Gay Teenage Life of Bj

By moc.loa@88ntaeH

Published on Sep 19, 2008


This story is semi-fiction. The names have been changed To keep the peoples' Identity secret. This is a fantasy/semi-Fiction.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. Please write: BJ at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

The Gay Teenage Life of BJ Chapter 2

Ok I realized I introduced Nick but didn't describe him, so hear it is, Nick is 5' 7'' tall, blond hair, blue eyes, athletic body, and well his cock is 7'' hard, and average thickness.

Now on with the story

I woke to the sound of my phone buzzing, it was a call from Nick, I quickly answered it.

"I was jus thinking about you," I said.

"No you weren't you was sleeping," He said.

"Ok yeah, but I was dreaming about you, so you were on my mind," I said.

"Ok I can't argue with that, so when you want me to come over," he asked.

"Anytime you want, I'll see you later babe, I love you," I say this as I hang up. I than get up out of bed, grab a towel and head into the bathroom, I take my shower with a little difficulty, but successful still. Once I'm out I hear the Voices of Michelle and Matt down stairs, so I quickly dress and head downstairs.

"Morning Watcher," Matt says as I enter the room, "Your mom left this note, and she called me up and asked if I could spend the weekend over here with you."

I grabbed the note and read, "Ben, Your Aunt Julie, went into labor, early this morning, I will be with her until the delivery and until she is set up at her place, I will call when she delivers your cousin with more details and more of an idea of when I'll be back, give Matt and Michelle my best, Love Mom." I lay down the note, and with this happy news I decide it's time to let a few more people my secret.

"Hey Michelle, I know this is going to be an odd time to tell you this, but I finally want you too know," I said.

"Wait BJ, you sure you are ready to tell her," Matt asked.

"Tell me what, wait there's something Matt knows, that he hasn't told me," She said as she gave Matt the She Devil Glare (guys you know the one).

"Well because I told him not to tell, what He knows that you don't is that I'm Gay," I said.

"And I'm Gay as well," we all turned our heads to see Nick standing at the door.

"Ok so you guys have just told me something I've basically already known," Michelle said, "I mean a girl can connect the dots, you two haven't had a girl friend ever in high school, and every time you two are together you both disappear at the same time, and re-appear at the same time, it's kind of obvious."

"Well I guess we aren't very sneaky babe," I say to nick.

"I guess not honey," he says as he crosses the room and kisses me full on the mouth.

"Wait I have something else to add to this," I say as I head upstairs. And return in a matter of seconds.

"What do you have to add to this somewhat awkward beginning to the day," Matt asked.

"This," I say as I get down on a knee in front of Nick, "Nick I've come to love you more than any person I can love in this world other than my own family, I've been through many tough times, with your support helping me through them all, you're my whole reason to live and love, so with this ring I promise my heart and love to you and no other," I say as I slip the ring on his finger.

"Oh my god, BJ are you serious," Matt asked.

"I just slipped a promise ring on his finger didn't I," I said.

"And it's inscribed," Nick said, "With Love anything is Possible."

"Truer words were never said," Michelle said.

"We've got to celebrate," as Matt finished his sentence he lost his train of thought, for he and Michelle were watching true love, and Nick pulled me to my feet and pulled our lips together.

As we finished our kiss, Matt decided to finish what he was saying, "Like I was saying, we need to celebrate, how about Outback."

"You know that's where we took our first date Matt," I said.

"Wait how much does he know about us," Nick asked.

"About everything," I said.

"Everything," Nick said as he glared at me.

"Well everything except that," I said.

"Ok, well I'll forgive you this time, and only because of this gold band on my finger," Nick said. We headed out to the local outback, which we were quickly greeted, and since it was just past opening, it was a down time so we were seated in a matter of minutes.

"Ok order anything you want, we're celebrating, and lunch is on me," Matt said.

"No way," but before I could protest more Matt put a stop to it.

We easily made small talk, laughed, joked, and of course Nick and I flirted, but everything was interrupted by my cell phone ringing, it was my mom, I quickly quieted them down, as I answered the phone.

"Hi, Mom, how's aunt Julie," I asked.

"She just delivered her baby boy, she asked me to call and have you come up here she wants to ask you a favor," She asked.

"Sure, is it ok if I bring some friends along," I asked.

"Of course the group can come, see you in a bit honey, bye," She said.

"Bye," I said as I hung up the phone.

"Good news," Michelle asked.

"My aunt just delivered a baby boy, and she wants to ask me a favor," I said.

"Well I think we're finished up here," Matt said as he through some money on the table as we stood up.

Just as we were about to head out the kitchen door opens, and I'm frozen stiff, there carrying a buss boy bucket is Jake Hagins, Matt notices and comes over to me.

"Ben lets go," Matt said to me.

"No, I have a few words I want to say to him," I said.

I walked over towards Jake as he was cleaning a table, he didn't see me approach, "Mind if I have a few words with you," I asked.

"Well you got guts, so what do you want," Jake said.

"A cop came to see me in the hospital, asked me what happened," I said.

"Ahh, and let me guess you told them how big bad Hagins beat your little wimp ass," Jake said.

"Actually the exact opposite, I didn't tell them a thing about you, and neither did Matt, so for now it's our secret," I said.

"Wait you mean to tell me, you could have put me in jail along with Ryan, and you didn't," Jake asked?

"That's right, I didn't want you to throw your life away, but you mess with me, any of my friends, or basically, if you try to bully anyone, I will tell, you can take it as a threat or as a warning your choice," I said.

"Well you got guts Collins, I'll give you that, but I get what you mean," He said as he stood up and walked away.

I got up and walked out and got in the car.

"Honey are you ok," Nick asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, every thing's great, lets go," I said.

When we arrived at the Hospital, we were greeted at the Front Entrance, by my mom, who was crying, and smiling at the same time, I kept trying to get her to tell me what my Aunt Julie wanted to ask me, but every time I asked she'd start crying again.

Once inside my aunts room, she looked completely different, she was holding a little baby. "Come say hello to your cousin Ben," She Said.

"You named him Ben, after me," I said shocked.

"Yeah, and that's not all, I want you to be his Godfather," she asked me.

"What, you want me to be a godfather," I responded.

"I know everything about you, and I can think of no one else who would be better fit, to be my sons Godfather," She said.

"Well than I must tell you something," I said.

"BJ, wait," Matt started to say, but than Nick looked at him than to Me.

"I'm with you," he said to me.

"What's going on," my mom asked concerned.

I took a deep breath, "Mom, Aunt Julie, I'm Gay, and Nick is my Boyfriend," I said to both of them. They didn't flinch or anything, first to speak was my mom.

"Ok, as long as you're happy, that's all that matters to me," She said.

"Yeah, I don't care either, as long as you're happy, it's fine with me, and I still want you to be Ben's godfather," My aunt said.

"Wow, your family is so understanding, my dad would kill me if I told him," Nick said.

"I'm actually surprised, and happy, I will gladly be Bens' godfather, am I allowed to make him an offer he can't refuse," I said.

I was nudged by Matt, "You are such a twit," he said.

"We will have no name callings here," my aunt Julie said. Just as we were about to say sorry, a nurse walked in and informed us visiting hours were over, and that all of us except my mother would have to leave.

"Hey Nick why don't you see if you can spend the night at BJ's with us, we could have our own little party," Matt said as we got into his car to head home

On our way we got the good news that Nick was allowed to spend the night, the poor thing is I am too weak to use it to my advantage.

"Well now all we will have to do is decide on sleeping arrangements," Michelle said.

"Well we'll be in the guest bedroom, BJ will be in his room, now nick," Matt said.

"I'll be sleeping in BJ's room as well, just in case he needs anything," Nick said.

"Oh I'm sure," Michelle commented.

"Hey I just got out of the hospital yesterday, I'm in no condition to have that kind of fun, unfortunately," I said to Michelle's comment.

"I was just messing with you BJ," she said as she laughed.

"Oh, well ok than," I said.

"You are so cute when you are speechless," Nick said as he leaned over and kissed me.

"Awwww, you two are just so cute together," Michelle said.

We pulled up to my house, and we all got out of the car and walked into the house, the first stop for me and Nick was the couch, where he sat down and I laid in his lap, as Matt and Michelle sat on the loveseat, as Nick picked up the controller and turned on the TV, we started surfing, and we decided to just watch The Island on MTV, it wasn't until I heard Nick's stomach rumble that I realized how late it was, and also that I was hungry, just than the doorbell rings, and I get up to answer it.

Standing there was Mikey Rine, holding 2 pizza's, "Hey Mikey what are you doing here," I asked.

"He's delivering the pizza stupid," Matt said as he pushed pass me and handed Mikey some money.

"There you go man keep the change as your tip," Matt said.

"Thanks Matt, well you guys enjoy, oh and hey Matt, my boyfriend and I are having a coming out party tomorrow at my parents house, you and your friends are welcome," Mikey said.

"Thanks for the invite Mikey we will try our best to make it,' Matt said politely as Mikey left.

It took us a matter of minutes to polish off the 2 pizzas' Nick could have eaten a whole one himself but he kindly decided to share.

"So wait Mikey Rine is gay," Nick said as Matt brought up the party tomorrow.

"Well he told me about it 2 months ago, he actually is dating his wrestling rival from Shelby, it's kinda interesting," Matt said.

"Well I think we should go," I say out loud.

"Are you sure honey," nick asked as he gave a concerned look.

"Positive," I say. We finish eating, watch a little more TV, and when we finally decide to retire, I'm helped upstairs by Nick who helps me get ready for bed, we fall asleep in each others arms, waiting for the next day.

Comments, Suggestions, or questions for the author, please write to, Thank you, also check out my other stories.

Swim Captains Right (High School) Baseball God (Athletics)

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