Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Apr 15, 2023


Hanging out with my harem is certainly one of the greatest pleasures of this world.

However...there's this thing. It used to happen every once in a while, but all of a sudden it's become pretty much a weekly thing.

The phone rang, forcing me to move through some warm thighs and a mouth on my nipple to reach it.

"It's Gino again!"


"Nothing...You can stay asleep."

Is it weird that I'm not sure who is sleeping with me, right now? I used to be able to tell every single one of my guys apart just by the feel of their lips, but's different. Overtime, I've realized, Gino and Lucca's boardgame nights have become the fun of my week. I wonder if there's something else to it...

I put my glasses on and opened the message.

Gino: "You know the time, you know the place, Lucca's looking nice and wide just for you! I'll be expecting you at boardgame night!"

Attached to the text there was a picture of leg spread Lucca, his hole seemingly luring me in through the screen. I look down, a huge bump standing right in the middle of the sheets.

A couple hours later...

Sighs... "How much longer `till the sun sets?...Gah-ah..." I stuffed myself with the pink spiked dildo. "Who knows what kind of kinky stuff Gino might come up with, this time?"

. . .


I rang the bell, but soon noticed the key was on the outside of the door, so, a little confused, I opened it.

Inside the house smelled like hotdogs and alcohol, so the usual. In the kitchen, Gino, barefoot and wearing only some black underwear and an apron, fried way too many sausages for three people.

"Hey Gino! You left your key outsi--"

"Keep it, you might as well, right? I don't suspect our fun is any closer to ending." He turned the stove off.

"Oh, right! So... where 's Lucca?"

"Lucca is...indisposed tonight."


"He is constipated, and in an act of selflessness, he decided not to get us sick too. But don't worry, he has plenty of toys in there to keep himself busy."

If he's not here then what does Gino want with me? Usually we end up double teaming Lucca...

"There's plenty to do on our own."


"There's a funfair a couple blocks away, tonight. There's also a casino."

"A funfair? O casino?" That's usually not the type of fun we have on these nights.

"Come on, it'll be fun! A little break from the routine, what do you say?"

"Right, let's do that..."

Gino put on some clothes and followed me out.

The drive to the funfair was fairly normal. Gino's car, however, vibrated just enough to quake my spiky dildo around my hole. If we hadn't made it in time, I might have actually jizzed in my seat. I'm embarrassed just thinking about it.

"Do you wanna eat anything?"

"Not sure. Weren't you making hotdogs?"

"Oh, that's for a different time." Gino pointed around. "I'll buy you anything you like."

"I'll have a donut."

He bought me a whole box, from which he took nothing.

"Don't you want some, Gino?"

"No, I might get something later."

"Aooraai. (Alright.)"

Gino giggled, his smirk, perfect as ever.

"Woa? (What?)"

"Lucca likes to speak with his mouth full too."

The first attraction we visited was the horse carousel, in which Gino insisted we partook on a ride. He knew the staff well, so he convinced him to only pay half if we both sat on the same horse.

I sat on the front and Gino, right behind me, positioned himself just right so I'd be rubbing on the pole. I tried to move, so there wouldn't be any "accidents", but the ride began moving too soon, leaving me to struggle with my fate.

There are people watching. Lots of them. Come on, body, don't do anything stupid!

Soon enough, out of my control, my cock acted up, my bulge pressing into the metal non-stop.

"Gah-ah..." I let out a sound I did not intend to. Luckily, though, there were too many screams and crowd noises for anyone to notice anything.

The yelp had been caused by the spiked dildo, that was now deeper inside me due to the amount of pressure Gino was unintentionally putting on my spread cheeks.

"Now isn't this exciting?" Gino's deep husky voice as he breathed into my ear made my cock twitch and unexpectedly sped up the arousing effect to a bizarre magnitude.

Could he be doing this on purpose?

It's not like either of us could help it. Gino's large thighs did not allow me to move back, but the longer the ride went on, the more my semen was loaded up and ready to be shot out all over my underwear.

Through all of my efforts, the precum had begun surfacing by the time the ride stopped, allowing me to get up and leave dry, yet blue balled.

"Nothing like some good horse riding to kick off carnival night!"

"Right..." I held my balls, trying to hide the discomfort.

"You wanna take a piss? I can wait." "No, I'm f-fine."

"Alright!" Gino grabbed my arm. "To the ferris wheel we go!"

Ferris wheel, huh? What could go wrong.

Inside the cabinet where we sat, there was plenty of space, so Gino and I sat across from each other. It was definitely the better choice, considering this was a fun hangout and just that.

As soon as the wheel started spinning, however, Gino went and asked me something that would prove otherwise.

"Do you have any fetishes?"

"Well..." I pondered the question and gave the most honest reply I could think of. "I like being high up, you know, sex is awesome, but flying around sure would be considered one of my dreams."

"How about flying sex?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah...that would be amazing."

"So you'd like to the chicken." "Chicken can't fly." "I know, silly, those chicken." Gino pointed somewhere I couldn't see.


"Come here." He tapped his leg next to the window.

"Ok..." I was hesitant but I couldn't help but be a little excited as I walked over and he pulled me down to sit on his thigh.

"Right there." He pointed at a group of cooked chicken held in bondage and lifted up by thin ropes.

"Oh...that doesn't look comfortable."

"Believe me, it's more comfortable than it looks."

"Huh?" I could feel my cheeks going red.

The ferris wheel stopped. As we both got up, I felt something large slide across my leg, but it mustn't have been anything.

"We're up for tonight's last attraction."

"What is it?"

"The rollercoaster!" Gino pointed to the track going across the whole site.

"I ate a lot of donuts, I don't know if it's a good idea to--"

"You think you're gonna puke?"

"I might."

"Don't worry about it."

What does that mean...

Gino got us the seat all the way to the front, saying it helps with motion sickness.

"So, what if I--"

"Here it is." From one of his back pockets, Gino pulled seemingly used black boxers.

"Why...I'm confused."

"Like this." He placed the underwear right against my face from my nose to my chin. "Just breathe into it and you might feel better."

" a plastic bag?"


"But how do I hold it here?"

Without a word, Gino stuffed my mouth right in with the boxers.

"There, you might even like the smell."


"What was that?"

The ride started soon enough, and with it, the aroma of the boxers flew in, going through my system.

That's...I know that smell better than anything else. That's definitely cum.

Though my initial reaction was shock, the smell soon enough became something I'd grown used to, and then yearned for, in just a matter of seconds. Gino's semen was almost hypnotizing me, like a drug. My body couldn't help but react as well.


My cheeks went red, and the state of my cock made it look like I had a whole lot of candy in my pocket. I looked over at Gino, his eyes already fixed on it, then facing me. At that moment, we didn't need words, our eyes said it all.

Swiftly enough, I felt a large hand move down to my crotch, rubbing it up and down. Gino's face was as perverse as ever, but the way he looked at almost resembled the way he looked at Lucca.


At that moment, puking was the last of my problems. It's not like public sex is unusual in this world but...I can't help but feel somewhat private and reserved around Gino.

In front of all of these people...

Gino kept going, faster and faster, nearly sending me into a frenzy.

Right when my cock was about to burst, the ride stopped, and, at the same speed, so did Gino.

"Good boy." Gino helped me out of my seat.

The amount of blue balling and constant edging was hard to stand, but I would do this for him. If this was one of his games, I would win it.

"What do you say we ditch the casino and go back to my place?"

"I...uh...alright. What else do you have planned for tonight?" I smiled, knowingly.

"How `bout some poker?"

"That's fine by me."

Poker? That's it? What the hell does he mean by-- oh...

. . .

Not long after, we're sitting on the couch and the only thing between me and one butt ass naked loss is my underwear, visibly struggling to keep my lust hidden.

Gino, as one who is not exactly discreet about his own desires, didn't hide it, staring intently at the ever rising bump in my undies.

"It seems poker is not your forte." Gino was still fully clothed, this was one striking and humiliating victory. "Or did you perhaps miss the part where the goal of Strip Poker isn't to actually strip first?"

"You're out of my league, that's all. This is the kind of thing you excel at." I played my card, crossing my fingers for at least a single win.

"And what is it you excel at? Care for a demonstration?" Gino played his card, revealing my fate.


"The rules are the rules."

Before I needed to do too much effort with my hands, my cock jumped out of the underwear on its own, eager for some action. "So about the demonstration you asked for..."

Just as quick as I spoke, Gino pulled a blindfold out from a box on the table. "Care for a surprise?"


Not five minutes later, my spiked dildo was gone and something thick and hard wrapped itself around my body as a whole. Then, a series of hot substances laid themselves throughout my surface. Next to my nose, I could recognize a smell.

"Sausages?" Just as I said it, my blindfold was taken off, revealing a bunch of ropes tied around my body and sausages spread all over. Right in front of me laid a piece of bread, in the middle of which was a special kind of sausage.

"I hope you're not all full from the doughnuts." All of a sudden, his hole was stuffed with a group of steamy sausages, making it spill out their juices. Behind him was Lucca.

Lucca? So he wasn't sick after all? Was all of this a set up to get me...

"I sure can make room for more." Whatever Gino's plan had been, it worked, and I had lost once again. I can't exactly say, however, that not everybody got off winning tonight. This was, after all, the beginning of a new tradition in boardgame nights to come.

Next: Chapter 28

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