Gay Slaves First Time

By moc.loa@yobuol

Published on Feb 23, 2023


A true recollection from 1970, involving a relationship between 2 teenage men. Please remember, that 1970 was prior to the Aids epidemic and did not need to play safely. The individuals were real people, and the relationship lasted until "Daniels" death of leukemia. Copyright 2004.

Gay Slaves First Time

Daniel led me down to his basement. As his parents were both CEO'S of Major companies, he was left to fend for himself a large part of his time. During most of his time, he had built himself a private playroom in his basement. This is to where he led me.

When we arrive downstairs, he led me to a door, which when locked would be unnoticed in the basement.

"Boy, when I release you, go in and stand in the middle of the room, head down. We need to discuss your servitude to me. Is this understood?" Daniel said.

"Yes Sir." I replied. I did not know what to expect but I had given myself to him earlier and would do as he said.

"Boy, its summer vacation, and you have the summer off. I will be allowing you to call your mother, and tell her you will be spending the summer up here in Connecticut with me. If she needs to have you come and get anything, or wishes to speak with me, let me know. I can have Jason drive us to your house in Long Island if need be."

"Once this is done, I will decide how to proceed. I bet those clamps are starting to pinch now boy. Do you want me to take them off?"

"Yes Sir".

Daniel came over to me then to remove the clamps from my nips. "When I remove them, it's going to really hurt. Keep your hands down and don't touch yourself. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir. I understand Sir." He quickly removed them, making my eyes water. I did not move though.

"Very good boy."

"Now boy, its to late to call your mother tonight, so we will do that in the morning. For tonight, I will get you ready for bed. Come with me Boy."

He led me over to a small cage with a small army cot in it. The cage was tall enough to stand in and only long enough for the army cot with about a foot of space to walk.

"On your back boy. Lift your arms to the top of the cage. I'm going to strap your arms together now, boy. I don't want you touching yourself. That dick is mine now, and I don't want you playing with it."

Daniel took my arms and placed them through the bars on the cage, and attached them together with a small lock. I would not be able to move them much at all.

"Raise your legs now boy." Daniel said, "I need to be able to get this plug in you, nice and tight."

He pulled from a drawer in the room a large 3-headed medium butt plug, and some lube. After greasing the Plug up, he proceeded to shove it up my ass. This took all my strength not to cry out for him to stop. After inserting the plug, he then attached ankle restraints to me legs and attached them to the end of the bed.

"I wont put on the stretcher tonight, boy. But I will be using it tomorrow. We will have a lot to discuss tomorrow. Including what punishment to do about your disobedience earlier. You can think about that tonight. I will see you in the morning, and we will get started on your training."

Daniel then kissed me goodnight, and left the cage, turning off the main light and leaving a small nightlight on for me.


"Rise and Shine my little Boy." Daniel said. "Let's get started. We have a lot to do today with your training. Did you think about what I said yesterday. I know we moved a little quickly, and you had a lot to think about. I have called my Fathers attorneys, and they are working on the slave contract for you. Do you have any questions, or reservations, about that?"

"No Sir," I said. "May I use the restroom Sir?"

"Yes Boy. Let me get these restraints undone. I hope you slept comfortably last night? Go into the bathroom over there in the corner, and wait. I will be in to get the plug out of you."

I rose slowly, trying to get my footing after being unable to move much on the cot. The bathroom was nicely furnished, complete with a shower big enough for 4 people. I did notice it had been modified with several items to accommodate submissive slave boys.

I stood waiting in the restroom for several minutes, while Master Daniel, replaced the lock and several of the other items from last night.

"Okay boy, turn around and face the toilet. Bend over now, and touch your toes."

I did as he asked as he grabbed the butt plug from my bottom and pulled.

"ohhh Sir." I sighed as he pulled it out.

"Turn around and Sit now boy. You may use the toilet and piss boy. This is how you will always be peeing from now on. You will sit and ask permission, which I have given you just now. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, Thank You Sir," I replied. He walked out of the room while I continued my morning ablutions.

"Okay boy, when you finish, I will be in to clean you out and then shower you. Let me know when you're done."

It only took a few minutes before I called him in. The bathroom had been fitted with a long tube type flush kit. Master Daniel, as I had come to learn to call him, turned on the shower and removed the tube. He got some lube to grease it for easy insertion and then had me stand.

"Over here, boy. In the shower now." He attached me by my collar to the wall, which had been equipped with eyebolts. "Okay boy, I am going to insert this in you now, and you will be expected to hold it for a full 10 minutes. I will let it fill you slowly though."

He inserted the nozzle into me, and released the clamp, filling me slowly as promised. Soon I could feel it become uncomfortable, but yet he continued. "Okay boy almost there, now hold it in. 10 minutes. Don't let any escape or I will have to punish you. Here's the timer Boy."

It was so uncomfortable, as my stomach cramped and I tried to release the pressure moving from foot to foot. I could only move my feet due to the collar and it was the longest 10 minutes I have ever had. (I came to find out later, it was actually 15 minutes, on the timer.) When the timer went off, Master released me and allowed me to flush myself. I again had to endure one more round of flushing before Master was satisfied.

"Okay boy, Stand in the center of the shower now. Hands over head, I'm going to chain them up now, and wash you down. I'm also going to shave what little hair you have down here also boy."

Master proceeded to scrub me down before getting the shaving cream and shaving off my hair. I was denuded of all hair, including pubes, underarms and chest, being almost 14 at the time I did not have much hair.

"Do you know why I shaved you, boy?" Master Daniel asked.

"No Sir."

"Slave boys do not have hair, boy. I will let you keep the hair on your head, but I think we will go and get a cut at the salon. You would like that, wouldn't you boy?"

"Yes Sir. Very much Sir."

"Now out of the shower and into the playroom boy. We need to go have breakfast, and call your Mom. Then we can start your training in earnest Boy."

Master Daniel released my hands from the shower and led me out to the playroom. He attached his leash again to my collar and led me upstairs to his room. He had clothes laid out for us already. There on his bed, lay a lacoste t-shirt and new pair of shorts for me. He had also laid out the same outfit for himself.

"Now you will dress me, and then yourself. You will be expected to dress me each morning, and will wait to dress yourself until I give you permission, in case I wish to use you, which is what I think I want to do now."

Master Daniel lay down across his bed at this point, next to the clothes laid out. "Come here boy, I want you to suck me. You do know how to suck, don't you?"

"Yes Sir," I said although Master was a lot bigger than any of the men I had been forced to suck before.

"Don't worry, you'll learn to take it all, but not right away. So do your best and please me now."

Master spread his legs then, and I was able to crawl between them to get to his large endowment. It was easily a good 8-9 inches. I was estimating. I later measured him at just over 9.25 inches, but I did not know that then.

I slowly took him into my mouth then, working the head and the first few inches into me. Master just sighed and closed his eyes.

"Very good boy, nice and slow, just like that." He said. "Don't try and take it all yet Boy, you will learn that, and soon. But you are doing just fine. Now move up and down really slowly. Yeah, that's the way boy. Your doing fine."

I was slowly beginning to take him further into my mouth and using my tongue on the underside of his Cock. It was making my Master squirm and moan. I could feel his dick getting harder as I continued to suck him.

"Oh boy, this is just to good. Keep it up boy, your going to make me cum soon. You want my cum boy. You want your Masters juice, don't you boy? Yeah, you've been a good boy, making your Master happy, and you deserve this spunk. Oh Yeah Boy, keep going."

He was getting harder and harder, as he moaned. I was also hard as a rock, but I somehow knew not to touch myself. He had already told me my dick was no longer mine, and I would need his permission to cum, but I was so close. Just a little friction from the bed would do it. But I knew I would be punished if I came. So I just held back.

"Oh yeah boy, I'm almost there now. You better not cum boy. That's for me to do. You're here to please me. Oh yeah just a little more boy. OHHH Yeahhh. I'm cumming boy. Drink it. Don't spill a drop. That's your Masters cum boy. Yeahhhhh!"

Master was shaking all over the bed as he came. I just wanted to rub myself against the sheet, but I had been told not to cum. I just held off, but it made me even more agitated. As Master calmed down, he patted me on the head and lifted me up to his lips. I kissed Master, rubbing myself along his body.

"Okay boy, that's enough. You don't get to cum this morning. My boy needs to be horny for his Master. Maybe later. Now get up and dress me. We need to call your mother, so she doesn't worry about you."

I rose slowly, and did as ordered. First dressing Daniel then myself in the clothes he picked out. I still had my collar, which he had locked on me the night before. To this he attached a leash and led me downstairs to the main dining hall. There was a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, juice and coffee laid out for us both. He attached the chain from my collar to the arm of his chair.

"We will eat now boy. This is your chair. I know most Masters do not allow there Slave boys to eat at the table or on the furniture, however, I want to be able to see my slave, and watch him. It also will make things easier, if my parents are around. They know I am gay, they just don't know I a dominant Master. There is no need to let them know this. It also will make things easier, if my parents are around. They know I am gay, they just don't know I a dominant Master. There is no need to let them know this. You understand this, don't you boy?"

"Yes Master. How shall I address you Sir, when they are around?"

"You may call me Daniel if they are here. Otherwise, you will call me SIR. Is that understood? The servants all call me Sir. Anyway, they won't catch the difference. Only you will know, won't you boy?"

When breakfast had been finished, we rose and went into the study.

"Okay boy, call your mom, so we can get started. Let me know if she wants to speak with me. I can have Jason drives us out to your house if need be. You won't need any clothes from your house, as I have provided everything for you here. Maybe later in the month, we can't invite her to a show or something. Would you like that boy?"

"Yes Master, very much Sir. Permission to make a request Sir?"

"Yes boy, what is it?"

" Sir, thank you for not excluding my mother Sir. Would you mind if I asked her to dinner also later in the month. I would like her to meet you Sir. I think she would like you very much Sir."

"Thank you boy. Yes we will do that, perhaps in a week or so. I would like to get to know your family. And I will not exclude you from seeing them. Only when it does not interfere with your training, or my schedule, will you be able to see them. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Okay, call for Jason to have the car ready. We need to get you fitted properly, so have him bring the car around. We will be going to the West Village to get some stuff for you. Shopping will do you good."

Jason had the car ready and brought around very quickly. Master took the leash off and had me follow him 3 paces behind to the car. Once inside, he reminded me of the rules, about not crossing my legs or putting my hands in my lap. I must remain open at all times for his use. He also reminded me that I had been breaking the rule about looking him in the eyes, but did not mention any punishment. I think he already knew I would be punished for disobeying him from the night before, and did not want to make it worse.

While we were in the car, Master had me open my pants to let me hard, unsatisfied dick hang out. Master reached over frequently to me and just stroked it softly. It was never enough to get me off. Several times when I was getting close, Master just released my dick and left me panting, reminding me that I am not allowed to cum. The whole ride to town, was just torture for me. Hard, Panting, and practically begging to cum.

Jason must have known where we were shopping as I never did hear Master tell him. When we arrived, Master had me put myself back in my pants, just as Jason opened the door. Trying to force my hard dick back in to the Shorts he had me wearing was unbearable. They were just to tight, with a hard-on poking through them. But we were about to go into the store for my fitting. I did not know what that meant, however Master must have planned this.

Our shopping spree was about to begin.

To be continued....

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Next: Chapter 4

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