Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 23, 2001


Disclaimor: This is a fictional story. I do not know the Backstreet Boys and I do not know there true sexuality. This story has a very strong story line about homosexual relationships. If this offends you than please leave now. If reading this is illegal for you than do yourself a favor and leave. If you are legal and this type of story doesn't offend you than you are welcome to stay.

Not here it is.

E-mail me with feedback at

Special note: I am deviating from the story line just a little. I'm brining you all the Christmas Addition.

Get Another Boyfriend Home for the Holidays

Part one.

December 22, 2001

At the firm's Christmas party in honor of the Backstreet Boys.

"So you ready to get back home?" Kevin asked me. I nodded as I reached for another cookie. "Will you have enough time to decorate the tree?"

"With Tyler jumping at the bit and you helping I'm sure I will have plenty of time and help," I smiled up at him. "How about you? Are you ok with this?"

"Do you mean spending Christmas with you and Tyler and not with my family?" Kevin asked. I nodded. "Baby, when are you going to understand that you are my family. You and Tyler and little Jake. I'm very happy with us as a family. Yes I love my mother and brothers and Brian. But my heart is with you and Tyler right now." A shadow crossed over us and I looked up to see Nick standing there with his arm around AJ.

"Hey Nick," I smiled at him.

"Hey Matt, you and Kevin leaving to go back to the beach house?" Nick asked. I shook my head.

"My father had a Chalet up in the mountains. I'm in the mood for a white Christmas this year," I replied. "What about you and AJ?"

"Well we was kinda hoping to spend Christmas with you and Kev," Nick said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Kev?" I asked looking at him. "What do you think? Do we take them in?"

"Well gee Matt," Kevin replied grinning. "Do you think there is room for us all?" I knew Kevin was teasing me.

"We would love to have you two over," I said to Nick. Nick grinned his thanks to me.

"Daddy?" demanded Tyler's voice. I looked down to see a very hyper blonde headed little boy looking up at me. "I wanna go home to decorate the tree!" I heard a bark and spotted Jake sitting next to Tyler. It would seem that the two decided to gang up on me. "Can we go home now?" I looked up at Kevin and saw him grinning at me.

"Well Tyler we are not going to go home," I said as I knelt down so that I was eye level. "Tell me something. Have you ever had a snow ball fight?" Tyler shook his head no and Jake let out a whimper. "Well how would you like to spend Christmas up in the Mountains where there is snow?"

"But won't the house be lonely?" Tyler asked with a small pout. I heard Kevin snort back a laugh.

"Pappa can explain that one to you," I said as I grinned up at Kevin. Kevin's eyebrows shot up and I chuckled. "Come on Nick, let's go bug Brian," I leaned in and kissed Kevin on the lips. "I love you sweetie."

"I love you too baby," Kevin replied as he kissed me back. I had to laugh at the ewwws and yuckies coming from Tyler. I glanced down to see both Tyler and Jake hiding their faces. I chuckled as I headed off to find Brian. I wanted to find out what Brian was doing for Christmas. I spotted him near the punch bowl sipping on some holiday punch. Nick ran up to his best friend and clapped his hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Hey Frick!" Nick grinned.

"Hey Frack," Brian teased back. "You and AJ having fun?"

"Yea we're having a blast," Nick replied. "We are going to spend the Holidays with Kev and Matt."

"Where are you all going?" Brian asked as he handed Josh a cookie.

"My parents had a Chalet up in the mountains in Washington State, so we are going to spend Christmas up there," I replied as he looked down at Josh.

"Where is Tyler?" Josh asked looking around.

"He is talking to his Pappa," I replied.

"Daddy?" Josh asked Brian. "May I go and play with Tyler?"

"Sure Buddy," Brian replied as he patted Josh on the head. "Try not to get into any trouble." Josh was off in flash and was soon at Tyler's side talking and giggling. "I am so glad that Tyler and Josh found each other. They are going to make the best playmates."

"Yea they are a cute pair," I replied as I laughed when I saw Josh hand Tyler a Cookie and Tyler make a yuck face and shook his head no and promptly showed Josh the "Good Stuff." They both grabbed a handful and took off running to admire the larger than life Christmas tree. Jake trotted along with them to make sure he got his share of the Cookies. "Actually all three make a good team." Brian and I stood there watching our sons as they admired the tree. Tyler would point to an ornament and Josh would point at another. Than they would bust up giggling. "It is children that make the holidays worth it all."

"Yea, I know what you mean," Brian replied. "Umm I have a question to ask."

"Shoot," I prodded Brian.

"Well umm Leighanne is away on a movie shoot and won't be home for the holidays and I was kinda wondering if--," Brian started.

"Enough said Brian," I smiled. "Kevin and I would love to have you and Josh over for the Holidays." Brian smiled his thanks to me. "Now about Leighanne. Isn't there a chance we can get her home?"

"Fraid not," Brian sighed. "This movie she is working on is really stressing her out. They are working on a huge deadline."

"Well this sucks," I grumbled. "You are a new family and you should be together for the holidays." I heard Jake barking and I looked over in the direction of the noise and busted up laughing. It seemed that Tyler and Josh had discovered the indoor Play ground and was clamoring all over it and poor Jake was left out in the cold so to speak. He was letting his little master know that he was not happy about it at all. Finally Jake got Tyler's attention and he ran over to hug Jake around the neck. Josh joined in the hug too. Jake tried to kiss each of them and they busted up laughing before dragging the puppy over to the play area. I looked around to see where Kevin was. I spotted him engrossed in a conversation with a friend. I winked at him and grinned. He blushed and looked down. I laughed softly and turned back to Nick and Brian.

"You had way to much fun doing that," Nick scolded me.

"What do you mean?" I asked acting all innocent.

"Getting Kevin all flustered like that," Nick snickered. "You have to admit you did enjoy that."

"Yea you're right Nick, I did enjoy it," I agreed winking at Kevin again. This time he choked on his punch and started coughing. I laughed loudly this time.

"You're going to give him a stroke if you continue that," Nick teased me. "Now be good and put the poor man out of his misery." I nodded and headed over to Kevin. When I got there I slid my arms around his waist and pulled him close.

"I love you Mr. Richardson," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you baby," he whispered back. "You ready to head back to the room?" I nodded. Even though it was nice that the Firm threw this holiday party for the Boys I was tired and was ready to snuggle up with Kevin. "I'll get Tyler and Jake." In a few minutes Kevin came back with a very unhappy Tyler. It was very plain to me that Tyler wasn't quite done playing with Josh. I decided that it was time to defuse the situation.

"Hey Tyler?" I asked smiling at him.

"What?" Tyler asked in a small voice.

"Guess who is spending Christmas with us?" I asked grinning up at Kevin. Tyler looked up at me with eyes so wide and full of questions that it almost choked me up.

"Who Daddy?" he asked as he took my hand.

"Well Nick and AJ for one," I smiled down at him. I could see him getting happier all the time.

"YIPPPPEEE!" exclaimed Josh from across the room. Brian must've told him the plans to spend the holidays with us.

"And Brian and Josh will be spending holidays with us too," I said watching his expression on his face.

"Really?" he asked getting all exited. "I get to spend Christmas with Josh?"

"Yes son," I laughed at him. "You get to spend Christmas with your new friend."

"Goodie! We can sit up together and wait for Santa!" he exclaimed jumping up and down and clapping his hands. "Can I go tell him?"

"Ok, but only for a minute," I said reaching down and ruffling his hair. "We have to get back up to the room so we can get to bed so we can leave in the morning." Tyler was gone in a flash and beside Josh whispering in his ear. They busted up laughing and continued to talk in small hushed voices. "I wonder what they are talking about?" I asked aloud.

"Probably designing a trap for Santa," Kevin voice said as his lips graced my neck. "That is what I would do if I was them."

"Oh really?" I asked grinning up at him. "Are you speaking from past experience?"

"Could be," Kevin replied as a small smile played on the corner of his lips.

"I'm happy that he is going to have his best little friend with him over the holidays," I said as I leaned back against Kevin. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Let's go up to the room and make love," Kevin whispered huskily in my ear.

"Does my baby need some relief?" I asked kissing his hand. He nodded and tried to kiss my lips. "Let me make sure that Tyler is ok with Josh and Brian." I broke away and headed over to Brian. After making sure the Tyler was ok with them I headed up stairs to our room. Once there I found myself in the warm and protecting loving arms of Kevin. In no time at all I was naked as Kevin and he was sliding in and out of me making sweet love to me. I knew than that it was going to be a Christmas to remember. That was when it hit me. Christmas was just a little over two days away and I haven't even gone shopping for Kevin yet. Three hours later I was still up nestled in Kevin's arms still trying to figure out what to get him.


Stay tuned for part two of Get Another Boyfriend Home for the Holidays.

Next: Chapter 19: Home for the Holidays 2

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