Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Mar 20, 2003


I was so happy to get all the nice mail about Melly's and my adventure with her new strap-on. I was asked to send in some more of my stories so I thought I would start at the beginning.

I was always a very sensual kid. My mom tells me that when I was very young I would rub myself on her leg when i sat on her lap to get a story read, and when i was a little older there was a hand rail for the stairway that was just crotch high I remember spending long minutes on the old wall phone talking with my girl friends and lazily rubbing my little puss against it. I discovered the joys of a vibrating washing machine early and still volunteer to do the laundry. I started masturbating when I was 12 I had heard some of the girls in school talking about it and i was very interested. I asked my sister Janet about it and she gave me the basics. I started out slow but by the time i was 13 I was hooked. I masturbated almost every day (still do).

By the time I was 14 I had a number of favorite fantasies. I would picture lovers and all the nice things they would do to me. I never really put a face on these lovers or for that matter even a sex. I just yearned for someone to touch and excite me.

My sister Janet had a girlfriend named Ann. They were both 16 and my heroes. Both were very pretty and very popular in school. My sister was dark haired and Ann was a natural blonde. They were the two stars of the softball team, and I never missed one of their games (following around softball players is a happy habit I still have today). Ann was always at our house. After school she was there eating and after practice she was there to shower before they went out. On weekends she was either staying at our house or Janet was staying at hers.

One Friday night our folks were out and my older brother was still at college. Ann and Janet were in Janet's room talking when i came in to see what was going on. Janet took one look at me and said "Get out squirt we're talking."

I just stood defiantly in the door way and Ann said "No Jan. Let her stay. She is old enough for this." I took another little step in the room and my sister just hunched her shoulders as if to say it was ok. They went back to their conversation. They were talking about boys and pretty soon they forgot about me curled up listening in the big chair. They were telling gossip about who was doing what with whom. Ann asked Janet about a boy she had dated the weekend before. Ann laughed and started telling about how they had gone out to the edge of town and parked. This sounded like the stuff I wanted to hear. I picked up a pillow and put it across my lap. I slipped my hand under the pillow and just laid it across my sex. Janet started describing how they were making out. She said the the boy kept trying to touch her. I was surprised to hear her tell Ann that she had let him slip his hand up under her shirt and touch her breasts. She said he was getting really excited, and kept trying to get his other hand into her pants. She kept stopping him and telling him no. Ann kept giggling and calling my sister a tease. Janet said the after a little while he gave up on getting into her pants and he took her hand and put it on his dick, outside of his pants. They kept making out and he was moaning like he was dying. Janet took her hand off of him and they kept kissing. She then heard his zipper go down and she looked down to see him take out his dick. Now I was really interested. My fingers had crept around the band of my panties and i was gently rubbing myself while listening to the story. Janet said the boy (Tom) then took her hand and put it back on his dick. Janet said this was the first one she had ever really touched. She said it was very hard yet soft at the same time, and she said it felt really hot. Tom held her hand and started to stroke it up and down. After only a minute he let go of her hand and she gave him a couple of more strokes on her own. That was all it took for Tom. Janet said he started shaking and gasping and then shot his cum out all over the dash and steering wheel of his car. Ann said "Isn't that just the way, a couple of strokes and they squirt all over." We all started laughing but i think i was the only one that didn't get the joke.

Then Ann started talking about a boy that lived down the street. I knew this guy. He always seemed like a nice fella, played all the sports. Ann was telling us that He had stopped by one night when her parents were out and she was alone. They were on the couch and they started making out. Ann was describing him laying on top of her while they were kissing and how excited she was getting. He pulled up her top and she let him feel her tits. She said that she could feel his lump rubbing against her leg and she let him slip his hand up her skirt and touch her pussy. The air in our room was getting thick with our own excitement. Janet broke the mood by throwing a small pillow at Ann and saying "You are such a slut."

Ann just laughed and said "Better a slut than a horny virgin like some".

The both broke out in giggles. Janet looked over at me and my eyes must of been glazed over. She said "Ok I think you have heard enough. It is time for you to go to bed".

Hiding behind the pillow I slipped my finger tips out of my little puss and shakily got to my feet. With out even saying g'night I staggered out of Janet's room and down the hall to mine. As soon as I cleared the door my fingers were back in my panties. I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. I was picturing what Ann had described. Kissing, and touching, and someone laying on top of her. In my fantasy I could see Ann laying there but it was not the boy that was on top of her. It was me. It only took me a minute and I was cumming as hard as I ever had in my short life. I fell asleep with my hand deep in my panties and Ann in my dreams.

A few days later I hurried home after school. I knew I was going to be the only one home and I was planning on playing with myself till my hearts content. I came in and dropped my books on the table. I ran up stairs and changed into a tee shirt and shorts. I was just going to get a little snack and then go back up to my room when I heard someone coming up the drive. I looked out and it was Ann. She came up to the back door and knocked. As soon as she seen me heading down the hall towards her she opened the door and came in. "Janet is not here Ann"

"She's not? Where is she?"

"She had some study thing for her math class."

Ann kept right on coming and was now well in the house.

"Oh yea. I forgot. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just got home"

Ann looked at me and gave me a nice smile. "Maybe I will stay awhile and see if she gets home early."

I just shrugged and sat on the end of the couch. Ann sat on the chair across from me and we talked about school stuff. After a few minutes the conversation dried up and I could feel her looking at me. I glanced up at her and said "What?

Ann smiled again and said "Did you like my story the other night?'

I felt my face redden. "What story?"

Ann leaned in a little towards me. "The one about me and Jerry on the couch"

I was trying desperately to be cool. "Yea that was ok."

"Did it get you hot?"

Now I was confused. "No. It was just ok."

"Liar! I know what you did in your room. I followed you out into the hall and I could see you in your room playing with yourself."

Now I was caught. My eyes were on the floor. My face burning up. Ann moved over to sit next to me on the couch. She was close enough for me to feel the heat coming off of her. "It's all right you know. If sexy stories make you feel like that, It's ok. To tell the truth after I went back and talked some more to your sister I went into the bathroom and masturbated myself before going to bed and I think Janet did it in her bed while i was in the bathroom. So tell me, Did you like my story?"

I was still looking at the floor "Yes"

"Did it make you hot?"

I could only nod my head. Ann moved even closer to me on the couch. "Genny, has anyone ever touched you like that?"

In surprise I looked up into her face. She had a soft smile and warm eyes. Barely above a whisper I said "No."

Ann whispered back "Would you like me to show you?"

I could hardly breath. I wasn't sure the word would come, but it did. "Yes".

She put one arm around my shoulder and pulled me to her. I could hear my heart beating like a drum as she leaned in and kissed me. Her lips on mine felt very nice. She pressed a little harder against me and I pressed a little harder against her. I could smell her perfume and the shampoo she used. My head was spinning, and when i felt the tip of her tongue touch my lips I opened up and let her in. The feeling of her warm tongue in my mouth was fantastic. I didn't think I could get more excited, then I felt her hand come up and cup my little tit on the outside of my tee shirt. She rubbed it and squeezed it. I was sure I was going to explode. Her finger tips touched my nipple and I gasped. She gently pinched the nip and then gave it a little tug. I was shaking all over. She squeezed my nipple between her thumb and finger and I came right there. POW! my first cum with another person. I thought my bones had turned to jelly. I leaned against Ann and she held me while i tried to catch my breath. She turned my face up to her and kissed me again. This time when her tongue came in to my mouth it was met by mine trying to get into hers. We kissed and held each other making little cooing noises. She pushed against me and I leaned back in the couch. She knelt next to it and had me lay down on my back. We kept kissing and her hand came back to my nearly flat chest. We kept kissing for a minute of two and then she sat up. I looked up at her pretty face and gave a week smile. She pulled her tee shirt up over her head and then undid her bra. I stared at her breasts. Mmmmmmm they were much bigger than mine with dark nipples in contrast with my pink ones. She took my hand and put it on her breast. I loved the feel of it. The wonderful weight of it in my hand. I pressed my palm flat against it and felt the nipple harden. She closed her eyes and let me have my fun. after a minute she took my hand away, leaned in and put her nipple to my mouth. I could smell her up close. I licked at the rubbery little nipple and heard her moan. I opened my mouth and sucked as much of it as i could. I was in heaven. I wanted to just nurse on this tit like a baby forever. Her right hand was stroking my hair and she was telling me what a good girl I was. Then I felt her left hand slide up under my tee and touch my skin. Her finger tips traced light circles just below my barely there breasts. She touched and then lightly pulled at my nipple. I moaned around the tit in my mouth. I could feel myself getting very excited again. After just a couple wonderful minutes of this torture I felt her hand slip back down my belly. I felt a tug at the button of my shorts and then heard the zipper go down. I was holding my breath again and thought for sure I was going to have a heart attack. I felt the cool air on my wet panties. Her hand came back up to my belly and then sneak under the waist band. The feeling was electric. Her fingers pushed down thru my thin fur, across my mound and her hand cupped my sex. I moaned deep and pushed my hips up to meet her. Her fingers pressed against the lips of my little puss and I could feel how wet I had become. The firm pressure of her hand against my sex was making me crazy. My hips started bucking like they had a mind of their own and I started to cum again. I seen stars exploding in my head. I am not sure how long it lasted. It was too intense to gage. She pulled her hand out of my panties and I started to calm down. I still had her captured nipple in my mouth.

While I was getting off, her other hand had snuck down into her own shorts. When i started to get my senses back i could feel Ann rocking against her fingers. I brought my arm up and around her shoulder to hold her closer to me. She started to moan and rock harder. This was thrilling to me. To be able to bring pleasure to someone else was a wonderful new concept. I wanted her to cum so bad, and soon I was rewarded. Ann started to make little squealing noises. I could feel her hair swishing around as she wiping her head from side to side. and then she was cumming. I held her tight and sucked like crazy at her nipple. After a minute she just collapsed on top of me. Her hair spread out over my eyes. When we both had caught our breaths she raised up and looked at me. Her face was flushed and glowing. She smiled at me and asked, "Well, did you like it?"

I am sure my smile said it all but I managed to say, "Yes, very much." She leaned down and kissed me again and then just laid her head on my chest and rested. Just a couple minutes later she sat up and started to stand. I was afraid she might leave. She stood up over me, bare to the waist with her shorts unbuttoned and pulled open.

"There's something else I want to show you. Get naked."

She started pulling down her shorts and I was stripped down in one second flat. I could see the golden hair around her pussy. It was wet and matted but it looked beautiful to me. I was still laying on my back on the couch. Ann went to the end of the couch and started crawling up over me. My eyes were bugging out as she slid up my body and laid down on top of me. MMmmmmm, this felt soooo good. I love to feel her weight on me. Tit to tit and pussy to pussy. She pressed down on me and we started to kiss. Our tongues danced against each other and I felt contentment. Ann wiggled her hips a little and settled in against my sex. I spread my legs and welcomed her in. The kissing continued and I started to feel her rocking against me. Ann reached down and pulled up at my knees. I got the idea and brought my legs up and hooked them over her hips. Now I was open and my wet little pussy was pressing against hers. She started to press down against me and rock a little harder. We were both in no hurry but I could feel my excitement building again. We would kiss and rub and then kiss and slow down. It took probably twenty minutes but we both built up to another cum. When it washed over us I was in love.

Well that is the story of my first time. After that day with Ann I was sure I was gay. I could see my life with my lovely Ann for all time. I followed her around like a puppy dog for the next two years. We had sex about five more times including my first taste, MMmmmmm. When Ann went off to college I knew she was not coming back and I was heart broken. The last time I seen her was years later at my sisters wedding. She was there with her husband and very pregnant. I sooooo much wanted to touch her big belly and suck at those full tits, but she avoided me. She was a straight married lady and her hubby didn't know about her wild past.

When I came out of the closet to my family my sister and I had a long talk. It turns out that she and Ann had "fooled around" too, and at about the same time as Ann and I.

I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have certainly enjoyed thinking it all thru again. Please feel free to write me and tell me what you think.


Next: Chapter 3

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