Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jun 4, 2012



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. Anthony's version of events will be available soon! To read other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 12) - Brad

Even though it was a Saturday, the library was busy. It was that time of the second semester when papers were nearly due, and professors were setting tests. I had managed to find myself a quiet spot, and as usual, within sight of the restroom. I knew the library restroom featured on the cruising listings of a hook-up site, and the regular comments that were posted suggested that it saw a lot of use. One of these days I would pluck up the courage to wait in a stall and see if I could hook up with somebody myself, but until that day came, I contented myself by keeping a careful eye on the guys who went in and out, distracting myself from my studies and fantasizing about what might happen if I ever got brave.

I was working on a set of math problems which needed to be submitted to my GTA in my next class. They were tricky, and I wished I had stayed in my dormroom to work, as then I could ask Anthony for some help if I got stuck, as he had done more advanced math courses than I had as part of his degree so far. Just thinking about Anthony made me smile to myself. Today, he was coming with me to have a meal with my cousin Abby, and I was looking forward to it. Abby had suggested it, and I couldn't help wondering if my parents had put her up to it as they were still suspicious of the person I was sharing my room with. I didn't care though. I was glad Anthony and Abby would be meeting each other at last as they were the two people in the world that I was closest to.

I checked the time and was shocked to find it was a lot later than I had realized. I quickly scribbled the final line of the problem I was working on and gathered my books up together. I hurried back to mine and Anthony's dormroom. I entered and set my books down neatly on my desk and turned to Anthony who was staring at himself in the mirror, doing his best to try and neaten his hair up.

He was cleanly shaven and had obviously made a great deal of effort with his clothes, wearing dark jeans and a navy blue woolen sweater over a pale lemon shirt. I felt my heart rate quickening - he looked so hot dressed in that.

"Wow!" I found myself saying. "You're looking...nice". I almost almost said "hot", and at the very last minute reminded myself that that wasn't something I could say out loud to him. I blushed slightly, realizing that I was still complimenting him on how he looked and that wasn't the sort of thing straight guys did very often.

"You know we're not going anyplace fancy, just a regular Italian restaurant," I continued, trying to cover my tracks. "You didn't have to dress up! You're not going on a date you know!"

Oh how I wished we were though. Just him and me. A meal just the two of us, and then back to the dormroom for a night of passionate sex.

I felt my face reddening at the thought, and quickly began talking again, afraid that if I dwelled on it for too long I would get so hard Anthony would notice the bulge in my jeans, and that would be a bit embarrassing.

"Should I change into something else?" Anthony interrupted me. His face was looking flushed.

"No, no, you look fine," I reassured him.

`Better than fine,' I added to myself silently.

We left the room together and I tried not to get too distracted at looking at Anthony's ass as we walked downtown to the restaurant where I had arranged to meet Abby. We arrived exactly on time, and as we entered the restaurant I spotted Abby straight away sitting at a round table with three chairs around it.

"Brad!" Abby exclaimed with a smile and getting to her feet as we approached the table. She made as if to hug me but then remembered I didn't like to be hugged and instead squeezed my shoulder. "It is so good to see you! And is this your roommate?" She turned to where Anthony was standing slightly behind me with a nervous look on his face.

"Hi, I'm Anthony," he said politely, stepping forward with his hand out-stretched. He and Abby shook hands and she introduced herself before sitting back down. Anthony and I sat down too. The table was round so it meant nobody was sitting on a side of the table by themselves, and we could all hear each other talking easily.

"So how are your classes going Brad?" Abby asked me, and I spoke to her for a couple minutes about the test that my physics professor had given us the week before with the really difficult question on it that nobody had had any ideas about how to answer. We were interrupted by our waiter arriving and asking if we were ready to order.

I ordered a coke and a pasta dish that I liked the sound of. Anthony seemed distracted by something and got all tongue-tied when he was placing his order. I guess because the menu was in Italian with the English descriptions of the dishes underneath. He started going red and Abby and I laughed good-naturedly at him, but not in a cruel way. Abby ordered a glass of red wine to go with her meal.

"I had better only have a small glass," she said, "because I am driving."

"Driving?!" I reiterated, astounded. "But you don't have a car!"

"I know," she replied smiling, "but that is my big piece of news. I have a new housemate who is sharing my flat with me, and she has a car and lets me borrow it when she doesn't need it! So if you want I can give you and Anthony a drive back to college when we have finished eating, save you walking."

"That'd be cool!"

"So, Anthony," Abby said turning to my roommate, "how are you finding college life here in the States? Is it very different to back in England?"

We both waited expectantly for an answer, but Anthony didn't reply. His eyes were glazed over and he was staring into the distance.

"Um Anthony?" I nudged him.

He shook his head, as if awakening himself from a daydream.

"Sorry, I was miles away just then!" he apologized. "What did you ask me?"

"Aww Anthony," Abby teased. "What a daydreamer you seem to be! I was just asking you how college life here compares to back in England."

Anthony started telling us a little about what the differences were. I had heard most of what he was saying before, of course, but I was happy to listen. I never tired of hearing him say things in his cute British accent. Then Abby asked him what it was like sharing a room with me, and he had some real nice things to say.

"I couldn't think of a nicer roommate to have than Brad. He's kind and funny, and just a really good and loyal friend."

I could feel myself blushing a little as he complimented me. It was so sweet to hear those words. It wasn't the sort of thing anybody said about me usually. After all, I hadn't had any real friends for so long. In fact, I could almost sense myself getting a little emotional. Luckily, the waiter brought us over our food just then, so we were able to concentrate on eating for a little while. This gave me the opportunity to recover my composure. Then Abby started recounting tales from when I was a little kid, and my face quickly returned to bright red.

"There was this one time, it was at Thanksgiving actually, when Brad was about 4, and we all heard this scream from upstairs, and his dad went running up, and Brad had somehow managed to fall into the toilet!"

We all three laughed.

"And on that note," Anthony grinned, "excuse me a minute will you, I just need the loo."

And he got up and walked off in the direction of the restrooms. I turned in my seat to watch him.

"He seems a great guy," Abby said to me.

"Yes, he is," I confirmed, smiling to myself.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Yes, he's a great roommate."

"No, I mean you like him, don't you? You would like you and him to be more than just roommates."

My heart was suddenly in my mouth as it sunk in what she was saying.

"Wh-Wh-What do you mean? I...I...I don't understand..."

"You wish that he was your boyfriend and not just your roommate."

The enormity of what Abby was saying swept over me as it dawned on me that she knew, and I felt my chest go tight and tears welling up in my eyes.

"But I'm not...I'm not g..." the final word disappeared into a sob, as it became too much for me to try to deny it.

Abby placed her hand over mine on the table.

"Brad, please, you know how close I am to you, you're my favorite cousin. I know that you are gay. I've known since Thanksgiving. I've been waiting and waiting for you to tell me and you haven't. It is nothing to be ashamed of you know. You can't help it."

I felt tears running down my face and I put my head into my hands, resting my elbows on the table.

"Please don't tell my mom and dad." My voice was coming out small and high like a child's.

"Brad, I'm not going to tell anybody. I didn't want to have to tell you that I know, but...I thought I ought to, now I've seen how much you like Anthony."

I gazed up at her through my tears with a puzzled expression on my face.

"Every time you spoke about him on Skype, your face lit up and you gave a little smile to yourself. And now I've seen you with him, I've seen how you look at him. You can hardly keep your eyes off him. You smile every time he looks back at you. You really do like him a lot don't you?"

I shook my head and then gave up pretending, and nodded, dissolving into fresh tears.

"Does Anthony know that you're gay?"

"No, of course not." My words were interspersed with little sobs. "How can I tell him I'm gay when we have to share a room? He would hate me. He'd ask to switch rooms and then I wouldn't have him as my friend at all."

"But haven't you noticed that Anthony's also g..." Abby broke off from what she was saying and sighed. "Brad, does Anthony have a girlfriend?"


"Has he ever spoken about girls he likes with you?"

"Well, no."

"Ever wonder why?"

"No, it was a relief actually to not have to pretend to him that I am straight like he is. I think he's just shy about talking about that sort of thing. In fact, I know he is."

"Hmm," Abby frowned, not sounding convinced. "Can I ask you something personal? Have you and Anthony ever done anything sexual together?"

My face went red, and even though I didn't say anything, Abby guessed what the answer was.

"So you and he have, what? Jacked-off together?"


"You jacked-off together and he was alright with that?"

"Well, we were both...I mean it was just...We were both drunk, it didn't mean anything."

"I think we both know that's a lie, Brad. I bet it meant a great deal to you, even if it didn't do to him."

I didn't say anything.

"Brad you know I think you ought to consider telling Anthony," continued Abby. "I don't think he would have a problem with you being gay."

"No, no I can't. And you can't...You mustn't tell him. Promise me Abby, please!" I pleaded.

"I already promised I wouldn't tell anybody. I'm here for you Brad in any way you want me to be. You mean the world to me. I know it feels that people will not want to know you if you tell them, and in some cases that will be true, but the people who react like that aren't worth being friends with in the first place. And I get a feeling that Anthony is not one of those people." She paused. "But you do need to remember he is only going to be in the States for a couple more months. He will be going back to England soon and you will be staying here. You can't control who you have a crush on, but if you can manage to move on it will save you a lot of pain in the future when he goes back to England."

"I guess you're right," I said slowly. "Oh why did I have to be gay? As if my life hasn't been complicated and messed-up enough already!"

I started sobbing afresh. Abby reached over and squeezed my hand in hers.

"Stop thinking like that. There is nothing you can do about it. You are gay. Period. It's not a big deal. I still love you like I always did. And if we break it to your mom and dad gently, I bet they will too. They are good parents who love you. Finding out that you're gay is going to be a lot less of a shock than that other shock you gave them. Now stop crying, and go wash and clean your face before Anthony comes back and wonders what the matter is."

I obediently got to my feet feeling a little self-conscious about the tears on my cheeks, and walked over to the restrooms, keeping my head lowered and a hand raised over my face so as the other diners wouldn't be able to easily tell I'd been crying.

I pushed open the door to the men's restroom and walked over to the sinks to wash my face. There was a guy already at one of the sinks. It was our waiter.

"Hey," he greeted me. "You're on the table with the English guy aren't you?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Is he gay by any chance?"

"No," I replied sighing wistfully.

"Shame. I love his accent, and he's kind of cute...for a geek. If I gave you my number would you pass it on to him for me anyway?"

"Um I guess, but he's straight, so I don't..."

"Well he wouldn't be the first so-called `straight' guy I've turned," the waiter interrupted me, grinning cockily. He tore a page off of his order pad and scribbled a cell number onto it along with his name. I took it from him.

"Thanks dude. Hey, are you alright?" He asked, concern in his voice as he looked at me properly for the first time, obviously noticing the tears on my cheeks and my red eyes for the first time.

"Yes, I'm fine," I sniffed.

"Cool, well, don't forget to pass my number on will you?" And he exited the restroom. I stared at the piece of paper I was holding. "Adam" it said, and then his number, and then underneath, "Call me some time sexy". I stuffed it into the back pocket of my jeans and then took my glasses off to rinse my eyes and my face with cold water.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror when I had finished. My eyes were still a little red, but it wasn't too obvious that I had been crying. I exited the restroom and walked back over to our table. Abby and Anthony looked to be deep in conversation. I wondered what it was they were talking about. My heart suddenly leapt into my mouth as I had the thought that maybe Abby was telling Anthony that I was gay...but then I remembered that she had promised not to, and I trusted my cousin 100% to keep her promises.

"Hey Brad are you feeling better now?" Abby greeted me as I approached.

"Yes," I murmured quietly, still feeling a little panicky, but Anthony didn't immediately start interrogating me about my sexual preferences, and I started to relax, realizing that Abby had been true to her word and not said anything to him.

Abby asked our waiter for the check, and as we waited for it to arrive, I remembered that Anthony and I had discussed the night before the possibility of asking Abby to buy some beer for us again. I knew Anthony enjoyed a beer every now and then, not necessarily getting completely drunk every time, but enjoying the taste, and of course in England he was of a legal age to buy alcohol. In this State, however, he was still too young, not yet being 21, and he often spoke of his frustration of not being able to buy the drinks he was able to back home. I had said that I was sure Abby wouldn't mind buying beer for us if we asked her, and we had agreed to each give her some money and ask her at the end of the meal. Well it was now the end of the meal, and neither of us had mentioned it yet, so I decided to start things off.

"So, um Abby, me and Anthony were thinking...would you mind maybe buying us some um..."

"Some alcohol?" Abby asked with a knowing smile.

"Well, yes!"

"Of course. I can trust you guys to be sensible I'm sure, and I know what guys your age get up to at college. I would rather I bought some for you than for you to ask some stranger to do it for you, or for you to try yourself and get into trouble for it."

"Excellent!" I exclaimed, and Abby laughed at my obvious enthusiasm. "Hey Anthony, guess what?! Abby said yes!" I said excitedly. Anthony didn't answer and I realized he was lost in his own thoughts again, not listening to the conversation, just sitting there with a far-off look on his face.

"Earth to Anthony!" Abby intoned, giggling.

"Err...what?" he said dazedly, shaking his head.

We both laughed at him. "You really are a daydreamer aren't you?!" Abby chuckled.

"I just asked Abby if she'd do that favor we discussed remember? And she said yes!" I explained.

"Oh great! Um thank you Abby," Anthony stammered, giving her a tense smile. He seemed a little uncomfortable, and I wondered what had happened for the slight atmosphere to develop between them.

"You're welcome," she replied, in not quite as friendly a tone of voice as normal. "I'm sure I can trust you guys to be sensible."

We left the restaurant together, and Abby led us to where she had parked her flatmate's car that she had borrowed for the day. It was a red Honda Civic, and I told Abby that she was lucky her flatmate was so generous to let her borrow it. I let Anthony ride shot-gun, and Abby drove us to the nearest liquor store. She insisted on us both coming in with her to choose what we wanted.

The man behind the cash register stared at us suspiciously as we pushed our shopping cart up to pay for the beer. "Do you have ID?"

"Sure do," Abby remarked cheerfully, handing over her driver's license for him to inspect.

"What about those two?" He asked, gesturing at me and Anthony. My mouth went dry with nerves.

"They aren't buying it, I am," Abby retorted sharply. "In fact, they aren't even invited to the party I'm throwing that I'm buying it for. The only reason they are here is because I have a bad back and need them to carry it to my car and then fetch it from my car to my flat when I've driven home."

I felt a bit guilty that Abby was having to lie for us, but was quite impressed at how casually she was doing it.

"Sorry Miss, I did have to ask though."

"I understand. You're just doing your job."

Abby paid for the beer, and we transported it out to the car for her.

She drove us back to Jefferson Dorms, and we loaded our arms up with the six-packs we'd gotten. My morning push-ups meant I could carry my share easily, whereas Anthony looked as though he was struggling a little. Abby yelled goodbye to us through the open window of the car, and drove off, leaving us with our arms laden with beer.

We entered Jefferson Dorms and called the elevator. It arrived and the doors opened, but it wasn't empty. Brett, a guy from our floor who lived in the room the other side of our neighbors Charlie and Chris, walked out whistling. He was dressed in a baggy white shirt and black shorts, with a towel over his shoulder, probably on his way to the rec center to work out.

"Hey guys," he greeted us. Then he registered what we were carrying and his eyes grew wide. "Whoa! Where did you guys get the beer from?!"

"My cousin bought it for us," I answered.

"And were you planning to drink it all yourselves?" Brett demanded to know.

I gulped, a little intimidated by his football player's build.

"Um..." I hesitated, looking at Anthony for reassurance. "Well we were thinking of maybe inviting a couple people round for an X-box tournament and to have some drinks anyway, so sure, you can come share it," I said finally. "We would have invited you and your roommate anyway."

"Oh guys you have no idea how happy that makes me. It's been so long since I got properly wasted. I was going to go work-out at the rec center, but I'd much rather come get hammered with you guys instead!" Brett ushered us into the elevator as he spoke. "And you probably shouldn't invite anybody else. There is only just about enough there for the three of us to get properly wasted. Any more people and we will run out!"

"Um, sure, okay," I mumbled in agreement.

"Excellent!" Brett exclaimed enthusiastically. "Oh dudes we're gonna have fun tonight!"

We arrived at our floor, and Brett got out of the elevator and looked shiftily around before allowing us to exit the elevator. He hurried us down the corridor all the while looking around in case our dorm's RA was nearby. We made it into our room, with Brett closing the door securely behind us all, before giving us both a high-five once we had deposited our cargo neatly on the floor. We grabbed a can each and opened them. Brett necked about half the can in one go, whereas Anthony and I were a bit less over-indulgent, but grateful for the cold refreshing beer nonetheless.

I set up my X Box, and between us, Anthony and I maneuvered my desktop monitor to an angle on my desk so that we could sit on Anthony's bed to play. We connected up the additional controllers and were just settling down to start the game when there was a gentle knock on our dormroom door.

We all looked at each other, shocked, and my heart leapt into my mouth as the thought came to me that it could be the RA, and that I might get in trouble for having alcohol in the room. The door opened to reveal our neighbor Charlie.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I hang with you this evening?" He greeted us. "Chris's girlfriend is coming over and he wants our room to himself." Charlie's eyes opened wide as he saw the stash of beer. "Whoa! Is that what I think it is?!"

Anthony and I both grinned with pride at Charlie's obvious excitement, while Brett yelled at Charlie to shut the door in case the RA walked past and looked in.

"What's the deal with the beer then?" Charlie asked as he entered the room properly, making sure the door was closed firmly behind him to satisfy Brett's orders. "Don't tell me one of you two managed to buy it without getting carded?!" he laughed, speaking to me and Anthony. I laughed too at the absurdity of the suggestion.

"No, it was my cousin," I explained to him.

"Neat! Do you mind if I have one?" he asked eagerly.

"Sure, help yourself," I answered, at the same time as Brett said "NO! It's all for us!"

I frowned at Brett. "Ignore him Charlie, of course you are welcome to have some beer."

"But there won't be enough for us all to get properly wasted if he has some too," Brett complained sulkily.

"What is your problem dude?" Charlie asked him, opening a can for himself. "It's not your beer anyway, it's Brad's. And Anthony's too, I guess. Not yours. It's up to them who can share it, not you."

We argued for a short while, which I didn't really enjoy (I always try and avoid conflict), but in the end, Brett mellowed, probably fearful of Anthony and me not inviting him next time we had alcohol if he didn't cooperate with us, and Charlie sat down with us to join in playing the X-Box game we had chosen. There wasn't quite enough room for all four of us to sit on Anthony's bed and still see the monitor easily, so we took it in turns to sit on the floor in front of the bed.

Brett was not that talented at any of the games we played. In fact, he finished up last pretty much every single game. He didn't seem to mind though, the evening was very much all about the beer for him! As for Anthony, Charlie and me, we were quite competitive in our gameplay, but while enjoying the refreshing alcohol too.

The evening progressed and I was starting to feel nicely drunk. All of us were starting to slur our words slightly, and we kept having to pause the game so one or other of us could go out to take a leak as the beer took its effect on us. Charlie and I went out at the same time, and stood at neighboring urinals, both of us sighing with satisfaction as we began pissing, and with our streams lasting a long long time.

"That's better," Charlie commented as he shook his dick and zipped back up. "I don't know why, but I always need to piss so much when I drink."

"Everybody does, I think," I replied as I crossed to the sink to wash my hands. Charlie joined me and flicked a little water at me as he washed his hands. I flicked some back at him, laughing.

"Thank you for letting me hang with you and Anthony tonight," Charlie said.

"It's okay. We enjoy hanging out with you. Chris too, of course, but we get on better with you."

"I'm glad I have such friendly neighbors as you guys."

"Aww thank you. I think you and Chris are great guys too."

We walked back along the corridor and re-entered the dormroom. There was space for one of us on the bed, and Charlie launched himself at it, almost making Brett and Anthony spill their beers as he landed on the bed. I laughed, and let him have the space. It was my turn to sit on the floor anyways. I sat down in front of where Anthony was positioned on the bed, and leaned my back against the side of the bed.

We continued to play the game we were in the middle of. Something brushed me on my right shoulder making me jump. I realized it was Anthony's heel. He rested it gently on my shoulder, and then his other foot on my left shoulder so he was using me as a foot-stool. I couldn't help myself, with the alcohol in my system and with the body contact between me and Anthony, I began to chub up in my briefs and lost concentration in the game. Brett actually beat me for the first time that evening as a result.

"YES!" he celebrated loudly, "I actually beat one of you video gaming geeks!"

"Hey!" Charlie complained. "I'm not a geek!"

"You sure about that, Charlie?! Only the number of times you've won tonight says differently!"

"Screw you Brett!"

"Brett it's your turn on the floor," I hastily interrupted before the pair could start fighting. I knew alcohol made some people violent when they drank, and Brett's build would have made it tough to separate the pair if they had started to hit each other. I stood up hoping my semi-hard dick wasn't too obvious, but luckily the other guys didn't seem to notice.

Brett clambered off the bed, fetching himself a fresh beer as he did so, and settled down on the floor in an untidy heap. I got onto the bed and sat in the place he had vacated, between Anthony and Charlie. The covers where he had been sitting were warm from his body heat.

Brett slurped at his newly-opened can, and then let out a loud belch. "You know," he said, sighing, "this has been a kick-ass evening. The only thing that could improve it would be some pussy. I haven't had any in weeks."

"Awww," Charlie teased, laughing. "Is poor Brett suffering from blue balls?!"

"Alright Mr. `I got a hot girlfriend'," retorted Brett. "It's not that long ago since you were single like the rest of us. You must be able to remember how frustrating it feels!"

"Yes, I do, and I don't envy you one bit!"

I had forgotten Charlie had a girlfriend now. They had been dating since just before Christmas, and it had been a shock when he had introduced her to us, as she turned out to be Courtney, who had been at high school with me before I had tried to...well, before I had changed schools. I was forever nervous that she would manage to persuade him that I was a loser and that he could do better without having me as a friend, but so far, that hadn't happened.

"Lucky sonofabitch," Brett murmured, "having a girlfriend you can call to get your ass laid whenever you want to. Why aren't you with her tonight?"

"She's meeting up with her girlfriends for the evening. I think they are going to the movies to watch some dumb click-flick or something. Besides," Charlie added grinning proudly, "I think I wore her out last night!"

"Oh nice dude!" Brett congratulated him. Charlie got off of the bed and helped himself to a new beer. There were barely any left now from the pile we started with. Rather than sit back down on the bed, Charlie sat in my desk chair facing the three of us. I figured we wouldn't be playing any more X-Box tonight. Probably our coordination wasn't good enough any more from the amount we had all drunk.

The guys were talking about how many girls they'd slept with now. I tried to keep quiet and not to catch anybody's eye, hoping they wouldn't ask me, but the inevitable happened.

"How about you Brad?" Brett asked me. "How many girls have you gotten with?"

I could feel myself blushing. I looked down at the bed covers in front of me, stammering embarrassedly, wondering whether to make a number up, before deciding to just come clean.

"I'm still a virgin," I sighed glumly.

"No way dude! Seriously?! A virgin?!" Charlie asked, wide-eyed, while Brett guffawed at the lameness of it.

"Uh-huh," I answered ashamed, knowing I was the only one in the room, maybe even the only guy on the whole corridor, possibly even the only guy in the whole dorm block, to still be a virgin.

Charlie let out a low-pitched whistle of astonishment.

"Whoa, dude, that's...I mean, what the fuck?! You're nineteen dude! Surely you...I mean...And you're...I can't actually believe you're still a virgin!"

"I know, I know," I said in a small quiet voice, swallowing uncomfortably as the three non-virgins in the room stared at me with pity in their faces.

"Well if there's anything I can do to help you get laid," Charlie offered. "Hey I know! Want me to get Courtney to spread to her friends about how big your dick is?!"

"Hell yes!" Brett chimed in. "If they get to hear about that monster you'll get laid in no time!"

My heart started beating faster in my chest and I felt panicky at the thought of Charlie telling Courtney about me. She really would tell him I was a loser then for sure. I didn't want that poisonous bitch to know anything about me.

"NO!" I insisted loudly.

"Alright dude, chill! There's no need to shout! I was only suggesting a way to help your virgin ass get itself laid! And it wouldn't be a lie would it?!"

"Ain't that the truth!" Brett chimed in. "I'm amazed you want to keep that a secret Brad, chicks go wild for a big dick."

"How would you know?!" Charlie asked turning to him in mock-astonishment.

"Fuck you dude!" Brett laughed, very good-naturedly considering Charlie had just mocked the size of his dick. Although maybe he was too drunk to realize that.

Brett and Charlie continued talking about how well-endowed I was, and then Brett began to tease Anthony asking him if he felt inadequate having to share a room with me and seeing how big my dick was every time I got undressed. It was more than I could take, and I turned toward Brett and gave him a punch on his arm. I was furious, but I don't think he realized.

"Leave Anthony alone and stop teasing him!" I shouted.

"Whoa chill out Brad!" Brett complained. "It was just a joke. I know I wouldn't want a roommate who was so much bigger than me. I'd get jealous every time he stripped ready for bed."

"Well your roommate does only need to be two inches long to beat you and make you jealous!" Charlie cracked.

"Fuck you dude!" Brett cried out. "That is not true at all!"

The three of us laughed at his protestations.

"I've had more girls than all of you put together, and I've never had any complaints!" he continued sulkily.

"Well you might get some complaints if the girls you get with ever hear about the size of Brad!" Anthony joked.

"Can we all stop talking about my dick now?!" I pleaded, embarrassed by all the attention. There was a silence as we all took swigs of our drinks, but then Charlie continued on the subject.

"So how big is it Brad? If I'm going to get Courtney to spread around about you being hung we might as well get the dimensions right!"

"Look, I don't want it spreading around that I'm hung!" I was annoyed and exasperated now. Why couldn't they just stop teasing me?! They were probably all exaggerating about how impressively sized it was anyway. I mean, it's bigger than Anthony's, I knew that for sure, but I felt sure it wasn't anything special.

"Seriously guys, enough already. And come on, let's get real, my dick isn't really that big compared to other people's is it?"

"Um YES!" Charlie, Brett and Anthony all said in unison.

I felt my cheeks coloring. Finally, there was a part of my body with which I could feel superior over other guys. That made a change from people constantly reminding me how ugly and skinny I was.

Anthony and I both asked Brett to throw us over a new beer. They were the last two. I was amazed that the four of us had drunk that much beer in just one evening, but I guess that's thirsty college guys for you! I took several large gulps of my new drink, belching loudly afterward, to much applause and praise from the other guys. But then, through our post-belch laughter, a completely different noise could be heard.

"Mmmm! Oh yes baby!"

Drifting through the thin walls from the room next door was the sound of Chris and his girlfriend having sex. Anthony and I had heard the pair of them at it before, as Chris tended to be quite loud and vocal when he was with a girl.

"Is that Chris?!" Brett asked, his eyes wide and his mouth open as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Uh-huh," Anthony answered. "Sounds like he is making the most of Charlie letting him and his girlfriend have the room to themselves!"

We listened in silence to Chris's grunts and moans of pleasure. "Mmmm! Mmmm! Yes baby yes! Oh yes!" Just hearing the sound of a guy having sex was making me aroused, and I was soon chubbing up, getting hard from listening to the noises Chris was making. Charlie started to say something, but Brett hushed him, as the sound of a second person reached our ears.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh yes Chris yes! Oh! Oh yes!" It was a girl's voice, letting out little squeals of pleasure, and panting faintly amid Chris's deep masculine grunts.

"Fuck me that's hot!" Brett stated quietly. I personally thought it had been hotter when we couldn't hear Chris's girlfriend too, as then I could forget he was with a girl and imagine he was with a guy. Or even with me, that I was causing him to make those noises as I slid my hard dick in and out of his ass...Oh fuck me! I was so turned-on now! I gave up with trying to control myself, and just let it grow.

"Is it wrong that I'm getting turned-on from hearing my roommate having sex?!" Charlie whispered.

"Dude, I think we all are!" Brett replied in an undertone. "She sounds like she's loving that!" He added, as the girl's moans increased in volume.

Charlie moved his hand until it was resting in his lap. I couldn't help noticing there was quite a bulge in his pants, and it appeared to be growing slightly bigger. To my left, Anthony was fidgeting slightly, and I glanced at him to see him adjusting himself through his jeans, the angle suggesting that he too was sporting wood. The fact that at least two of my friends had sprung boners from hearing the occupants of the next room going at it was reassuring, as it meant I wasn't the only one. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the tips of Charlie's fingers moving slightly, almost as if he were lightly tickling the head of his dick through his denims.

My dick stabbed at the confines of my briefs and jeans, desperate to feel my hand around it. Chris and his girlfriend's moans continued to grow in urgency and frequency, until finally we heard Chris yell "OH YES!!!" and then a few strangled gasps, before the noise stopped and there was just the sound of silence in the room.

"Whoa," Charlie whispered softly, his hand still clutching at himself.

"I'm so jealous of Chris right now at getting laid," Brett stated. "I could really do with it now!"

"Yes, me too," Charlie agreed. "I don't know about the rest of you, but just hearing all that has made me seriously horny. I might have to call Courtney and see if I can go over to her room!"

"Lucky sonofabitch," Brett said. "I wish I had a girl I could call for a fuck. I sure could use one right at this moment."

Charlie was busy with his cell, but it appeared his luck was out, as Courtney didn't answer his call.

"Shit! She must have it switched off."

"Hahaha!" Brett laughed, "dude, you'll have to make do with jacking-off like the rest of us poor girlfriend-less punks!"

"I guess," Charlie sighed. He had such a look of disappointment and frustration on his face, I couldn't help but start to laugh at him. Anthony joined in, and he stuck up his middle finger at both of us. "Fuck the both of you!" He slurred, and finished up his drink. "Why did Courtney not answer me?! I really need her, I'm hard as fuck right now!"

"Yeah, me too," Brett announced.

"Me too," I joined it, realizing there was nothing to be ashamed of from admitting that I'd gotten hard as well.

"Me too," Anthony confessed, sitting next to me on the bed.

Learning that all of us were sporting boners at that precise moment was proving almost as much of a turn-on to me as hearing Chris grunting and moaning his way to an orgasm, but then Brett said something that made my dick even harder than it already was, if that were possible.

"I so need to jack-off right now!" I opened my eyes wide as I noticed for the first time he was holding himself through his shorts, and the thin material did little to hide how aroused he was.

"Same," Charlie confessed, indicating the outline of his own boner in his jeans.

"Me too," Anthony spoke up.

This was perfect! We were all hard, all horny, all desperate to jack-off. What better way to end the evening than stroking off to a porno?!

"Me too," I said. "Shall I put some porn on for us to jack-off too, since we all need to?"

I shuffled forward to the edge of the bed to get my computer set up with a film of some sort.

"No way dude!" Brett said suddenly, disgust in his deep voice. "That's like the gayest suggestion I ever heard."

I froze, my heart in my mouth, unsure if I had outed myself by suggesting what I had suggested.

"But...But I thought you said..." I stammered.

"Well, yeah, obviously I need to jack-off, that goes without saying," Brett said, tugging at the outline of his hard dick through his shorts as if to demonstrate his need. "But that's something I do on my own. I mean, we all talk and joke about doing it, but we don't actually do it together do we?! I'm not some queer! I don't want to see the three of you stroking your dicks while I stroke mine! No way!"

"I..I'm sorry," I apologized quickly. "I didn't realize...I mean...Yes, you're right...I don't want to either...That is...I...I just thought since we were all horny, and drunk, and Charlie's girlfriend isn't answering her cell, we could just...It wouldn't mean anything...and..."

"Fuck dude! You gay or something?! I know we're all drunk, but that's just wrong dude! Wrong! Disgusting! I'm seriously grossed out by you even suggesting we actually do that! I'd never consider jacking-off when my roommate was even in the room, let alone at the same time as him while watching the same porn film. Don't tell me you and Anthony have done that?! Rubbed one out alongside each other like a pair of faggots?!"

I could feel my face coloring, and I wasn't sure I could trust my voice not to crack and give away the fact I was lying if I tried to answer. Luckily, Charlie spoke up meaning I didn't need to.

"What? Have you never jacked-off with any of your friends then Brett?"

"No way! Well, not since I was like fourteen," Brett replied. "Why? Do you and Chris?"

"Well, no, we've never sat down to watch porn and jack-off together, but I don't see the big deal. You're horny, so is your roommate, so you put a video on and both go do your own thing. It doesn't make you gay. I mean it's not as if you're doing it to each other or getting off on watching each other."

"Humph," Brett snorted.

"All the same," Charlie continued, "I know I'm hard, and horny as fuck, but I think I'd find the whole jacking-off together a bit awkward. Nice suggestion though Brad," he tried to reassure me.

I took my place up back next to Anthony, resting my back against the dormroom wall, feeling slightly worried about having suggested what I did. I hadn't guessed Brett would react the way he did. Even Charlie thought the suggestion was a bit strange. Maybe not all straight guys were as relaxed about doing stuff together as Anthony seemed to be.

"You know," Charlie said hesitantly, sounding a little embarrassed, "I hadn't actually realized till now how much the noise can travel from our room into this one. Um...You guys haven't ever overheard me have you?" He tried to sound casual, but I could tell he was discomforted by the thought. I decided to tease him a little.

"Well we've heard you jacking-off plenty of times!" I answered with a grin at Anthony to show him I was kidding.

Charlie blushed and scratched his head.

"Umm..." he stuttered awkwardly.

I burst out laughing and Anthony joined in.

"Relax dude! I wasn't serious. No, it is only Chris who we sometimes hear. He can get a bit loud when he' know, enjoying himself!" I finished the last dregs of my beer before continuing. "But so what?! This is college, we're all adults. We all know what sex is and we all know it happens in the dorms. The walls aren't that thick and there's nothing you can do. If it feels good, you can't stop yourself being loud sometimes I guess. So don't hold back next time you and Courtney are at it just because you think we might overhear you. We might not, and if we do, so what?!"

"It's the same with my university back in England, you can't help overhearing people sometimes," Anthony spoke up. "They should definitely make the walls in these places thicker. They have to know how horny people are at this age and how much sex goes on. It would be less embarrassing for everyone. There's nothing more distracting than trying to revise for a test and hearing your neighbor having sex."

"Ain't that the truth?!" Brett said. "You're right Anthony, they should make the walls thicker. Sometimes you don't want to hear what's going on. I overheard the most disgusting thing through the wall when I was walking down the hallway in this other dorm block leaving my study partner's room after studying one night. It was two guys going at it." He shuddered. "Just imagine living next door to a filthy queer and having to hear that. They shouldn't be allowed to have sex in the dorms."

"What? Just because a person's gay they shouldn't be allowed to have sex in their own room?!" Charlie responded. "What are they supposed to do? Tie a knot in their dick so they can't?! Gay guys get just as horny as we do you know. How would you feel if you were banned from having any sex?!"

"That's different," Brett replied.

"How is it?!" Charlie demanded to know. "I'm not gay, hell you know that, but I don't believe they should be treated any differently."

"It's just not natural, two guys fucking each other. It's revolting. Just hearing those two that time nearly made me throw up on the spot," Brett said. "I'm so glad there's nobody like that living on our floor," he added.

I felt my heart fluttering and my breathing rate increase. I looked down at Anthony's bed covers and didn't dare look up, afraid of catching somebody's eye and them being able to tell how uncomfortable I was, because I knew that there was somebody like that living on the floor. Me. And if Brett or the other guys found out...

"Well I wouldn't have a problem with a gay guy living on the floor," Charlie said. "What about you guys?" he asked, directing the question at me and Anthony. I let Anthony answer while I tried to get myself under control so my voice wouldn't quiver with nerves, and give away that I was hiding something.

"No, I...I...that is...'live and let live' I always say," Anthony stammered, sounding not quite comfortable himself. "People should be free to sleep with who they want."

"I agree," I mumbled quickly, still looking down at the bed.

"Whatever," Brett snorted. "Well, since there's no beer left, I think I'll leave now." He continued, getting to his feet and swaying unsteadily. "I think I'll stop off at the bathroom to deal with this on the way back to my room though!"

Next to me, Anthony laughed, as did Charlie.

"Night dudes!"

"Night," they replied. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. It struck me, that if Brett knew I was gay, he wouldn't be friendly toward me at all. It would be just like being back at high school, having people hating me for no good reason, except this time there would be a reason; my sexuality. And if Brett was like that, maybe lots more people I had made friends with would be.

"That was a bit harsh what Brett said," Charlie was saying. "I mean, I don't know how you two feel, but I have no problem at all with gay people. Anyone who does is still living in the stone age."

Anthony mumbled agreement. That made me feel a whole lot better. If my two closest friends at college had nothing against gay people, if they ever learned the truth about me, maybe they wouldn't desert me, and at least I'd have two friends still. That would be two more than I'd had at high school once Zack had left and Andy had disowned me.

Charlie was checking his cell as he had just gotten a text message.

"Ah that's Chris letting me know it's safe to come back to the room now. Will you two be alright clearing the empty cans up? You could recycle them if you can get them out of here without the RA noticing."

"Yes, we'll manage fine," Anthony replied.

"Good, well I'll see you both tomorrow then. Man I bet we'll all be hungover tomorrow. Good job it's a Sunday!" He walked over to the dormroom door and hesitated before turning back to look at us. " guys won't tell Chris we all got turned-on overhearing his girlfriend will you?"

"No," I replied, at same time as Anthony responded "Of course not, that's like part of the unspoken agreement of mates and uni life!"

"Cool," Charlie said, breathing a sigh of relief. He looked a little shifty. "Actually, before I go next door, I think I might follow Brett's example and go jack-off in the restroom. I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep if I don't! Night guys."

"Night," Anthony and I chorused, as he left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

I wished Charlie hadn't mentioned about needing to jack-off before going to sleep. It had reminded me that I would need to too, and reawakened my dick which had gotten a little soft while Brett had been sounding off about gay people, but was now growing back to full mast.

Next to me, Anthony stretched, and his leg brushed against mine. Even though we were both wearing jeans, the body contact made a jolt of electricity tingle through me. I wished to myself that we weren't wearing jeans, weren't wearing anything, were sitting side-by-side completely naked, and that our bare legs were rubbing against each other...

Great, now I really am hard! Way to go Brad!

"Has your cock gone down yet Brad?" Anthony asked me suddenly, as if reading my thoughts.

"No," I confessed quietly.

"No, mine neither," he replied.

I couldn't help but look down at his crotch to check. He was telling the truth, there was a considerable bulge shape in his jeans. Then I figuratively kicked myself at my stupidity. There was no way he could have failed to notice me looking. He'd think I was some sort of pervert. I let my eyes raise up to his face, but he was grinning, so he couldn't have minded me looking. I relaxed a little bit.

"Chris sure did sound hot, didn't he?" I said without thinking.

Shit! Did I say that?! Fuck! No straight guy would say that!

"I...I...I mean Chris and his girlfriend did," I hurriedly back-tracked in an attempt to cover my tracks. "Mainly his girlfriend, of course."

"Yeah," he said distractedly. I realized that maybe he wasn't listening to me properly, and breathed a sigh of relief to myself.

"I'm feeling really horny Brad," he suddenly said, moving his hand onto where his jeans bulged out.

"Yeah, me too," I couldn't stop myself admitting. I let out a little laugh that was part-embarrassment and part-desperation.

"I know the other two didn't want to, but I wouldn't mind if we put some porn on and...well, dealt with our hardons," he said slowly. "If you still wanted to?" He added, looking at me shyly.

"Hell yes!" I replied perhaps a little too eagerly. I suddenly remembered what Brett had said before, and felt obliged to check that Anthony was okay with it. "You don't mind then that we'd know, next to each other and...well..."

"I don't have a problem with it if you don't," Anthony replied, shrugging. "It wouldn't be the first time would it?! If we don't do it now, we're only going to both be doing it as soon as we crawl under our bedcovers aren't we? Let's not pretend any different!"

"That's true," I chuckled.

"At least this way we can both enjoy some porn at the same time!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Cool!" Anthony enthused. "Well, you lock the door and get your lube ready, I'll find us something to watch. Can we use your computer since the monitor's already in a position where we can both see it if we sit on my bed?"


We both scrambled off of the end of Anthony's bed. In my happy state of drunkenness I was also feeling incredibly horny, and relieved that I would soon get the chance to jack-off as I so desperately needed to. Anthony took his shirt and jeans off leaving him in just his tight navy blue and white striped boxerbriefs. They were tented at an obscene angle and I grinned wryly to myself. Soon Anthony would be slipping those boxers off, and then...

I was almost salivating thinking of the hard uncut dick waiting behind Anthony's underwear. If he was drunk enough, he might even let me have a play with it again. That really would be the perfect end to a great evening!

I remembered Anthony had asked me to lock the dormroom door, and I quickly walked over and did so. That was probably a smart idea, as Charlie or Brett might come back for some reason, and we wouldn't want them walking in on us. Especially not Brett after what he had said earlier.

I fetched my lube from out of the drawer in my bedside table and threw it onto Anthony's bed, before pulling off my shirt and unzipping my jeans and climbing out of them. My white briefs were severely tented, and I reached into them to readjust my dick, before thinking "what the hell, I'll be taking them off soon in any case" and dropping them to the floor leaving me completely naked.

I pulled Anthony's comforter off his bed and threw it onto my own on the other side of the room, as I didn't want to risk it getting stained if one of us happened to accidentally get some cum on it.

The bed ready, I launched myself onto it, positioning myself in the center with my back against the wall and my legs stretched out in front of me, my feet hanging over the side of the bed. I would have a good view of the screen from here. That's if Anthony ever found us a film. His body was blocking most of the monitor at the moment so I couldn't see what he was doing, but I assumed he was navigating to a good porn site he knew.

"Did you find something good for us to watch yet?" I asked him. Although, once he started jerking himself off, I'd probably be watching him more than the porn to be honest.

"I think so," he replied, sounding a little nervous. He stood up from the chair, pushing it out of the way so it wouldn't obscure our view. He hurriedly tore his boxers off and joined me on the bed, sitting right next to me, so close our legs were almost touching.

He had maximized the window of the film so it filled the screen, and as it started what I saw filled me with panic and made me feel sick to the stomach, as it was a porn film I recognized. One I'd seen before. In fact the one I'd watched last time I'd jacked-off on my own in private. A gay porn film. He must have somehow accidentally managed to recall the last film viewed on the computer!

Oh fuck! How could I explain this to him?!


Next: Chapter 28: Geeks Get Hot 13 Brad

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