Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 4, 2001


The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next installment out. But here it is.



I woke to find that the bed was empty. I snuggled deeper into the soft confines of the comforter and tried to sleep some more. But it eluded me so I gave up and swung my feet over the edge of the bed and stood. All most at once my aching muscles screamed in protest. I finally made my way over to the bathroom and climbed into the shower and turned it on as hot as I could handle it. I moaned loudly as the hot water cascaded down my aching muscles. After a few minutes I could feel my muscles relaxing. Working quickly I finished my shower and got dressed and headed down stairs. I looked around the house for my son and sweetheart.

Walking into the living room I heard Nick talking on the phone.

"Yea I think tonight will be perfect baby," he smiled as he looked up and saw me. "Hey JC?" he asked. "I'll make sure that a car is waiting at the airport for you this evening. I love you sweetie." He hung up the phone. "Hey Matt."

"You've seen Kevin or Tyler?" I asked him as I plopped down beside him.

"Yea I think they are in the back yard building a tree house or something," Nick replied.

"Ok," I giggled. "This I gotta see."

"I'll come with you," Nick said as he got up and followed me. Once out on the back patio we could hear hammering and talking and laughing. We rounded the corner and stood quietly and listened in on the conversation.

"Pappa?" asked Tyler as he leaned over to watch Kevin saw a piece of wood in half. "What is that for?"

"It's a support Tyler," Kevin answered patiently.

"What's a support?" Tyler asked as he picked up the hammer and started to hammer on a piece of wood. I got nervous at first until I saw that it was a play hammer.

"It's a piece of wood that I'm going to nail in place to help hold the tree house up," Kevin said as he smiled at the toddler. "You want to help me hold the wood while I hammer it in?" Tyler stood up and very carefully put his toy hammer in his toy tool belt and walked over to Kevin and helped him hold the piece of wood in place while Kevin drove a spike in to secure it. I watched the two work and talk and laugh and giggle for the next few minutes before joining in.

"Hey you two," I said as I walked up behind them. Kevin jerked his head around looking at me. I shivered as he turned around revealing himself to me. He was wearing a white wife beater and a pair of old jeans. Needless to say he was hot. I licked my lips as I walked up to him. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. In a second I was lost in his embrace. It was only the pounding of a hammer that woke us both up. I broke apart and looked over at Tyler. He was pounding away at a board making a lot of racket.

"So umm hi," I said as I played with his nipple through his wife beater.

"Hi yourself," Kevin chuckled as he gently removed my hand from his chest. "What can I do for you sweetie?"

"Just wanted to see what you two were doing," I said pouting.

"We are building a tree house," Kevin said looking around.

"No pappa!" Tyler spoke up. "We are building a space ship!" The banging continued.

"Ok I stand corrected," Kevin said grinning. "This," he points to the bizarre structure standing behind him. "Is a space ship."

"Yes it is, and Pappa and I are going to the moon when we are all done and you and Nick can come play too if you want," Tyler exclaimed as he continued to bang away with his hammer. I choked back a laugh and looked up at the contraption.

"So Kevin dear," I asked giggling. "Just what kind of fuel are you going to be using to get this ship off the ground?" Kevin gave me a dirty look and went back to building his ship. I decided to pitch in and help.

Three hours later.

"Ten seconds to lift off!" Kevin said into his make believe mic. "You all strapped in back there?" He looked back and tried hard not to laugh at us. Nick and I had to wear at Tyler's insistence aluminium foil suits and helmets. We looked pretty silly. Don't ask me why Kevin didn't have to wear one. Tyler said something about being the commander of the ship. Nick sighed and rolled his eyes at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok here we go!" Kevin said as he hit a button. Tyler let out squeal and started to jump up and down. "You better sit down buddy, cause were getting ready to break out of earth's orbit," Kevin said grinning back at me. Tyler quickly sat down in the second in command chair, aka lawn chair and strapped himself in. "Breaking Orbit now!" Kevin said in a very serious voice. Nick choked back a laugh and I elbowed him in the side. I was busy watching my son interacting with Kevin. Kevin was having so much fun playing with Tyler and Tyler was taking this game very serious. I could tell that Kevin was forming a real bound between him and my son. "Stand by to fire thrusters!" Kevin ordered. I smiled as Tyler grabbed onto lever and get ready to pull it back. "Fire thrusters!" Kevin shouted.

"Thrusters fired!" Tyler exclaimed as he pulled back on the wooden stick that was the thruster control lever. I had to laugh at the two of them. For the next hour we were pretending to fly through space and land on the moon. Than for the next hour we ran around the yard pretending to fight off Moon monsters. Than it was back to the ship and fly home for dinner, (per Cooks orders)

"So did you have fun in the spaceship?" Kevin asked Tyler.

"Yea Pappa I had lots of fun. Can we do it again?" he asked jumping up and down.

"Well right now we have to have dinner and than go to bed," Kevin replied.

"Can we eat in the space ship?" asked Tyler. I sighed, knowing full well what the answer to that question was going to be. So a half hour later we were all sitting on the floor of the "Space ship" eating dinner. Later when Nick and Tyler were on a "scouting mission" Kevin slid his arms around me.

"Having fun?" he asked as he nuzzled me behind my ear. I groaned softly leaning back against him. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You know what he is going to want to do next," I said softly as I watched Tyler race around the house with a laser gun chasing poor Nick. I heard Nick say something about his brain being taken over by a moon monster and Tyler laughing his head off. "He is going to want to have a slumber party in that contraption."

"Would that be so bad?" Kevin asked raising his eyebrows.

"I guess not, but not tonight because it is supposed to get chilly out," I replied. I shivered slightly and snuggled deeper into Kevin's arm.

"Cold sweetie?" he asked.

"It is a little chilly out here," I said grinning at Tyler as he jumped on Nick's back. It had seemed that now they were playing horsy or something like that.

"I could take you inside and give you a massage if you want," Kevin purred into my ear. I grabbed his hand and drug him up stairs. Once inside the safety and comfort of our room I let him take over.

"You were in rush dear," he chuckled softly as he slid my shirt over my head. I leaned up on my toes and tried to kiss him on the lips. He giggled and pushed me back down. "Uh uh horny toad, I'm in control of this show." I let out a whimper as he continued to undress me. Once I was naked I scowled at him. "Yes dear?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Only one of is completely naked!" I complained tugging at his belt.

"Patience my dear," he smiled at me. "Now lay down on the bed face down." I complied with his wishes. Pretty soon I felt him straddle my waist. I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was now naked too. His erection rested against my but cheek as he leaned down so that his body was covering mine. I moaned softly as his lip found my shoulder blades. His teeth lightly nipped at my shoulders. I moaned again. "You are really noisy," he snickered as he sat back and started to massage my shoulders. "You are so tight," he said as he applied more pressure to his massaging. I groaned again and he just giggled as he continued to work. "Relax baby," he whispered as he leaned down again and graced my neck with a soft feather like kiss. "Let me take care of you." I relaxed while he continued to massage my entire body. A half an hour later I was putty in his hands. He looked down at me as he reached for the lube and condom. "I promised you I would make love to you," he said in that deep soft voice. The one he reserved for lovemaking and love making only. I let out a moan in anticipation. "Let me take you to heaven baby," he said as he slid into me. I closed my eyes tight at the first insertion. "Open your eyes Angel," he commanded me. I opened them to see him staring down at me. "Tell me what you want."

"Make love to me," I replied. "Please Kevin." He eased out of me and when he did I could feel every ridge on his cock and every vein. He paused and looked down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Please," I pleaded.

"Please what?" Kevin asked all innocent.

"I need you inside of me," I whined begging for release. I looked down at his rock hard abs as they raked across my rock hard cock. I watched in fascination as the head of my cock swelled and Precome oozed out of the slit. Kevin slid back in filling me with his cock. The door opened and I panicked.

"Shhh," Kevin soothed me. "I have a surprise for you baby."

"Can anyone join this party?" asked a voice. I looked up with my lust glazed eyes and saw a very naked JC standing there. I could see Nick standing in the background. I looked confused at first and started to talk but JC's lips came crashing down on mine. Kevin's lips joined ours soon all three of our tongues were tangled up with each other. I heard Kevin give a small moan and I looked back to see that Nick had slid his cock up Kevin's ass. "Shhh," JC said soothingly as he ran his hand through my hair. "Remember your fantasy?" I nodded but was unable to say anything. "Well Nick and I decided that you had waited long enough. Now tell me what you want," he said with a soft smile. I looked up at Kevin; I guess I was asking him for permission. He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Go ahead sweetie," he whispered. "This is your night." I kissed him back sliding my tongue into his mouth. I felt and heard him groan into my mouth as Nick slammed into him again. Breaking away I reached for JC's cock. He scooted over so that I could get access to it. I wrapped my hands around marveling how different it felt from Kevin's. He let out a small hiss as I gently stroked him a couple of times. "Go ahead and suck him baby," Kevin urged me. "I know you want to." I eased JC's cock into my mouth and reveled in the moan that escaped from his lips. In a few minutes JC's body was racked with a mind-blowing orgasm spewing his load into my throat. I swallowed it all eagerly not wanting to miss a drop. I heard Nick let out a strangled yell as he blasted his load into Kevin's ass. Kevin soon climaxed into the condom falling on top of me.

After resting JC looked down at me. "Can I fuck you?" he asked in a soft voice. The thought of him riding me turned me on. I looked over at Kevin and he nodded and grinned at me. Kevin handed JC a condom and JC slipped the condom on and than slid into me. I wasn't prepared for his style of sex. He was like a wild horse slamming into me as fast and as hard as he could. He reared back and let out a scream as Nick rammed his cock into his ass too. Kevin let out a small whimper and I looked up to see his cock staring me in the face. I grinned and wrapped my lips around his cock. He groaned my name and slid his cock down my throat. I tilted my head back so that my throat opened up for him. In no time at all he was ramming his cock down my throat. I was in heaven! This was the first time that I was deep throating Kevin. To me it was the greatest expression of love I could ever give. I could tell by the look on Kevin's facet that he was shocked at first to see that he could slide his cock all the way down my throat. Once he got past the gag reflex he could ram in and out as hard as he wanted but he kept it as gentle as he could. Soon I was lost in the moment that seemed to last forever. At some point JC climaxed and Nick shortly after. Kevin took a little longer but I didn't mind. I love having my lover's cock down my throat.

"Oooohh God Matt," he moaned out as tears of happiness flowed down his face. His cock was swelling and I knew at any second I would be rewarded with his gift. He pulled out leaving only the head resting on my tongue. His cock started to blast its load into my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could. But some of it dribbled out of my mouth. Nick and JC were there with their tongues lapping up what I couldn't swallow.

After recovering for about fifteen minutes Kevin carried me into the shower. We were joined by both Nick and JC. I looked confused but Kevin just smiled and knelt down in the shower and took my cock in his mouth. I threw back my head to moan only to have my lips captured by JC's and Nick's. I gave out a scream of pleasure as Nick plunged into my ass with his cock.

"Shhh," whispered JC as his lips traveled down my neck. "Just enjoy the ride baby." Pretty soon he was behind Nick slamming into him. Nick's hands found my nipples and he pinched them and tweaked them until I let out a whimper of pain mixed with pleasure. His pouty lips came crashing down on mine with his tongue ramming in and out of my mouth in time with his fucking. In no time at all Nick plunged into me one last time feeling me full of his seed. This sent me over the edge spewing my load down Kevin's waiting throat. "Ohh man," moaned JC as he leaned against the shower wall. "That was intense!"

"Yea it was," Kevin said as he ran his hand along the side of my face. I leaned into the touch. "Let's get cleaned up and I have to get Matt to bed."

Later that night from Kevin's point of view.

I held my sweetie as he slept soundly in my arms. He was so wore out from tonight. I could tell he was going to be so sore tomorrow. I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you baby," I whispered. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Tyler standing there with his arm wrapped around his teddy bear and this thumb in his mouth. "Hey Tyler," I said softly as I motioned him over. He shuffled across the room and to the side of our bed. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "You want in?" I asked holding the covers back. He silently climbed in and snuggled up to his father. "My little family," I sighed as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 13

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