Gay Uniform Slave

By Mike Wyatt

Published on Aug 15, 2022


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Gay Uniform Slave

My turn to experience the power of the device in my scrotum.

Part 5

As it turned out, it was all rather routine for the most of the rest of the day, although I was continually churning over the ominous comments of the Master earlier, whilst harbouring a sense of fear for 31, the faint taste of whose cum I could still feel in my mouth.

The five of us were dispatched into two teams. Me with 22, who had first handed me my shirt, and the other three together. Because of something I -- and presumably he -- had written in my resume we were sent to work on some carpentry and varnishing work. Because of dust and chemicals involved were told to do this naked and remove our shirts. The other three were sent to the body of the house for -- I think - cleaning -- and were told to stay in uniform.

I would have been mildly jealous of this had I not had so much else to think about.

The day passed in a routine of drudgery. There were other staff in the house -- all male - normally dressed and they did not seem to bat an eyelid at seeing naked men, erect and bound, being sent to work for them. They were able to order us about, but the foreman who was working on the woodwork was kindly enough to us. Someone dressed as a butler, in a high stiff white collar, but not naked from the waist down, did walk past however and just as I realised that he was the very first person I had seen when I arrived, he threw me a glance that was at once a mixture of pity and disdain.

After a few hours, during which I worked up quite a sweat and was glad somehow that I was naked, a bell rang and we were directed off to a small room with bench tables in it, obviously part of the staff quarters. The other three in uniform were there, as was the Officer. There were metal bowls - like dog bowls - of what looked like porridge in them. The three guys in shirts were already eating from them, and I sat down and picked up a spoonful. It was not disgusting, but nor was it pleasant and I could detect salt and sugar as well as protein of some kind, There were also beakers of a thick green liquid. This was disgusting, at least to me, and I remembered -- from somewhere -- the flavours of kale and seaweed. It seemed healthy however, and I realised that I had not eaten -- knowingly at least -- since I arrived.

This is a balanced diet of minerals, vitamins and protein and has been carefully designed to provide you with everything you need for a healthy lifestyle and your work as slaves the officer said, for my benefit. It also contains the cocktail of drugs which are keeping you sexually stimulated and compliant at the same time. It is all you are going to get, ever - and forever - so you may as well get used to it. You will only enjoy one meal a day, so I suggest that you get it down.

I was ravenous and I couldn't really see any choice but to do as he said, and I noticed that so did everyone else, with varying degrees of willingness. As I was near finished eating I also noticed the return of an electrical sensation in my balls spreading to my cock and prostrate. I became erect once again and noticed that the other five slaves were doing likewise.

Right, said the Slave-Master officer.

Time to evacuate, which you should all feel like doing by now. There are three stalls -- he motioned to the door behind him. Go in, remove your butt plugs, do what you need to, then give yourself a thorough douching until it runs clear. You really do not want us doing this for you, any more than we want to. You then present your clean arse to me for inspection, and re-insert your butt-plug and get back to work.

We did as he said.

I went back to work, with the only real difference being that my cock was, and remained, rock-hard throughout the entire afternoon, as did 22's. I almost enjoyed the woodwork, and managed not really to think about my predicament, the Master's threat of pain, or the condition of 31.

Around five hours later we were summoned by another bell, back to the courtyard, where we were hosed down. The three in their shirts were washed with them on, the two of us naked. I saw that the shirts dried incredibly rapidly with the slaves still in them, and looked new and shiny afterwards. 22 and I were handed our shirts, and then the troupe was as one again. Except 31 of course, wherever he was.

Well gentleman, said the Officer. Yesterday something happened.

Yes, I thought, you made someone nearly kill themselves with orgasms, but that was only this morning.

28, a new recruit, (what had happened to 29 I wondered?) was given the privilege of working in the kitchens.

It was a little warm, and so he undid the collar and cuffs of his shirt.

This is, of course, completely unacceptable, as I am sure that you all know.

So, we came to a solution.

Bring him in -- another Slave-Master, who looked almost like the Officer's twin, brought in a guy I did not recognise. He looked a complete mess. Red around the eyes, he had obviously been crying and looked in a huge amount of tormented pain. But it was not just his eyes that were red. Around his neck the collar of his shirt was stained red, as were the shoulders, the breast pockets and down the front. I could not really work out what kind of flogging might have provoked this, and then -- suddenly -- it dawned on me.

Take off your shirt 28!

Sir, you know I cannot.

No, you can't can you!? You stupid arsehole! Because we have stitched it on to you. So that you never profane it again. Although it looks like we will need to dip you in bleach later to get rid of these stains you have caused -- and that might sting a bit.

I think we all winced.

Take him away and get him cleaned up.

I couldn't believe it. They had sewn the shirt onto him, and into his flesh. Obviously his nipples had become a new home to the buttons on his breast pockets. It looked incredibly painful and yet simultaneously somehow arousing. I felt my cock beginning to rise.

Right -- the rest of you. If you do not want that happening to you, you better perform well this evening and in the future. Stand upright and follow me.

Upright referred to our posture and also -- following a jolt in the scrotum - our cocks, as we all gained massive erections as one.

We were led into the main house, and into a luxuriously appointed lounge room. The three masters from earlier were sitting in three separate leather arm chairs, staring at us as we were led in, erect, uniformed, and with glistening cock-heads.

So, officer, I think we agreed a new demonstration of the pain capabilities of our new devices.

Which is the other new one?

Although I think he knew, and that he knew that I knew that he knew.

The Officer, and the other Slave-Master, grabbed me by the wrist and led me to a wooden frame standing in the centre of the room. They attached me to it at the wrists, ankles and collar and checked that my butt-plug was as fully thrust up me as possible. The other Slave-Master then took a ball gag and shoved it into my mouth and secured it around the back of my head. I had no inclination or resolve to resist any of this and I felt less of a person in consequence. Although I was trembling with dread there was an inevitability about what was to happen.

There I was trussed up, tied up, unable to move other than to squirm. With my cock rigid in front of me, silenced by a gag and encased in metal devices and a shiny nylon uniform shirt. I was petrified, resigned and yet curiously excited, all at the same time.

Okay, enough of this, make it start.

Immediately a shock of intense agony spread from my balls to every corner of my body. My brain screamed, and I shouted into the ball gag as loud as I could. I could feel my internal organs being gripped as though by razor wire, and my head felt like it was about to explode. I realised that my cock had become about twice its normal size and was absolutely rigid and vertical against me. I started streaming with sweat. From my forehead, down my neck and chest and everywhere within my shirt.

Then it stopped. I was still screaming, but I could almost hear it emerge as a moan.

Then another different bolt of electricity shot through me passing in turn from cock to balls to wrists to neck to prostrate to ankles and back, increasingly fast and stronger with each pulse. It became more excruciating and agonising with each turn and I started writhing as much as the constraints would allow me and screaming at the top of my voice. I also noticed that as one particularly powerful wave hit my prostrate it caused me to cum - a great fountain shooting from my cock head, uncontrollable. Even when that had finished the pain continued. And then it stopped.

Then the officer came over and yanked the butt-plug from my arse. He wheeled over a machine which had a gigantic metal dildo on the end on a pulley and ratchet system of some kind, although I could only see it from the corner of my eye. But he made certain I could at least see it. He came up to me and adjusted the machine so that the dildo was angled and at exactly the right height to enter me. He pushed it towards me until I had no choice but to accept it inside me. Then he turned it on. It immediately thrust itself further into me than the butt plug, or 31, had, further than anything had. It withdrew, and returned, rhythmically, repeatedly, as spurts of electricity started to pass to it and back from the device in my scrotum. Both speeded up and the intensity turned to pure pain as it pushed further and faster into me. I hardened and came again, although all I could really concentrate upon was the sense of being ripped apart. The end of the dildo started to expand inside me and still it pushed back and forth. I felt sure it would push right through eventually and the pain was excruciating when it was joined with electrical impulses all over my body shooting back and forth and causing my every nerve to burn. I was just about to pass out, when it stopped.

I was almost able to get my breath back when a new and even more devastating pain started. It felt as though a javelin had been punched up through from my arse hole and straight up through my heart to the top of my head and out. I thought I was dying and I screamed, but I don't think any sound came out.

Then everything went black.

Next: Chapter 6

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