Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on May 1, 2003


This is a story I had completely forgot about until I received some mail after my last story. A really nice guy named Paul sent me a story about one of his "Firsts" and it reminded me of this.

I am Genny.

I was in the spring of my Freshman year at Michigan State. Back around Christmas I had gone with a friend to my first meeting of the Gay and Lesbian Council. I wasn't really interested in their politics, but I did like the people I was meeting there. I had dated a number of different girls and was having a lot of fun doing it. I noticed Carol right away. She always had an opinion about everything that was going on. She was very out. She wore tee shirts that said "Danger...Dyke Crossing!" among other things. I had been feeling out my more submissive side, so I was attracted to this strong womyn from the start. We started going out together with other friends but eventually we started meeting up just the two of us. We had been dating for a few weeks. We had already been to bed together and I enjoyed letting her take the lead. She would do small things like hold my hands up above my head while she kissed me or tell he to hold on to the head board while she fingered me to orgasm. One night we had been out with friends. It was our Thursday night watching of Xenia Warrior Princess with the rest of the baby dykes. We had been drinking beer most of the night and on the way back to her place I said to hurry because I really had to pee. She laughed and said I had better be able to hold it because she had to go also and she was going to go first. We were both making jokes about it and laughing with our legs held light to prevent accidents. When she pulled into the parking lot I had my hand on the handel of the door. Carol pulled in at an angle so I had to run around the car to get to the door. I ran with one hand pressed into the front of my dress. She beat me to the door and was half way down the hall when i got in. She was pulling her shorts down as she ran for the toilet. By the time i got to the bathroom she was just sitting down with her shorts and panties around her ankles. I could see a little yellow stain in the front of her panties that let me know she was telling the truth about having to go. She sat smiling at me as I wiggled and pushed my hand deeper in my crotch. I was dancing around like a four year old trying not to wet her pants. Carol let out a deep sigh as I heard her pee hit the water. That added sound was about more than I could take. I felt like I was going to explode. Carol could see my discomfort and started to laugh at me.

"You could use the sink. Or run out and pee behind the tree in the back." she laughed.

I really was considering using the sink but then I got a better idea. I reached up under my dress and pulled my panties down my legs and off one foot. I took two steps towards carol and just as she said "What are you ..." I straddled her legs facing her. I scooted up real tight against her. She started laughing more and said

"My god Genny, your not going to pee."

I leaned in and let it go. I could feel it splashing against her lower belly and back at me. I kind of tipped my pelvis downward a little and more of it was going down into the bowl. She was still laughing. My face was buried in her hair and hers was against my shoulder. Her hands went around and pulled my butt up even tighter against her. Her fingers were holding on to both my cheeks. I was about half way thru when her fingers slipped a little further in. She ran one finger tip over my anus and made me shiver. Then both hands came together under me and I could feel her fingers playing in my still dripping piss. She let two fingers slide up and down my slit. As it hit her fingers I could feel my pee splash on to both our thighs. Finally I stopped. I wiggled my bottom down on her fingers to let her know that what she was doing felt nice. She giggled and slipped a finger up my little pussy. I gave her a little moan and she pressed it deeper in me. I leaned back a little and turned my face to hers. We started kissing and her pee covered fingers played in and around my puss. We broke the kiss and I buried my face back in her hair.

"You are such a bad girl." she whispered. You peed all over me.

She was laughing slightly so I knew she wasn't really mad. She shifted around a little and I felt her hands coming back out from under me. I leaned back so I could see her face. She was smiling and looking at me and shaking her head in amazement. She started to reach between us to the toilet paper roll on the wall. I have know idea where it came from but I reached out and grabbed her wet hand. Looking right in her surprised face I brought her hand up to my face and breathed in deep. She giggled nervously but did not move. Then I opened my mouth and brought her fingers to my lips. My tongue came out and I started to lick her fingers clean. Carol gasped when the tip of my tongue began to clean the pee off of her hand. I licked her palm and then sucked each finger individually. I went real slow making a big deal of each digit. When I finished with her right hand, she brought her left one up to my face. We shared a smile and I licked and sucked that one clean too. As soon as I was finished with that one I put my hands behind her head and pulled her lips to mine. She resisted for more than a second, but then pressed her mouth on mine. I slipped my tongue out and into her mouth and I knew she was tasting the pee still on my tongue and lips.

We sat there, on the toilet, kissing. I cold feel my legs going to sleep and I figured hers didn't feel any better with me on top of her like that. I reached over to the paper and pulled off a row of sheets. I bunched it up and handed it to her. Then I pushed my self up. I was still straddling her legs but now my wet puss was about even with her chest. I grabbed the bottom of my dress and pulled it up exposing myself to her. Carol took the paper and wiped and dabbed at my pussy and legs until they were dry. I backed off her and then knelt on the floor in front of her. She looked at me with a question in her eyes. I looked over to the toilet paper and she grabbed some for her and handed it to me. I wiped the wet from her lower belly and the top of her thighs. I put my hands on her knees and pushed gently apart. Then I wiped her pussy softly till it was dry. I reached down and started to untangle her shorts and panties from around her feet. I pulled them both off and held up the panties.

"You bad girl. You wet your undies."

I brought them up to my face and took a deep breath. Carol blushed. I took her hand and pulled her up off the toilet. I leaned in and kissed her brown furred pussy. Her hands went to my hair and she pulled me in to her with a sigh. I started licking her as best I could. I could still taste lots of pee on her. I had no idea at this point if it was hers or mine. She turned slightly and raised her foot up to rest on the toilet bowl. Now I could get my whole face in deep between her thighs. I started to lick and suck for real now. She moaned and thrust her hips out to give me even better access to her sex. Now I was tasting more than just pee. She was getting excited and was starting to get nice and wet for me. Carol started moaning and pressing my face harder into her. She started to whisper nasty things to me. She would say, "You dirty girl." You little pee slut. Your a nasty little pee slut."

Her hips started fucking against my face and her breathing was on the edge.

"OOOoooooo You dirty little pee slut. Make me cum. Yes, suck me. Oh, oh pee pee pee!

And she came all over my face. I was afraid if she lost her balance I wouldn't be able to hold her up. She sat back down on the toilet and took my face in her hands and kissed me. We shared the tastes that were in my mouth as we both calmed down.

When we were both back on this earth we got up and went to the bed. We started cuddling and caressing. After a few minutes of this the passion started to grow again and we ended up in a 69. My face again pressed into her pussy I was discovering new little pee tastes that I had missed earlier. From then on she called me "Her Little Pee Girl"

Our relationship started to change. She was becoming more and more dominate and I had to admit that I was enjoying the part of the submissive. By the end of the semester we were having lots more pee play but I was almost always the only one doing the clean up. She would even avoid kissing me after I had licked her pee bottom clean.

From May until September She was home in Atlanta and I spent the summer waitresing in Michigan. When she came back she had changed a lot. She was very punk. Lots of black. Her hair was cut very short and it had streaks of red in it. We talked about what we had done over the summer. She was very open about some of the guys she had dated back home. She said she hated men now and that she was never going to let another man "Soil her".In any meeting we went to she was the most militant lesbian in the room. It was like she wanted to declare war on all men. Even some of the gay guys felt her wrath.

We started dating again. She had adopted more of a mistress attitude to our love making. She would swat my ass hard while we were making love. She would pinch and pull roughly at my nipples. I had to admit that I liked the sex. I wasn't too sure I liked her very much any more. She started getting in the habit of not showing up for our dates. Then she would call me late and beg me to come over. As soon as I came in her door she was on me. Dragging me to her bed. She would strip down and pull me on top of her. She would push my face between her legs and plead for me to suck her. She would go on and on about "Only women." as I ate her.

One night the phone rang and I was sure it was her. I picked it up and she was crying. I asked what was the matter but she just wanted me to come over. I almost said no, but I threw on a coat and went across campus to her place. When she let me in she was wearing a long sweatshirt that was stretched out at the neck and hung down below her ass. She pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me. I could taste beer in her mouth and her hair smelled like cigarettes. She was still crying and as we kissed she kept saying

"God Genny I am such a dirty shit."

I was trying to calm her down. She pulled me into the bedroom and on to the bed. She kept saying

"Make me clean. Make me clean again."

I started to get undressed but all I got off was the coat and she pulled me down on top of her. She was almost frantic. Her hands were pushing me down to her pussy and she kept saying "Make me clean."

I started kissing my way down her sweatshirt. I nibbled at her nipples thru the material but it was having no effect on her. She kept the pressure on the top of my head and soon i was down to her thighs. When She spread her legs I could smell it. She said it one more time. "Make me clean." And I knew what she was talking about. Her pussy was full of somones cum. I pulled back and just looked at her. Her lips were all red and open. The cum was smeared on her thighs and pooled up in her cunt. She was a mess. I felt her fingers in my hair and she pulled me hard to her. I resisted. I could smell the mix of her cunt and some studs cream.

"Please Genny. Please do it. Lick me Genny. Please lick me clean again."

My face was closer to her. I could feel the heat coming from her nasty looking crotch. I leaned in and licked her. "Oh Genny Yes Yes suck me clean". I pressed in further. I could feel the wet on my lips then on my chin and my nose. I started to lick her clean. I sucked at her lips and pushed my tongue deep in to her to get everything. I was becoming as wild as she was. There was just something so very nasty about doing that. It was a great taboo, and I have always loved breaking taboos. I opened my mouth wide and sucked her whole pussy into my mouth. I could taste his cum, I could taste her cum warm and wet inside her. Carols hips started to rock up and down. She was babbling like a baby. He fingers so tight in my hair I thought she was going to pull it out by the hands full. She started to cum and I could taste that too. She was crying and cuming and sobbing like a baby. As soon as she was thru cumming she rolled to the side and tightened herself up into a ball. I started to pull myself up next to her. I put one hand on her hip and she brushed it off. In a very soft voice she said, "Please just let me be now." I was stunned. I tried to cuddle up to her again but she stiffened and said "Please don't". Embarrassed I slipped off the bed. I was still fully dressed. She didn't even give me time to get my shoes off. I picked up my coat and left.

Walking across campus I started to think about what had happened. I felt very used and dirty. I did not like what I had done. I started to cry but I knew I only had myself to blame. By the time I had gotten home I had made some new rules for Genny. I knew I was submissive but I was not going to be abused. I would do almost anything for a lover but there had to be love there too. I was nobody's trash.

I never went out with Carol again. She would still rant like a militant lesbian at the meetings but I knew she was still fucking guys on the side. That Christmas she went home to Atlanta and never came back to campus.

Well that is my story. It is part of how I became me, flaws and all. I know some of the things I have done were dumb. Believe me I do not advocate sucking an unknown mans cum out of a bar slut. It is not healthy in many ways. But I have done it and I wanted to share the story.

Please let me know how you liked this story. Feel free to write any time.


Next: Chapter 5

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