, ready to march and fuck the whole Haremverse. You release your power and transform; Vlad is turned on by the aura of your new aggressive nature. You go behind him, pull him by the hair, and bit him on his left shoulder, and twice on his arm before. He moans and begins to experience some pleasure. He begs to be fucked hard by you. To that, you only reply with a few fast smacks on his smooth butt cheeks. His body twitches and he cannot break free. Vlad gladly submits to you. Pleasure begins to overcome him. You smack his chest and scratch his abdomen. His whole body is at your mercy now. Your hands move quick all over his body, fondling, scratching, slapping. Your mouth is also quick to lick, kiss, and bite. You shove your massive cock up his cute ass. Barely half the shaft is in, and you face resistance. You ram your hips hard and go ball deep. Vlad chokes on his moans and is left almost breathless. You begin to move your hips again, pounding him faster, faster and faster. Vlad releases a massive load of cum, without his cock being touched. His fleshy chains loosen up. His form begins to tremble. The massive puddle cum, tries to flow away. You realize that is the source of his power. You are first shocked about the cum being sentient, then you immediately rush after it and strike it down. Vlad's sex giant form disappears completely, with it all the other sex giants. It becomes apparent that the sex giants were in actuality other men who have ingested part of the sentient cum, and lost themselves in the transformation. The sex giants are now forever gone from the world. Vlad and the other guys are released from its power. But that doesn't stop them from continuing and finishing the orgy that was already started.

Next: Chapter 27

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