George and the Boss

By Pigmstr

Published on Apr 5, 2023



"It won't suck itself, Boy."

George closed his eyes and opened wide, then leaned forward.

He felt something slick and hard brush against his lips.

"Open your fucking eyes, Pig." James ordered. "I want you to see."

"Yes Sir...sorry Sir." replied George meekly. He opened his eyes and saw James' cock, centimetres from his mouth. He opened his mouth again as James reached behind his head to grab hold of his neck.

James pulled the old man onto his cock, gently but firmly. George couldn't resist, his wrists were handcuffed behind his back. He felt the tip of James' dick push between his lips and onto the tip of his tongue. He could taste the salty pre-cum leaking out of the piss-slit.

"Lick the end, Pig."

George gingerly licked at the end of the dick stuffed into his mouth whilst holding it between his lips.

"Yeah, Pig, that tastes real good, doesn't it?" asked James.

George didn't know whether to answer or not, or even if he could with a mouth full of dick. He nodded as best he could. James smiled and pulled George's mouth onto his dick, inch by inch, nice and slow, telling George to savour the taste and the feel of his Master's meat. George's own cock was straining at the material of his underwear, stiff and wet. He wanted to wank himself. Was he really getting off being forced to suck James' cock?

Suddenly, George felt the hand on his neck let go. He was tempted to move his head, but looked upwards whilst keeping most of James' prick in his mouth. James looked down at him and smiled.

"Go on Boy, suck it, show me what a talented mouth you have."

George slowly began to suck on the hot cock, feeling it twitch and shudder as his tongue licked at the shaft, moving his head back and forth. James moaned. George repeated the action, and James moaned again. Oh, if Barbara could see him now, cuffed, spanked, powerless and orally pleasuring his boss!

He kept going, licking and sucking on the big piece of meat stuck in his mouth, slurping hungrily on it like a dog on a bone. He didn't realise how much he was enjoying it, but he could hear how much James was. He sped up, tonguing the shaft and the head as he tried to swallow the entire thing, but he gagged and coughed and withdrew his head completely.

"Keep going, Pig, don't try and take it all, just keep going and make me cum..."

George took James' cock in his mouth and started again, then realised what was going to happen. James would cum in his mouth, and he guessed he would have to swallow it or be punished...

George didn't want to be spanked again. His ass was still sore from the eighteen strokes he had received earlier. He took as much of James' cock in his mouth as he could without choking, and sucked as if his life depended on it. James placed a hand gently on George's bald head, stroking and caressing it, encouraging him as he was sucked closer and closer to orgasm.

"Yeah, that's it Pig, I always knew you'd fucking want to suck my dick, a big fat old bear like you..."

George nodded his head in agreement, then realised what he was doing. Did he really want to be sucking James' cock? And why was his own dick so hard? Wait a sec, he thought, James did say if I was good he'd let me wank myself off... maybe he will wank me off... oh God let him wank me off...

Meanwhile, James continued to tell the helpless older man how he'd always known 'how much of a cocksucker he was' and how he was 'going to love breaking his fat tight virgin arse in'. George could do nothing but mumble as he hungrily slurped on his boss' big dick.

James shifted his hips and took hold of George's head with both hands so he could get a better aim with his dick. George didn't know what was going to happen, but held firm, he knew he wasn't going to like it. James began to fuck George's open mouth, in and out, slowly at first, trying to get a good rhythm going, as George continued to lick the hot shaft getting stuffed back and forth in his face. James was now saying "Oh yeah, Pig, take it Pig, fucking take it..." as he pounded the back of George's throat. George gagged a couple of times as his James' cock brushed against it, and he was finding it hard to breath as his airway was blocked with his manager's thick pulsing meat.

James pushed his dick as far into George's mouth as he could, till George's nose was buried in James' thick pubic hair. George inhaled the aroma of sweat and piss, intoxicated. If he could have even touched his cock he would have shot his load there and then in his trousers. He moaned as the cock was pulled out and then pushed back in again towards the back of his throat. By now George was dribbling down his chin as James slowly fucked his face yet again, this time not having to hold his captive's head in place, and this time fucking him with all of his cock and not just a mouthful. George tried not to gag whilst simultaneously trying to keep a good tight seal on the pulsing prick thrusting in and out of his mouth, and trying to breathe... and also trying to inhale that delicious musk coming from James' crotch. George couldn't get enough.

George's hands were clenching and unclenching behind his back as he wriggled around, desperate to get a hand free to touch his cock trapped in his underwear, but it was no use. But even more than that, he wanted this man, his younger boss, to shoot his load into his mouth and make him swallow it. His jaw was beginning to ache as James once again grabbed hold of his head, and his pounding began to increase in ferocity and speed. George knew that James was getting close to cumming, he had to be, surely? James was now mumbling too, moaning and groaning, grunting in time with the thrusts, these sounds getting shorter and shorter and closer together.

George stayed still, wondering what it would be like. Barbara had never pleasured him orally so he had no idea what spunk even tasted like...

Suddenly, James pulled George's head forwards and stuffed as much of his cock in his throat as he could, and with a triumphant shout he came. George felt the thick meat in his mouth shudder and something hot and thick splat against the back wall of his throat; he could do nothing but swallow the thick sticky liquid, which leaked around the side of James' cock to fill George's mouth too. Whilst keeping a tight seal, George tasted his boss' cum, salty and tangy, thick and creamy... and his cock twitched in his trousers.

George had tears in his eyes as he felt James' cock spew it's thick load deep into his mouth, swallowing hungrily till finally the shuddering stopped. James let go of George's head and pulled his cock out of the older man's mouth, a thin string of spunk connecting the head of James' cock with the tongue of his captive.

"Good Pig, that was fucking great," said James, breathless at the exertion. "You are one good cocksucker !"

George licked his lips and the string of spunk dripped down his chin.

"Thank you, Sir..." he replied, and smiled.

"That's a... a real talented mouth you have there, Pig," said James. "If your arse is as good I'll be very happy..."

George gulped, the aftertaste of James' load still on his tongue. Surely James wouldn't expect to fuck him as well, please God no !

"But... but Sir..." he said meekly, knowing that the night was not yet finished.

"Oh, you didn't think you were getting away with it that easily, did you Pig?" James asked. "You stole a lot of money from the bank, so for me to cover that up you will need to give me a lot more than a spanking and a blowjob..."

He walked around the kneeling older man, wiping the tip of his softening prick as he pushed it back inside his trousers. Fumbling inside his trouser pocket, he bent forward and unlocked the handcuffs, letting them fall to the floor. James then moved around to face George, climbing up onto the bed, positioning a pillow so he could lie there and look at him.

"Stand up Pig." he ordered. George climbed slowly upwards to his feet, rubbing at his knees and then his wrists. His cock tented the front of his trousers. He blushed and went to push it away.

"Leave it, Pig, don't you fucking dare touch your dick." barked James. "If anyone is touching that pathetic excuse for a cock, it will be me, and me only."

George was insulted by this, but his cock twitched. Did he enjoy being talked to like this? It was so confusing !

"Take of your clothes, Pig, I want to see you butt naked." came the order from the younger man lying on the bed. George could see that James was enjoying talking to him in this way, ordering him about. "Just chuck them on the floor."

"Yes, yes Sir." George undid his tie, pulled it from around his neck and dropped it at his feet. He wondered if he did this, if he did as he was told, then maybe he would avoid getting another spanking and hopefully getting fucked. The thought made him shiver. He undid the buttons of his shirt, slightly revealing his hairy barrel chest and his big belly, then took the cufflinks out of each sleeve and dropped them on the floor next to the discarded tie. He hoped that he wouldn't lose them as they had been a birthday present from his golf club...

"Get that shirt off, fatty, let's see what you're made of..." came the voice from the bed. James was rubbing his crotch.

"Yes Sir." came the meek reply from George as he pulled the shirt from his shoulders and dropped it onto the floor.

"Nice..." said James. "Nice chest you have there, Pig, nice piggy nipples and a sexy big round belly... can't wait to see your arse... is that furry too?"

"Ummm... uh...I don't think so Sir." George put his hands on his ass as if he was trying to feel them to check, even though he was still wearing his trousers.

"We'll see, Pig, we'll see. Get those shoes off."

"Sir..." George bent down to untie his shoelaces, then slipped off each shoe.

"Good... now get your trousers off."

George blushed as he reached under his belly to undo the belt buckle of his trousers, and then unzipped the fly. Pulling them over his hips, the trousers fell to the ground, and he stepped out of them. He now stood upright, naked but for his socks and his underpants, which were tented rather dramatically over his now fully stiff cock. A damp patch stained the front. George blushed again and coughed as James inspected him.

"Excellent, excellent..."

"Thank you Sir." George didn't know why he was thanking James, but he knew better than to ask the reason why.

"Get the socks off and those underpants Pig...NOW!" barked James, his tone changing slightly.

George did as he was told. He was totally naked, and blushing yet again, as his cock was now pointing towards the younger man on the bed.


Next: Chapter 3

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