Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Apr 8, 2004


Gay Survivor

Week 13

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference.

This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"Once the votes are read the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave Tribal Council. I'll read the votes."

"First vote ... Josh"

JOsh was face down and looked up at the mention of his name. He had been laying low for sometime now and this was the first time he had felt that he might be the one to go.

"Second vote ... Matt"

Matt grimaced slightly. He knew all the tension from the last Tribal Council was going to hurt him.

"Third vote ... Matt"

Matt felt his palms start to sweat.

"Thirteenth person to be voted out of Celebrity Survivor, Matt. Three votes is all it takes. The final vote will remain a mystery"

Matt picked up his belongings and his torch and approached Jeff.

"Matt, the tribe has spoken."

Jeff put Matt's torch out and Matt walked down the bridge out of Tribal Council.

Jeff turned back to address the last five castaways.

"Well, an interesting vote. It seems Matt may have been the victim on a unanimous vote. Certainly topics discussed at the previous Tribal Council had some effect on the votes that were cast tonight. Now that the five of you have eliminated Matt due to reasons brought up yesterday, you will now need to decide who to be voted off next. I'll see you all tomorrow. Head back to camp."

Brad and Justin were quietly happy that Matt was voted out. They were also glad that they had now been given the power to vote each other out.

Brad thought about approaching Justin for an alliance. If the two of them could manage to convince one of the others to side with them, they would be able to make it to the final three. The problem was, who out of Josh, Paul or Ryan could they trust enough.

Josh was a little wary of the fact that Matt had cast a vote against him and he felt that since Matt had chosen him out of all the others that were still alive, he must have been conferring with at least one of the others on the tribe to vote him out.

Josh had a knew that Brad and Justin were somewhat close based on comments they made and they way they behave towards each other. So his best bet was to form an alliance with Ryan and Paul. That way they out numbered the others three to two. Josh thought his easiest target would be Ryan.

The five tribe members walked back to camp, each thought about the paths they were about to take and what needed to be done next.

Josh made it a point to be the first one up the following day. He wanted to get Ryan alone so that they could talk strategy. Josh surprised himself by waking up even earlier than Brad. Josh had managed to sleep next to Ryan, he propped himself up on his elbows and turned towards Ryan so that his back was facing the other three sleeping guys.

Josh moved his hand over to Ryan's forehead and grazed it slightly.

"Hey Ryan, wake up", he whispered.

Ryan stirred.

He squinted through his tired eyes.

"Josh? What's wrong man?", Ryan said realising that Josh had woken him.

"Nothing, I just wanna talk. Come on, get up, let's head into the jungle" Josh said.

Ryan rubbed his eyes lazily and stretched whilst laying down. Josh had moved out of the shelter real slowly to try not to wake the others.

"What's up Josh? Why are you up so early?", Ryan said pulling his jacket closer in and his hood over his head.

"I just thought we'd better do a bit of talking seeing as it's getting down to the last few of us", Josh said moving towards the trees.

"OK, so are you after an alliance with me?", Ryan said following him.

"I think you and I need to stick together and watch each other's backs", Josh explained.

"OK, I'm listening".

"Well, it seems pretty obvious that Brad and Justin are working together. I was thinking, if we can get Paul to join us and become a voting block of 3 then we can get rid of Brad or Justin in the next Tribal Council."

"OK, that sounds fine, we just need to convince Paul to side with us, he and Brad seem to be close too", Ryan said.

"Dont worry about Paul, I'll work on him. Just promise me that you'll keep your word", JOsh said looking at Ryan.

"Sure", Ryan said extending his right hand as a gesture of good faith.

Josh took it and they shook hands.

The two guys enjoyed the rest of the morning hiking around the dense inner jungle area of the island. After walking for 90 minutes, the grew a little concerned with losing track of their bearings. It was getting quite warm as the sun was now directly overhead. Josh and Ryan both stripped their tops off and were trudging around the scrub topless.

They eventually came to a high cliff.

Ryan decided it would be a good idea to scale the cliff face to try and see if they could determine the quickest way back to camp from there. They made their way to the base of the rocky cliff and started to rock climb their way to the top. The route was obstacled with overhangs and stray tree roots and branches. Ryan figured this would make the climb easier. He started to climb. Josh looked up and the height of the cliff and hesitated, before also making his way up.

They finally both reached a point which was half way up the cliff when Ryan's shorts got caught in a sharp thorny shrub that was growing from the cliff face.

"Dammit, I cant move", Ryan said squirming. A few stray bits of earth crumbled down towards Josh.

"Are you serious?" JOsh said trying to dodge the bits of rock coming down at him.

"I'm fucking serious man. I'm stuck. I cant get this stupid branch off my shorts", Ryan said trying to make the branch break off. "Shit, it's no use. I'm going to have to take my shorts off".

Josh's ears pricked up at the thought of seeing Ryan buck naked climbing just above him with every ince of his sinewy, taut body glistening in the sun.

Ryan managed to undo his button and fly and carefully climed out of his shorts revealing his gorgeous and shapely penis and balls.

Josh swalled hard. He made a bit more effort to catch up to Ryan.

With each step that Ryan took upward, he would give Josh an eyefull of his smooth hairless ass and puckering hole that was just begging to be stuffed.

Josh waited till Ryan negotiated an over hang before he made his move.

As Ryan brought his left leg up to get it over the over hang, Josh swooped up and planted a nice long tonguey lick on Ryan's boy-hole.

Josh tasted the warmth of Ryan's nether regions. Ryan looked down in shock.

There was Josh who had the most mischievous look on his face.

Sensing what was about to take place, Ryan planted his grip firm on the hand holds that he was hanging on to.

Meanwhile, Josh manoerved himself for better access to Ryan's ass.

He brought his face forward and met Ryan's hole with his lips. He hungrily kissed and licked the swollen entrance.

Ryan let our a soft moan of pleasure.

Josh continued to devour Ryan's passage as if preparing it for the assault it was going to receive. He made his tongue dart it and out, exciting Ryan so much that it gave him goosebumps.

Josh brought his right middle and index finger to his mouth and lubricated them with his saliva. JOsh then slowly insert both digits into Ryan's ass to loosen him up.

Ryan responded up raising his hips a little and allowing Josh to get his fingers in a little deeper.

"Josh, please, I need more than that", Ryan begged.

"Your wish is my command sexy", Josh said grinning.

He heaved himself to be on par with Ryan so they were now both sprawled on the same part of the over hang.

It was truly a sight to behold.

Two gorgeous Adonises, all over each other perched dangerously on a cliff.

JOsh, finally reached the same spot that Ryan was at and kicked off his own shorts.

Then, he adjusted his position to allow his shaft to enter Ryan's hole.

Since it was well lubricated and swollen from Josh's oral assault earlier, the meaty rod slid in easily.

Josh started to thrust, slowly at first, but gaining momentum.

Ryan was at his mercy. He held on to the rocks for dear life for fear that Josh's furious banging might send them both crashing to the ground below.

For Josh, the element of danger was even more of a turn on.

He grabbed a handful of Ryan's hair and forced his head around before shoving his tongue down Ryan's throat. Ryan reciprocated and did the same.

JOsh continued to pound away at the blonde's ass until he sensed that he was close to climax.

"Ryan, I'm going to fucking cum all over your insides", Josh grunted.

"Do it!" Ryan said, almost demanding.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Josh threw his head back.

Without realising, he also let go of his hold on the cliff and started to fall backwards. He grabbed Ryan's shoulder, which only made Ryan lose his grip as well, and soon both of them were lurching backwards.

JOsh's sweaty hand wasn't capable of holding onto Ryan for long as he started to slip.

Finally his fingers gave way and he started to fall.

"Josh! Josh!" Ryan screamed in horror.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FADE IN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Josh! Josh", Ryan said trying moving Josh's arm trying to wake him.

Josh woke up, looking very started and almost afraid.

"Hey easy, relax. You fell asleep so I decided to let you lay here while I scouted ahead. I found the tree mail. We should take it back to the others. And dont worry, I've got your back!" Ryan said.

Josh looked up at Ryan who sounded pretty confident. He had dreamt the whole thing. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and allowed his heart beat to slow back to down to normal

"Hey guys, we've got tree mail", Ryan called out to the others.

"Read it out Ryan", Paul said back.

"OK, here goes...

The five of you have come this far

Your next challenge is to face the bar

Staying on top is what it's all about

Otherwise you'll be the next one out

Be steadfast, strong and on your toes

And you may be the one who decides who goes

"Agh... What a sucky message!", Brad said.

"OK, well I guess we better get going", Paul said.

The five guys go prepared and headed off to the Immunity Challenge site.

They arrived at a built structuve that had five large logs placed over a muddy pit. The logs all met in the middle and formed the pentagon shaped pit below. Jeff was standing beside it, next to a high rise chair.

"Come on in guys", he said as he motioned them over.

"OK Ryan, time to give it up!", Jeff said referring to the Immunity Necklace. He took it off Ryan and placed it on a pole.

"Now, this next challenge will have the five of you square off against each other. Each of you will start at the end of one of the logs that are placed above the pit below. The aim is to be the first person to be the last man standing three times. On my go, you can either converge in the middle or wait on your log for someone to approach you. Either way, you must try to be the last person standing three times. You will all draw lots to see who will be positioned where."

The arrangement ended up being, starting from the first log clockwise; Justin, Paul, Josh, Brad and Ryan.

They all took their spots and waited for Jeff.


Brad made a dash for the middle and was the first to arrive, he planted himself where the five logs met and gave himself a nice foothold. He thought it was to his advantage that Josh was to his right, he would find it easier to fight Josh off with his right arm. Out of all the others, Josh was the biggest guy there.

Ryan approached Brad slowly and waited for Josh to catch up on the other side. Josh made a gesture to tell Ryan to push Brad backwards.

The both came towards Brad. Brad put his hands out to fend them off. Instead they took hold of his arms and used their leverage to drag him backwards. Brad lost his footing and fell into the pit.

Sensing that Josh and Ryan were working as a unit, Justin and Paul both stayed halfway on their respective logs. The decided to split up and take on Justin and Paul one on one.

Ryan came towards Justin who was teetering on his log trying to maintain balance. Ryan inched his way closer, grabbed a hold of Justin's arm and tugged him into the pit.

Paul watched Ryan and Justin go at it as Josh approached him. Josh had the better momentum coming into the face off and he had no trouble getting Paul down into the pit.

Now it was just Ryan and Josh.

"Ryan, jump off for me", Josh said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?", Ryan said wrinkling his nose.

"If I win Immunity I swear I'll get you through to the final four. Trust me."

Ryan thought about it for a second, he hadn't really aligned himself with anyone so he thought it might work in his favour to have Josh as an ally.

He jumped into the pitt and gave Josh the first win.

"First match goes to Josh. OK guys, back to your starting positions", Jeff said.

Now that four of them had falled into the muck, it was slipperier and harder to stay balanced.


Brad rethought his strategy and stayed back his time, especially since he was having more trouble staying balanced.

Again Ryan and Josh met in the middle and conferred. They decided to leave Brad and aim at Justin and Paul. Again they came out on top. Then they returned to try and get Brad.

Seeing as Brad was still on his log, only one of them could go after him.

"Hey Ryan, take him", Josh said.

"Wha?! What about you?", Ryan replied.

"I'll back you up"

Ryan looked at Josh with a slight scowl but did as he was told. He approached Brad on his log. But Brad had made sure that he was firmly planted on his own log this time around.

He swiftly disposed of Ryan and made him tumble into the pit.

Josh was surprised, and was caught off guard. It wasn't too much of a big deal however as he regrouped quickly enough to doge Brad's charge and Brad over balanced and again fell into the pit.

"Second match goes to Josh. One more and he wins Immunity."

The five guys again took their spots.


This time Paul decided to meet with Brad in the middle to try and target Josh.

Not looking behind them, they fell victim to an ambush from behind by Ryan who pushed them both into the mud below.

Seeing Ryan pre-occupied with ousting the other two, Justin also came from behind and pushed Ryan into the mud.

Now it was down to Justin and Josh.

Justin stayed in the middle and waited for Josh to come foward.

They reached out and grabbed a hold of each other and toussled for some time before they pulled each other off the logs.

Jeff observed what happened and made a judgement call.

"Josh hit the mud first, match goes to Justin."

Once again, they took their positions. This time Brad and Paul focused on Josh while Justin went towards Ryan. Josh succumbed to the double team by Brad and Paul and Justin was able to get rid of Ryan. Then Brad and Paul turned on each other and both fell into the pit leaving Justin to win again.

"Alright, so it's down to Josh and Justin. If either of them win one more, they win Immunity and are safe from the vote". Jeff said.

The five guys climbed back to their starting points.


This time Brad went for Ryan and Paul went towards Josh. Justin waited on his log. Josh was able to wrestle Paul off the log. Brad and Ryan on the other hand were having more problems with each other. Despite his size advantage, Brad was finding it hard to get rid of Ryan. Coming up behind him, Josh pushed both men into the pit while they weren't looking.

Now it was down to Josh and Justin. Whoever won this one, would win Immunity.

Josh came at Justin with his palms swinging. Justin backed down a little. Then Josh lashed out with his right arm and caused Justin to off balance. Instead of trying to stay on his log, Justin tried to save himself by pushing off his log and he jumped towards Ryan's log. He caught himself heavily on it and managed to crawl back on to save himself.

The other three who were watching, grimaced slightly as it seemed to hurt.

Seeing what had happened. Josh rushed back to the middle and down Ryan's log, but he miscalculated the amount of muck on the log and placed too much force on his stride.

His foot came out from under him. He slipped, bashed the right side of his body against the log and fell into the pit.

"Justin wins Immunity for the second time!", Jeff said with his arms raised.

Justin was still wrapped around the log and had not yet released it.

"It's OK Justin, you can let go now", Jeff joked.

Josh swatted at the mud that he was sitting on in disgust. He was so close.

Brad and Paul both clapped Justin's efforts. Ryan on the other hand was suspicious of Josh's desire to win this challenge and the fact that he was eliminated by Josh in the final round.

He needed to rethink his alliances.

"OK guys, I'll see you all at Tribal Council Tonight, where only Justin is save from the vote. Everyone else is fair game. Head back to camp!"

It seemed evident during the challenge that there was an alliance that formed between Brad, Justin and Paul, so Josh and Ryan didnt even bother to try and sway Paul to vote with them. They had controlling interests, and it seemed like tonight it was going to be either Ryan or JOsh.

The tribe returned to Tribal Council where Jeff greeted them. They planted their torches and took their seats.

"OK, we'll now bring in the members of our jury. JC, Ben, Hayden and Matt who was voted out at the last Tribal Council."

"Alright guys, once again, the five of you have the power to eliminate one of the others from the game. Which one it will be depends on what you perceive of each other. If you're a powerful player, you're a target. Likewise, as was shown in last Tribal COuncil, if you are suspect, you are also a target. Only way to be safe is to win Immunity. Tonight, Justin has the privelege and earns himself another guaranteed day out here. Having said that, it is now time to vote. Justin you're up first..."

Justin got up and walked to the confessional... The remaining four followed and cast their votes.

Finally Jeff went over to the jar as well and brought the results back with him.

"Once the votes are read the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave Tribal Council. I'll read the votes."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!


Hello everyone!

I am so sorry it has taken so long to write this installment. I have had a very very busy time at work and haven't had the chance to devote some writing time to Gay Survivor. But fear not, I am still writing! It just may take a while. And again this time since I am going over to the US for three weeks!!!

Anyway, the voting system this week is the same as last weeks. Instead of just voting for one person, you can influence the voting trend for each castaway.

Also, I know it is still early days, but I would like to start compiling a list of guys to take part in the second series of Gay Survivor.

If you want to nominate, please send through an email to: with the names of FIVE guys that you would like to see in the next season in order of preference.

They can be from all walks of entertainment: Movies, Music, TV, Reality TV, Stage, Models, Porn Stars, Sports, etc etc etc.

They can also include castaways who took part in Series 1, but I would like this new group to be as current as possible... Although I dont mind if you include those guys that you are fans off... Cough Justin Cough

So if you wanna see your faves get into the "show" send through your nominations now!!!

Another thing, there are several of you who are posting messages on the Gay Survivor site, thanks for supporting it guys! Its nice to see you all interacting with each other... And a huge thank you to all of you who are submitting those hot pictures on there! We'll definately have to get them in the next series!

For those of you interested, check the site out:

If you want to give me your thoughts, email me :

For information, updates and some pretty hot pictures and whatever else, visit the Community Site for this series at...




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