Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 13, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 5) – Anthony

Someone was singing. I opened my eyes, and tried to focus them, but it was pointless without my glasses. Daylight flooded the room, and I felt a familiar hardness in my underwear. What's the story morning glory?!

I reached my arm out, groping blindly for my glasses on my bedside table. I retrieved them and slid them on. Looking across the room, Brad was sitting at his computer, his back to me, typing furiously away, headphones in his ears attached to his computer, but singing softly away to the song himself.

"Don't stop. Believin'. Hold on to the feeling!"

I smiled to myself. Actually, he had a very good voice. There were far worse sights and sounds to wake up to. My hardon pushed against the confines of my black boxerbriefs. Brad seemed pretty preoccupied. I wondered to myself if I dared reach into my underwear and quietly take care of my morning wood.

My left hand slowly pulled the waistband of my underwear away from my stomach and I reached my right hand down inside, gliding it up and down my hard shaft, and rubbing it over and around my tender pulsing cockhead.

No, this was too weird. Horny as I was, there was no way I could have a wank with my roommate only feet away even if he wasn't concentrating on me. Although, it hadn't stopped him last night...

Brad suddenly turned and looked at me. I did my best not to look guilty, after all, I wasn't actually wanking, just checking my cock hadn't fallen off in the night or something like that!

He pulled his headphones out of his ears.

"Hey! How are you this morning?" he asked.

"Good. Not every morning I'm treated to such a choral wake-up call!"

Brad blushed.

"Oh shit! Was I singing out loud?!"

"Fraid so. Tell me, have you ever thought of auditioning for X Factor'? Well, American Idol' I suppose it is over here"

"Stop fucking with me!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not being totally serious. But honestly Brad, your voice is pretty good you know, so any singing you want to do around the room is fine by me."

"Thanks dude. I don't know I'm doing it half the time. Hey, you slept in late today, they'll have stopped serving breakfast by now."

"That's alright. I'll just have an extra-big lunch. Lucky I didn't have anything scheduled for this morning."

That was true, we had to go and sign up for our courses in the afternoon, but the morning was free from organised talks and events.

"Um, I suppose I'd better go and get washed now that I've been rudely awakened" I said.

Bless him, Brad blushed again.

"It's alright," I said before he could apologise again. "I'm taking the piss."

This expression seemed to confuse him a bit.

"I'm joking," I explained. "Fucking with you, as you put it before."

"Oh. Right. Guess I'm still getting used to your British sense of humour!"

I noticed that my morning wood had gone down by now, so I threw my covers back and got out of bed, grabbed my washbag and towel, and hurried along the corridor to the communal bathroom. The bathroom was hot and steamy when I entered. Obviously someone had not long finished having a shower. I emptied my bladder at the urinals and then pulled off my boxerbriefs and made my way to the shower cubicles.

I entered a cubicle and was about to start the shower spraying when I noticed that the last occupant had left evidence of spraying of a different kind. Cum was sliding slickly down the tiled back wall of the cubicle, and white blobs of it shimmered up from the wet floor.

My cock was instantly hard at the thought of the last person to use this shower shooting their load uncontrollably over the walls and floor and leaving it for the next person to find. I clutched at myself and starting wanking hard and fast, squeezing my cock so tightly the head turned bright red. I scooped a little of the cum off the wall to help make myself a bit more slippery, and soon my cockhead was pouring precum and my hand was sliding up and down the length of my hard rod easily.

I pulled at my balls with my left hand, then ran my palm over my nipples as I continued to wank myself with my right fist. Faster and faster until I felt the pressure building up and knew my own load was about to join what was already on the wall and floor.

The first shot left my cock, landing on the tiles in front of me. I let out a loud moan of pleasure as the cum kept flying out of the end of my dick, coating the wall with a new, fresh sticky load and running down the tiles to end up pooling on the wet shower cubicle floor alongside the spunk left there by the last person.

Fuck! That felt good!

I switched the shower on, and soaped myself up, thoroughly cleaning my sensitive, spent cock, and once I'd washed myself, made sure all trace of my cum had disappeared down the drain (I'm a good boy, and always clean up after myself!)

I made my way back to my dorm room, clad only in my towel, carrying my washbag and yesterday's boxerbriefs in my hand. I pushed open the door to the room. Brad had finished on his computer and was now sitting cross-legged on his bed listening to his iPod and idly turning the pages of a gaming magazine.

I crossed to my chest of drawers and pulled out a fresh pair of boxerbriefs of horizontal stripes of grey and purple, and a clean t-shirt, plain light blue. The black jeans I'd been wearing yesterday were clean enough for me to wear again. I laid my clothes out on my bed, and took my deodorant from where it sat on the top of my chest of drawers. I sprayed under each arm, and across my chest for good measure.

Brad glanced up as I sprayed myself, then quickly looked back down at his magazine. I suddenly felt a bit self-conscious having him sat there. I've never really been comfortable with my body and avoid showing any part of it wherever possible. In fact, wearing just a towel in front of Brad was a big step for me. I've been somewhat scarred by bad experiences of school changing rooms, and, thinking back to those days, a shudder swept through me at the memory.

But Brad didn't seem like the twats I'd been at school with. He'd already seen me in just my underwear without making any comment about me being thin or wearing glasses. And we had to share a room together for the next year. Inevitably, we would be seeing each other completely naked at some point.

I'd been considering changing into my underwear under cover of my towel, but knowing my luck I would probably get all tangled up and end up falling over flat on my face. Not a good look. Plus I'd be sending messages to Brad that I wasn't comfortable with him seeing me naked. And, while I wasn't feeling completely comfortable, I had resolved to myself on the plane to grow some balls and not be such a wimp over things. I bet if Brad had been the one getting dressed he would have had no problems with stripping off in front of me.

Before I could lose my nerve, I dropped my towel, picked up my grey and purple striped boxerbriefs and stepped into them, pulling them up my legs to cover my balls and flaccid penis. And I was still alive! Brad hadn't even glanced up. Hoorah! I felt like Hercules having successfully completed his first trial!

Hold on though...Something doesn't feel quite right...I looked down at my underwear to see my bulge making a neat curve in the tight striped material. What happened to the button? My hand swept down the front of my boxerbriefs, to check my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Nope, there was definitely no button there. With a sinking feeling, I reached round to the back of my underwear. Sure enough, a button met my fingers halfway down my arse. Shit!

Okay, so maybe not quite the successful trial after all. I'd put my underwear on back-to-front. Do I leave them or change them round to the right way? Fuck it! I'll leave them. I turned back to the bed to pick up my t-shirt and heard Brad chuckle.

"Um dude I think you've got those on back-to-front!"

Fuck! He noticed.

"Oh yes. It's the new fashion. Didn't you know?!" I tried to make a joke of it. Brad laughed.

I suppose I'd better change them round after all...But now he's watching me...Fuck, fuck, fuck! You can do it Anthony, just pretend he's not there.

Psyching myself up, (Fuck! I'm such a social misfit – who else needs to psych themselves up just to take their underwear off in front of their roommate?!) I grabbed the waistband of my boxerbriefs and slid them down my legs, stepping out of them. Turning them round the right way, I stepped one leg into them and happened to glance over at Brad as I did so. He was looking right at me. He noticed me looking over and looked as though he was about to say something, then hurriedly stared back down at his magazine, his cheeks a little flushed.

I stepped my other leg into my boxerbriefs and pulled them back up, the right way round this time.

"You wouldn't have guessed it, but I have actually dressed myself before!" I joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood, as it suddenly seemed a little awkward in the room. Brad laughed again and looked back up from his magazine. My joke had seemed to do the trick, and we chatted like old friends again while I finished getting dressed.

Then, after having lunch, we signed up for our classes. It worked out that we would take classes together in physics and computer science, but our maths classes wouldn't overlap, as I was taking more advanced ones due to me having already studied maths for a year in the UK.

The rest of the day, we met up with some more of the people from our corridor, and just talked and relaxed with them. After a bit, Brad left us, saying he'd promised to Skype his cousin that evening. I continued talking with my new friends. Everyone I'd met so far was really interested to hear about life in the UK and what I thought of the States so far.

Gradually, as it grew later, most people had left the group to do other things, go to the gym, meet up with their girlfriends, roommates or people on their sports team. Those of us that were left were starting to get hungry, and we agreed to go back to our rooms to freshen up, and then try finding somewhere off campus to eat for a change.

I made my way back to my room to change my t-shirt and see if Brad fancied joining us. I went to open the door to our room, but it was locked. That was funny. I'd assumed Brad would be in there, but obviously not. I unlocked the door and stepped into the room. Yes, it was empty. Obviously Brad had finished Skyping his cousin and gone off to get dinner on his own.

I went to my chest of drawers and pulled out a clean t-shirt, tossing it onto my bed, then pulling off my old one and dropping it into my dirty washing basket. As I passed Brad's desk, a faint smell hit my nostrils. I stopped in my tracks and sniffed. I knew that smell...I knew it well. My cock twitched as my mind recognised what it was I could smell. Turning to face Brad's desk, I noticed two screwed up tissues discarded at the right hand side of his computer keyboard. Gingerly, I reached out and picked one up. It was still wet, and warm to the touch. My dick twitched again and I lifted the tissue to my face to better breathe in the sweet scent. Looked as though Brad had been having some `alone time' while I'd been away from the room.

And why not?! I told myself. I certainly planned on having a wank at my desk watching porn on my laptop if I got horny while Brad was out at his lectures. I wondered if Brad had been watching porn on his computer. It was certainly switched on, his screen blank as the screensaver had activated. My cock stirred as I thought of what might possibly be waiting on the screen. All I had to do was move the mouse and I'd be able to see. Straight porn wasn't my favourite, but as long as there was at least one nice bloke to look at...

No, that would be like an invasion of Brad's privacy.

I dropped the tissue back at the side of Brad's keyboard where I had found it, and turned away, fully intending to walk back over to my side of the room and continue changing my t-shirt. At the last minute though, curiosity got the better of me, and I turned back to the screen. I had to know if he'd left any porn up, and, if he had, what sorts of things he liked to watch.

My heart pounding in my mouth and my dick growing in my jeans, I moved the mouse.

Shit! He had a password set up on his computer. Oh well.

I heard a key scraping in the lock to the door and quickly strode over to my bed and started pulling my fresh t-shirt over my head.

Brad pushed the door open and walked into the room, his hair damp, a towel wrapped around his waist. I was struck again by how toned he seemed to look, despite being so thin. Having no hair on his chest or stomach certainly helped display his faint definition.

"Hi!" I greeted him.

He gulped and I noticed his eyes flit towards his desk. I continued speaking, pretending not to notice. No need to make him feel awkward, after all, I could hardly judge him for doing something I did myself so regularly.

"I'm just about to go for something to eat with a couple of people if you want to come. Obviously you ought to put some clothes on first!"

He reddened. I wasn't sure if it was at being half-naked or from wondering if I'd noticed or guessed what he'd been up to in the room only a short while before.

"Um yes, that sounds good. I...I...I fancied taking a shower while the corridor was quiet. I'm a bit shy of showering with other people around."

"Yes, me too," I said, "but I suppose we'll both have to get used to it if we've got to share the bathroom with everyone on this corridor for the year."

Brad got some clean clothes out, laid them on his bed and then hesitated. Remembering how self-conscious I'd felt that morning when faced with changing in front of him for the first time, I decided to give him some moral support. After all, he had no reason to have any hang-ups about his body from what I could see. Yes he was thin, but his body was tons better looking than mine.

"You don't need to feel awkward about changing in front of me." I said. "I'm not going to laugh at you or anything."

Brad kind of froze. I don't know how else to describe it.

"Look, I don't want you to be uncomfortable," I continued. "I'll leave if you want me to, but let's face it, we're sharing a room, there's no way we can go all year without seeing each other naked. I was shitting myself this morning when I realised I'd have to drop my towel and change in front of you, but I managed it. And I bet you'll manage to put your pants on the right way round first time, unlike me!"

That did it, he cracked a smile.

"I'm sorry," he said, "it's just with my body, I've never really been comfortable getting naked in front of people. I had some...issues in high school and..."

"Hell, me too. Don't worry, I'm hardly likely to tease you for being thin am I? After all, I'm not exactly a body-builder myself!"

He laughed this time, and bashfully undid the towel from around his waist, letting it fall to the floor. He turned to the side, his soft cock and balls swinging as he did so, and picked up the clean pair of blue briefs he'd put down on his bed.

I tactfully averted my eyes as he rather self-consciously climbed into them, but not before I'd noticed he was circumcised, with large, low-hanging balls and jet black pubes, the exact same shade as the hair on his head. His cock, as the bulge I'd seen in his briefs yesterday evening had suggested, was pretty large in its flaccid state, I'd estimate 4 maybe even 5 inches long. I struggled to stop my mind from imagining how big it might grow to when erect. Now was definitely not the time to get a hardon!

I looked back over at Brad, in time to see him pulling up and fastening his jeans, hiding his gently bulging blue briefs behind a thick layer of denim that left the casual observer with no indication of the size of the piece that lay behind the zip of the flies.

A knock at the door heralded the arrival of the others we were going to eat with. As they had to pass our room to get to the lift, I had suggested they collect me on their way out. I turned back from opening the door to let them inside to see Brad switching off his computer monitor having just finished shutting it down.

Shit! There goes my chance to see if he'd left porn up or not. I'd been hoping to sneak a look over his shoulder when he unlocked it, just to see what windows he'd had opened. The tissues that had been lying next to the keyboard had also gone. I marvelled at how quickly and quietly Brad had disposed of them and closed his computer down while I was occupied by answering the door.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Sure am," he answered, and we left the room together with our friends for our first meal off campus. And who knew what else the evening might bring.

Next: Chapter 6: Geeks Get Hot 6 Anthony

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