Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jan 16, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 4) – Brad

It had been a good day. We had spent a relaxed afternoon unpacking Anthony's cases, although there was one case (the one I'd tried to sort out earlier) that he said was private and made me wait outside the room while he unpacked it. I guess it probably had some porn magazines and some lube and other jack-off related shit in it that he was a bit embarrassed about me seeing. Fair enough I suppose. I'd rather die than let him see some of the porn I use when I jerk off.

He must have had his underwear in there too, because although we unpacked a whole load of jeans, shirts and socks together, I didn't see a single pair of briefs or boxers. Unless he doesn't wear underwear at all. There's a thought! A good cock-twitching one!

We went and grabbed some food from the cafeteria, and then I helped him connect his laptop up to the college network and log in to check his new college email account.

We'd just finished all that, when there was a knock at our dorm door. We both looked at each other. By now, I'd realised that Anthony was also a little shy, (although probably not as timid as me) and both of us were a little nervous of answering the door. Finally, I took some deep breaths, and walked over to the door to open it.

Two tanned guys stood in the corridor. One had bleached blonde hair and was wearing cut-off jeans and a dark green tshirt, the other had a yellow tshirt with the `Futurearama' characters on the middle, white shorts with a navy blue flowered pattern down the legs, and a red baseball cap on his head. Both had quite hairy legs and were barefoot.

"Hey!" the one with the baseball cap said. "We're in the room next door and wondered if you and your roommate fancied coming in and having a few games on our X-Box. We've got some other guys from the corridor interested. We're gonna order pizza and just get to know each other. Do you fancy it?"

I felt a bit tongue-tied, and looked behind me at Anthony for reassurance.

"Yes, sounds like fun," he said.

"Wow, are you from England?" The baseball cap guy asked. "That's totally cool! I never met anyone from England before." He and his roommate came into the room to shake Anthony's hand. Anthony made sure to introduce me to them too, and they said they were pleased to meet me. Then we all went next door to play on their X-Box and eat the pizza they'd ordered.

At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed being surrounded by so many people. Anthony was a bit of the centre of attention, with everyone keen to hear about life in England, and his first year at college. I'm not sure how much he enjoyed the attention, but he kept smiling and making jokes. He really was funny.

I started off my usual quiet self, unsure of how the guys would react to me, as at high school, the only time anyone paid attention to me was to insult me or beat me up. But as we played and watched others playing, I found myself relaxing a bit, and even talking a little to some of the other guys, and they seemed interested in what I had to say.

Pretty soon, it was midnight, and I was feeling quite tired. Anthony had started yawning a lot. He said he was still jetlagged. We decided we'd head off back to our own room to bed and said good night to the guys. All in all it had been a real nice evening, the sort I wished I'd had more of when I was in high school, just chilling with friends and playing video games.

I walked with Anthony to the bathroom where we each washed our face, brushed our teeth and took a leak. Then we made our way back to our dorm room. I went over to the wardrobe and put away my wash stuff and towel, then mirrored Anthony by sitting on my bed and taking off my shoes and socks.

Then we both kind of sat there on our own beds hesitating. I was starting to feel a bit self-conscious at the thought of taking off my shirt and pants in front of Anthony. My mind strayed back to the changing rooms at high school and all the shit I'd had to put up with. The teasing and tormenting I'd been forced to endure.

But me and Anthony had been getting on fine all day. I was fairly sure he wasn't going to laugh at me when he saw how thin my body was. In fact, he looked pretty skinny himself, there probably wasn't going to be much difference between our bodies under our clothes. Besides, we had to share a room together for the next year, and were going to have to get changed in front of each other every single day.

While I sat trying to get the courage up to begin stripping off my clothes, Anthony suddenly got up off his bed, and, turning sideways to me, started pulling his tshirt off over his head. I watched him, relieved that he had made the first move and showed me that he was cool with stripping off in front of me.

He turned to put his tshirt into his dirty washing basket, and I took the chance to check him out properly. As I'd thought, he was thin, with some of his ribs clearly on show. His nipples were a bit larger in diameter than my own, and a very pale pink. His chest was hairless, but starting about an inch above his belly button, a dark brown line of bushy hair led downwards, disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants. I couldn't help thinking at how much less hair I had in the same place.

As I stared at where his inviting treasure trail vanished, his hands came into my eyeline and he started unfastening his belt, getting ready to take his jeans off. I quickly looked away from him, not wanting to creep him out, or seem like I was openly gawping at him. I stood up and took my own tshirt off. While I was disposing of it in my dirty washing basket, there was a bit of a pause in the jangling sound of Anthony undoing his belt, and I could feel his eyes sweeping over me.

I felt a little self-conscious, not sure what he was thinking of me, and stared at the floor, not wanting to catch his eye. As I inspected the carpet, there was the sound of a zipper, and then into my eyeline fell Anthony's jeans. They lay around his ankles for a second, and then he stepped first one foot and then the other out of them.

Which meant he was wearing just...

Or maybe nothing at all...

A whole load of possible images flew through my mind. I tried to keep myself under control, fearful that I might spring a boner in front of him. That would just be too embarrassing! Luckily, the discomfort and self-consciousness I was feeling at standing bare-chested in front of him was helping to keep my hormones at bay...for the time being at least.

I hurriedly pulled down my own jeans until I stood wearing just my navy blue briefs. I threw my jeans over the back of my desk chair. They'd probably be good to wear for one more day. Then I allowed myself a glance over at Anthony.

He was wearing a pair of tight, plain black boxerbriefs. His cock and balls made a plump round bulge right in the center of them directly below where his treasure trail disappeared into the waistband. I opened my mouth to say something witty like "I had you down for a briefs guy – guess I was wrong", but I couldn't summon up the courage to say it in the end, so I shut my mouth back up and just drank in the sight of him standing in his underwear, or as much as I could without seeming too obvious. I could feel his eyes running over me in my navy blue briefs at the same time. A natural reaction. All guys do it. Subconsciously check out each other's bodies I mean. At the gym, in the showers, in the changing rooms. It doesn't mean anything.

I was starting to feel a bit awkward (not to mention cold!) standing there motionless in just my briefs, and I pulled back the covers on my bed. As I turned back from doing that, I swear I saw the bulge in Anthony's boxerbriefs moving, maybe even protruding a little more than it had been a few seconds ago. I felt my own dick moving a little, even starting to chub up slightly. What can I say? I'm not used to being in such close proximity to a half-naked guy! I'm a red-blooded male, nearly permanently horny, of course I'm going to get turned on by near-nakedness!

Before Anthony could notice my own hardening dick becoming more prominent in my briefs (that would just be too embarrassing for words, openly springing a boner in front of him just a day after meeting him. He'd think I was some sick sex-obsessed pervert or something) I quickly jumped into my bed and pulled the covers up to beneath my naked arms. I took my glasses off, folded the arms and laid them gently on the bedside table next to my bed.

Anthony walked over to kill the lights, and I was treated to a profile view of his package encased in his black boxerbriefs as he walked past, and then a quick look at his round butt with the material of his boxerbriefs pulled tight around his asscheeks before the room went dark as he flicked the lightswitch. It looked so pert and inviting, and the roundness of it was in complete contrast to the thin, paleness of the hairy legs beneath it and the back above it, some of the vertebrae clearly showing.

Under my bedclothes and in my briefs, I could feel my dick getting harder and harder, pushing out against the confines of my underwear, until it felt like the material might rip. I adjusted myself through my briefs and at once wished I hadn't, as the feeling of my hand on my boner felt so good, and I was really tempted just to begin jerking off there and then. I heard Anthony roll over in his bed, reminding me that I wasn't alone in the room. There was no way I wanted to jerk off with him awake and listening. He'd think I was disgusting, not being able to control myself to wait until I was in private.

I rolled over myself until I lay on my side facing Anthony's bed across the room. I could just about make out the shape of his body in his bed through the darkness of the room if I squinted hard. He lay on his side with his back to me, facing the wall.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to get to sleep, but all I could think about was the sight of him in just his bulging tight black boxerbriefs. My dick was so hard it was getting uncomfortable.

I need to jack-off so bad right now.

I lay still in my bed. Anthony hadn't moved for quite a while. Maybe he'd fallen asleep. If he had, there was nothing to stop me jacking myself off, as long as I was ultra quiet about it. He'd sleep through it and be none the wiser, and I'd feel a lot better for it.

I was pretty certain Anthony was asleep, but just to double-check, I whispered his name.

"Anthony. Psst, Anthony"

"Yes", he replied.

Shit! He's still awake! My mind raced with an excuse to use for wanting to whisper his name while we were both trying to fall asleep.

"Umm...Oh, you're still awake."

"Yes Brad I am. What was it you wanted?"

Shit! He sounded a bit mad at me. Shit, shit, shit. Think Brad think! What can you say?

"Oh, um, nothing, it can wait till morning."

Brad, you retard! What a lame thing to say!

"Good job I wasn't asleep then, if you were going to wake me up just to tell me that!"

"Yes. Sorry! Night then Anthony."

Phew! He didn't seem that pissed at me after all and seemed to have taken it in good humor. I'm so lucky to have such a chilled out roommate. I bet not everyone would have been okay with me disturbing them when they were trying to get to sleep.

Anthony rolled back over to face his wall. I lay still in my bed, boner still present in my briefs and hard as ever.

Hurry up and fall asleep Anthony! I seriously can't wait much longer!

I strained my ears, listening out for the relaxed, regular breathing that would tell me Anthony had succumbed to sleep at last. Finally, I thought I heard it. Certainly, Anthony had been lying really still for ages without fidgeting. Yes, he must be asleep this time.

Under my bedclothes, I quickly pulled down my briefs, releasing my rock hard cock at last. Then I leaned over to my bedside table, and slowly, ever so slowly, so as not to make any noise and wake Anthony up, opened the drawer to get out my lube and a couple Kleenex to mop up the sheets afterwards.

I squeezed some lube into the palm of my hand and set to work on my dick. It felt so good to finally be jacking off at last after the wait. The image of Anthony standing in just his tight black underwear came back into my mind as I stroked up and down my rock hard shaft, and a little shiver ran right through me from the top of my spine to the tips of my toes and back up to the very tip of my cock where my slippery lubed-up hand was gliding. I let out a little gasp of pleasure at the sensation, I couldn't help myself.

Shit! That was maybe a little loud, it might have woken...

I stopped my jacking, leaving my dick bouncing by itself beneath my bedclothes, and listened to the silence of the room for a few seconds. Anthony was still lying still and unmoving in his bed. It was alright. Jeez I was paranoid.

I got a little more lube and went back to working on my dick, my stroking a little faster this time. Part of me keen to get to the immense pleasure I knew I was going to experience when I came, but part of me wanting to enjoy the build-up for as long as I could.

Fuck it felt good! I was trying to keep my breathing quiet as I jacked, but as I got into it, it was becoming more and more difficult. I thought again of how good Anthony looked dressed in just his tight black boxerbriefs, and moaned softly to myself as I remembered his bulge twitching, spelling out the fact that something hid behind the black material.

The image of Anthony's backview swam through my mind as the speed and pressure of my stroking increased even more until I was squeezing my dick as tight as I could and moving my hand so fast I was starting to get a pain in my forearm. I moaned to myself as I imagined ripping off those black boxerbriefs to expose his peachy ass in all its glory, wondering if it was smooth, or hairy like his legs. Imagined pulling apart his asscheeks to expose his rosebud and plunging my...

Oh Fuck yes, I was going to cum!

"Fuck!" I exclaimed maybe a little too loudly, but at that precise moment I couldn't care less how loud I was.

"Fuck! Yes!"

I could feel the cum coating my faintly defined abs, sliding down my body through my pubes to the sheet beneath me, and let out a long, soft sigh of complete ecstasy as I basked in my orgasm.

I lay still in my bed, my dick still in my fist as it softened, feeling totally relaxed. I finally opened my eyes and looked over at my roommate. He still lay on his side facing the wall and didn't seem to have moved at all since I'd begun my little jack-off session.

Definitely still asleep. That was a relief. I'd never shared a room before, but didn't think hearing your roommate jacking off from across the other side of the room was the sort of thing an ordinary guy would want to hear as he tried to fall asleep. Especially if he'd only known said roommate for less than 48 hours.

Although, actually, I wouldn't mind hearing Anthony jacking off. In fact, it would probably be rather hot to hear. As if that was ever going to happen though!

Next: Chapter 14: Geeks Get Hot 5 Brad

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