Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Nov 10, 2004


Disclaimer: The story that you are about to read is my second go at writing. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy.


Rashad & Jason

By Roger Beals

Chapter 1-A



Before I get started on this new series, I would like to take the opportunity to thank a lot of people who have been an inspiration to me.

Firstly, I would like to thank Nifty and the Gay Cafe for allowing me the opportunity to write, and have posted the first story that I have in my journal of memories.

Secondly, I would like to thank the authors who encouraged me to try my hand at writing.

Thirdly, I want to thank all of the teachers that I had during my informative years who tore their hair out (one is Archibald) trying to teach me proper English (I did say "trying").

Lastly, but not leastly (I know, it's called poetic license), you, the reader deserve the bulk of the credit, for had you not read "Dave & Me," and written of your desire for me to continue my writing, I may have given up. So, Thanks, Readers, for your support.

Now I am going to introduce you to two new characters from Richfield, Rashad Moore and Jason Edwards, two fine young gays I think that you are going to fall in love with. You will meet their families and enjoy their escapades, and, most of all, I hope that you will be more than thrilled at their sexual exploits. So, without further ado, let Rashad & Jason begin! Happy Reading!

Let me introduce you to the cast of characters:

James (40) & Louise (39) Moore and son Rashad (18),

Peter (40) & Martha (38) Edwards, daughter Pat (20) and son Jason (18)

Carlotta Ramirez (65) and grandson Alex Ramirez (18)

Michael Simmons (25)

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"Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday dear Jason,

Happy Birthday to you!"

So sang the group of singers who had gathered together to help Jason Edwards, son of Peter and Martha Edwards, and younger brother of Patricia (Pat) Edwards, celebrate his 18th birthday. As for Jason, this party came as a complete surprise to him. His parents sent him out on an errand for the Moore & Edwards Construction Company. While Jason was away making the delivery, his family and friends, on a prearranged signal, began to gather at the Edwards home. Cell phones and land lines were being used to ring those who had been invited.

All of the guests had parked their vehicles in the rear of huge ranch house. Everyone knew that Jason would park the company van in the front of the house. When Pat saw Jason pull in to the drive, she gave the signal, and the lights in the den were turned off and everyone waited noiselessly for the birthday boy.

When Jason entered the house, he noticed that all was unusually quiet. He thought that perhaps his parents and sister were still at work. But when he had driven by the Moore & Edwards Construction Company, He saw none of the family vehicles in the parking lot.

"MOM!.....DAD.....PAT! HELLLOOOOOOOOO! Is anyone home? MOM!" Jason hollered out.

He checked the living room, calling out once again. As he entered the den, Rashad suddenly switched on the lights, and the entire group hollered, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JASON!" nearly scaring him out of his wits. Once his heart started beating again, his eyes started to take in the gaily (no pun intended) decorated den. A large computer-generated banner was hanging over the well-stacked buffet table. There were Tuna sandwiches, potato salad, chips, Pepsi, 7-up, A&W Root Beer, a beautifully decorated cake that Martha Edwards and Pat had worked on together.

When every one had their fill of the goodies on the table, Peter Edwards lit the 18 candles on the cake, which Jason managed to blow out with one breath. Ice cream was served with the cake. While everyone was stuffing their faces, Jason began to open the gifts that everyone had brought.

From his Mom & Dad, there was the 128 RAM, 40 gigabyte desktop computer; from his paternal grandparents, his own private phone line which they said that they would be responsible for the bill for a year; from his maternal grands, he received a combination copier, printer, scanner, and fax machine; from Pat, a play station 2; from Rashad & Alex, a couple of games to go along with the Play Station, and from James & Louise Moore, a check made out to Jason in the amount of $500.00. There was one package that Alex and Rashad passed on to Jason when no one else was looking. A note on the outside of the package said, *Open only in the privacy of your own room." Jason was curious as to the contents of the package, but slipped carefully in side his computer carton.

Everyone had a wonderful time at the party. They had been well fed. They had played a few board games. But, as always happens, the evening. Jason stood at the back door and thanked each person for coming to his party and thanked them all.

When the last of the guests had left, Jason and Pat told their parents that they would clean up the den and kitchen. Peter and Martha thanked them both, gave each of their children a hug and a kiss, and headed up the stairs to their bedroom.

Pat and Jason had the den and kitchen spotless in 20 minutes, thanks to the usage of disposable plates, cups, napkins, and eating utensils. When the last of the food had been put away, Pat spoke up. "Come on old man, and I'll help you carry these things to your room."

"Gosh, Pat," Jason said, you're the best sister a feller could have." He gave his sister a peck on the cheek." Jason was glad that Pat had offered her assistance, for he wanted to get everything in his room so that he could see what it was that Rashad and Alex had gotten for him that was such a big secret. Once everything was in his room, he thanked his big sister for all that she had done to make his birthday a happy one. Jason gave Pat another kiss on the cheek. Saying good night, Pat headed for he bedroom, and at long last, Jason was alone in his room. He reached inside the computer carton and withdrew the neatly wrapped package.

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Unwrapping the package, Jason found a clear plastic box. What he found inside the box surprised the hell out of him. Rolled up neatly inside the box were 4 string bikinis in assorted colors (black, white, red, and yellow), and they were just the right size.

Jason was wondering what on earth Rashad and Alex were thinking of. What ever possessed them to buy him such a gift. He found the answer to his musings in an enclosed card. It read:

"Dearest Jason, Happy Birthday once again We thought that you would enjoy wearing these bikinis. We Got them for you for a special reason, which we will talk to you about the next time we see you. Wear these in good health Can't wait to see you in them Love Always, Rashad and Alex.

"What in hell is with the 'Dearest Jason' and 'Love Always' shit?" Jason wondered to himself. The three teen-agers had always worn FTL briefs. He had never seen any of the tennis team players wearing them. Taking a closer look at the package, Jason noticed the model on the front, and what a front the model had. Except for the string bikini, the model was naked. And the model's jewels provided a nice bulge in the pouch of the bikini. Jason suddenly felt a swelling in the area of his groin as his cock began tent his briefs and slacks. He couldn't help but admire the model's smooth chest which proudly displayed two dark pink tits with their pointy nipples. As he gazed longingly at the half-naked model, his left hand slipped inside the waistbands of his slacks and briefs and began to rearrange his throbbing hard-on. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and began to lightly stroke it.

"What the fuck am I doing? Why does this model make me feel like this? Hell, why in the world do I keep looking at the naked tennis players in the locker room shower?" he asked himself. He stripped off his clothes and admired the reflection of his own nakedness in the full-length mirror. He stroked his 8" boner. He stopped suddenly and took the yellow bikini out of the package. Pulling up over his legs, knees, thighs, and hips. Jason had his stiffy wee packed into the bikini's pouch.

"Damn, I love the way this satiny cloth is making my dick feel!" Jason thought to himself. He stroked his turgid cock through the smooth cloth with his left hand while his right hand found one of his nipples. This sent electrical pulses throughout his body, and especially to his pulsating dick. Continuing to look in the mirror, Jason noticed a damp circle forming on the outside of the pouch right where the head of his cock was resting. This could only mean one thing, and drastic action must betaken immediately.

Jason stripped himself of the bikini and began to masturbate in earnest. Beating his meat was nothing new to Jason. He had been doing it since he was 12 years old. His orgasms were dry until he turned 13 1/2. He was thrilled when he shot his first load, and tonight would no exception. Jason knew that this ejaculation would just as great as his first. And.....he was right, for just as he was thinking about it, Jason's cum came shooting out with such force that he had all he could do to keep from hollering in pleasure. Instead, he let out a fairly loud moan of ecstasy as his man juice splashed against the mirror. He continued to pump until 4 more loads of the hot, milky white liquid.

Jason headed for the shower in his room. He dried off, slipped naked between the sheets and fell into a deep sleep.

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Finishing his breakfast, Jason hurried out to the van. His father was going to drive him to school today because his car was in the shop for a tune-up. Arriving at Richland High School, Jason exited the van, entered the building and found Rashad and Alex standing in front of their lockers.

"Hey, Guys, how are things going, good buddies?" Jason asked them.

"I'm doing great, Jason," Rashad replied. "How's things with you?

"Things couldn't be better, Rashad!" Jason answered. "And how are things with you, Alex?"

"All's well with me, Jason!" Alex replied. "Hey, I really had a great time at your party last night."

"Yeah, Jase," Rashad chimed in," that was some bash. Your parents always put on a good feed."

"I'm glad that you both had fun," Jason said. "By the way, guys, I want to thank you both for that special gift that you gave me last night. What ever possessed you to get me something as personal as string bikinis as a gift?"

"Well, Alex began. "We both started wearing them and we thought that you would like to wear them too."

"Yeah," Rashad broke in, "we thought that you would like to be in our special club."

"What special club is that?" Jason asked.

"We can't talk about it right now, Jase," Alex replied, "but we'll let you in on it in a couple of days. Can you wait that long?"

"If that's what you say, then I guess it'll have to be OK, Alex. We are the best of friends, and I trust you both. I can wait a couple of more days, No problemo." Jason said

Jason wanted to ask about the writing on the card, but he decided that he could find out in a couple days, and they could explain both the string bikinis and the card.

The first bell rang! The three teens headed for home room.


This ends chapter 1-A of Rashad & Jason. Chapter 2-A will soon follow. What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so far, and, if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors have posted. They are excellent.

Happy Reading Roger Beals Richmond, Virginia United States of America

Would you ride a motorcycle without a helmet, or Work on scaffolding without a safety harness? PLAY SAFE! USE A CONDOM!

Next: Chapter 7

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