George and the Boss

By Pigmstr

Published on Apr 14, 2023



"Get the socks off and those underpants Pig...NOW!" barked James, his tone changing slightly.

George did as he was told. He was totally naked, and blushing yet again, as his cock was now pointing towards the younger man on the bed.

"You look better naked than I imagined, Pig," said James, "You have a nice hairy chest and a big round belly, nice chewable tits, meaty thighs..." He looked up and down at the naked man at the end of his bed. "Pity about the pathetic cock, but your balls are nice low hangers."

George blushed. "Uhh... thank you, Sir."

"And it's obvious to me that you enjoy being naked for me, your cock tells me that."

"But Sir..." George began, desperate to say that he wasn't enjoying being naked and inspected by his boss.

"Shut up and turn around. Want to see your arse."

"Yes sir." said George meekly, as he turned around and faced away from James.

"Wow, you have a nice beefy plump arse there Pig, nice and fat and juicy..."

George didn't like the sound of where this was going. He wanted to cover his arse with his hands so James couldn't look at it. He wanted to put his clothes back on. He wanted to run for the door, but he also wanted to see what was to happen next.

"Grab hold of your asscheeks, Pig." came the order. George took each buttock in each hand.

"Yes Sir." he muttered.

"Bend over and spread 'em." said James.

"Yes Sir" came the reply from the older naked man. George bent over slightly, as much as he could without losing his balance, and pulled apart his buttocks so that the man on the bed could see his most intimate part. He blushed as he noticed that his buttcheeks were warm from the spanking he had received earlier - was it only a few moments ago? It felt like he had been here hours, being abused and degraded. And worse was to come !

"That looks a nice tight hole, Pig, ripe for breaking in... been a while since I took anyone's virginity, so you are gonna be priviliged. What do you say to that?"

"Thank you Sir..." replied George, though he was dreading having James putting anything near his asshole, especially his cock - it would rip him in two, surely?

"Well, before I do that, you have got to do something for me." James started to climb off the bed and walked towards George, who had noticed him and was starting to straighten up.

"I didn't say you could do that Pig."

George moved quickly to the previous position. His asshole felt terribly exposed.

"Sorry Sir."

"We will deal with that later. Now, you may stand up, let go of your ass and get into the bathroom." James pointed at a door on the left. "Shift."

George nodded as he stood up straight, then walked towards the closed bathroom door, his hard cock bobbing up and down as he walked, a sticky drip hanging from the end. He opened the door, closely followed by James, and once inside, was tempted to compliment James on his impressive ensuite bathroom, then remembered just exactly what was going on and stopped.

"Sir?" George wondered if he would be shaved... oh dear God, no!

James opened a cupboard and pulled out a strange looking thing shaped like a bulb, but much larger and made out of rubber, with what looked like a thin tube on the top. He handed it to George and pointed at the sink.

"Fill it up with warm water, then stick the tube right up your ass and squeeze it up your asshole. Hold it then let it out in the toilet. Keep doing that till you are empty and the water is clean. Then, get yourself in the shower and clean yourself up, then come back into the bedroom."

James pointed at George's stiff cock.

"Do not fucking touch that. If you do you will be punished, but keep it stiff and I will reward you when you come back in the bedroom." With that comment, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Then locking it.

George sighed as he realised he was locked in with no escape. He looked at the bulb, and then at the tube, and gulped hard. He could hear sounds from the bedroom as he gingerly filled the bulb with warm water as instructed. He then walked towards the toilet, crouched over the bowl, took a deep breath, and very gently pushed the thin tube into his ass.

"Oww..." he hissed, not through pain, as it didn't really hurt, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing to do. He felt was trying to reverse up an exit the wrong way and he didn't like it - he even refused to let his doctor check his prostate as he felt this was humiliating ! Finally the tube was in place and with another deep breath, George squeezed the bulb hard till the contents were in his back passage. He blushed once more, yet his cock seemed to stiffen - what was going on?

He pulled the tube out, then held the contents in as he had been told. Then he thought he had better let go when it became uncomfortable. First of all, he farted, then suddenly there was a massive rush in his bowels as if he had the shits, and then...

George knocked on the bathroom door about 15 minutes later, having emptied himself and showered himself clean. It felt strange to be empty down below, yet also quite invigorating. It had been difficult trying not to play with his dick as he had showered, but he managed, the water was hot and James had some nice big fluffy towels to dry himself with. He heard the door unlock and James pulled the door open.

"Is that better, Pig?" James asked. He was now naked too. George gulped at the sight of his boss' rather impressive naked body. And the cock that was now hard again.

"Yes Sir... it felt a bit weird though Sir." George said. He walked into the bedroom.

"If you feel empty... well I will give you something soon to fill you up. But first, well done on keeping that dick hard." James pointed at George's cock, which although showered clean, was dripping pre-cum.

"Thank you Sir."

James directed George to stand at the foot of the bed, then walked over to the bed and picked up something black and shiny. He returned to the older man and held it up. It was a dog collar !

"Here you go, Pig, a nice collar for you." he put it round the George's neck and did up the buckle. George blushed yet again as he thanked James.

"Get on your knees."

"Yes Sir." said George, who got down once more. Perhaps he would be spared getting fucked... maybe James had changed his mind, maybe all he wanted was another blowjob... George remembered that smell down near the base of James' cock, and his head went a bit dizzy.

"I said I would reward you if you kept your dick hard. I've always thought you were a bit of an asslicker... how about you show me some respect and kiss my ass?"

George recoiled in horror. He didn't fancy going anywhere near it. And this was meant to be a reward?

"...Sir, no... James, I don't want to do that." George said firmly.

"It's not debatable, and you will be punished for using my name, Pig." James walked towards the bed and picked up something else... a horsewhip !

"Sir, I am not going to kiss your ass, no way."


James brought the whip down onto George's cock. George screamed as a bolt of pain ripped through his nether regions. He shook all over.

"Fuck !" George rarely used swear words.

"Do you want another?" James asked. His tone was aggressive.

George's cock, even though it felt like it was on fire, stayed hard.

"NO !... please, please Sir, no..." he said, desperate to rub his sore penis.

"Well then, you will bury your face in my arse and get your tongue working on my asshole, or I will use the whip again. Perhaps I should tie you down to the bed and sit on your face...?"

George felt that if he was tied to the bed, powerless, he would have no defense against a whip on his cock.

"No Sir, I mean, please don't tie me to the bed, I will do it." The thought turned his stomach.

James moved in front of the older man, then turned and spread his buttocks slightly with his hands in the same way George had been told to earlier, to allow the captive easier access.

"Get started, then, or I'll use the whip..."

"Yes Sir..." said George. He moved forwards, his boss' backside now inches from his face. He could see James' asshole, puckered and tight. He wondered if his looked the same.

He bent forwards and smelt the musky smell of his boss' ass... mixed with that fantastic smell from his crotch. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all...

He pursed his lips and kissed James on the left buttock, then again on the right.

"Yeah, that's right, that feels good, get your tongue in my asscrack." James wiggled his ass in George's face.

"Now, I did say I would reward you, and eating my ass is part of that reward. I give you permission to play with your dick as you lick my ass. I even give you permission to cum, so you can wank yourself off as long as your face is deep in my ass... I want to feel that moustache tickling my asshole..."

George smelt the scent of the younger man once more, and delirious, he put his right hand on his cock and began to stroke it, as he gingerly stuck out his tongue and leant further forward.

His tongue made contact with the flesh inbetween James' buttcheeks. George fought back the initial urge to vomit, but that scent again took hold and made him want to carry on. And it felt good to play with his cock.. oh so bloody good !

He started to pump his dick faster and faster as he began to explore his boss' behind. It didn't taste anything like what he expected... in fact, he loved it. James certainly loved it too, wiggling his ass yet again as George's tongue licked up and down his asscrack and over his puckered asshole and his moustache tickled him. He could feel George's hot breath on his ass as George continued to lick up and down, then settled down to lick over and round his most delicate place.

"Fuck yeah... that's fucking great Pig, keep that up..." he said, marvelling at the older man's efforts.

"Mmmmmm" came the reply as George revelled in the pleasure of wanking himself off whilst licking his boss' ass. He knew it was wrong, he knew it was depraved, he was blushing and he was embarrassed, but my God he was enjoying it ! He felt that he was truly a 'Pig' ! He continued to pound away at his cock, enjoying the sensation as he fisted his shaft up and down, faster and faster, his balls churning as he got closer to the edge.

"You fuckin' love that... don't ya Pig?" said James in between grunts of sheer pleasure.

George pulled his head away from James' arse, and without thinking, uttered:



Next: Chapter 4

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