Gay Uniform Slave

By Mike Wyatt

Published on Aug 10, 2022


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Gay Uniform Slave

Back into uniform and to work...

Part 4

Grabbing our butt-plugs from the floor, we instinctively followed him through a door into a large communal bathroom. There were four more slaves inside, two in uniform and two as naked as we we. The naked ones came towards and wordlessly took us by the hand to two large walled off cubicles. There they hosed us down with cold water, then soap, and water again. We were douched with nozzles being inserted into our anuses, sprayed, released and the process repeated several times until the water ran clear. I felt a slight twinge of disappointment that 31's cum had been cleaned out of me, but I could still taste it in my mouth. We were each then lathered in a cream from the neck down and told to stand completely still. After a short while the cream started to burn and I realised that it was removing what hair we had left and killing the follicles. After what seemed like ages but was probably only five minutes, we were re-hosed down and handed towels. I felt completely dehumanised and deflated. But, once dry, the uniformed slaves came over to us bringing us our belts and shirts. I put on my belt, and took the shirt. As I started to put it on, the slave showed me that there were two small clamps sewn inside to attach to my nipple rings, which he did for me. I was now attached to the shirt and suddenly, with a small buzzing feeling emanating from my scrotum to places all over my body, I became completely rigid, nipples, cock, whole body standing completely upright. I realised that the shirt somehow magnetically attached itself to the metal cuffs around my wrists and the collar around my neck.

`My' uniformed slave then handed me a rubber cock cage to secure, divide and lower my testicles and wrap around my cock base, next to my metal cock ring. I -- somewhat to my own disbelief, became even harder with blood rushing into my cockhead causing it to swell and become purple, pre-cum started to ooze from the end and brushed against the waist of my shirt. I desperately needed to cum again.

He then re-inserted my butt-plug, which purred as it joined the circuit from my scrotum and I felt a wave of pleasure drift between my cock base and prostrate and back again. Yet more pre-cum leaked from my cock head.

Right, said the big guy, looking us both up and down, as the two naked slaves who had washed us put on their own shirts making six of us in total plus him. I realised that the previously naked slave who had washed 31 was actually 15 who I had first encountered what seemed like weeks ago, but was probably only a few days. I had not recognised him without his shirt on! But now I did, and it caused me to stiffen even more. all seven of us were in various stages of erectness, but 31 and I were definitely the hardest and most upright -- I guess because we were the newest to it.

As a group, smart in our shiny shirts, chests thrust out, and with our cocks displayed and stiff, our balls delineated and separated and forced down, our ankle cuffs tight and glinting and no hair anywhere other than a fuzz on our heads, we somehow just instinctively followed the big guy out of the room and towards the lift.

No-one said anything. I wondered what on earth would be next.

We were led from the lift to the actual outside -- the first time I had breathed fresh air since all this started. I realised that we would probably be visible from the main road outside, and what a sight we would make -- six young men with shiny uniform shirts, no hair and sporting enormous erections being led like packhorses up a drive by a naked erect man-mountain in a harness. The fresh air did something for my brain and it started to clear. I wondered vague thoughts about my predicament and even how I might escape. Then I saw the sleeve of my shirt and my bouncing erect cock-head and realised that I wasn't even sure I wanted to escape (wrong!). The buzzing frisson of electricity started again, this time from scrotum to cock to prostrate and also somehow to ankles. It maintained my (and the others') erections and also cause me to walk/march in unison with them and him and despite being barefoot on harsh gravel.

Your feet will soon toughen up. He said, but for now we will use your control centres to make you walk, whether it is comfortable or not.

After a few minutes we arrived at a grand manor house, almost a palace, gleaming white stone with a portico and seemingly hundreds of windows. We did not have much time to look at is as we were led in via a small door to a courtyard.

There was a group of three men. They exuded wealth and power, were dressed normally and smartly. One was Jenson, although he said nothing.

Masters, said our leader.

Officer, said one of the `masters'.

We have two new ones for you.

Very good. Have they been fitted with the latest technology?

Yes they have.

Right, well let's see how well it works, shall we?

Yes Sir

31, he called, come forward.

I had mixed emotions about this. Having felt (and I still was) just how erect the device could get and maintain me, and how much of a permanent state of thrill it seemed to provide, I almost wanted to be the demonstration, but at the same time I could tell that there may be pain to come, and while that thrilled me, it scared me.

31 came forward and the Slave-Master grabbed him roughly and took him to the wall on one side of the courtyard opposite the three masters. He tied 31 to the wall, starting with his ankles, about three feet apart, then his wrists spread as wide as possible, and finally his neck to a ring on the wall. He remained erect and throbbing throughout all this and I could somehow sense that his scrotum device was functioning.

Right said the master who seemed to be speaking and in charge. Make him cum.

With a yelp of pain and pleasure something went on in 31's body and his already engorged cock seemed to swell to almost double its size and start jerking, ribbons of pre-cum sloshing from side to side. 31 screamed.

Silence him.

The Slave-Master then proceeded to fit a ball-gag into 31's, mouth and tighten it securely behind his head, the screams became moans.

At that precise moment, he came -- a fountain of cum rushing up from his cock-head, onto his shirt and touching his chin.

It was remarkable, only an hour or so earlier he had shot two loads of cum into me, and here was a third, even greater.

He slumped a little and his cock started to deflate.

Again, called the Master

Once more a great moan came from 31, as he sprang to attention within his bindings, and his cock became ramrod straight again. Once more it jerked back and forward, as did his whole body. Somehow I felt that the electricity was much more, and more painful now. You could see it in his eyes, and feel it. As if to confirm this, I felt waves more power course through me, and my cock regained its entirely stiff veiny position.

Once more 31 came. Less this time, but still an impressive quantity. He was now moaning continually as though this was all causing great pain.

They did it again and again. For the first seven times he ejaculated, the amount of cum diminishing each time from the first fountain to just a dribble. The next two times, his body seemed to start losing its tautness and the orgasms produced nothing by more jerking and moaning. Eventually there was silence.

I realised that 31 had passed out.

Can you make him do it when unconscious? Asked the Master.

Would that be a good idea even to try? Asked the Slave-Master. I had until then heard no dissention from him, no questions or observations, just agreements.

Well, let's find out, shall we? He snarled. It was not a comfortable moment.

Instantly 31's limp body seemed to stiffen, his cock rise and jerk as though it was being pulled by an invisible string. And despite obviously being unconscious, he did in fact cum again. It was just a glistening cover of pre-cum, but definitely something further leaked out. Immediately after his whole body, and for the first time, also his cock, went completely limp, and he hung there, crucified, limp, damp from head to floor with a mixture of sweat and semen, his shirt clinging to his torso like a shower curtain, and his head dangling as much as his metal collar would allow.

Oh, said the master. That appears to have answered that.

The Slave-Master went over and checked 31's wrist for a pulse, and looking back, he said, he is still alive -- just -- but could not take any more.

31 had -- almost literally -- been edged to death.

He had produced thirteen orgasms (after the two he had with me earlier). The first seven he came, the next five a dry cum, and the last one whilst unconscious, had finished him.

Well, take him to the sickbay, and fix him up, if you can't, then see if we can salvage any organs, and retrieve our investments.

Turning for the first time to the five of us, he said: A useful exercise, I think. Now we know how far we can push you.

Officer, that was only the pleasure receptors, right?

Yes, Sir

How far can we push the pain side of things?

Well, there is, obviously, an overlap - as you saw.

It would be interesting to see a demonstration with the other new one. As he said this I swore to myself that he looked in my direction and my heart stopped. A trickle of sweat poured down my back, and I felt as though I was glistening all over.

Maybe later, he added, ominously.

Then he looked at us all with a sweep of his head.

Well, you could all look a bit happier about your wonderful positions and smart uniforms, couldn't you?!?

I realised that with the shock of 31's torture we were all looking crestfallen and our cocks had become only semi rigid (our cock-rings and cages prevented any less than this).

As one, the electricity started flowing -- almost between, as well as within, us, and we all sprang upright and rigid once again, just as 31's rag-doll body was taken from the courtyard

I filled with dread at what might be coming next, and especially for me.

Next: Chapter 5

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