Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 13, 2015



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read this chapter from Anthony's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 17) - Brad

Something felt different. I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to work out what it was. I automatically reached my hand down my body to have a bit of a play with my morning wood as I thought, and that's when I realized. My morning wood was exposed, free, with no underwear constricting it. My entire body was naked against the sheet and that was what felt different. And not just different - better. I wondered to myself why I had never tried sleeping naked before. Come to think of it, why had I tried sleeping naked? Then I remembered it was at Charlie's suggestion. And then I remembered all that had happened the previous night.

I reached for my glasses and put them on, then glanced across at Anthony's bed where Charlie was still sleeping. The bedclothes were hanging halfway off the edge of the bed, with his bare shoulders and chest showing and his tanned hairy legs sticking out of the bottom. As I watched, Charlie yawned and rolled over, sleepily opening his eyes and stretching. As he did so, the covers fell off his body completely, revealing he too was sporting a serious case of morning wood. He made no attempt to cover himself back up.

"Morning Brad," he yawned, looking over at me and seeing I was awake.

"Morning Charlie," I replied, trying to keep my eyes on his face and not his hard dick. Around six inches and cut, it had a slight curve to it.

He absent-mindedly reached down and scratched beneath his balls.

"You know, this is about the first time I've woken up the night after a good party and not had a hangover," he remarked conversationally.

"Well I guess since we left quite early you didn't drink as much as you usually do," I said.

"I guess not. I still had fun though. It was a crazy group of people, wasn't it?"


He lay back down putting his head on the pillow, yawning again as he did so. His dick twitched impatiently, bouncing up and down.

I reached into the drawer of my bedside table and took out my lube. I threw it over toward him and it landed on the bed beside his leg. He reached down and picked it up.

"Jack off if you want," I said, "it looks as though you need to!"

He grinned sheepishly, looking down at his boner and then back at me as he picked up the lube.

"Yeah, I do need to, but I would feel a bit awkward doing it here. I'll wait and do it later. Probably when I take my shower. Thanks though Brad."

He threw the lube back over to me. I reached out to catch it, fumbled, and dropped it, as I did every time I ever tried to catch anything in my life. No wonder I was always picked last for teams in high school gym lessons. It landed on the floor and rolled away toward my desk.

I hesitated briefly, but then thought "fuck it, Charlie isn't embarrassed with being naked and hard in front of me, so why should I be in front of him?!" and swung my legs out of bed and walked over to retrieve it.

Charlie let out a little gasp.

"Fucking hell Brad! I knew you were big when you were soft, but that is...Dude, your dick is fucking enormous!"

I looked down at it and then over at him and grinned proudly.

"Yeah, I guess it is quite big."

"It's not "quite big", it's a fucking monster! Way to make me feel inadequate!"

I laughed and could feel a smug expression on my face.

"Jealous Charlie?!"

"Um YES! Jeez, I wish my dick was that size. How big is it anyways?"

"I don't know exactly. Eight inches? Eight and a half?"

"It looks way bigger than that. Probably because of how skinny you are, it really stands out. And it's so thick! Sorry Brad, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, just...fuck dude! The only dicks I've ever seen that size have been in porn films. Can you...Can you fit both hands on it one above the other?"

"Yeah sure," I replied, demonstrating. I encircled my left hand around the base of my shaft and my right hand around the middle and top. There was about a half inch of rock hard shaft as well as my blood-engorged head left uncovered by my fists.

"Whoa!" Charlie breathed, impressed. While my hands were in place I ran them up and down my shaft a few times, jacking-off two-handed. It took a lot of willpower to stop, but I did after about 5 strokes.

"Fuck Brad! You know, if people found out how hung you are, you would be able to hookup so easily. There would be a queue of girls all begging you to fuck them...well, I guess you'd be more interested in a queue of guys, but I bet there would be plenty guys interested too."

"I guess. But I'm not really interested in casual hook-ups and having sex for the sake of it."

"What?! But you're a guy! All guys think about is sex and how to get it!"

"Well, yeah, I think about sex a lot. But there has to be an attraction and a real connection with the other person for me to actually want to have sex in real life with them. I thought I had that with Anthony," I sighed. "Guess I was wrong."

"Aww, there are plenty more guys out there Brad. You'll find somebody." Charlie sat up and put his feet on the floor, sitting on the edge of Anthony's bed facing me, his dick still semi-hard. "Well, I'd better go take my shower. Could I borrow a towel?"

"Yes sure," I said, fetching him one from my closet. I picked up my own too. "I'll come take a shower too. I could use one."

We wrapped our towels around our naked bodies and strolled down the corridor to the dorm shower room. We took adjacent shower stalls and talked as we washed ourselves, with Charlie borrowing some of my shower gel. Then once we were both clean and dried, we walked back to the dorms wrapped in our towels and, while I got dressed, Charlie collected his clothes from the night before and went back to his and Chris's room.

I had just pulled on a clean shirt when my cell vibrated indicating I had received a new text message. I picked up my cell and noticed it wasn't from a number I recognized. Puzzled, I opened it.

"Hey Brad, it's Zack. I hope you don't mind, but I got your number from your roommate. I was sorry you had to leave the party so early. It would have been nice to catch up. I'm here all weekend. Maybe we could meet up later?"

I sat down on my bed. Zack and I had been such close friends when we were kids. I had missed his friendship so much when he moved away. I had never expected to ever see him again, had more or less accepted we had lost touch. He wasn't findable on Facebook however often I looked for him, and I did keep checking. Now, suddenly, he was making contact. I would be a fool not to meet up with him.

I hurriedly typed out a response and within a few seconds he had replied. We arranged to meet later that day at the entrance gates to the university campus. I could hardly believe my oldest friend was in town after all these years of us not being in contact and he actually wanted to meet up with me to hang out. I smiled to myself, holding my cell as I re-read his last message

"Awesome! Can't wait to see you again :-) "

Just at that moment, the dormroom door opened slowly and Anthony walked in, a sheepish expression on his face.

"Hi," he said quietly, standing in the doorway.

"You came back then," I said, frowning, putting my cell down on my desk. I was surprised at the animosity in my voice, but suddenly all the feelings of hurt, rejection and, yes, I admit it, jealousy, had reawakened in me.

"Of course I came back."

"I thought maybe you'd be spending the day with your new friend." The last word dripped with sarcasm. "Oh I'm sorry, hardly a friend, I mean, it's not as if you knew him any. Did you even know his name?!"

"Oh Brad, don't be like this."

"Like what?!"

"Just because I got a shag and you didn't. It's no big deal. You'll get your turn with someone at some other party..."

"You think that's what this is about?! That I'm jealous that you got laid and I didn't?!"

"Well aren't you?!"

I snorted. He really was so blind and inconsiderate and thoughtless and...oh fucking unbelievable!

"Talk to me Brad!" He pleaded. "Why are you being like this?"

"Like what?!" I fumed. "Oh I don't know, maybe because unlike you, I don't just fuck any guy I see. I only have sex with people I like!" My voice threatened to crack with emotion as I continued. "And I like YOU!"

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry," I corrected myself. "Liked you." It was true. Somehow, the realization that Anthony had been unfaithful, hooking up with somebody else had killed the feelings I had had for him. He was still gorgeous (in a geeky way), obviously, but as I looked at him now, my heart wasn't filled with lust or longing, but with disgust. And fury.

"What?!" He repeated, quieter. "But you're never said you were..."

I cut across his protestations.

"I really liked you. REALLY liked you! And you just went off with some random guy!" My voice was growing louder and louder. I didn't care that the door to our room was still open, the anger was clouding my mind and my judgment. "I can't believe you did that! I thought we were... I thought we..." How could I put it? I had thought my feelings were reciprocated, or at least that he felt some sort of connection between us as I did.

"Brad, I don't understand what you're upset for," Anthony said sounding puzzled. "We aren't in a relationship or anything. I didn't cheat on you by having that one night stand last night. What happened between us those times was...well, it was just sex, wasn't it?"

"Just sex?!" I seethed, getting to my feet. "JUST SEX?!" How could he be so flippant of what we'd done?! I had lost my virginity to him for fuck's sake! Didn't he understand how big of a deal that was for me?! "It might have been "just sex" to you, but to me it meant everything! EVERYTHING!" I was yelling now, walking toward him as he stood just inside of the doorway. "AND YOU JUST GO OFF AND FUCK SOME RANDOM GUY YOU ONLY JUST MET!"

"Brad, keep your voice down," he pleaded glancing behind him at the open door, doubtless checking to see if any of the other guys on the corridor were walking past. It didn't occur to me I could be outing him to everybody in earshot, I was too hurt and angry to be thinking rationally. I carried on walking toward him, my hands balled up into fists at my sides.

"Keep my voice down?! Why?! Are you scared all the guys on the corridor will hear what a SLUT you are?!"

Anthony opened and closed his mouth wordlessly.

"You've destroyed what was between us now because you can only think with your dick! I FUCKING HATE YOU NOW! DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Before I knew what I was doing, I had raised my right arm and drawn my fist back. I had never punched anybody before in my life (been on the receiving end of no end of punches, but never ever hit anyone back), but right now something inside of me had snapped and I was seeing red. I let out a primal scream as I began to swing my fist toward Anthony's face, suddenly realizing that I was on the verge of tears, with my emotions running so high.

All of a sudden Charlie was in the room between us, catching my fist in the palm of his hand and knocking it away, putting his hands firmly on my shoulders and guiding me out of the dormroom door past Anthony and next door into his and Chris's room. I let myself be taken, stumbling blindly as tears of fury and rejection filled my eyes and began to run down my cheeks.

"What the fuck?!" Chris said, getting up from his desk from where he was sitting studying. "What is the matter Brad?"

I couldn't reply. I was crying too hard. Charlie led me over to his bed and I sat down on it, put my head in my hands and sobbed and sobbed.

"Brad is just a little upset right now," I could hear Charlie explaining to Chris. "He and Anthony had an argument."

I looked up, my vision blurry from the tears. Chris looked a little awkward, obviously not used to guys crying in front of him. Charlie patted me on the shoulder. I was crying loudly, not caring who overheard me, crying with anger at Anthony's infidelity, with frustration at being in the closet for so long, with shame at my worthlessness as a person. But as I cried, I could feel my anger draining out of me and my mind filling with questions and sensible reasoning. Was what Charlie had said earlier right? Had I been sending mixed signals to Anthony? Would I have done the same thing if I were in his situation? My crying eased until I was just barely sobbing.

Just then, the dormroom door was flung open and Curtis stood triumphantly in the doorway, still dressed in the same clothes he was wearing for the party the night before.

"Hey guys! Guess who got laid last night?!" He grinned proudly at us. "That Alice might be a math geek, but she sure knows how to ride a guy. We had sex literally all night long, I feel as though my dick might drop off I used it so much..." he broke off as he noticed me sitting on Charlie's bed, my eyes red and cheeks still wet with tears. "What is the matter Brad?" He asked crossing the room to stand in front of me. He put his hand on my shoulder and knelt down so his face was at the same level as mine. Once again I was touched by the concern shown by my college friends.

"Brad and Anthony had an argument," Charlie explained.

"Oh Brad. That is a pity. I hope you guys make it up soon." Curtis tightened his grip on my shoulder, then pulled me in for a hug. I normally don't like to be hugged, but I was too emotional to care. Curtis got to his feet.

"I guess I'll save the details about the sex I had last night for another time."

"Fuck no!" Chris exclaimed. "We want to hear all about it!"

Curtis gestured at me. "I don't think the mood is right to be telling you about it."

"It's cool," I sniffed. "Go ahead." I could tell Curtis was bursting to brag to all of us about the sex he'd gotten. And actually, as I listened to him describing the size of Alice's tits, and how tight her pussy was, and the noises she made as she came, even the gentle sobs stopped and my breathing returned to normal.

The guys were all congratulating Curtis now on getting laid. It made me think. Anthony had just been doing the same thing. Guys get horny, and the best cure is sex. All guys do it. Maybe it was unreasonable of me to expect Anthony to not have sex with anyone else just because we had hooked up drunkenly a couple times. Charlie had spoken a lot of sense. Maybe I had overreacted somewhat.

"So Brad," Chris said to me. "Did Charlie ask you to room with us next year yet?"

I smiled, remembering.

"Yes, if you guys all want me to."

There was a chorus of agreement. But then I remembered none of them apart from Charlie knew I was gay. Maybe they wouldn't be so eager to have me room with them if they knew that. I started trembling. What if they found out while we were roomies and were so angry at not being told they threw me out? I had to tell them beforehand. I couldn't risk that.

I opened my mouth.

"There is something about me you should all know first." I took a deep breath, feeling my heart pounding faster and faster with fear. I addressed my next sentence to the floor.

"I am...well, I am gay." My voice cracked on the last word, and I was ready to begin crying again.

"Seriously?!" Chris asked, sounding shocked.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

I felt someone put their arms round me and hug me. It was Curtis.

"Brad, I could care less if you are gay. You're my friend no matter who you want to fuck! I'm not a homophobe like Brett."

"I don't have a problem with it either," Chris said. "Brad, that was a really brave thing you just did telling us. But you know we are all cool with gay people. It makes no difference at all. We still want to room with you."

"Just try and keep your hands off me," Curtis joked. "I know I'm a stud, and it will be difficult, but..."

We all laughed. I felt much better. Having Curtis make a joke lessened the tension.

"Thanks guys," I sniffed, feeling close to tears again, but this time at their acceptance rather than because I was upset. "It means a lot that you are all cool with it. I was so scared of anybody finding out in case I ended up losing all the friends I had made."

"Brad that is so not going to happen. This is the twenty-first century now. Most people our age are cool with people being gay. It's only ignorant homophobes like Brett that you have to worry about. We are not like that." Curtis gave me another hug. "Now, did you want to hang out with us the rest of the day seeing as you're a bit mad with Anthony right now?"

"Actually I made plans to meet up with a friend, Zack. Oh, but look at me! I can't meet him looking like this with my eyes all puffy and red from crying..."

"Brad, relax," Charlie interrupted. "Go to the washroom, wash the tears off of your face, give your eyes and face a good wash with cold water and you'll look fine."

"I guess you're right," I agreed. I didn't want to miss meeting Zack. I hurried down the corridor to the dorm washroom and rinsed my face off, looking in the mirror to check my reflection. My eyes were a little red and bloodshot, but actually no worse than some guys' eyes went after a heavy night of drinking alcohol.

Satisfied, I left the washroom and hurried back down the corridor to Chris and Charlie's room. The door stood open ajar still, and as I neared it, I heard the voices of my friends talking and something made me pause behind the open door to listen to what they were saying.

"...he told me last night," Charlie was saying. "Just blurted out that he was gay while we were walking home. I could tell he was upset about something when he ran off from the party, but that was the last thing I was expecting him to tell me."

"I thought he was maybe angry that Anthony hadn't told him he was gay," Curtis said.

"I still can't believe they are both gay," Chris said. "We have known them nearly a whole year and neither of them said anything to us. We've been on nights out together, gotten drunk together, talked about girls and sex, and neither of them ever...I mean, we are not homophobic or anything, I don't understand why they both felt the need to keep their sexualities a secret from us."

"Well, we were friends with Brett, maybe that's why," Curtis commented. "He was always very vocal about how being gay was disgusting and unnatural. I'm actually glad he has dropped out so that people won't think I share his views because I'm his roommate."

"Speaking of roommates, are you guys honestly both still cool with rooming with Brad next year?" Charlie asked.

My heart was in my mouth as I waited for Chris and Curtis's responses.

"Well I'm cool with it," Curtis said immediately. "Brad's a great guy, I really like having him as a friend. The fact that he's gay doesn't change anything."

"I agree," Chris concurred. "We need a fourth person to share our suite with, and Brad is perfect. His sexuality is no big deal at all to me. We are all friends, we get on, we have respect for each other, I can see next year being so much fun. How do you feel though, Charlie? It will be you who will actually be sharing a bedroom with him. Could you cope with sharing a bedroom with a gay guy?"

"Of course," Charlie replied. "I shared Brad's room last night and it was fine."

"Wasn't it awkward undressing in front of him now you know he's gay?"

"No. I mean, we've all seen each other naked in the washroom before. Obviously I didn't know he was gay before, but I felt no different stripping off in front of him last night knowing he was gay than I did in the washroom last week when I didn't know. He's not a perve, he didn't stare. I have no problem with being naked in front of him even if he is gay."

"We're all in agreement then," Curtis said. "Brad is our roommate for next year! No issues, no negatives, no downsides."

"The only one thing is, what do we do if he brings a guy back?" Chris asked tentatively.

"For sex?" Charlie said.


"Same thing we would do if one of us brings a girl back. Give him some space and privacy to get it on! We have all overheard plenty people having sex living in these dorms, and I'm sure we're all mature enough to not be weirded out just because it's two guys having sex rather than a guy and a girl. We wouldn't want to deny Brad having a sex-life would we?!"

"I still can't believe he didn't say anything. All those times we tried to introduce him to girls we thought would be his type. Remember that time at the nightclub where we tried to hook him up with that blonde girl from my physics classes?"

"Didn't you end up fucking her in the end instead Curtis?!"

"Oh yes! How could I forget?!"

"Well anybody who does end up having sex with Brad is in for a treat," I heard Charlie say. "You've seen the size of his dick soft, haven't you?"

"It is difficult not to notice it!"

"Well this morning I saw Brad with morning wood, and guys he puts us all to shame! He is fucking massive when he's hard!"

"A show-er and a grow-er?! Man, he gets all the luck!"

This was starting to get embarrassing (though at the same time I was feeling quite proud that the size of my dick was considered so large by other guys' standards), so I loudly made my entrance into the dormroom, causing the guys to quickly change the subject.

"So, Brad, we were just saying how we are looking forward to rooming with you. We will need you to come sign the paperwork with us in the college accommodation office next week. Is Tuesday a good day?"

"Yes," I replied. "My last exam is Tuesday morning, but any time after then."

"Perfect," Chris said. "Then we can sign the paperwork straight after your exam finishes and then all go to the store together to buy stuff for Anthony's leaving party."

"Cool," I said. I checked the time on my cell. I would have to hurry so as not to be late for Zack. "Guys, I have to go now. You are the best friends I could wish for," I continued sincerely. "I was so nervous about having to come out, but you have made it so little of a deal, I wish I had come out sooner so I didn't have to lie to you all for so long."

"Aww Brad," Curtis said, ruffling my hair. "We're just glad you trusted us enough to come out. And next year is going to be so much fun all four of us living together."

He was leaning against the "welcome to the university" signpost, his cell in his hand. He looked up as I approached and grinned, the smile lighting up his face.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up," he said.

"Sorry Zack," I apologized. "I got held up with something."

"Not a problem, you're here now. I can't believe I'm seeing you again after all this time!"

"Me either!"

I looked Zack up and down. He was reasonably skinny, with very blonde hair and several moles on his cheeks and neck. He was wearing a red shirt and dark blue shorts, and black rimmed glasses. He looked good.

"I didn't know you wore glasses now."

"Yes, I was wearing contact lenses last night at the party. I had to start wearing glasses my junior year of high school."

"You caught up with me at last then! Remember how when we were kids you always used to steal my glasses and try them on?!"

"Yeah, I wanted to need to wear them so much so I could be just like you!" Zack laughed, a little uncomfortably. "You're looking good, Brad. How long is it since we last saw each other? Four years? Way too long anyway."

"So what brings you here?" I asked, curious to know. "I mean I guess you are friends with Barbara-Ann, but why visit her now?"

"I am thinking of transferring here and wanted to see what the university was like before I made a decision. Barbara-Ann was going to show me around the campus, but if you aren't doing anything this afternoon, I'd much rather you did it. If that's alright?"

"Sure," I replied. "I'd be happy to give you the guided tour!"

We walked together right around the university campus. I showed Zack the lecture theater building, the drama auditorium, the dorm blocks, the library, the science labs, and the sports center, explaining all the time how great classes were here. Finally, we were both tired from all the walking and we sat down on a bench overlooking the sports fields.

"This has been great," Zack said. "I wasn't sure if we'd be able to talk like we used to, but it feels as though we had never had any time apart and it was only yesterday we were best friends in high school."

"Yes, we were real good friends, weren't we?" I agreed.

"Yes, we were. I have to ask, Brad. Why did you stop answering my calls?"

"What?" I asked.

"I emailed you and I texted you and I called your cell and you never answered. And then after a while when I called you it said your number wasn't recognized and then the emails I sent you kept getting bounced back as undeliverable. I figured you had blocked me because you didn't want to be my friend any more, and that hurt. It hurt a lot."

"What are you talking about? I never..." I began. And then it hit me. After I had tried to commit suicide and transferred to a different high school in the hopes of not getting bullied any longer I had deactivated my email account, got a new cell phone number and basically made it so that none of the bullies from my old school could contact me in any way. I thought it would be easier that way so that I could start completely afresh. I hadn't realized that at the same time I had cut off the only ways of communication I had with my old friend too.

"Shit, Zack I'm sorry. I changed my cell number and got a new email when I transferred high schools. I didn't realize you had no other way to get in touch with me. And I was going through a lot of stuff...I didn't think to get in touch with you. And by the time I did think to contact you it had been so long and I didn't have your number or your email anywhere I could find."

"It's okay, Brad. No need to apologize. But why did you transfer high school? I emailed Andy when I didn't hear back from you and he said you had transferred but didn't know where, or why you'd left. Actually, he said some pretty mean things about you."

"That figures," I said darkly. "Andy and I, we had some disagreements after you left and we stopped being friends in the end."

"That's a shame. The three of us were good friends for a long time. Now he won't even accept a friend request from me on Facebook."

"No, he didn't accept my friend request either," I said. "'re on Facebook?! But I searched for you tons of times and never found you."

"Yes, I kind of have my privacy settings really high so I can't be searched for," Zack replied. "I found your profile, but you always looked so happy with your new friends in your profile pictures, I figured you had enough friends without me and wouldn't be interested in being friends with me again."

I thought about my Facebook profile. It was true, I tended to have a group photo as my profile picture. At the moment, it was of me, Anthony, Curtis, Chris and Charlie standing in a line with our arms around each other at a baseball game we had taken Anthony to on his birthday as he had never seen one before.

"Well just so you know, I would have accepted your friend request if you had sent one," I said.

"Me too," Zack said.

There was a short silence between us, but not an uncomfortable one.

"So, I guess since you were at the party yesterday you know that I am gay," Zack suddenly said. "And since you agreed to meet up with me it doesn't bother you?"

"No, of course it doesn't bother me. I could care less," I said.

"Good, because when you left the party upset yesterday, I thought it might have been because you had just found out your roommate was gay and you couldn't deal with it."

"No, I...I knew Anthony was gay. Actually..." I felt my cheeks growing warm, but continued talking. I had come out to so many people that day, one more wouldn't make a difference. "...I am gay too."

"Really?!" Zack gasped, turning his head to look at me.

I nodded.

"Hardly anybody knows though I have now told my closest friends here. Oh, and my cousin Abby knows too. I wasn't sure how people would react, so I kept my sexuality a secret from everybody."

"But your friends were okay with it?"

"Yes, they were," I smiled happily remembering. "They were totally cool with it."

"I'm pleased for you Brad. I could never come out at my college."

"Oh? How come?"

"Everybody is so religious. It's in the middle of the Bible Belt. I hate it there. That's the main reason why I want to transfer. I'm sick of being in the closet. I just want to be myself now."

"Why go to that university in the first place if you knew it was that religious?"

"It was my stepdad's old college," Zack sighed. "I wanted to let my mom know I had accepted him and it seemed like a good idea at the time to say I wanted to go there because he had gone there. He was so pleased that I said that. It meant a lot to him and it made my mom so happy. By the time I realized it was Hell for me to be there it was too late. And when I say "Hell", I mean it! I spent all my time worried sick in case my homophobic roommate would work out I was gay, I had no real friends in any of my classes, I was so lonely and depressed because I couldn't be myself."

"I'm so sorry to hear that Zack," I said. I wanted to give him a hug, but I wasn't sure how he'd react, so I settled for just patting him gently on the forearm.

"If you do decide to transfer here you are welcome to come hang out with me and my friends any time you like."

"Thanks Brad," he said, making eye contact with me and reddening a little before looking away. "I'd like that."

The evening was progressing and the sky was beginning to get dark now. I shivered a little. It wasn't as warm now as it had been earlier and I would have liked a sweater to cover my bare arms.

"Brad, can I ask you something?" Zack asked.


"When did you realize you were gay?"

"I don't know. There wasn't any event that made me suddenly realize I was. Looking back I guess I never really found any girls attractive, and I've never thought of myself being with a girl, you know, sexually. But for most of my time at high school after you left I was bullied pretty badly and exploring who I was attracted to wasn't high on my priority list."

"Did you know you were gay back when we were friends in high school?"

"Not for definite, no. I guess I knew I was at least curious about other guys, but at that age I just assumed I was straight, you know? And that I was going through a phase."

"I definitely knew I was gay back then," Zack said, "but I was way too scared to tell anyone. In fact," he continued, hesitantly, "I had a bit of a crush on you."

"On me?!" I repeated astounded.

"Yes," Zack said quietly. "I have been attracted to dark-haired nerdy-looking guys ever since. I don't expect you remember that night you, Andy and I found that free porn channel and jacked-off together, but..."

"Yes, I remember it," I interrupted.

"You do?! Well, that night, seeing you hard and jerking off, was like my dream come true. Part of me wished Andy wasn't there and it was just us two. I had been fantasizing about you for months, and then to actually see was my jacking-off fantasy come true, literally. I relived that night so many times."

"To tell the truth, I did too," I confessed. "It was so hot, jacking off in the same room as other guys."

"I was so scared you would work out I was paying more attention to you and your dick than the porn film," Zack laughed nervously. "Anyway, that night was the night I knew for absolute definite that I was 100 percent gay."

We sat in silence for a short while, the sky growing a little darker still.

"Do your parents know?" Zack asked me.

"No," I sighed. "I don't think they even suspect. When I decide to tell them, though, I think they'll be shocked, but they'll be cool with it. They have done a lot of adjusting this past year. For a while, I didn't think they would even let me go away to college. I had to fight hard to get them to agree. Now I think they realize I have grown up and need my own independence, and have grown to become a different person than the weak wimp I used to be. My sexuality will just be another change they'll take on board, I'm sure. It's crazy - yesterday, none of my friends even knew I was gay, now I have told, like, five of my closest friends and it has made me so confident about myself I am talking about telling my parents!"

"I think your parents will be cool with it too," Zack agreed. "Your mom and dad are such kind people. Just a little over-protective. Mine on the other hand...Well, I think my mom might have guessed, but there's no way my stepdad will be cool with it. He is way religious. And every time I speak to my dad he asks me if I have a girlfriend yet. It's like it's his ultimate goal in life to see me dating." Zack sighed with frustration. "Not having had a serious girlfriend yet is what is making my mom suspect I might be gay. She has stopped saying things like if you want to take a girl to the movies you can borrow my car' and started saying if you want to take anybody to the movies you can borrow my car', like, using more gender-neutral words. I don't think she was fooled when Barbara-Ann and I pretended to date."

I gasped in shock.

"You and Barbara-Ann?!"

He laughed. "Yes. We live next door to each other. When we were in high school we told people we were dating so they would quit asking her if she was a lesbian as she wasn't ready to come out yet. We even went to prom together and got photographed in the `True Love Couples Booth'! It was just to throw people off the scent though. It was convenient for both of us, even though she didn't know I was gay at the time. And it was a relief to actually have a date to go to prom with, even though it wasn't a proper date. Who did you go to your prom with?"

"Oh, I didn't go to my high school prom," I admitted.

"Why not?" Zack sounded shocked.

"Well the whole school treated me like a total loser. No girl would be seen dead going to prom with me, and I had no guy friends to hang out with if I went on my own, so I just didn't go."

"Oh, Brad, that's so sad," Zack said. "I can't believe you missed out on going to your prom. It's one of the high school rituals."

"Well," I shrugged. "It's a ritual I missed out on. Blame the bastards that bullied me."

"I would have gone with you," Zack said softly.

"What, as friends?"

"No, as your date."

I could feel myself blushing and, glancing across at Zack, could see he was blushing too. It was cute to see.

"I think I'd have liked that," I said quietly.

Zack turned his head and looked at me.

"Honestly?" He asked.

"Uh-huh," I nodded, feeling my cheeks growing even redder as I admitted it.

Zack leaned closer to me.

"You know, you're even hotter when you blush," he whispered. Before my brain had time to register what was happening properly, Zack's lips were touching mine. They were warm and soft and applying just the right amount of pressure. My heart started beating faster and faster as I closed my eyes and kissed back. Our lips were a little apart and I felt Zack's tongue tip stroking gently back and forth against my bottom lip, before it slipped a little way into my mouth and brushed against my own tongue, sending a sensation like an electric shock shooting right through my body. I loved the feeling of our tongues slowly turning over one another as our lips stayed glued together. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of bliss, but what in reality was probably 15 seconds or less, I felt Zack gently pulling his head away and our lips coming slowly apart.

I opened my eyes staring into his bright blue ones behind his black framed glasses.

"Wow," I breathed.

Zack was smiling shyly at me.

"Did anyone ever tell you you were an amazing kisser Brad?"

"No, I...actually I never kissed anybody before," I admitted.

"Seriously?" Zack asked, sounding shocked. "I mean, you are the first guy I ever kissed, but I have kissed and made out with girls before, even though I didn't want to or enjoy it, because I felt like I had to, to keep up a pretence of being straight. I can't believe you haven't too. I thought every guy our age had at least kissed someone before. Does this mean you're a virgin too?" He asked a little excitedly.

I shook my head.

"No, and Anthony, we..." My voice tailed off.

"Oh." Zack sounded disappointed.

He was silent for a short while and I remained silent too, lost in my own thoughts, mainly thinking about how wonderful my first kiss had felt, staring across the sports field in front of us, the sky a beautiful mixture of pink and orange as the sun began to set. I shuffled a little closer to Zack on the bench, and hesitantly put my arm across his shoulders. He leaned his head against my neck and we remained still in that position watching the sunset. Then Zack turned his face toward mine and I leaned in for another kiss, our eyes closing, our lips staying pressed against each other while our mouths opened and closed, our tongue tips eventually brushing lightly against together before swirling gently in circles around each other. I sighed heavily, breathing through my nose. It was heaven, and I never wanted it to end.

Next: Chapter 39: Geeks Get Hot 17 Anthony

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