Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 4, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Disclaimor and a Special Announcement! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination! Now on with the Special announcement!

Coming April 1st, 2002 the author of Get Another Boyfriend, The Beginning of Something Wonderful and Whiplash is proud to give another fictional BSB/NSYNC and Briefly mentioned 98 Degrees story.

Preview: of Though He be Only Mortal!

"I miss you dad," the voice croaked out. It was the same voice but much younger. "How am I supposed to go on without you?" I watched a younger man walk up to him and touch his shoulder. "Hey Brian."

"He Kevin," Brian said. Ok so now I have a name to go with this beautiful mortal. "Man I am so sorry that he passed away so quick."

"Thanks Brian," Kevin replied. "I not sure what to do now that he is gone."

"Well if I was you I would follow my dreams," Brian said as he rubbed Kevin's shoulder. "That is what your Dad would want you to do." I continued to watch them in this time period. For some reason I had to watch him as he managed to get through this hard and difficult time.

"He is still so sad," a deep voice spoke up behind me. I turned and nodded. "I had hoped that he would've gotten on his life by now." He turned and touched my arm. "I'm Gerald Richardson. That boy's father."

"6,000 years is a long time to wait," I replied in a neutral voice.

"One does not question the will of our Father," Michael replied with just a tinge of scolding. "Come now we must hurry if you are to depart on time." I followed Michael through the massive gates that led to the Devine Throne room. Once there I knelt on my right knee and kept my face hidden. I was silent through Michael's introduction.

"Father!" he called out. "Azeikial of the lost island of Atlantis is here as you requested!"

"Azeikial of the lost Island of Atlantis rise and come forward!" his voice boomed in my head. "I have a task for you to perform."

"So you exited about the audition?" Nick asked all exited. "I can't wait to blow Nsync away!" Kevin rolled his eyes. "Come on Kevin!" Nick wined. "You know they suck."

"Actually Justin sucks but the rest don't," Kevin mumbled.

"You mean you and Justin?" Nick squeaked out. Kevin nodded as he grinned. Justin was one of his "Victims". He had that blonde stud begging for more. "Wow he is hot!" Kevin jerked his head up in surprise. "Hey Kev," Nick said as he smiled a naughty grin. "Your not the only one who loves to suck and fuck pretty boys." Kevin jerked when he felt Nick's hand on his crotch. "Infact I would guess that you would love nothing more than to have me right after dinner."

"You couldn't handle me," Kevin smirked at him.

"Wanna bet?" Nick asked grinning.

"Kevin loves to control the situation. He also is a person who loves to come to the rescue. So that is why I'm doing this." With a wave of the hand I suddenly felt something I hadn't felt in thousands of years. I started to sneeze and cough and sniffle. I had a cold. I glared at Michael as I sneezed again.

"Why did you do that?" I demanded as I snatched as tissue.

"Kevin will see you and fall instantly in love with you," Michael said with a smirk.

"Oh yea how romantic," I snarled at him. "I look so hot with snot running down my nose."

"Ok everyone let's get this show on the line," a cocky tall teenager said.

"Take a chill pill Justin!" shouted a very slim and attractive young man.

"Fuck you JC!" Justin hurled back at him. It was at that point that I notice the white slight shining around JC. He was a chosen one! Someone who would bring about great change. I looked at Justin and saw that black slight surrounding him. He was being influenced by evil. But who was it? Who was controlling him? I shook myself back into focus.

"You wish!" JC sneered at him. Justin stepped up to JC and the white light and Black light collided. Only I could see it. JC's nostrils flared as he faced off the younger man. Justin sneered at him with typical youthful arrogance.

Soon Damion was in an everlasting session of lust and self indulging.

Three hours later an very satisfied Damion laid in Lucifer's lap gently licking on his cock. "I have a mission for you my pet," Lucifer purred as he willed another surge of cum from his cock. Damion eagerly licked it up. "I am giving you a mortal's body. You will decide which one."

"What is my task oh master?" asked Damion as he latched onto a nipple and sucked on it as if he was a calf sucking for his meal.

"You will bring Justin Timberlake to hell!" Lucifer demanded. "You will become his lover and you will seduce him and you will use him to bring down the House of Richardson!"

"Why?" asked Damion.

"The house of Richardson has been a thorn in my side for to long. Now there is an Angel assigned to him. This angel is a youth full one that will bring Kevin to heaven. I cannot allow that. Kevin holds the key to a period of peace that will descend upon the earth and it will last a thousand years. I cannot allow that! Now choose the mortal you will control!" demanded Lucifer. He waved his hand and a group of very attractive young men appeared in front of them. Damion's eye fell upon a very slim and attractive man. He wore a medallion around his neck. He wasn't overly muscular but he was very defined. His cock lay limp between his legs and his balls were heavy with seed. He had the look of innocence in his eyes. Damion could tell he was a virgin. He knew his choice.

"I want him!" Damion said pointing at him. ***********************************************************

Just a taste of what is coming. Stay tuned for more previews of the new saga from Though He be Only Mortal!

And now on with the story!

Painful Month part Five

"Where is Josh?" Tyler asked with tears in his eyes. "Why did the police take my friend away?" I knelt down and picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat down on the couch. "I miss him Daddy."

"I know you do Tyler," I replied. "But do you remember when you were taken from me?" Tyler nodded sniffling. "Well Josh was taken from Brian for the same reason."

"But Brian is a good Daddy, and Josh really loves him just I loved you,"Tyler argued with me. I sighed and looked at Kevin for help but he was on the phone with our attorney getting the next phase of action started. Brian and Leo were talking quietly on the love seat. Brian was a wreck as Leo held and comforted him.

"Your Pappa and me are going to make sure that Josh is brought back home with his daddy as soon as possible," I said. Tyler looked up at me with wide and trusting eyes and held up his pinky. I locked pinkies with him. "Pinky swear?" I asked.

"Pinky swear!" Tyler said seriously.

"Now why don't you be a really good boy and go to your room and play for a while. Your Daddy and Pappa has a lot of work to do," Tyler nodded and gave me hug and walked out of the room. I watched him walk out with his head hung low. I had to smile when I saw Blackie walking behind him with his little tail between his legs and his head held low too. I had seemed that Blackie and Tyler were really starting to bond. I looked over at Kevin who was still talking on the phone.

"How strong is her case?" Kevin asked. "It can't be that strong. She used Josh as a punching bag." There was a pause before Kevin rose his voice in anger. "What the hell? There is no way that Brian hit that boy. He is the most gentle and loving person I know next to Matt!" Again there was a pause the Attorney spoke some more. "You want to know something?" Kevin shouted into the phone. "We pay you an insane amount of money to handle our legal matters. I don't want to hear excuses why you won't be able to get Brian his son back! I want fucking real answers and I want them now or you are fired!" Kevin clicked the phone off and started pacing.

"Kevin?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Not now!" Kevin hurled at me. "I have to think this out first!" I guess the hurt showed in my eyes because Kevin walked up to me and pulled me in his arms. He than kissed me tenderly on the lips. "I'm sorry for yelling Baby. It is just that I want to get this battle won. I hate not being in control." My heart went out to Kevin. He was always in control. Now he was watching the nightmare happen all over again. Only this time it was happening to his cousin. The very cousin who had taken my son from me. Part of me wanted to smile at the irony of it. The very man who had caused me so much pain was now in my shoes. I looked over at him and did not feel any pleasure at the loss of his son. Instead my heart went out to him. I wanted to help and I wanted his son back at his side in his life. "You may seem like you are out of control but remember we have been through this before. We know how to beat this!"

"How?" Kevin demanded. "She has taken Josh and moved back to Atlanta. You know how they feel about Homosexuals!"

"They have no proof that Brian is gay. But we do have proof that Leighanne is an abusive parent. That is a valuable ace in the hole. We have to exploit it!" I urged Kevin.

"You make this sound like this is a battle over a business deal," Kevin replied.

"I happen to think that my family is a very serious business indeed," I said calmly. "You know how I am when someone attacks my family."

"Yea I remember," Kevin replied shuddering. "You go for the jugular!"

"You bet I do. Leighanne has messed with my family for the first and last time," I muttered. "Now get our attorney on the phone and it is time to play hard ball with that bitch!"

From Leo's point of view.

"Brian?" I asked softly. "Is there anything I can do?" He looked up at me with such pain in his eyes that it brought tears to my own eyes. Just an hour ago I had seen such joy and happiness and love in them. I made a vow right than and there that I would do anything to see him happy again. "Please Brian, I want to help." Brian looked at me for a few seconds before launching himself into my arms sobbing loudly. I just held him tightly for the longest time. At some point I heard Matt asking me a question.

"Leo?" Matt asked again with his voice growing concerned. "You need to rest."

"I'll rest when I am sure that Brian is alright!" I barked at him. Matt nodded and walked away. I turned my attention back to Brian. He had stopped crying and was staring off into space. "Brian?" I asked softly. "Do you want to lie down?" He nodded and stood up and reached for my hand and I led him into my room. I laid him in my bed and pulled the blankets up around him. I than turned to leave.

"Leo?" came a small voice. I turned to see him looking at me through a flood of new tears. "Hold me?" he pleaded. I climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around him and held him. At some point he fell asleep but I kept on holding him. I felt drawn to him. Call it love or concern but I wasn't leaving him until I was sure that he was going to be all right for the night.

"Leo," came Anne's voice. I looked up to see my sister standing in the doorway. I could tell that she was worried about me. "You need to come out and get some dinner." Sighing I slid out of bed and carefully replaced me with my pillow. Brian let out a soft whimper and hugged the pillow close to him. I kissed him on the lips softly and followed Anne out of the room. After closing the door behind me I walked with her into the living room.

"So she can't leave the state?" Kevin asked into the phone. "Good job Roger! Yea we'll make sure we are at the court house first thing in the morning! Ok you have a good night." He clicked the phone off breathing a sigh of relief. When he saw me he smiled. "Leighanne can't leave the state! Since she started the custody battle in the state of Florida she can't leave with Josh! Battle two goes to us!" Matt walked up to Kevin and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"Good," Matt said with a smile. "Now that we have Leighanne cornered let's have some dinner." On the way into the dinning room Kevin cornered. Me.

"How is he?" he asked softly.

"He is sleeping now," I replied. "I think he should sleep for a while."

"I wanna thank you for being there for him," Kevin said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Brian is beautiful person and worthy of someone to love him for who he is," I replied. "I just hope he chooses me."

"Oh I think he will," Kevin said with a grin.

"You think?" I asked blushing.

"Oh yea I see the way he looked at you earlier. Trust me when I say that my cousin has the hots for you," he giggled.

"Ahem!" coughed Matt. Kevin grinned innocently up him.

"Yes dear?" he asked.

"Come eat Kevin," he instructed as he pointed to a chair. Soon we were all eating a good meal talking about the plans of getting Josh away from Leighanne. I had a feeling that everything was going to work out ok.

Three in the morning from Matt's point of view.

The ringing of the phone pierced our quiet peaceful house. I grabbed it and clicked it on. "Hello?" I asked with my heart racing. No one ever called at three in the morning with good news. I was prepared for the worse.

"Matt?" asked Roger. It was our attorney. It wasn't good news. I could tell by his tone of his voice.

"What's the bad news Roger?" I asked. By now Kevin was up too and had grabbed the other phone.

"Leighanne has fled the state with Josh," Roger replied.

"What are you doing about it?" I asked.

"I'm in the process of convincing the DA to put out an arrest warrant for the kidnapping of Joshua Litteral," Roger replied. "It is going to be hard to do because she does have temporary custody."

"But what about the hearing?" I asked.

"If she doesn't return in time for the hearing the judge will have to issue a bench warrant for her arrest," Roger replied. "But if she gets to Atlanta it is going to real hard to get her back. And you need to prepare Brian for the possibility of her leaving the country with Josh. If she manages to do that than the chances of getting Josh back is slim to none."

"This keeps getting worse and worse and I don't like it!" I said into the phone as I looked over at Kevin. His face was gray with fear and it shook me to the core. I had never seen Kevin scared before. I swallowed hard and took Kevin's hand. "Let's let Brian know the bad news."

TBC E-mail any comments at

Next: Chapter 29: Painful Month 6

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