Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 31, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view. In fact, this will be the last part of the story (for now) to be written by Anthony. So watch out for the companion "Brad" chapters, coming soon!

Geeks Get Hot (part 9) -- Anthony

"I think I'd better stop there for today," said Professor Babworth.

"It's about time," my friend Barbara-Ann who was sitting next to me said in an undertone.

I had to agree with her. Professor Babworth had covered the entire blackboard (or rather chalkboard as all the other students in the lecture would call it) in equations several times over, wiping it clean with a dirty green duster each time he needed to start over (wow -- I really am getting some Americanisms!) My wrist was aching and not from overuse from its usual, more pleasurable activity, but from having to write so fast to keep up.

"I just have one more announcement to make before you all leave. Well, actually two more announcements..."

"If he keeps on like this we'll still be here at midnight" Barbara-Ann grumbled.

"...first, don't forget that your study assignment for this week is questions 2 through 16 on the back page of the worksheet I gave you all on Monday..."

"As if we could forget that. Isn't this like the eighty fifth time this class he's mentioned that?" Barbara-Ann could never fail to make me laugh, and I had to bite down on my bottom lift to keep in the giggle that rose from inside me.

"...and also the office has asked me to tell you that Professor Barber is off sick today, so the Intermediate Calculus lecture which should follow this one has been cancelled."

A low murmur of appreciation swept around the lecture room. Intermediate Calculus was a class that everyone detested, because the professor who taught it spoke so slowly he sent you to sleep even if you found calculus the most interesting subject in the world (which, being a maths student, and a total geek on top, I did!)

"Result!" Barbara-Ann whispered to me.

"...However, you'll be pleased to know he did manage to email me your homework assignment for this week..."

The audible murmur turned into an audible groan.

"Since when did that fossil know how to email?" Barbara-Ann hissed, clearly annoyed at the work being given out.

" actually I have three announcements, not two..."

"And he calls himself a mathematician" I whispered, eager to take my turn at the low volume sarcasm exchanges.

"...and I'll leave his worksheet at the front for you to collect on your way out."

The class stood up and started filing out of the lecture room.

"So what do you plan to do with your unexpected spare two hours?" Barbara-Ann asked me, after we'd left the room, not forgetting to pick up the extra calculus assignment.

"Oh the possibilities. I could put the finishing touches to my evil plot to take over the world, nip back to the UK for afternoon tea with the Royal Family, hitch-hike to Alaska, two hours is such a long time to fill, I don't know how I'll manage it!"

Barbara-Ann gave me a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Now you're just being silly."

"Yes, I know. I suppose I'll just head back to my room and make a start on that calculus assignment."

"Wow, of all the possibilities, you definitely chose the best!"

"Well what exciting thing are you planning to do?"

"It just so happens Mr. Smith, I took delivery of the box-set of the latest season of `Desperate Housewives' this morning, so I'll be spending my two hours with my DVD player on, drooling over..."

"yes, yes, alright."

"Unless you'd rather come over to my room and fuck me. That might be even more fun than watching `Desperate Housewives'. It's been a while and I'm seriously horny today!"


My mouth was suddenly dry. Barbara-Ann had dropped it so casually into the conversation, I wasn't even sure I had heard right. Was she really asking me to go to her room and... Oh shit!

Now would be the perfect time to confess to your good friend, who incidentally has just revealed she harbours an urge to have carnal knowledge of you, that actually pussy isn't for you, and you'd rather join her in ogling the topless gardener in `Desperate Housewives'.


Go on. Just say it. I. Am. Gay.

"Um..." I could feel myself blushing.


"Wow, what an offer Barbara-Ann..."

...but you'd have to grow a cock first. No, I can't say that!

...but in terms of equipment Professor Babworth has more of a chance. Ditto!


Barbara-Ann laughed, perhaps at my obvious discomfort.

"Relax Anthony, I'm not serious. In fact..." and Barbara-Ann lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper and leaned closer to me " don't actually have the right bits for me if you get my drift."

"Oh. Oh!" I stuttered.

"I thought you knew that," she said "although despite my Sapphic tendencies, I did find your hesitation of my advances somewhat upsetting" and she raised her hand to her forehead in mock anguish.

Sweat trickled down the back of my neck, and I began to breathe normally again.

"And no, next time I have someone over, you can't come watch."

As if I'd want to. Twice as many female parts. Yuck!

"Oh well, I'm sure I'll cope." I said. "So who is there in `Desperate Housewives' for you to drool over then if you're a... um..."

"Same as all you guys of course, Eva Longoria. I thought that was obvious!"

"Wait, does this make me an inverted fag hag?!"

Barbara-Ann laughed "Honey, you can call yourself what you like. I'll settle for calling you my skinny English friend Anthony. Text me tomorrow and we'll grab lunch together okay?"

"Okay. See you."

She strode off and turning her head, blew a kiss at me. I was really glad I'd happened to sit next to her in my first maths lecture, she was so friendly and funny. Probably in some parallel universe somewhere where I liked girls and she liked boys, we were going out. I was annoyed at myself for getting so tongue-tied though. I wasn't that used to attention from either sex, so hadn't really had any practise at letting girls down gently.

I made my way up to my dorm room. I really ought to find some way to get myself out of a situation like that in the future. Oooh, maybe claim to have a girlfriend back in the UK...that could work!

Feeling pleased with myself at having thought of a solution to avoiding awkward moments in the future, I unlocked and threw open the dorm room door, walking straight into another awkward moment!

Brad was sitting in his chair at his desk, his t-shirt discarded on the floor, his jeans and briefs around his ankles, holding his erect cock in his hand. A bottle of lube sat on his desk and judging from the sounds coming from his computer speakers, a hardcore porn film was in full flow on the screen in front of him.

Brad's eyes were wide open and he'd frozen mid-stroke, as I stood in the doorway, rooted to the spot myself. Neither of us breathed or moved a muscle, we were both shocked into paralysis I suppose! The growls and groans of an impending male orgasm coming from Brad's computer were the only sounds in the room.

"Um, um, sorry Brad, I um...Class was cancelled, so I um...I'll see you later" I stuttered, tearing my eyes away from his impressively large throbbing cock. I turned, closing and locking the door behind me, and made my way to the library where I tried to make a start on the homework assignments I had been given. The image of Brad's enormous cock filled my mind, and I spent most of my time in the library with a hardon, replaying in my mind what it was like to touch and to wank it, during that one drunken night we'd never discussed.

After about an hour, I judged it would be safe to head back up to the dorm room. I wanted to talk to Brad about what had happened while it was still a recent thing. I hoped he wouldn't be too embarrassed, but if it had been me that had been walked in on midway through a bit of "private recreational time", I'd have been mortified, so I imagined he would be feeling, well, like he'd want to emigrate to another country probably, anything to avoid having to look me in the eye again.

I paused outside the door to our room and ran through in my head what I planned to say. It wasn't going to be easy. I knew I was no good at talking about sexual stuff, and my cheeks would probably burn so red with embarrassment that they'd be able to light up the whole room if there was a sudden powercut, but I got the feeling that Brad was even more timid about things than I was (and that's pretty difficult to be, I can tell you!) and would probably welcome my initiative...when he got over beating himself up about being caught beating himself off.

I took a deep breath, mentally composed myself, and pushed the door open. This time the room was quiet (I was almost disappointed -- the groans and moans coming from Brad's computer had been seriously hot!) Brad was sitting on his bed, his back against the wall, a notebook on his lap, scribbling away intently. His eyes looked a little red. I hoped he hadn't been crying. Yes, being caught having a sneaky wank by one of your friends was embarrassing, but I'd hope if the situations had been reversed, I'd have seen the funny side...once I'd emigrated to another country and changed my name.

" Um Brad, could I have a word with you for a minute?"

He looked up from what he was writing and slammed the book shut.

"Why did you come back early? You should have been at class! I checked your timetable you've got pinned to your wall and everything! I...I..."

He tailed off. I was surprised by his outburst. He seemed angry and upset and embarrassed all at once. I strode across the room, stepping over a pair of black socks that lay balled-up and discarded on the floor. I sat down next to him on his bed and laid a hand on his shoulder. It was meant to be a friendly gesture, but he flinched as I touched him, and shook me off. Undeterred, I placed it back on again and squeezed gently.

"Mate, don't worry about it. I'm not going to tell anyone about walking in on you. Hey apart from anything else, it's hardly going to be a hard-hitting headline is it? Horny nineteen year old has a wank!' I think it would be more unusual to see a headline We can exclusively confirm the Pope is Catholic!' Seriously, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, though you probably feel like you want to change your name by deedpoll and switch to a different university so nobody can ever name and shame you."

"It's easy for you to laugh and joke about it, you weren't the one that got caught." Brad mumbled, his eyes cast down at his bedcovers.

"True. And probably if I had, I'd be feeling just as bad as you. But I hope we can be mature about it. I mean we're both adults, we're not sniggering fourteen year olds."

Brad made a non-committal noise. I pressed on, feeling my cheeks starting to colour a little.

"I bet it happens all the time. In fact, I bet if you asked everyone on this floor, pretty much everyone will have walked in on their roommate wanking or been walked in on by their roommate while they were wanking"

Brad looked panicky. "You're not going to ask everyone are you?!"

"No, silly. I was just saying, probably this happens to a lot of people, and it's one of the perils of sharing a room with somebody. Especially at our age, you know? Horny, red-blooded single males. And you thought I'd be at lectures for another two hours, it wasn't your fault it got cancelled and I came back early. I do the same thing when I know you're going to be out at classes all afternoon."

I felt my cheeks flushing. Brad looked up at me.

"Do you? Do you really?!"

"Hell yes, of course. Mate, I know I don't talk about sex and stuff much, I get all embarrassed and awkward about talking about it. I mean, fuck, look at my face now, bright red, I would probably glow in the dark!"

Brad giggled, and I could sense he was relaxing a little at last.

"But yes, I get horny, really fucking horny, all the time. Fuck I spend probably half the day with a hardon sometimes. We all do, it's part of being a guy! And not a bad part either when you think how good it feels to get rid of it!"

My cheeks were really red and hot now and I was sweating. Actually, I was probably also getting a little turned on...okay, make that definitely getting a lot turned on! My cock was twitching and starting to grow. I did my best to ignore it, and pressed on with my little speech.

"So, I've got to say this. It's making me cringe with embarrassment at saying it, though I don't know why, it's just part of being me and being shy I suppose. But here goes: All men wank...well, jack-off, I suppose you'd want me to say, but I won't, I'm English and will stick with my own slang words!" I was proper on my soap box now, and nothing was going to shut me up.

"All men wank. Fact. I wank. You wank. I know you wank. You know I wank. I know that you know that I wank. Um you know that I know that I know that you know fuck it! You get what I mean! We both know we each do it. I've heard you at night when you've thought I'm asleep. You've probably heard me at night or in the morning too. Neither of us has said anything because we don't want to embarrass each other, neither of us has taken the piss, we've just left each other to get on with it. That's how it should be! We're both old enough and mature enough to be able to ignore suspicious rustling noises coming from our roommate's bed when the lights are off. So um..."

I swallowed. I was the one looking down at Brad's bed covers now, not feeling brave enough to look up and meet his eye.

"what I'm proposing is that we have a rule for the room that if we feel like a wank we can have one, and neither of us is allowed to feel embarrassed or intimidated about it. We just let each other get on with it and act like it's a totally natural thing, as if we were listening to our iPods or doing a maths assignment. Um what do you say?"

There was a silence. I still didn't dare look over at Brad. Somewhere at my crotch, my dick pushed out against its confinement. I hoped Brad didn't notice my jeans were moving. I was trying to be grown-up and serious about this, but as usual my cock had a mind of its own.

Eventually Brad spoke.

"You mean you could be studying and if I was feeling um..."

"Horny?" I offered.

"Yeah, I could just start beating off then and there and you wouldn't mind? You'd just ignore me?"

"Yep. Or if I woke up with a massive case of morning wood, I won't need to wait for you to go for your shower before taking care of it, I could just go for it straight away."

"Hey, you don't always wait these days!"

If it was possible, I blushed even deeper. My blushing was blushing!

"You see, you have kind of caught me too. I honestly thought you were asleep when I did that."

"Yeah well."

Was it my imagination, or was Brad blushing a little too now? He pushed his glasses up his nose and ran his hand through his short jet black hair.

"Okay, it sounds like a sensible rule. I would never have plucked up the courage to suggest it though. I'm so glad you did, it's going to make things so much easier."

"Well, I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't get on with you so well, and if I didn't feel comfortable around you," I said.

"And I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't feel comfortable around you," Brad said.

"So that's settled then" I declared. "This room is a wank-friendly zone!"

Brad held his hand up for a high-five.

"Mate, I don't think so, I know where that's been!" I laughed. He reddened, then punched me on the top of my arm.

"Son of a bitch."

I laughed again, and climbed off his bed. I was surprised to feel a small wet patch in my boxerbriefs. Obviously I had been leaking a little bit. Mmm, I really was hard now, and feeling very horny. Did I dare to...Fuck it! We had just agreed hadn't we?!

I made my way over to my desk chair and switched my laptop on. While I waited for it to boot up, I undid my belt, pulling it out of the loops of my jeans and letting it fall to the floor beside my chair. Then I undid my jeans button and pulled down the zip of my flies, giving my aching hardon some space to breathe.

"Um, Anthony what are you doing?" came Brad's voice from behind me. He sounded a little surprised.

My laptop's fanfare sounded and I turned in my chair to look at him.

"Um," I swallowed, suddenly a little nervous. But then I thought fuck it, I'd suggested the rule, I might as well be the first to try implementing it!

"Well, we have just agreed any time we feel like it we can...And mate I really feel like it. I'm gagging! Horny as fuck!"

"Are you going to watch porn?" Brad asked.


I had been going to, was completely on autopilot, erect cock taking over thoughts as usual. I had forgotten I couldn't watch what I usually did. Well, not unless I wanted to out myself, anyway. I considered it for probably about two seconds, but Brad had probably had enough shocks and revelations for one day.

Shit! Now I'll have to put some straight porn on, or he'll wonder why I switched on my laptop. I hurriedly googled some sites, not having any straight porn saved on my laptop for some strange reason! I scanned the results and chose one that sounded vaguely erotic, "Filthy Facials". Hopefully there'll at least be a decent cumshot to see.

I slid my jeans over my knees, reached into my white boxerbriefs and pulled out my swollen cock. Trying hard not to concentrate too much on the screen, because tits really weren't my thing, I got to work on myself. I heard movement from the bed behind me, and then suddenly Brad was standing up close behind where I was sitting on my chair.

"Wow, nice film," he said. I felt his left hand on the back of my chair. Tilting my head a little, I could see him reflected in my laptop screen, and his right hand appeared to be hovering at his crotch.

"Um, do you mind if I um watch with you?"

"Sure," I said.

"Cool, only, um after you'd um left, I um didn't really get round to finishing um"

Behind me I heard the sound of a zip being undone, then heard Brad's jeans fall down and hit the floor. I heard him pad over to his own bedside table and open the top drawer bringing out the lube I now knew he kept in there. A few moments later, he resumed standing slightly behind me.

I heard his hand moving wetly up and down his cock, and the thought that he was wanking so close to me turned me on even more, and an enormous drop of precum formed at my piss-slit as I rolled my foreskin forwards. I scooped it up with my index finger and rubbed it all over my head. Fuck that felt good. I let out an involuntary moan.

On the screen, the camera had focused in on the woman as she got fucked, her back arching and her mouth open and panting. I ignored the film in front of me and instead imagined what Brad was doing. How his clenched fist was sliding slowly up and down his shaft and over his shiny cockhead. How enormous his dick was. How, with me sitting on my desk chair and him standing, he would be the perfect height for me to give him a blow job.

It would be so easy, all I would have to do would be to swivel my chair 180 degrees and it would be right at my lips. My cockhead leaked more precum as I imagined staring right at his pulsing tool, the cut monster twitching at me above two full-looking balls that cried out to be sucked.

As if he could read my mind, Brad moaned. "Oh yes, do it!"

I was confused, but then realised he must have been addressing the actors in the film who had changed position, the woman now straddling the man, pushing herself down on his bare cock. My finger resumed spreading my precum around my already soaked cockhead.

"Um...Um... Anthony, um..." Brad was hesitating, sounding as if he wanted to ask me something but not sure of how to phrase his sentence.

I swivelled in my chair to look at him, trying my best to look at him rather than just his massive cock. It was difficult, but I think I just about managed it. Or well enough so that he wasn't aware of me checking him out. It really was the nicest, most delicious dick I had ever seen. (Not that I'd seen many others face-to-face as it were, but including all the ones I'd seen in pornos over the years, so that was quite an accolade to bestow upon him!)

"Could I just...I'm sorry dude, this is probably really creepy, but you know, yours is the only uncircumcised penis I've ever seen and um I just wondered if um..."

He trailed off, losing his nerve with his words, but tentatively reached a shaking hand out towards me.

Fuck! Was he actually asking if he could...

"Do you want to..."

"Just to see what it feels like. Again."


"Well..." he really was blushing now. He looked down at the floor and I took the opportunity to have a good long stare at his cock bouncing away in mid-air between us. Mmm. So nice.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've felt it. That night? You remember?"

Of course I remembered! That was the closest thing I could call to losing my virginity! It had been so hot and I longed to relive it, or do something even more. But wait, Brad remembered it too?! We'd never spoken about it since it happened, and I'd just assumed he'd been too drunk to remember it.

"Um yes, I sort of remember," I said, playing down my memory of the night. "I'm a little hazy on the details because of the alcohol."

"Yes, well drinking makes you do things you wouldn't usually do, doesn't it?" Brad said, a little intently I thought, as if searching for some reassurance.

"Mate, that night was just two friends getting a bit drunk and a bit horny and helping each other relieve that tension because there was no other action on offer, that's all. I'm totally cool with it and you should be too."

"Don't you think what we did was a bit...well, gay?"

"Well," I said carefully. (Shit! When how did we start getting into this?! All I wanted to do was have a quick wank and shoot my load, and now we're dredging up past events and maybe even getting philosophical about things!) "I suppose you could look at it like that, but I prefer my way of thinking, that we were just feeling horny and fancied trying something a bit different to our own usual hand technique!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said, matter-of-factly. Then (Oh. My. God!) he reached out and took hold of my shaft. My cock jerked at his touch. He slowly glided up and down my shaft, staring in awe at the way the foreskin covered and uncovered my oozing cockhead as he did do.

I gripped the sides of my desk chair with both hands, gasping out as he ran his hand up and down me, slow at first, then faster. Just as I thought I couldn't take much more, he released my cock, leaving it bobbing, a thin string of precum stretching from my piss-slit to the palm of his hand. He returned his hand to his own cock and resumed wanking himself, hard and fast this time.

He gestured with his left hand at the screen behind me.

"You'd better turn around, or you're going to miss it!"

I was sorely tempted to stay staring at his cock that he was now frantically wanking, his palm and thumb circling over and around his head, building up to his climax. I longed to see the hot white cum shoot out of the end of his cock, longed to have it land on me, hit me in the face, run down my chin. I squeezed my own cock strongly, and started moving my hand so fast I felt every muscle in my wrist tightening, so turned on by my thoughts.

"Anthony!" Brad said, gesticulating again.

Fuck! I'm going to have to watch otherwise he'll be suspicious.

Reluctantly I swivelled my chair back round to face my laptop screen. The woman was lying back, her mouth wide open as the man stood over her, furiously wanking. His cock was thick, the head a dark purple. It was a very hot cock...just not quite as hot as Brad's! The difference being, the actor had the looks of a Hispanic model, whereas Brad was...well, let's face it, hot in his own way, but never going to be crowned Mr. Universe.

"Mmmm" Brad moaned.

But Fuck, he sounded so hot when he was getting close.

"Mmmmm" the actor moaned.

"Mmmmmm" I moaned.

"Mmmmmmm" Brad moaned.

On screen, the actor gave another loud moan, and a stream of white burst from the end of his straining purple cock, landing right on the woman's face. More and more cum sprayed forth. The sight tipped me over the edge and I felt a warm wetness on my stomach as my cock erupted. Shit! I was still wearing my tshirt! Cum landed thickly on the inside of my navy blue tshirt, I could feel it soaking into the material. Oh fuck it! I'll put it in the wash tonight!

All of a sudden, I felt something warm and wet land on the back of my neck. It started trickling slowly down the inside of my tshirt, down my back. Brad was grunting and moaning, and I felt another shot of his cum landing on my neck just where my hair ended.

The sweet smell of cum filled my nostrils and filled the room. I lifted my hand to the back of my neck and brought away some of Brad's sticky load on my fingers.

"Whoops. Sorry dude, I um seem to have got you a little there" Brad sounded very apologetic. Then, suddenly, he was laughing.

"Bastard!" I said, turning to look at him. "This isn't `There's Something About Mary' you know! If I wanted to style my hair I'd have used gel like any normal person!"

He was laughing harder, and I joined in.

My cum ran steadily down my stomach and through my pubes, and Brad's dripped steadily down my back, both of them pooling on the seat of my desk chair under my balls and arse. I hadn't felt this satisfied after a wank since...well, since the last time we'd shot our loads together. I was so glad I'd plucked up the courage to suggest this rule. And if I'd had the courage to do that, who knows what else I might eventually feel brave enough to do.

Next: Chapter 10: Geeks Get Hot 1 Brad

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