Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Feb 25, 2004


Gay Survivor

Week 12

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference.

This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"The twelfth person to leave the island is ... Hayden Christensen"

Hayden's heart had been beating so fast that he thought he was going to throw up. He was a little disappointed that he managed to get this far only to be voted out with only a few guys left in the tribe.

He got up, picked up his torch and walked over to where Jeff was standing.

"Hayden, the people have spoken".

Jeff picked up the handled cup that was moist with water and put Hayden's flame out.

"Thanks, Jeff", Hayden said with a weak smile.

He turned to face the remaining castaways.

"Bye guys! Good luck!"

The others all raised their hands in acknowledgement.

Hayden then turned towards the bridge and exited the Tribal Council area.

"Well guys, you've made it to the last 6. Before you go I want to have a word to each of you. Brad, out of all the guys here, who do you think is least deserving of winning this game?"

"Uh Jeff, honestly... I've have to say someone who hasn't won an Immunity Challenge. Someone who hasnt exerted themselves or made an impact on everyone else."

"OK, so that would be Josh, Matt and Ryan from what you're saying."

All three guys turned to look up at Jeff then towards Brad.

"That's right, I think to be a worth winner, you should have atleast won Immunity once. So I believe if any of the three of them were to win the entire game, I think it would be wrong."

"Thats a fair observation, Josh, what do you say in reply to that?"

"Well Jeff, to be honest, I dont think it matters, whether you win Immunity or not. People can win this game all out and not have won Immunity once. Just look at Tina Wesson and Vecepia Towery. I think the least deserving person would be Matt." Josh said.

"Why's that?" Jeff asked.

"Well I dont think Matt has performed as well as the others have. I mean you look at Brad, he's won Immunity twice, Justin's won once and Paul, he won the toughest physical & mental challenge we've had so far. I think I've provided well for the group and done my fair share of work back at the camp, and so has Ryan. Matt tends to just do the mininum.

"Interesting", Jeff said musing. He pointed at Justin. "What's your take on that JT?"

"Well Jeff, the other yesterday we had a bit of an altercation back at camp about what happened to the rice when we got back after Tribal Council. I believe whoever did that doesn't deserve to win."

"It could have been Hayden", Jeff said shrugging.

"It could have been yes. But I think it was someone who is still sitting here now" Justin said.

"So you're pointing the finger? Who at Justin?"

"I think Matt tipped the rice", Justin said.

"WHAT!" Matt said with a look of disgust. "If anyone tipped the rice it was Brad".

"What makes you say it was Brad?" Jeff asked Matt.

"The guy is always the first person up in the morning and god knows what he does while we're asleep."

"That's a fair assumption, but it could have been the last person awake the night before? Do you all know who that was?"

The Mardi Gras tribe all eyed each other suspiciously.

"It was me", Ryan said.

"Ryan, what's your take on all of this?" Jeff asked.

"Well, they can blame me if they want, but there was no reason for me to do that. I do not have a problem with anyone here."

Ryan looked up at Ben and JC who were sitting on the other side of the fire.

"Hmmm. Well guys, clearly, there is a bit of unrest among the six of you. Tomorrow, we meet again to vote out on more. Think about who needs to go. Head back to camp, have a good night."

The walk back to the camp was more tense than usual especially after the exchange that took place back at Tribal Council. Brad clearly stepped on a few people's toes by the comments that he was making about who was least deserving of the prize. And Matt was no longer on speaking terms with Josh and Justin after what happened.

The silence continued till they arrived at the camp.

The 6 men all set about emptying their bags.

Justin walked over to Brad.

"Hey dude, thanks for the good wrap you gave me back there. It meant a lot to me that you think I'm worthy of winning the game." Justin said, putting his hand out to Brad.

"Hey, no problem bud." Brad said.

They smiled at each other and Justin went under the shelter, laid in the sleeping back and closed his eyes.

Brad walked over to Ryan.

"Hey Ryan, can I have a word with you?"

"Yeah sure, whats up?"

"Listen, if it means anything, I want you to know that I dont think it was you that threw the rice away. And that I hope you dont take my comments too personally."

"Hell, no. I totally understand where you're coming from. If anything, it's made me more determined to win the next Immunity Challenge." Ryan replied.

"Great, OK well, good night man. See you tomorrow."

The rest of them turned in for the night, but not after making sure that everyone else was sleeping or in bed by the time they fell asleep. They didnt want to chance another sabotage attempt.

The only one who slept soundly was Matt. No one had proven that it was really him that threw the rice away the night before. He was lucky that he was still a case of innocent until proven guilty. Right now, he thought that he had better fly low to let everyone forget about the incident and wait for someone else to fuck up.

"Hey guys, we've got tree mail", Paul hollered from down the beach.

"What's it say?" Paul called back.

Justin made his way back to the others so they could hear him read the note.

"OK, it says:

We've seen you all do it

And you didnt even know

If you dont get to come

You'll be next to go."

"What the fuck?" Brad said coming over to Justin and yanking the note out of his hand.

"That's all it says man!" Justin said

"Are you serious?" Ryan said also moving closer to see it for himself.

"Where do you think they want us to go?", Paul asked.

"Haven't got any idea, but it's bound to be the cryptic and short tree mail like this that ends up being the toughest", Brad said in a serious tone.

"OK guys, what are we waiting for let's go," Matt said getting himself ready.

The six members of Mardi Gras tribe trundled their way through the dense foliage and scrub and found the clearing that overlooked the beach. Jeff was standing there next to a pole. There were 6 round wooden tiles on the ground arranged in a circular pattern. The circle that they formed would have been about 15 feet in diameter.

"Come on in guys, take a spot on one of the wood tiles", Jeff said, welcoming the castaways in.

The trek to this Immunity Challenge was longer than usual and all the Survivors ended up getting topless. Most of the time, there were only a few of them who's shirts ended up around their waist or fixed around their head. Today, all 6 tribe members arrived to the Immunity Challenge topless, and sweaty.

Paul was wearing his Immunity Necklace.

"OK Paul, hand it over", Jeff said facing the blonde.

Paul walked over to Jeff, removed the necklace and handed it to him. Jeff placed it on a hook on the pole he was standing beside.

"Alright guys, now, we've all seen you guys getting a bit of action while you've been on the island. No matter how much you all want to deny it. The people at home have seen footage of you guys getting it on with each other."

Jeff's comment was met with disbelief as the 6 men's jaw's dropped. This was not the exposure that they were after when they signed up for Celebrity Survivor. Josh was facing skyward with both his hands covering his mouth. Justin's left hand was fixed at his forehead and was rubbing his temples. Brad simply had a smile of disbelief on his face. His hands were on his hips and he was shaking his head.

"OK, so it wasn't something that you guys knew would be broadcast, but seeing as you were all so cosy with the idea, we thought that we would made a challenge out of it."

Simultaneously, their 6 stomachs dropped. They all froze in horror at what they thought Jeff meant by his last comment. THEY WOULDNT! THEY COULDNT MAKE THEM! No way!

"Now I guess you're all thinking that we're going to make you have sex with each other", Jeff laughed. "Luckily for you, reality TV does have SOME boundaries. We wont be crossing that line today. What you will do however, is compete against each other. Here's what you have to do..."

There was a long pause as Jeff smirked and looked at each and every single remaining survivor.

"... The first one to have an orgasm by masturbating wins Immunity. It's that simple".

There was a collective deep breath as all 6 of them took in what Jeff just said. It was going to be THE most interesting Immunity Challenge yet!

"Now, we all know that you guys can jerk off with no help what so ever, but we thought, why make it dull and let you guys jerk off without any stimuli. So... We brought in two guys who are going to help you get off..."

Jeff looked towards a parting in the trees. Whoever was waiting in the walkway was still obscured to the six men.

"Colby! Ethan! Come on out!"

It was shock after shock today at Immunity Challenge! Again the six castaways were blindsided, and their minds started to jump ahead and assume things.

Would Colby and Ethan be performing oral sex on each one of them? Would they get to have sex with either of the two men?

Colby and Ethan came over to where Jeff was standing. Colby was wearing his gear from Survivor: The Australian Outback complete with his hat and Ethan was wearing the same outfit from Survivor: Africa. Both looked irresistible.

Jeff put his hand on both men's shoulders.

"How are you guys going? Ready for some Immunity Challenge action?", Jeff asked them.

"Hell yeah Jeff!", Colby said with him trademark drawl.

"How bout you Ethan?"

"Im raring to go Jeff, if these are the guys that have made it this far, they have to be just a little special", Ethan replied

"OK, Colby and Ethan are going to stay in the middle of the circle and strip down to their thongs in front of you to try and get you to reach your climax. Again, first person to shoot their load, wins Immunity. Alright guys, get in the middle, everyone else, get comfortable, do whatever you think will help you reach your orgasm first and wait for my go."

Brad and Ryan both stepped out of thier shorts and the other four undid their flys. Colby and Ethan stood in the middle of the circle and eyed the men that were around them. The six castways all held their penises in their hand waiting for Jeff to say go.

A few of them got worried that they wouldnt be about to sustain an erection when they knew how much was at stake. Matt was the most apprehensive of them. Of the remaining castaways he was the least to be an exhibitionist.

"GO!" Jeff hollered.

All six guys started furious stroking their penises.

Colby and Ethan both started to touch themselves. Colby was wearing his blue-shirt. Ethan was wearing yellow.

Colby tipped his hat forward a little, and gazed at Justin from under the brim. His right hand moved down to his crotch. He slowly grazed his becoming shaft with his index and middle fingers. Seeing that Colby's attention was directed towards him, Justin furiously jerked his cock.

He was becoming erect.

Ethan was facing Matt when he lifted his yellow shirt to reveal the slight dusting of a dark snail trail that led below his shorts and waist line. Matt spit in his left hand and started to work it into his cock to make his jerking smoother.

All the other castaways were semi erect and hardening.

Both Colby and Ethan both moved purposefully. Making sure that the castaways observed everything that they were doing.

Colby was first to remove a garment of clothing, but it was merely his hat. He lifted it off with his right hand and flicked it over Brad's head and into the bushes.

He smirked.

Ethan then peeled his yellow shirt from his body revealing his torso to Josh and Ryan. The smattering of hair seemed almost out of place on Ethan's otherwise smooth chiseled chest. His shirt came off and was thrown to the ground.

Then it was Colby's turn. He too lifted his shirt up and over his head, tensing his lats and his biceps at the same time exposing his full muscular frame to Paul and Justin. As the shirt came off, the sun glistened on Colby's beautifully tanned skin. His Adonis like upper body was hairless. He posed a little to show off his awesome physique.

Both Colby and Ethan then started to knead and rub their own bodies with their hands making sure the other survivors were seeing every movement.

All the 6 men in the circle were now fully erect and still stroking. Brad and Matt were doing them best to try to imagine that they took were in the mix and were about to indulge in wild animal sex with the two Survivor boys. It helped a little. There was a lot of heavy breathing and furious wanking action taking place.

Sensing that they wanted more, the two guys in the middle then proceeded to remove their shorts. Ethan undid his fly and let it drop to the drop to reveal his blue thong. It held his package in nicely, and enough to accent his sizeable asset. He had a nice firm looking butt that had been the product of years of soccer.

Not to be out done, Colby did the unthinkable and tore his shorts right off. In one swift yank, he ripped the cargo shorts which gave way from the back to reveal his white thong that hid underneath. Colby's member seemed to be a little bulkier than Ethans. The stud from Texas seemed to live up to the reputation of the state itself. Colby's ass was as muscular as the rest of him. There was no jiggling to be seen here. That as was taut city. Colby moved his hand again to his crotch and this time, rubbed it a little to arouse himself. You could have clearly seem his member start to respond to the gentle caressing.

Now that they were almost naked, the castaways had little trouble picturing them totally nude. Brad started to feel precum developing. Paul and Ryan both felt the tingle start in their balls.

There wasn't much else to remove so Ethan and Colby then turned to each other and smiled slyly. They recalled a particular meeting that they had after the Survivor 3 reunion show.

They came closer, Colby reached out to put his right arm around Ethan. There was more heavy breathing coming from Justin and Matt. Josh had started to rub his own body to try and accelerate his orgasm.

Colby and Ethan, holding each other, both scanned the 6 guys surrounding them before looking each other in the eye. The both moved in for a long passionate kiss. Colby held Ethan's head while Ethan's hands moved to Colby's back and ass. Their tongued delved long and deep with deliberation. They both moaned to project the intensity of the kiss.

Justin's body started to shudder. He could feel his orgasm was close. By this stage, Brad being so turned on had precum dripping from his long cock. But that was not enough. Jeff wanted an orgasm.

Colby and Ethan continued their kiss by grinding their penises into each other. The silk fabric barely housed their now rock hard penises. They too started to precum and it moisted the material.

Ethan moved his hand down to Colby's bulge and softly massaged it through the pouch. Colby threw his head back. Ethan took this opportunity to move in and nibble at Colby's ear.

Colby released another sensual moan.

That was it for Ryan, he had seen enough.

He groaned.

His entire body tensed and jerked as he realised his orgasm had surfaced.

He jerked in unison with the release of cum and wad after wad of his juice came shooting out and a few feet away. This orgasm was too much for him and he fell to his knees.

Colby and Ethan both turned to Ryan and smiled. Before stepping out of their embrace, they kissed one more time.

After seeing and hearing Ryan's intense climax, the others also ejaculated and soon there were 6 patches of moist ground surrounding the castaways.

"Winner of Immunity, Ryan!", Jeff said carrying the necklace over to Ryan. Jeff helped the exhausted guy up and put the necklace on him.

The others all cleaned themselves up and gathered around Jeff.

"OK, guys, that was a VERY hot Immunity Challenge. Please thank our good friends, Colby and Ethan."

Colby and Ethan collected their things and disappeared back down the pathway that they came from.

"Alright, tonight, only Ryan is Immune from the vote, everyone else is fair game. I'll see you all at Tribal Council!", he said patting Ryan on the back.

The other castaways started congratulating Ryan before they made their way back to camp. There was a certain air of uneasiness now as five of them realised that there was 20% chance that they were going. Josh and Matt were worried that they may be the ones to go as neither of them had ever won an individual Immunity. Brad thought that since he had won twice that he was more likely to go than the others.

There was no use pondering. They would soon find out.

The walk to Tribal Council this evening was a little more upbeat that the other days. They all figured that it was because of such an enjoyable Immunity Challenge. It was very different, but enjoyable all the same.

"Come in guys, take your seats".

The remaining tribe members of Mardi Gras all took a seat at one of the wooden stools.

"We'll now bring in the members of our jury. JC, Ben and Hayden who was voted out at the last Tribal Council."

JC, Ben and Hayden all walked in and sat across from the others still in the game.

"OK, guys. Tonight, Tribal Council is going to be a little different. >From now on the remaining tribe members will be voting out who they deem to be unworthy to be the Sole Survivor. One by one, each of you are going to go across the bridge, to the confessional and write, on a parchment, the name of one tribemate that you want to vote out. The only person you can not vote for is Ryan. You will then fold the piece of paper and place it in the jar beside you. Once all the votes have been cast, I will read out the results. The person who received the most votes will leave Tribal Council."

The 6 men all looked at each other absolutely flabbergasted.

"Brad you're first up..."

Brad went to the confessional and out his vote in. One by one each castaway was instructed to make his vote. Once Justin has put his in and sat back down, Jeff went over to the jar and brought it over to his stand.

"Once the votes are read the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave Tribal Council. I'll read the votes."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!


Hi guys, I'm trialling a new voting method this week! This week you will have the opportunity to vote on behalf of each castaway. That way, it's more similar to the actual voting process on Survivor and makes things a little more interesting. How it will work is, going from the number of submissions that are made, the castaway who is voted on the most by a particular person will become the castaway that each person voted for. It sounds a little contrived, but if you think about it, it will make sense.

Instead of just voting for one person, you can influence the voting trend for each castaway.

Also, I know it is still early days, but I would like to start compiling a list of guys to take part in the second series of Gay Survivor.

If you want to nominate, please send through an email to: with the names of FIVE guys that you would like to see in the next season in order of preference.

They can be from all walks of entertainment: Movies, Music, TV, Reality TV, Stage, Models, Porn Stars, Sports, etc etc etc.

They can also include castaways who took part in Series 1, but I would like this new group to be as current as possible... Although I dont mind if you include those guys that you are fans off... Cough Justin Cough

So if you wanna see your faves get into the "show" send through your nominations now!!!

Another thing, there are several of you who are posting messages on the Gay Survivor site, thanks for supporting it guys! Its nice to see you all interacting with each other... And a huge thank you to all of you who are submitting those hot pictures on there! We'll definately have to get them in the next series!

For those of you interested, check the site out:

If you want to give me your thoughts, email me :

For information, updates and some pretty hot pictures and whatever else, visit the Community Site for this series at...




Next: Chapter 16

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