Gay Harem

By Christopher O

Published on Mar 31, 2023


The Hero and Sannyo -- Kirin velvet

It is one thing to read a love story or a novel, and live it out in your fantasy together with your favorite characters, but to experience love and affection is something very different, that can not be put into words, nor explained. And so not even this author can reveal all mysteries of complicate matters of the heart, shared between our Hero and Sannyo that early morning.

It all began as a dream, in which our Hero lies in bed with eyes closed, but realizes that something is going on around himself. He opens his eyes, but see only light and nothing else, while feeling the touch that travels through his torso, and down to the abdomen. Then a palm lightly touches one nipple, then the other, and stops in the middle of his chest. He feels warmth of the hand, and starts to smile. Then a palm of the other hand joins in and slowly, gently massages our Hero's chest, going lower, and warms belly with gentle circle movements. These hands go even lower and touch our Hero's feet, but he still sees nothing, except the light, and he feel's it -- everything seems like a dream.

Pleasant feelings of something warm, and soft, like a gentle traveling caresses, bring joy to an ankle of one leg and then back up until it stops at perineum, and then moves to the other leg. As softest velvet in the world, these palms leave no single inch of feet untouched, until they reach perineum again. Suddenly, our Hero feels fingertips lightly caressing his most sensitive spot between balls and bum, producing jolts of lightning that shoots through the whole body in a chaotic, uncontrolled motion over, and over again, until our Hero feels his member stiffen. Though, all he sees, is still the light, and nothing else.

He would like these velvety hands to surround his errect member, and they do. Just pulling up and down with fingers at the beginning, only to grasp it in a more firm grip some moments later, and move up and down in a loving embrace - again, and again.......

Hero's stone-hard "friend" is pulsating madly, wondering what will happen next, until he feels how these hands vanish, but instead something slippery, something wet starts playing with his jewels and then travels up the trunk. Then down, and up again. The whole body is overwhelmed by the same surge of chaotic feelings inside, as if he is connected to a low voltage current, every time this warm, pleasant wetness reaches the head of the trunk and then the root of it. Feelings are so pleasant that they wake our Hero up, and, suddenly, everything goes dark for a short moment. He wakes up and opens his eyes to reality for the first time, but feelings do not cease -- they continue, as if nothing had happened.

Through half-opened eyes, Hero looks upon the most beautiful person in the world -- a half-human being, descendent of majestic Kirins. Light of the morning sun shines through the window of an ancient shrine room and illuminates Sannyo, making him seemingly glow with pure green and white pearly gleam, making Hero's feelings even more hightened, as his stone pillar is still surrounded in a warm, velvety cavity -- which he realizes is a mouth, that continues what started -- up and down. Wet velvet, which increases the pressure with each downward movement, making him even harder -- so hard, that Hero didn't even knew he could be. With his own eyes, he sees what is happening, until Sannyo feels a gaze on him and our Hero can no longer pretend sleeping, as a well-heard moan emerges from him.

Sannyo raises his head, and sees that Hero has awoken. They smile to each other lovingly. Sannyo wishes our Hero good morning and Hero answers the same. They silently smile and Sannyo continues. He adds his hands and all the friction becomes more intense by the second. Hero can no longer understand where those feelings are - around the lower part of his body or all over his body. Probably, electric feeling goes all through his body, though, only thing he knows for sure, is that he is at the border -- a border which Sannyo won't let him cross, for a while.

Sannyo's toying, Hero knows that, and he lets him. Only Sannyo's hands were put into action, then only his tongue, then he playfully slaps Hero's stone slab on his cheek, and just laughs, as our Hero does the same, until Sannyo decides it's time to get up and start the day -- but before that, he must finish what started.

Everything possible is involved into the action - hands, mouth, tongue, cheeks, a gentle and slow bite with teeth, which pulls another aspect of pleasure in our Hero. The pressure is rising, and, with it, his heartbeat as well, that is felt in his templum and down south, enveloping him into surge of golden light. Our Hero can't stand it anymore, and Sannyo decides to put one of his curious fingers inside Hero's bum. Sannyo gently puts in a well licked finger and taps delectible joy button several times to activate "lift off" button, and BAAAAM. All Hero's juices go up through the air like a torpedo accompanied by his loud exclaiming moaning, like a trumpet at the culmination of musical composition.

After a while, our Hero gradually returns from his pleasure hights back to the grounding reality, and feels that even after explosion, Sannyo continues to massage Hero with fingers on the inside and with the other hand - on the stiff rod - until Hero twitches a few more times, and, with a smile on his face, thanks Sannyo, offering him to reciprocate, but Sannyo, driven by Hero's immense sexual pleasure energy outburst, already finished hands-free, few seconds after our Hero's explosion.

So they both lay in their mingled juices and relax in each other's arms, without thinking about the made mess. Some minutes later our Hero wakes up alone, and, in place of Sannyo, he finds a "magic wand" made of kirin antler, adorned with gems around its handle. But what happened next, is another story.

Next: Chapter 9

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