Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Jul 3, 2002


Gay Survivor

Week 2

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"First person to leave the Island is Tom Welling".

As soon as Jeff made the announcement, all the members of Pride let out a sigh of relief. All except Tom. There was a look of complete shock on his face. He had been surprised that he was asked to join Survivor, and when he enlisted, he feared that he might be the first to leave. He brought his hands up to his face.

"Tom, you'll have to bring me your torch", Jeff told him in a monotone voice.

Tom stood, collected his belongings, picked up his lit torch and brought it over to Jeff. The other tribe members looked at Tom, sorry that he had to leave, but at the same time glad that it was not them who had bit the dust.

Jeff picked up the cup to put the flame out with.

"Tom, the people have spoken"

Jeff put out Tom's torch, and Tom left Tribal Council.

Jeff turned to the, now 7 member tribe of Pride, and addressed them. "Now, you have to recover from the lost of one of our tribe members, we have another immunity challenge tomorrow. Be prepared for it. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, the members of Pride, slowly filed out of Tribal Council.

The walk back to camp was a silent one. There wasn't a word spoken between the tribe members. They had all contemplated what needed to be done to win the next challenge and even the odds between them and Rainbow.

When they arrived at camp, they decided what they should do about the new sleeping conditions. Elijah had shared the bed with Tom the night before, but since he had gone, there was another bag that could be used by a single person.

"Eli, why don't you let Freddie take the sleeping bag tonight and sleep with me in this one. He probably the next tallest guy here", Ryan said, getting his sleeping bag ready.

Freddie looked at Ryan, and couldn't decide if Ryan was doing him a favor or making an excuse not to sleep with him that night. He had quite enjoyed the warm and touch of Ryan while they slept the night before.

Elijah agreed with what Ryan suggested. The others would sleep with the same arrangement that they had the night before. They had another cupful of rice before going to bed.

At the Rainbow camp, the mood was a little bit more jubilant. They had spent the day scouring the forest further into the island for fruit that they could eat. They didn't find much, but they did manage to catch some fish that they decided to have for dinner that night.

"I really think we should decide how we're going to ration the food for the rest of the time here. We cant take our luck with fishing for granted" Paul said.

"Paul, the catch today was out of luck yes, but if we didn't have the fish, we would be eating into our own stock. As long as we keep catching fish, we can still save the rest of our supplies" Justin told him.

"I just don't want to run out of food by next week" Paul said.

"What makes you think you're staying here till next week?" Tobey said, slightly joking.

Paul shot him a glare.

They decided to use the same method as yesterday to decide who was sleeping where tonight. This time, Hayden and Matt got to sleep in the own sleeping bags.

Nick saw this as his chance to sleep with Justin, he had been keenly interested in Justin since he'd seen him performing with Nsync and had longed for an excuse to get close to him. He had even suggest to the rest of the Backstreet Boys that they should do a duet with NSync. The others hated him for the idea, as far as they were concerned, Backstreet and Nsync were silently competing with each other.

Paul realised that left one of three guys that he could sleep with that night. He quickly approached, David to see if he would like to sleep with him tonight.

"Hey David, do you wanna sleep with me tonight?" Paul asked hopefully, he didn't want to have to sleep with Tobey after their exchange.

"Sorry mate, William's already asked me to sleep with him tonight. Tomorrow night maybe?" David said.

Paul cursed to himself. He looked at Tobey.

"Well looks like it's be and you tonight" Paul said.

"Great" Tobey said.

It took them a while before the camp settled down. Hayden and Matt were the first to sleep, they were very comfortable after having to sleep with someone else the night before. They were glad to get their own bag that night. Nick and Justin got into their bag and David and William got into theirs. Paul and Tobey were the last to get to sleep.

There was an awkward tension between them, but each tried their best to ignore the other's presence and force themselves to sleep.

But it wasn't only Paul and Tobey who were sensing tension. There was also tension coming from David and William. Tension of a sexual kind.

William had been a huge fan of David for a while now and admired him. He had taken a good look at David's naked hairless chest earlier in the day when they were swimming. William's heart fluttered at the feeling of David's skin brushing against his in the sleeping bag.

He was incredibly aroused. He tried not to think about it, until it became too much for him.

He wasn't sure if David was sleeping or not, but he decided to risk it anyway. William moved his hand ever so slowly to David's crotch and rested it there.

David didn't stir.

"Great" William thought. His cock grew to an instant erection at the thought that there was only a few pieces of thin material between his hand and David's member.

Suddenly, William noticed something. It wasn't only him who had a swollen penis. He could feel David becoming erect through his pants. He turned over to see if David's eyes were open. They weren't.

William moistened his lips. His heart was pounding. It seemed as if David was still asleep. If he was, he must have been having a sexual dream.

He longed to wrap his lips around David's cock. Would he dare? If David was dreaming, it would simply seem like part of the dream. But if he woke up, then what?

William's hormones got the better of him and he decided to orally pleasure David whilst he slept. He made sure everyone else was asleep before be slowly and carefully unzipped the bag.

They he peeled off the sheet that David was using to cover him, leaving only David's cargo pants and his underwear to protect him against William's oral advances.

William skillfully unbuttoned and unzipped David's pants and exposed his white briefs. He could still see the bulge in the white material in the dim light of campfire embers. David was erect, there was no question about that.

William moved his face towards David's crotch and took a big whiff. There was a delicious manly aroma that was encased within.

He couldn't hold himself back any longer, he gently peeled the briefs back and exposed David's gorgeous uncut dick.

William was careful not to touch the penis itself, so he lifted the brief elastic all the way over David's cock before he anchored it under David's velvety balls.

Then, William's drive took over and he moved forward to take David's penis into his mouth. William closed his eyes and took it all in. There was a slight taste of semen, telling William that David was precumming and enjoying whatever dream it was he was having. A soft moan escaped from David's mouth, but not load enough for William to hear. He was preoccupied with enjoying the 8 inch Beckham rod.

William's head bobbed up and down onto David's cock slowly at first, but gradually increasing speed and suction with every lunge. He unzipped his own pants and started to jerk his cock with his right hand while his mouth worked precise mastery on David's tool.

It all became too much too soon for William who orgasmed shortly after be started pleasuring himself.

What he didn't realise was that David was actually awake the whole time. Hearing William's almost silent orgasm became too much for David, and it pushed him over the edge. He shot stream after stream of cock juice down William's throat and writhed while he did so.

It was then that William realised that he was awake. He looked up almost horrified. David was looking at him, he moved up off the sleeping bag and was smiling at him mischievously.

"You suck well, Your Highness" David said with a devious smile.

William was incredibly relieved that David had no problem with what happened. He moved forward to give David a taste of his own cum. They kissed with their tongues passionately, and David felt himself in William's mouth. It was a warm, salty taste.

After cleaning up, William slid back into the sleeping bag and they slept with William clutching David from behind.

The next day at the Pride camp, before lunch, there was a discussion.

"We've GOT to win this next challenge, we can't have Rainbow with two guys up on us. We'll get wiped out." Brad said.

"Do any of you have any idea what this next challenge could be?" Josh said.

"Well I've watched Survivor a few times, and I do remember that the second immunity challenge is always a food challenge, they will make us eat something filthy" JC said.

"Ugh, just what I need. It's bad enough that we don't get to eat, but when we do, its going to be gross" Elijah said.

"Hey no wait, that might work in our advantage if we play it right" Brad said.

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked him.

"Well, if it's going to be a food challenge, I propose that we NOT eat lunch until AFTER the Immunity Challenge, that way, we'll be so hungry, we wont care what it is they put in front of us."

"Brad, it sounds stupid but that MIGHT just work" Ryan said. "OK I agree, is everyone else in this plan?"

The rest of the tribe agreed. None of them had any other ideas to give them the edge on this challenge, so they decided to have lunch when they returned.

Both tribes were called to the Immunity Challenge which was on the beach. Jeff was there behind a counter, and there was a long wooden table in front of the counter.

Pride and Rainbow both assembled in front of Jeff as he spoke to them. Justin was holding the Immunity Idol.

"Welcome to the 2nd Immunity Challenge. First thing's first, Justin, you have to give up the Idol"

Justin reluctantly handed him the Idol.

"Now, this challenge is pretty straight forward. Your tribe will sit on one side of the table, while the other team sits on the opposite side".

Jeff went behind the counter and pulled out a tray with 10 salmon heads on it.

Members of both tribes squirmed at what they thought they would have to do.

"You challenge this time is, using these desert forks, remove the eyes from these salmon heads and swallow them BOTH, before the person sitting opposite you does. The rule is, both people MUST finish, otherwise your tribe will lose a point. To finish, we have to see BOTH eyes go into your mouth, and you must show me that you've swallowed both eyes. Now, Pride, because Rainbow has one extra person, someone on your tribe will have to do this challenge twice. Pick a person."

The Pride tribe discussed amongst themselves who would have to do the challenge twice, and it was Brad who asserted himself.

"OK, Brad you will have to sit at the top of the table. And then move to the end after your turn to do it a second time. Take your seats."

Slowly, both tribes filled the benches which were on either side of the table.

Jeff distributed the heads onto the 16 plates which and gave them all desert forks, then moved back to the head of the table.

"First up, we have Brad and David. Go!"

Brad picked up his fork, raked both eyes out of the salmon head and quickly shoved one into his mouth, forced it down and then did the same to the other. David did the same. Neither of them really seemed to flinch. Jeff checked them both and cleared them. Brad got up and moved to the end of the table and sat down again.

"Next, Lance and Hayden. Go!"

Hayden stabbed at the eyes and removed them from the head. He closed his eyes and swallowed them, without too much difficulty. Lance on the other hand, was extremely disgusted by the head alone. He had trouble removing the eyes from the sockets, but eventually removed both. Then, he looked at the eyes a bit before take one in the fork and placing it on his tongue. He felt it in his mouth and rolled it around with his tongue, before becoming so disgusted by the slimy eyeball that he spat it back out. He coughed.

"Lance, one point against you" Jeff said. The Pride tribe groaned. The Rainbow tribe were silently hoping that Lance would Buckle and he did.

"Next, JC and Justin. Go!"

Neither JC or Justin had too much trouble with the eyes, although, Justin dropped one eye on the table, but scooped it up quickly and swallowed it.

"Well done guys. Next, Josh and Matt. Go!"

Both guys removed the eyes from the head. Josh swallowed them easily and Matt swallowed whilst covering his nose. He felt the slimy ball travel down his throat and it made his skin crawl.

"Show me your mouth Matt?" Jeff said. Matt opened his mouth to show Jeff that the eyes had made it down into his stomach.

"OK next, Ryan and Nick. Go!"

Ryan easily poked the eyes out and swallowed both, Nick on the other hand, had a little more trouble. He could not get his fork under the eye to pry it out of the socket. Finally he removed both and swallowed one. Then the put the other in his mouth. Suddenly, he felt the slimy texture of the eye and it became too much for him. He dry reached, spat the eyeball out and continued to make vomit noises. He got up from his seat and turned away from the group before getting down on his knees with his left arm supporting him. His eyes watered and his face went red. He continued to spit and cough.

"One point against Nick. Pride and Rainbow are even again. Next Freddie and Paul. Go!"

Freddie and Paul managed their eyeballs and showed Jeff their empty mouths.

"Well done guys. Next Elijah and Tobey. Go!" Jeff told them.

Tobey quickly swallowed both the eyeballs. Elijah hesitated a little before swallowing both and making sure he kept his mouth shut. He closed his eyes and focused on something else to keep both eyeballs down.

"OK, last up, Brad and William. Go!"

Having already devoured two eyeballs, Brad finished off the third and fourth without a hitch. But William stalled, he removed one of the eyes put it in his mouth, but could not bare the cold, slimy texture of the eyeball nor the face of the salmon which seemed to stare at him with it's empty eye sockets. He opened his mouth and expelled the eyeball from his mouth with his tongue.

The Pride Tribe saw it and instantly rose to their feet and cheered.

"Point against William. Winners of the Immunity Challenge, Pride" Jeff announced the winning tribe and handed the Immunity Idol to Brad.

"Well done gentlemen. Rainbow, you have a date with me at Tribal Council. See you all tonight"

The mood at the Rainbow camp was slightly a little more sombre. Nick and William blamed themselves for losing the Immunity Challenge earlier.

Matt tried to console them both, but the others did nothing to make them feel better about having lost the challenge.

They walked Tribal Council that night dragging their feet.

"Nice to see you all again, everyone", Jeff said, greeting them.

The Rainbow tribe lit their torches and sat down.

"This is the part where we have to get rid of one of you", Jeff said. "Before I announce who will be leaving, we have to wait until the final count is made."

The Rainbow Tribe shifted uneasily in their seats.

Nick and William felt that they would be leaving that night because of what they had done. They thought in their own minds that the public would blame them for what happened.

The fire in the middle of Tribal Council rose. Jeff saw it and walked to retrieve the box which was across the bridge on the other side of the Council.

He returned to his spot, opened the box and unrolled the parchment inside.

"Second person to leave the Island is..."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!

Visit --- --- to cast your vote.

For your vote to be counted, it must be submitted before on Wednesday the 10th July at 1pm Sydney time.

I have to say a HUGE thank you to the people who contributed to last week's voting. I received a staggering 301 )I'm not kidding) votes, for the first week. And that is the latest count at the time that I write this. Also a HUGE thank you to everyone posting all the sexy pictures on the site! I should start charging people to view that collection. It's awesome! Hehehe...

Also, for information, updates and some pretty hot pictures and whatever else, visit the Community Site for this series at

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Next: Chapter 4

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