Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Jan 7, 2004


Gay Survivor

Week 10

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"The tenth person to leave the island is ... JC Chasez."

Justin looked up from the ground in horror. JC met Jeff's gaze. He stood up and grabbed his torch and bag. Justin looked at him as if pleading for his band mate to stay. His eyes were welling, but he was fighting back the tears. This had indeed come as a shock to boy. The other person who was also in shock was Ben. Ben had counted on his plan working a charm. It kind of did, it managed to get rid of one of the *Nsync boys, but just the wrong one. Regardless, if it wasnt Justin, then JC would be the next best thing. Without the moral support of his close friend and bandmate, Justin's attitude would slacken and his will would fade. Or so Ben hoped.

JC walked over to Jeff with a smile.

"Sorry JC."

"Ah, look man, thats the way it goes. No big deal. I had a blast."

Jeff lifted the damp cup and put JC's torch out.

"JC, the people have spoken."

JC looked back at Justin who was obviously having a hard time maintaining composure. He gestured to Justin and walked out of Tribal Council slowly. He wanted to hug his friend, but knew that if he did, Justin would just crumble and be unconsoleable.

Once JC was out of sight, Justin dropped his head to his arms and cried solftly trying to not to attract too much attention.

The others knew he was upset. Hayden and Ryan both to put their arm around Justin, but were wary of showing too much concern for his, especially at this stage of the game. Everyone was jockeying for a position within the tribe and no one wanted to show too much of their allegiance towards the other tribe members. The other person who was disappointed that it wasnt Justin was Matt. He was still simmering from the attention Ben had shown Justin earlier in the day and was not too pleased with it.

"OK guys, JC becomes the first member of the jury that will ultimately decide your fate. Let's hope you guys were nice to him during his stay so his vote goes to you. It's interesting though, we have lost two boy band singers. The next Tribal Council should be interesting. Having said that, you can head back to camp. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a good night."

The tribe members walked out of Tribal Council including the reluctant Justin. He was still mooning over JC's shock departure. Jeff's words rang through his head. The last two guys voted off the island were both boy band members.

Once they arrived at the camp, everyone decided that it would be best to leave Justin alone to let him get over the loss of his friend. Justin slept alone, and away from everyone. The rest of the tribe all went to bed as well except Ben and Matt. Matt has been meaning to get Ben alone for some time now after seeing what took place between him and Justin.

"So, shame about JC huh?", Matt said to Ben out of the blue.

"Yeah, if we're all lucky, the viewers will vote JT out next" Ben said looking into the campfire.

This comment from Ben shocked Matt since he was positive that Ben and Justin had something going on.

"You dont really mean that do you Ben?" Matt asked.

"Well yeah, I mean I would say that he's probably the most popular one at the moment. We wouldnt stand a chance going up against Justin in the Final Two."

Matt was totally confused.

"Wait, so you absolutely dont give a shit if he gets kicked out of here?"

"I'd be fucking ecstatic if Justin left at the next Tribal Council" Ben replied turning to face his old friend.

Matt still didntk now what to make of it, but it was strangely bizzare that Ben felt that way. He decided not to press him about it any further and turned in for the night.

"OK dude, well I'm gonna crash, see you in the morning" Matt said and he slapped Ben on the back.

"Night Matt"

The next day, Brad and Ryan were the first to wake up. They decided to take a walk to see if the tree mail had arrived for the day. They talked about their recent rendezvous and how it would be good to be able to catch up the same way again sometime, but they knew that they had to be even more careful about it next time. They planned to take a part of the day to go bushwalking and get to the other side of the island and perhaps fuck each other on the beach there where they wouldnt be interrupted.

They arrived at the tree mail box, and inside was a whole fresh salmon with a note attached:

This challenge will test your guts, your legs and your mind.

Make sure you make good time and not fall behind.

Run the track

Then it's a code to crack

Devour the snack, or you're in a bind.

Brad and Ryan looked at each other and breathed in unison... "Weird!"

They trekked back to the camp to read the note out to the other tribemates.

"Sounds like we've gotta race or something" Paul observed.

"Yeah, it's probably a race with a code and food challenge" Brad said.

Justin rolled his eyes. He wasn't feel all that good and knew that he would find it hard trying to stomach anything gross.

"Oh well, what are we waiting for, lets go!" Josh said, getting ready.

They all walked to the immunity challenge where Jeff was standing at the start of what looked like a 100 meter track set out on a beach.

"Welcome everyone! Ben, I'll have to take that back off you, buddy".

Ben removed the Immunity Necklace and handed it to Jeff.

"OK guys, Immunity, back up for grabs. This challenge requires you to start here at this bench where you will need to eat a whole sardine. Once you've finished it and showed me your empty mouth, it's a sprint down to the other end of the track where you will find another bench that is shielded from the bench beside it. At the bench there is a word that you will need to unscramble. Once you've unscrambled the word and written it on the piece of parchment, its another dash back here to the finish. We will compete in an elimination format where the winners of the four heats will progress to the next round and then the winners of those will clash in the finals. We'll draw names to see who faces who"

The names drawn ended up like this:

Ben JUstin

Hayden Matt

Brad Josh

Ryan Paul

"OK, Ben and Justin take your places and wait for my go".

The castaways had to start with their backs to the track.

"Go!" Jeff called.

Ben and Justin instantly turned around and grabbed the sardine, Ben bit the sardine's head off like it was a chocolate bar and started chewing away at it to get it soft enough to swallow. Justin wasnt quite sure how to tackle the sardine so he broke it in half and started eating from the inside out. Soon, Ben was half way through his sardine and making good progress. Justin on the other hand was dry reaching and his eyes were watering.

"Finished!" Ben yelled out. He turned to face Jeff and stuck his tongue out to show that he was finished.

"You're good!" Jeff said pointing at Ben. Ben turned and bolted down the track "Come on Justin, you're still in this, he still has the word scramble to go."

Justin used all his might to will the rest of the sardine down before turning to Jeff, sticking his tongue out and also sprinted down to the second station.

Ben was already at the station and was looking at the scramble as it appeared bellow.


His heart sunk. This was going to be a tough one. He immediately set away trying to move the letters around to try and make sense of it. Soon enough Justin arrived and he too set about trying to unscramble the word.

Almost instantly he made sense of what the word could be and started mocking it up on his parchment. It matched. He wrote down the word ENTERTAINMENT and turned and sprinted back to the finish line. Leaving Ben to try and figure the word out.

Jeff raised his arms as Justin crossed the finish line.

"Winner, Justin! Congratulations. Now take a seat and wait for the next round"

Justin slumped down to the sand and took heavy breaths. The rest of the tribe realised that this challenge was tougher than it looked.

"Next up, Hayden and Matt"

Hayden and Matt both had no trouble topping off the sardine, although Hayden was a little quicker than Matt was. They were still nearly neck and neck when they reached the 2nd station where they had the word scramble, and again it was Hayden who had the upper hand. He wrote the word down on the parchment and ran back to the finish line.

"Winner of the 2nd heat, Hayden! OK, you and Justin will have to square off in the next round."

Hayden walked over to Justin and gave him a hi-five.

"Good job man", Justin said.

"OK next two! Brad and Josh, the big guns of the tribe"

The started as everyone had, with Brad taking the upper hand with the sardine. They arrived at the 2nd station closely but again, Brad was the quicker of the two and unscrambled the word without too much hassle. He turned and ran down the track back to the others.

"Winner, BRAD! Take a seat and wait for the last heat. Next up! Paul and Ryan"

In what was the probably the most even match up so far, the lead switched several times while they tried to finish the sardine. Then they both took the sprint at the same time, and again were pretty much level when they arrived at the 2nd station. Both men had no trouble in unscrambling, and soon it was a race back to the start to see who was the faster of the two. Eventually it was Paul's larger size that won it for him putting him through to the next round.

"OK, semi finals! Justin and Hayden, are you guys ready?"

BOth boys took their places and got ready. Justin cleared his throat and swallowed hard. Hayden was the smaller of the two, but was the favourite in this pairing as Justin's queasiness was working against him.


Hayden and Justin both turned and started on their sardines. As before Justin was having a hard time getting it down. This time Hayden found it a little harder and finished his sardine a 30 seconds before Justin got his down.

Hayden arrived at the scrambled word first which looked like this:


Hayden looked at it dumbstruck. He had an absolute mental blank. It looked too easy to be hard, yet he could not bring himself to figure out what it was.

Justin arrived panting, and immediately recognised that the word was FANS. He wrote that down and sprinted back to Jeff.

Hayden was left there playing with the letters when Justin reached the other end.

"OK next two. Brad and Paul"

"On your marks, go!"

Brad snatched the sardine off the bench and forced it down into his gullet. Paul too a huge bite taking in the head and nearly half the sardine's body. Brad furiously chewed away letting bits of sardine and some fish juice stream out of his mouth. It was not a pretty sight! Paul on the other hand, continued gnawing away at the sardine eyeing Brad the whole time.

Brad was first to finish, with Paul soon after. They both turned to Jeff to stick their tongues out before running down the other end to the scramble station.

Both men took minimal time in working the scramble out. And soon it became a dash back to the other end of the beach. Both men were neck and neck. Brad and Paul could feel the build up of lactic acid in their stomachs and their legs weakening underneath them with every stride. 10 meteres out from the finish and they were still equal, it ended up that both dived for the line at the exact same time.

Jeff's eyes widened as he had never seen this happen before.

"Oh man! What a finish. Guys?" Jeff turned to the other tribe mates who were all watching intently. They all shook their heads. No one had any idea as to two had won.

"OK, we're not going to figure it out this way. How bout you guys have a rest and we'll make the final a threeway affair? Does that sound OK to you guys?"

Brad and Paul looked at each other and nodded.

"Justin?" Jeff said turning to the boy.

"Sure, sounds fine", Justin replied.

Brad and Paul rested a while and Jeff devised a new twist to the final round.

"OK guys, come in close. The final round will require all three men to finish off TWO sardine pieces before they sprint down to the other end where there will now be TWO words to unscramble. When you reach this end, you have to grab this baton out of the sand. The first person to make it back here and grab the baton will win Immunity. We HAVE to have a winner this time, so may the bets man win. Guys, take your places, wait for my go."

Brad and Paul were assigned to the one bench and Justin the other.


Once again, Brad stuffed an entire sardine into his mouth and furiously chewed with all his strength. Paul bit off the sardine's head and body, and Justin broke his in half and eat it that way.

This time it was Paul who was first to fine one sardine and he was soon working on his second. Brad saw this and decided that there was enough room in his mouth to stuff half of the second sardine in as well, so he did that.

Justin had his back to the others so as not to be distracted or forced to try and eat the sardine too fast. He closed his eyes as he could feel himself dry-reaching.

Paul finished his second sardine first and made a mad dash for the scramble station where the scramble was:


He quickly set about trying to unscramble the words.

Again, 30 seconds later, Brad arrived and also started working on the scramble.

Justin was still towards the end of his second fish. His eyes were watering as he could smell the fresh stench of the fish that was lodged in his mouth. He desperately turned to Jeff to show that his mouth was empty before he ran down to the other end to join Brad and Paul.

This scramble was harder than the others cause it had to make sense that both words were a saying or were paired. Paul was stuck on the first word being RETAIL, which it wasn't as there was also a Y. Brad also worked out the word RETAIL, but as he did that, he realised the the first word was REALITY which could only mean that the second word was TELEVISION. He unscrambled the second word, wrote it down and dashed back to the baton.

Justin and Paul were left to try and work the scramble out. Soon, it also clicked with Paul and he too set off on his way back to the finish.

It was too late however, as Brad had a 15 meter head start and was the first to make it back to the the finish. He lunged at the baton and clenched it in his fist.

"Immunity! To Brad! Congratulations! For the second time, Brad wins Immunity". Jeff grabbed the necklace and placed it around Brad's head. The other tribe members clapped and congratulated him.

Paul and Justin joined them soon after and also congratulated Brad with a hug each.

"OK guys, I'll see you all at Tribal Council tonight where only Brad is safe from the vote. Head back to camp."

Back at camp, Ryan set about starting to boil some water.

"OK, who's hungry!?" Ryan called out to the other guys, cupping some rice into the pot.

"Are you kidding? After the Immunity Challenge, could you really be hungry?" Paul said.

"True, but I'd really like to get rid of the fish taste in my mouth", Ryan replied.

Paul laughed.

"I might go to the lagoon and wash my mouth out guys" Brad said, putting the Immunity Necklace down.

"Hey, good idea, I'll join you!" Josh said.

So both men set off towards the lagoon and and the waterfall.

"Hey, good job today man", Josh said putting his hand on Brad's shoulder. He could feel the sinewly muscle that lay beneath his nicely tanned skin. Josh had never actually taken the time to admire Brad's physique, he was a well built man and gorgeous for his age. Brad could easily pass off as a 20-ish year old. He had his shirt off and the sweat was glistening on the valley that ran down the middle of his back.

They arrived at the lagoon shortly, and Brad made his way down to the waters edge.

He got down on his knees and dipped his head towards the water. He cupped some water into his hands and sucked it into his mouth. He washed it around a bit before spitting it out on the rocks beside him.

Josh watched as Brad did his. The position that Brad was leaning in made his nicely defined back seem even hotter and his shorts were JUST hiding the crack of his ass.

Brad leant forward again, and this time it was too much for Josh to resist. He walked down quietly to where Brad was.

In one swift movement, he yanked Brad's pants down to reveal his beautifully rounded ass with a slight dusting of blonde pubes and a pink puckering hole that was just begging for attention.

Josh obliged but pressing his lips to Brad's rosebud.

This startled Brad a little, but almost knew it was coming. Not many men could resist getting down there and eating his ass. He had been voted the world's sexiest man many times, so it just came with the accolade. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head and he felt Josh's soft lips make contact.

Josh had his hands planted firmly on Brad's hips and used them to guide his ass to and fro. When he had worked Brad's hole enough, he decided to shove his tongue inside and really his Brad something to moan about.

Upon having his anus invaded by Josh's tongue, Brad let forth an satisfied moan. His cock instantly became rock hard and felt the need to pleasure it. It leaned back slightly to allow himself jerking room.

To make it easier for Brad, Josh got on his back and positioned his head between Brad's meaty buttocks. He continued with his expert tongue fucking and Brad started to jerk with urgency.

Josh too decided to let his own monster free as he undid his fly and his cock sprung to attention. He used his right hand to pleasure himself while the other was camped still on Brad's ass, kneading and massaging it at the same time.

A few more tongue thrusts later and Brad found his cock spewing forth stream after stream of cock juice a few drops landing on Josh's face. This become a bit too much for Josh who had such a huge build up of sperm in his balls that his cum shots landed on Brad's back.

Brad laughed and fell to the side to give Josh some air. Josh still had the aroma of Brad's manly nether regions in his head. Brad leant over and kissed Josh passionately, before picking himself up and diving into the water to cool off. Josh soon did the same.

After the finished washing off, they returned to camp.

"Come on in guys!" Jeff said as the tribe walked into Tribal Council.

Once they had all settled and taken their seats, Jeff addressed them.

"OK, let's now bring in the first member of our jury. JC."

Jeff motioned to the walkway behind him, and JC strode out wearing a sleeveless top and surf shorts. His hair was made and he looked much cleaner than when he left the night before.

"JC will overlook the remaining Tribal Councils and watch the challenges to see who he will pick as the Sole Survivor. Now, we just have to wait until the verdict is in."

The flame roared in the middle of tribal council and Jeff walked over the adjoining bridge to collect the result.

"The eleventh person to leave the island is ..."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!

Visit to cast your vote!

Thank you to everyone who voted in the last round. I know I said that I would have the result up in a week, but it was just that there werent enough votes within the first week to constitute a fair voting round.

I've had a great response to the community site with over 40 new members asking for membership verfication. Of course everyone gets let in!!! Hehehe...

Also, if you arent doing anything, check out the #niftyorg & #niftywriters chat on the NEVERNET server on IRC. I am often in there under the name BobbyDrake. Come say Hi sometime...

Also, for information, updates and some pretty hot pictures and whatever else, visit the Community Site for this series at...




Next: Chapter 14

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