Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Nov 21, 2007


I am usually a horny girl. Even when I was a kid I was always rubbing my pussy up against just about everything. When I was small I would sit on my mothers lap and, while she would read us a story, I would gently hump against her leg. When I was older I discovered the joys of the spin cycle of our washing machine and spent many happy hours down in the basement volunteering to do the laundry. When I was a little older I would spend hours on the hall phone, talking to friends. It was near the stairway and I discovered that if I stood on the first step I could rub myself against the bollard of the hand rail. I was always getting caught at this and it was not unusual to hear my sister Janet yell out, "Mom, She's doing it again. Will you tell the little perv not to rub herself against the furniture?"

So I am normally horny. But there are sometimes when I am super horny. It is like the planets align perfectly just to drive me crazy. This is about one of those times.

A Genny Story... When the stars align

Last week I was home while Melly was at work. I spent most of my day on the computer writing back and forth to my friend Stacy in California. In the afternoon our conversations started to take on a very sexy tone. We were teasing each other and telling each other our sexy fantasies. The more we wrote back and forth the hornier I was getting. I had already stopped once to masturbate myself to orgasm, but I was still on a high boil when we finally said our good-bys.

I only had about a half an hour until Melly was due home so I cleaned up the place and tried to get the smell of excited pussy out of the air. As soon as Melly came through the door I was on her. I kissed her when she came in and pushed her up against the wall. I pressed a leg between hers and started to rub my thigh against her crotch. When we broke the kiss she pulled my head back by the hair and looked in my eyes. She laughed and said. "Wow. Is there something you're trying to tell me?"

I smiled back and said, "Dinner is going to be late, because I am going to eat you up."

She started to laugh and we kept kissing there by the door. I pulled my leg out from between hers and slid my hand down until I was cupping her pussy. She was only wearing thin scrubs over a pair of panties, so I could feel the warmth from her sex and used my nails to scratch along her lips.

"Mmmmmm. You are in a mood aren't you? Should I ask where this came from?"

I pushed harder against her pussy, "It came from me thinking about this and how much I want to bite it all day."

"Well as soon as I clean it up, it is all yours."

"No. Don't clean it. I want it right now, just the way it is."

"Oh Baby, I have been on my feet all day. I have to clean it. Trust me, you want me to clean it."

I pushed in against her even harder. "No, I'm serious. I want it right now just like it is."

"Well i'm serious too, and I would never be able to relax if I didn't clean up some."

"Ok, some, but no shower. Just use a wash cloth."

I kissed her again and kept up the pressure between her legs until she groaned in my mouth.

We broke the kiss and I grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the stairs. She went up first and I followed with my hands on her butt all the way up. When we got into our room she went in the bathroom and I started pulling the covers down off the bed. I heard the water running in the sink and when I had the room just the way I wanted it, I went in the bathroom just as she was pushing the hot wash cloth down between her legs. There was something raw about watching her cleaning her pussy with her scrubs and panties pulled down to her knees. And it turned me on even more. I pulled my tee shirt up over my head and tossed it towards the hamper and then pulled my sweat pants down too. I had gotten rid of my panties, that were a mess, after I signed off with Stacy.

As I walked to her she pulled the cloth out and tossed it in the sink. "Yuck. Are you sure I couldn't just jump in the shower for a minute?"

I kissed her and said, "Positive."

Then I started pulling her top up over her head. She finished that and I reached around and undid her bra. Once that was gone she let the scrub pants and her panties fall from her knees to the floor and she stepped out of them. We kissed one more time and when we broke the kiss she said, "You are such a strange girl."

I pulled her to me and her warm soft body against mine felt so nice. I could smell her perfume mixed with her shampoo and her sweat from the day. I breathed in deep and held her tight against me. I kissed her on the neck and said, "I want you to do something for me."

"Oh oh, dare I ask?"

"I want you to sit on my face. I want to just burry my face between your legs. I want to be your bitch and for you to use me."

She never missed a beat. Her fingers twined into my hair and she started to pull it as she bit into my neck. Her teeth pushed in until I gave a small gasp. Then she pulled my head back by my hair and hissed in my ear, "You are my bitch. And I will do what ever I fucking want to do with you."

I swear my pussy spasumed when she said that.

She pulled me back by the hair and looked in my eyes. "Go get on the bed."

I wasn't sure my legs would hold me, but I did get to the bed and crawled up and laid down in the middle of it. I looked over to the door and Melly was comming out. She had grabbed a hair scrunchie and was pullin her thick black hair back behind her head. It always makes her look more severe when she does that, and the look was perfect.

I was laying with my hands down at my sides and my legs together. She climbed on the bed and was kneeling next to me. She reached down with her left hand and started to slowly scratch her nails up from my thigh. She looked at my face and said, "You should close your eyes."

I instantly obeyed and started concentrating on what she was doing to me. The finger nails sent shivers up my spine as they crossed my belly and then up my chest. She added her right hand and they were both scratching around my tits. I couldn't tell which hand was which, and as she added pressure with her finger tips, the feeling went from a tickle to a burning sensation. Each nail scraped across my sensitive skin and I knew that those scratches were going to stay for a while.

When her fingers centered on my nipples she first rolled them between her thumb and fore finger, adding pressure until I winced from it. Then she eased up just a little with the pressure, but started to pull them both up until they sprang back out of her grip. She pulled them and let them go three or four more times, until I was sure they were too sore to touch any more. Then I felt her shift on the bed and her warm mouth came down and captured the one furthest from her. It felt so nice to have her bathe my sore nipple in her warm mouth. With her leaning across me to suck my right nipple, her right nipple was right over my face. She lowered it until it touched my lips. I opened my mouth and she lowered it to allow me to suck it. This is what we call our tit to tit 69. I don't know why I have never heard of other women doing it, but it is one of our favorite positions.

We had a minute or two of soft sucks and licks then she moved her face up to mine and we kissed again. I left my hands at my side and just let her control everything. Her tongue slid into my mouth and I could taste her. The kiss started off soft, but in a minute she was pushing harder against me and when she broke the kiss she bit my lip until it left a mark.

Neither one of us had touched my pussy, but I could still feel the juice starting to slip out of me and begin to run down between my cheeks.

Again I could feel her changing position on the bed. I felt her knee near my head and then felt her swing herself over me until she was stradeling my head facing my feet. I could feel the heat and humidity of her sex and knew it was only an inch or two above my mouth. I opened my eyes and tried to focus on her beautiful bottom right in front of my face. Her pussy was right above my nose. The lips had just parted and I could see the gleam of the light off of her juicy insides. Her knees moved just slightly more apart and her wonderful pussy settled right down on my nose. I moaned in delight and brought out my tongue to start to bath her wonderful sex.

Slowly she started to slide forward and then back. Her pussy traveled from the bridge of my nose to the tip of my chin. Each time it passed my mouth I licked and sucked as much of her as I could. Each time she slid down to my chin, my nose would touch the little pucker of her ass. I tried to push up to press into her more but she was pressing down on my face harder each time she passed over me. Slowly, back and forth she washed my face in her juice.

I was moaning with each pass. Then I heard Melly start to talk. "Is that what you wanted bitch? Huh? Is that what you wanted, to be my little pussy slut? To lick my dirty pussy and smell my dirty ass? Suck that pussy, you little slut. Lick it and suck it."

She held it still right over my mouth and I sucked in as much of her lips and her clit as I could. I sucked them in and held them as I ran the tip of my tongue over them. The taste was rich and musky. I could feel her juice running down my nose and across my cheeks. I wanted to push my face right inside of her and bathe myself in her sex.

Then she started moving again. "Oh fuck. You dirty slut. You dirty fucking, pussy sucking slut. Eat that pussy. Yes eat that pussy."

The pressure she was putting on me nearly doubled and she started to really ride my face. Then I felt her hands again on my breasts. Both her hands grabbed what she could of my little tits and squeezed them both tight.

She started to get louder in her pornographic rant and she was pushing so hard and moving so fast across my face that I had to close my mouth and cover my teeth so I wouldn't hurt her. With each hump of her hips she would grunt out a mantra of "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck." Until it just blured into one long high pitched moan. My face was totaly wet now from my chin to my eye brows and I loved it. She was cumming on my face and that is just what I had wanted.

I couldn't tell one from the other, but later she said she came twice. I only know that I was awash in her juice and couldn't of been happier.

When at last she fell forward on top of me. I wrapped her in my arms and pulled my face once again up to her pussy. I gentely kissed it and then as easy as I could, sucked in both of her lips. I cleaned them both and then started to lick up as much of her juice as I could. When I slid my tongue over her tight little ring she pulled it back and then bit into my thigh, just to send a message. I gave her pussy one last kiss and then settled my head back on the mattress.

It took a few minutes for our breathing to come back to normal. I was happy to just lay there and enjoy the view I had. Then she moved her mouth onto my pussy. It started with little kisses and licks. Then she pushed my legs further apart and started to concentrate on me. When My legs parted I felt my juice run down between the cheeks of my ass. Her tongue slid in as far as she could push it and I spread my legs even further to lend a hand.

When her tongue came out of me she replaced it with two fingers. Then her mouth moved up to concentrate on my clit. Her fingers curled up to rub against my g-spot and her mouth sucked in my clit as her tongue made circles around it.

I started to hump up against her mouth and I could feel the cum rushing up to over take me. I pushed my face back into her pussy and just held on tight as I began to see stars. Her fingers pushed in as deep as she could and I just exploded with a wonderful orgasm. I could feel it from my toes up to my pussy coated face. Mmmmmmmm. Wonderful!

We eventually did uncoil and then she turned around and we cuddled for a while. She told me repeadedly what a strange girl she thinks I am, and I told her how much I love her.

Dinner was pizza, delivered at about 8:30 at night.

I hope you enjoy our little adventures. As usual, I would love to hear from you. If you write I promise to write back.


Next: Chapter 27

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