Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jun 14, 2001


Get Another Boyfriend


The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Chapter 21

I woke later that afternoon with Kevin sleeping next to me. I could tell he was so tired. I gently eased out of bed and slipped on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweat shorts and padded out of the bedroom and into the living room. I could hear Nick and Tyler talking in his room. I could also hear the sounds of the TV running. I peeked in and saw that they had the Play Station 2 up and running. I shook my head at all the luxuries that Tyler now had. Kevin was going to spoil that boy. I heard a small whimper at my feet and looked down to see Jake staring up at me. By the way his but was moving I could tell he had to use the bathroom. "Come on buddy," I said as I reached down and petted his head. In a few minutes we were outside the apartment complex walking towards the beach. Jake was very excited to be outside and I had to admit it felt good to be out in the warm sun. So for the next hour I wondered around the beach with Jake. I passed quite a few young guys on the beach. A couple of them winked at me and even one guy asked me out. I politely declined. I sat down in the sand and Jake climbed into my lap and nodded off to sleep.

"Hey good looking," said a man behind me. My lips turned up in a smile and I pretended not to hear him. "What is a good looking stud like you doing here all alone?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm seeing someone right now," I said trying hard not to laugh.

"Five minutes with me and I will make you forget he even exists," he whispered seductively in my ear. I couldn't help but giggle. His lips graced the back of my neck and it sent shivers up my spine.

"I don't think my big strong boyfriend would appreciate it," I said as I moved to the side.

"What is he like?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up to see him smiling down at me with those incredible green eyes.

"Well, um he is really clumsy, and can't dance at all," I giggled out.

"What!" he yelped as he started to tickle me. I tried to get out of the way but he wouldn't let me go. "I'll show you clumsy!" He was now straddling my waist and I could feel his hard on pressing against mine.

"Hi!" I said innocently with a grin on my face. "I missed you."

"I can tell," he smirked as his hand brushed my crotch. I let out a moan of pleasure as soon as his hands touched my fabric covered cock. "I woke up and found you gone," he pouted a little.

"You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you." It was by this time that I noticed that Jake was licking my feet. I giggled from the sensation. Kevin raised an eyebrow at me. "Jake is licking me on the feet.

"Forget about him," Kevin said as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips driving his tongue into my mouth. "Let's go home and make love all night."

"That sounds good," I grinned up at him. "But what about dinner?"

"Don't need dinner when we have each other," he smirked as he tried to nip at my nose.

"What about Tyler?" I asked.

"I sent him and Nick out for the evening," Kevin smiled. "I have it all planned out." I could tell that Kevin had it all planned out and there was no way I was getting out of it. Not that I wanted too.

"Well than what are we waiting for?" I asked as I stood up and started for the apartment building. I could hear Kevin scrambling to catch up with me.

I gave out a small gasp of shock as my naked flesh hit the silky smooth satin sheets. Kevin looked down at me as he pulled off his shirt. Again I was spell bound at the beauty of his body. But I noticed that he was moving a little slow. The naughty smirk showed that he was playing with me. "Come on," I whined. "Take it all off!" He chuckled as he slid off his shorts to reveal his boxers. Very casually he walked to the window and pulled the drapes away from the window to let the setting sunlight in. I gave a little growl to let him know that I was getting impatient.

"Yes dear?" he asked innocently.

"I'm all naked and alone over here," I whined at him. He chuckled again and slid into the bed with me. "Ahem!" I coughed at him.

"What?" he asked all innocently.

"Only one of us is completely naked!" I scolded him.

"Well I guess we are going to have to do something about that," he giggled as he picked up my boxers and tried to put them back on. That was it. There is only so much a 18 year old horny teen can take. I tackled him and pinned him down on the bed. Bending forward I pressed my lips to his. In no time at all I had removed his boxers and was staring with glee at his cock. "Umm he is a little lonely down there," Kevin squeaked out.

"Not for long," I replied as I laid down completely on top of his body making sure that my cock was rubbing against his. He let out a low moan and began to thrust against mine. "Uh uh," I teased him. "I have something else planned. You see I haven't eaten yet." I scooted down so that I was face to face with his rod. Licking my lips in anticipation I gently nudged his cock with my nose and reached out with my tongue and gently licked his balls.

"Ohhhh God Matt," he hissed out. I continued to lick his balls until they were slick with my saliva and he was moaning and thrashing around on the bed like mad. "Please Matt," he whimpered out. The sound of his whimper almost sent me over the edge.

"Please what?" I demanded huskily.

"Please suck it?" he pleaded.

"You mean like this?" I asked as I slowly engulfed his cock. I shivered with pleasure as his thick and long cock slid down my throat. I could feel it pulse in time with his heart beat. I could also feel the trickle of pre come sliding down my throat. I closed my eyes and went to work deep throating him. I could tell that he was impressed and it showed by his moans and groans. I pulled off completely and looked at him to see him looking down at me.

"Why did you stop?" he asked confused.

"I want this to last," I said as I slid his cock back down my throat. I could tell he was getting close. So I picked up the pace. The first blast hit me in the back of the throat. I heard him let out a groan and felt his hips buck uncontrollably. I quickly backed off of his cock so that only the head was resting on my tongue. Kevin continued to shoot his delicious load in my mouth. I swallowed every drop relishing his unique taste. Even after the flow had stopped I continued to suck on his cock. Finally he gently pulled my head off of his cock. I pouted when his cock fell form my lips.

"You can have it back later," he smiled down at me. "Now it is my turn." He giggled as he buried his face into my crotch.

Later that night Kevin was feeding me my dinner. We were both still naked but we were lying on the sofa enjoying the view from the large picture window. After our intense love making session we both decided that we were very hungry. Kevin being a sweetie cooked my dinner. He refused to let me help.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Kevin asked me as he wiped my lips with a napkin. Yes he had even insisted on feeding me.

"Same thing that we did tonight?" I asked looking all innocent.

"Are you always this horny?" Kevin asked looking down at my growing erection.

"Do you remember when you were 18?" I asked as I gently stroked his limp cock. He swatted my hands away. "But I want to play," I whined.

"Later," he scolded. "No seriously dear, I want to show you and Tyler the town."

"This town wouldn't by chance include a magic kingdom where a big eared mouse lives would it?" I asked as I stabbed a piece of chicken and fed it to Kevin.

"Hey that is my job," he pouted. "And yes in answer to your question. Tyler is dying to go see Mickey."

"I guess it would be fun to see the look on his face," I smiled. Kevin set the plates aside and pulled me close to him and covered us up with a comforter. I snuggled deeper into his arms and breathed in his scent. "So it's a date?" I asked sleepily.

"Yea it's a date," he said as he bent down and kissed me on the top of my head. We heard the lock click in the door and it opened to admit Nick and Tyler. As usual Tyler was perched on top of Nick's shoulders. I could tell that Nick was tired and poor Tyler was trying real hard to stay awake. Nick spotted us on the couch. Kevin was holding me with the comforter covering us up. It was obvious that neither of us had any clothes on.

"Umm we're home," Nick said yawning as he placed Tyler on the floor. Tyler walked over to us rubbing his eyes.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Tyler. He nodded and yawned at the same time. "What did you do?"

"We went to the arcade!" he exclaimed as he climbed up on the couch. Thankfully he stayed on top of the comforter. "Did you and Pappa have fun on your date?"

"Yes son," I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. "We had a very nice date." I looked over at Nick. "Nick could you take Tyler into his room. Kevin and I will be in a few minutes to tuck him in." Nick nodded and took Tyler by the hand and led him into the room. I reluctantly pulled away from the warm and comforting embrace of Kevin. I padded into the bedroom and slipped on a pair of silk pajama pants and got one for Kevin too. After we were dressed we headed into Tyler's room to tuck him in for the night. I had to smile at him. He was already in bed talking quietly to Jake. Jake was laying his little head on his pillow looking at Tyler with great interest. "You ready for bed?" I asked him. He nodded and held up his little arms for his nightly hug and kiss. I knelt down at the side of the bed and gathered him up in my arms. It felt so good to hug him. I than planted a kiss on his cheek. "Good night my son," I whispered in his ear.

"Good night Daddy," he replied with a yawn. I stepped out in the hall to allow Kevin some privacy. I had to laugh when I heard Tyler squeal with laughter and the monster sounds from Kevin. In a few minutes the laughing stopped and the door opened and Kevin came out. His eyes were bright with happiness as he looked at me.

"You are going to make a great Daddy some day," I whispered as I pulled him into a hug. He blushed and looked down at his feet. "Well it is true," I smiled. "Now come on, let's go back to our cuddling!" We headed back out into the living room and found Nick with his sketch book. I peaked over his shoulder and saw that he was still working on the sunrise picture he had started on few days ago. I was amazed that he had gotten Tyler so well. You could see the curiosity in his little face as he looked anxiously at the east. Kevin's head was tilted just a little downward as he explained the wonders of the world to a three year old little boy. Nick looked up and grinned. "You have real talent," I commented.

"I'm not done yet," he replied. "After I'm done with the sketch I'm going to do an oil painting." I nodded and walked back to the sofa where Kevin was waiting for me. I sat down beside him and naturally he pulled me close to him. I settled back and enjoyed the comfort he was providing me. His hand felt my forehead and he frowned.

"You're running a fever again," he commented. I had to admit I was feeling a little hot. "Did you take your medicine tonight?" I nodded yes. "Well you must have worn your self out. It is time to get you into bed."

"Can I take a nice warm bath with you first?" I asked. He looked at me with a small frown and I put on my best pout I could.

"Just a bath?" he asked. I nodded smiling. "Well than ok a bath it is." Together we walked into the master bedroom and prepared for our bath. A half an hour later we were snuggled together in bed. I was definitely running a fever. I could tell that Kevin was worried about me. "It is just a fever Kevin," I tried to calm him. "I'll be better in the morning."

"I hope so," he said as he brushed some stray hair out of my face. "Try to get some sleep baby." I nodded and quickly gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Good night Kevin," I whispered. It was only after I had fallen into a deep sleep did Kevin allow himself the luxury of letting the tears fall.

"Some thing is not right," he wept.

From Kevin's point of few.

For almost an hour I watched him sleep. He was going from chills to sweats every fifteen minutes. "Oh baby," I sobbed. "What is happening to you?"

"He's running another fever," Nick said. It was not a question but a statement. I nodded and slid out of bed to follow Nick out of the room. Very quietly closing the door so as not to wake Matt. "What do you think it is?"

"I don't know Nick," I sighed. "I mean I guess he is not well yet. This last bout of pneumonia has really taken a lot out of him."

"Have you thought of--," Nick started.

"NO!" I hissed at him. "It is not that!"

"But how can you be sure?" Nick insisted.

"It is not that!" I repeated glaring a hole through Nick. I quickly got up and tried to leave the room but Nick stood in my way. "It just can't be that!" I sobbed falling into Nick's arms. Nick held me close while I wept. I felt his hand gently stroking my back. For once I allowed myself to be comforted by him. "I've waited all my life for a love like Matt's and I will not allow anything to take it away from me!" Nick had chosen to remain silent as he held me. But inside I was shaking to death. What if it was our greatest fear? What if I was losing Matt? I gently removed myself from the embrace of Nick and made my way back to my room. I quietly opened the door and slid back into bed. I was relieved to see that Matt's fever had broken. He naturally snuggled closer to me and I welcomed his desire to be close to me. Even though his fever had broken it took me a very long time to fall asleep that night. A dark cloud hovered over my love and I had no power to stop it or push it away. My sweetie was not well and I was powerless to stop it.

The next morning.

From Matt's point of view

I woke up to the sunlight shining through the window. I sat up and was relieved to know that I had fought off the fever. I looked over at Kevin who was sleeping beside me. I could tell by the worry lines in his face that he had spent most of the night awake worrying over me. I leaned down and lightly kissed his forehead and pulled the comforter over him. Slipping into a pear of Kevin's sweats I padded out into the living room. Nick was up drinking a cup of coffee. "Good morning Nick," I said cheerfully. "How is the coffee?"

"Good," he mumbled. Ok so he was occupied with something else right now. I peaked over his shoulder and gasped at what he was reading.

"Not exactly the morning paper Nick," I quipped.

"Yea I know," Nick mumbled again.

"So you and Kevin think that I'm--," I started.

"I think that is is a possibility but Kevin is being stubborn and doesn't want to consider it." I heard Tyler's door open and watched him walk through the living room with is arm around his teddy bear and Jake was following him closely. He walked by us with out saying anything. It was clear that he had a mission. He walked into the Kevin's room. I wondered what that was all about. I looked at Nick and he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his article. "How often do you get these fevers?" he asked.

"Not that often," I replied. "I'm just getting over pneumonia so that is probably the cause of the fevers." Nick didn't look convinced. "Nick don't worry about it, I'm sure I'm all right."

"I am going to worry about you because you are my friend," he insisted. You've done a lot for me in the last few weeks."

"Come on Nick," I replied. "It wasn't that much."

"Yes it was. I mean you and Kevin welcomed me into your bed. I mean we even had sex together. I mean how many friends do that for each other?" Nick insisted.

"But if I have what you think I have than you are in danger too," I reminded him. There was a silence for a few minutes while Nick thought about what I had said. I choose at this moment to go and see what my son was up too. Creeping back into the bedroom I had to smile. Tyler had crawled into bed with Kevin. Kevin had wrapped his arm around Tyler and was sleeping soundly. Jake was laying at the foot of the bed asleep too. I sighed and headed back out into the living room. I wanted to snuggle with Kevin but decided to let Tyler have some time alone with him. Tyler really looked up to Kevin and thought the world of him. I looked over at Nick and saw that he was still reading. "I'm going for a short walk. Tell Kevin where I've gone when he gets up."

"Ok Matt, enjoy your walk," Nick mumbled as he continued to read his article.

Chapter 22

From Kevin's point of view.

I woke to find that Tyler had replaced Matt. Smiling I bent down and lightly kissed him on the top of his shaggy head. I heard some grunting noises and looked down at the foot of the bed and spotted Jake sleeping. I leaned back in bed enjoying the few minutes of silence before Tyler woke up. I was right, a few short minutes I felt him stirring. "Good Morning buddy," I said as he looked up at me yawning loudly. "How did you end up in bed with me?" He shrugged his shoulder and snuggled closer to me. "You still sleepy?" I asked. Again I was answered with a shrugging of the shoulders. I chuckled and pulled him closer to me. "Where is your Dad?"

"Talking to Nick," he said grinning up at me. "Can we watch cartoons?"

Sighing I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels until I found the cartoon channel. In no time we were giggling through the cartoons that were on. It is really amazing how fast time flies when you are enjoying yourself. I heard the door open and in walked Matt. He was grinning and talking over his shoulder.

"Ok Nick!" he laughed out. "I'll go see if he is up yet." Turning to me he smiled widely. "Morning sweetie! How is my little family doing?"

"Hi Daddy!" exclaimed Tyler as he scrambled out of bed and ran up to Matt and jumping into his arms. "We were watching Cartoons!"

"Well Nick has made us all breakfast, anyone hungry?" Matt asked. Tyler nodded. "Well why don't you go on into the dinning room with Jake and get started. Your Pappa and I will be in shortly." Tyler grabbed poor Jake by the collar and dragged him out of the room. "Did you have a nice sleep?" he asked me as he sat down in the bed beside me. I nodded and pulled him closer to me.

"Your fever is gone," I commented. "I was worried about you last night."

"Yea I noticed that you didn't sleep well last night," Matt replied. "I also noticed that you had some company this morning."

"Yea, Tyler wanted some quality time with me," I said as I swung my feet out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. "I'm going to shower, you want to join me?"

"As tempting as the offer is I think I will pass because if I don't we will never get to breakfast," Matt smiled as he gave me quick kiss and headed out into the living room.

Sighing I turned and headed into the bathroom alone. "So much for getting some this morning," I grumbled looking down at my erection. In record time I was showered and dressed and walking into the dinning area of my apartment. Tyler was woofing down pancakes and sausages. Matt was sipping on a cup of coffee and not eating anything. I frowned as I picked up two plates and put some food on them both. Setting his plate in front of him. "You need to eat mister!" I lightly scolded him. "So what is on the schedule for today?" I asked. Tyler's head popped up and looked up at me expectantly.

"Mickey!" he exclaimed. I looked at Matt and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you feel up to going to Disney?" I asked feeling his forehead. It was cool for now but that could change.

"Why don't you and Tyler and Nick go and have fun. I really should take it easy for today," Matt replied.

"But daddy!" whined Tyler. "I want you to meet Mickey too!"

"I promise I will meet Mickey someday but not today," Matt said with a small smile.

"Your Daddy is still tired from when he was in the hospital Tyler," I said to Tyler. "You don't want him to go back into the hospital do you?"

"No!" exclaimed Tyler. "Daddy you stay home and get better! You spend way to much time in the Hospital!" Matt laughed softly at Tyler's demands.

"Ok son," he smiled down at his hyper child. "I will stay home and rest. You promise me you will bring me home something?"

"Yes Daddy!" he exclaimed. Turning to me, "Come on Pappa! We have to go now!" I laughed and messed up his hair.

"Ok son, but first we have to get you showered and dressed!" Nick stood up and took Tyler's hand and led him away from the table.

"Good!" Tyler exclaimed again. "You give good baths! Pappa can't give baths. He uses grown up shampoo on me" I looked over at Matt in time to see him grinning and trying not to laugh.

"Go ahead and laugh!" I grumbled. "You know you want too!" That did it, Matt busted up laughing. I pretended to pout for a few minutes before joining him. It felt so good to hear him laughing again. His face was flushed and his eyes were flashing with delight. It was almost like old times. After he finished laughing at me I scooted over to him and slid my arm around him. "I wish you were going," I pouted.

"I know you do sweetie," Matt said laying his head on my shoulder I loved it when he did that. "But you know I need to take it easy for the next week or so. You heard my son, he doesn't want his Daddy going back to "Bad Hospital"." I had to chuckle at Matt's imitation of his son. "I will be thinking of you guys."

"It won't be the same," I grumbled. "Maybe I should stay home with you," I started.

"NO!" Mat exclaimed loudly. "You've been waiting to take him to Disney! And he has been dying to go with you."

"But--," I started again.

"Kevin Scott Richardson!" he said raising his voice. Oh oh I had done it now. "You go take Tyler to Disney cause if you don't you are sleeping on the couch!"

"Yes sir," I grumbled looking down.

"That is a good boy," Matt chuckled patting me on the head.

A half an hour later we were on our way to Disney. Tyler was talking a mile a minute all excited about going. Nick and I were politely listening to him. When we got to the park Poor Tyler could barely contain himself. He stood at the gate staring up at the castle with his mouth hanging open. "Is that where Mickey lives?" he asked pointing up. I nodded and took his little hand and led him through the gates. It was going to be a great day. The only thing I missed about it was Matt. But Nick had brought a video camera with him to capture all the fun on film. "Come on Kevin!" Tyler exclaimed. "I want to see everything!" Nick busted up laughing as he clapped me on the back.

"Boy are you in for a day," He giggled. I shook my head and resigned myself for very long day.

"Mickey!" shouted Tyler. I watched as Tyler jumped into the arms of Mickey. Tyler spent the next few minutes telling Mickey about him. Mickey of course listen very carefully to what his biggest fan had to say. Nick tapped me on the shoulder.

"Well I guess the "Shape of My Heart" guys have to take a back seat to Mickey," he said with a hint of sadness.

"Oh I don't know about that Nick," I said smiling down at the very exited little boy. "I think there is room for all of us in his little life."

From Matt's Point of view.

The apartment was quiet, almost too quiet. I wondered around the apartment looking at all of Kevin's things. I was pleasantly surprised to find Tyler's "Space Ship" that he had made for Kevin. Kevin had taken great care to protect it. He even made a sign for it that said, "Tyler's Space Ship". I reached out and touched it and had to smile at the memory of Kevin's confused look on his face when Tyler had to explain what it was he had built Kevin. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Richardson's Residence, Matthew Whitewater speaking."

"Mr. Whitewater?" asked a females voice. "I was told by Dr. Smith that I could reach you here. We have the test results back and we need to set up an appointment to discuss them. How soon can you get back up to Vermont?"

"My results?" I asked confused.

"Yes sir, your HIV results are in," she said politely. "We really need to go over them with you."


Ok so what are you thinking? Is Matt HIV positive? If he is what about Kevin? And what about Nick? Oh my what a tangled web I have woven.

E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 11: Get Another Boyfriend 23 24

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