Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Feb 9, 2006



I am Genny

The first winter that Melly and I lived together was a real getting to know you period. We were setting boundaries and then seeing how far we could go until new boundaries had to be set. I think I was more comfortable with my submissive side than Melly was with being a domn. Once I decide that I love someone there is almost nothing I wouldn't do for that person. Can't think of a sexual demand she could put on me that I would not gladly try. It is probably good that she has some restraint because I have always left mine at the bedroom door. It was going to be a quiet Saturday night curled up on the couch together. I went out to the video store to find something to watch. I love Jack Nicholson movies, I think Jack is the definition of cool. Especially his early movies, and while I was looking threw some of the older flix I seen Wolf. It is not one of his best but I had not seen it and so I picked it up. It stars Michel Phieffer too as his love interest. If you haven't seen it, Jack gets bitten by a wolf in the woods and slowly he turns into a werewolf. In one early scene he is standing in the rest room and his rival comes in and gives him a bad time. Jack coolly turns towards the guy and pees right across his feet. The guy jumps back and asks, "What the hell are you doing?" Jack just gives him that look and says, "Marking my territory."

We were cuddled up watching and when he did it I said, "Very cool." Melly just laughed and said, "Ya think?"

When we went to bed Melly went in to her drawer and pulled something out. Then she went into the guest bathroom. This is unusual so I knew something was up. I was in a mood also so I was up for anything. I stripped down, peed and washed up real good with a warm washcloth. I was naked under the covers when she came out. The room was fairly dark but I could see she had put on black lace panties and a black lace bra that was just a tad to small so it pushed her tits together making them look very hot. "Close your eyes. And don't talk."

I could feel the goose bumps jump up on my skin already. I closed my eyes and lay there waiting. She slowly pulled the cover and sheet down off my body. I could feel the cool air everywhere. She moved to the side of the bed and took my right hand and pulled it up above my head. I felt something being tied to my wrist (I found out later it was a robe belt). She laced it threw the head board then asked for my other hand. When she had that one tied she went to the foot of the bed and took my right leg and pulled it out to the corner of the bed. I felt something loop around that ankle (my robe belt) and then felt it pulled tight. The left one was tied the same (with pantie hose) and I was at her mercy. There I lay, naked and tied to the bed.

This was just the first year we were together so the absolute trust I have now was not all there then. This was out on the edge for us both, and I was getting very excited.

I felt her weight on the bed, but she didn't touch me. I felt her knees press down on either side of my right leg and her hands push down on either side of my body. I knew she was right over me but I didn't move and she didn't touch me. I felt her face very close to my chest. I could feel her breath on me. Then very faint I heard a noise. It sounded like a moan at first but it started to get louder. It was a growl. A deep throaty animal growl. Her nose touched between my breasts and I heard her sniff in deep like an animal sniffing for prey. Her nose came up the side of my breast and touched my nipple. She sniffed again and again growled. She started to move up and I could feel her hair sliding across my face. I could smell her shampoo. I peaked threw one eye. Her thick black hair had enveloped us both in a fragrant dark tent. She sniffed at my face and then opened her mouth and put her teeth on my jaw. She let out another growl and pressed down just enough so I could feel the sharp teeth on my skin. That's when I moaned for the first (but not the last) time. After she bit me she licked the spot. Her mouth went to my neck and she bit me there too. Harder this time. She growled yet again and and I could feel the vibrations in my neck. Then she lowered her body down on mine. I could still feel her bra but somewhere along the line she had pulled off her panties and her full bush lay wet, against my lower belly. She slid down slightly on my right leg. Still growling and started to gently hump against it. After a short minute she sat up more and pressed her pussy harder against my leg. I could feel how wet she was. It was slippery against my thigh. Slowly she kept humping my leg. Moving up my thigh and then back down until she was almost to my knee. I could feel her slick juice painting my leg. I could smell both our pussys in the small bedroom.

When she started moving up my body, her wet hairs slid over my belly and my goose bumps got goose bumps. She was sitting up over my chest and positioned herself so that she was directly over my nipple. I could hear her doing something and the bed was giving a very tell tale shake as if someone was masturbating. I felt a warm wet drop hit my nipple. And then another one. Before a third drop could fall she squatted down right on my breast. I could feel the warm wet mouth of her pussy on my tit. I could smell how excited she was. I could hear her breathing becoming more and more ragged.

She moved again and I could feel her knees on either side of my head. Her scent was rich in my head. She growled again and said, "Open you eyes." I opened them to see her pussy just inches above my face. Her hairs were wet and her lips were red and swollen. Her finger was in deep and it was moving slowly back and forth. It was about the most erotic sight I have ever seen in my life.

There was a drop that was at the bend of her finger and it was about to fall to my mouth. I started to open my mouth and stick out my tongue when she just said, "No. Don't move."

The drop fell on my lip, between my mouth and my nose. The smell was wonderful. Another fell on my cheek and then on my nose. She lowered herself until her wet Bush was sliding across my forehead and then down over my face right to my chin. My whole face was wet with her pungent juice.

Her breathing was very ragged now and she sounded like she was about to cum. She moved down my body and pushed her pussy against mine. Her hands held her up and she started to hump against me, pussy to pussy. She started the mantra that always precedes a really big cum. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, you cunt, you cunt, you fucking cunt, Oh fuck!!! (you have to really be there to get it right) And she started to cum. Just listening to her get off is always enough to push me over the top and with her rubbing against my pussy I didn't stand a chance of holding out. I came like crazy.

We lay there for a few minutes waiting for the world to catch up. When I released all the tension I was holding in my arms and legs it started to hurt. I asked her to untie me. She reached down and undid both legs, then reached up and undid my let wrist. As soon as that one was free and I could feel that the right one could move too, as quick as I could I flipped her over on her back and was on top of her. I grabbed her wrists and held them above her head with just my right hand. I could see the surprise in her face. I let out a deep growl and leaned in to kiss her. I let go of her hands and we wrapped each other in our arms.

Later when we were laying quietly I asked her why she had done that. She said that she was marking her territory.

When I woke up in the morning I had dried cum all over me. I could feel my skin tight with it. My left eye was pasted shut with it. I wished I could of just worn it all day as a sexy reminder of the night before, but I had to go to work. When I stepped in the hot shower the steam reconstituted her wonderful juice and again I could smell her all around me. MMMmmmm I love that girl.

This was our first but not the last time we experimented with a little light bondage. Letting myself be helpless and at her mercy is very exciting to me.

I hope you liked the story. If you do let me know. I am at and if you write I promise to always write back.

Bi bi for now.... Genny

Next: Chapter 19

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