Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 5, 2001


I'm Back! Boy can I start a mess or what? The rumors are flying as to what Brian is up too. No I'm not telling! So there! Aren't I mean?

Thanks again for all the e-mails. I got a few good ideas from them and I plan on using some of them.

Did you all catch the latest installment on Forever? Right now Kevin is being a complete jerk!!!! If you haven't seen it yet check it out.

Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There is some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Now on with the show!!!

I turned around to see a red faced Kevin standing behind me. I nodded for him to continue.

"I thought it would be a nice present for Tyler if I paid for his swimming lessons. And I noticed that you were canceling his appointments for his shots. So I hooked up with Legihanne and got his appointments rescheduled. I umm hope that I didn't overstep my bounds. But you had so much to worry about and I was worried about Tyler getting behind on his shots and all and I umm know how important that is to ummmmph!" I had to stop him from rambling so I did the only logical thing I kissed him.

"You were rambling sweetie," I grinned up at him. He blushed and looked down. God did he look cute when he did that. I turned to look at Brian. "God do I feel like a jack ass!" He nodded and grinned. Ok so I deserved that. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Hey," he smiled again. You were only looking after your son. In you shoes I would've done the same thing," he said. "Now let's go back in and eat cause I'm hungry!" On the way in I handed a slip of paper. He looked at it and thrust it back into my hand. "I can't accept this."

"Brian," I argued. "Come on, you two are really going out of your way. At least let me cover his meals. I have to do something."

"Kevin can you go on ahead? I have to talk with your boyfriend," Brian said lightly shoving Kevin through the door. Turning back to me, he took the check I had written him and promptly tore it in two. "Can't I do a friend a favor with out being paid for it?"

"Brian, this way bigger than you just doing me a favor. You are taking care of all of his needs. I can't let you do that. I'm his father and I should be supporting him," I argued.

"And he is right mister!" said a female voice behind me. I turned to see Brian's wife standing behind us with her hands on her hips. "Let him pay for Tyler's meals."

"Fine!" Brian grumbled. I smiled my thanks to Leighanne and headed back into the Pizza Hut and to our table. There I found Kevin with one end of the bread stick in his teeth and the other end in Tyler's teeth. Both of them were growling like a couple of hungry puppies. Both of them were oblivious to everything and everyone around them. Nick was laughing at the two of them but stopped when I gave him a scolding look. In the mean time my hungry puppies, I mean, hungry men were getting louder. I sighed and decided to take matters into my own hands.

"Ahem!" I coughed loudly. They both looked up in surprise of being caught. I reached out and took the bread stick from them and cut it in half and gave one half to Tyler and the other half to Kevin. "You and I have to talk about your table manners mister!" Kevin blushed and smiled at me. Ok ok so he has a great smile. Call me a softie. I reached under the table and gave his leg a soft squeeze. "Ok you're forgiven, but no more playing with your food." I sat down to finish my meal. Brian and his wife joined us a few moments later. We talked about everything under the sun. Than Brian had to bring it up.

"So Matt," he started. "Have you given any thought as to what you're going to do after the tour."

"Do we have to discuss this right now?" demanded Kevin glaring at Brian. I touched Kevin's hand to calm him down.

"Brian is right Kevin, I do need to think of what I am going to do after the tour. I need to contact my agent and see what else he has planned for me. JC said that he would love to have me on the NSYNC tour and Justin is behaving himself now so maybe I will try that route," I said grinning at Kevin.

"I don't like the idea of you dancing for our competition," he grumbled. We dropped the conversation for the moment and went back to our meal. After polishing off three dessert pizzas we decided that it was time to head back to the hotel. Once in our room I wrapped my arms around Kevin and pulled him into a hug and pressed my lips into his. He wrapped his hand around the back of my head cradling it softly as his tongue did battle with mine. I moaned softly as his hand slid under my shirt and played with my nipple. I heard a gagging noise behind me and looked down to see my son making funny faces at us. He was making it very clear that he didn't really like us making out in front of him. I reluctantly pulled away from Kevin and looked down. To my shock Kevin sighed loudly and pushed me away and stalked off. Ok so I wasn't expecting that. I picked up Tyler and put him in the next room and got him ready for bed. Coming back into our room I looked around for Kevin and didn't see him. Instead I found a note.


Went to work out. I can see that you need to spend time with your son. So I will leave you alone!"


I stared at the note for the longest time. Was I being inconsiderate to Kevin by paying attention to my son? Was I trying to hide our relationship from Tyler? In my mind I wasn't. Tyler was a young impressionable boy. I didn't want him to think that he had to be Gay. He has to be what he is. If he is gay that is fine with me. But if he isn't than he needs to be allowed to be who and what he is. So if that meant not shoving Kevin and me in his face all the time than so be it. The more I thought about the madder I got. About an hour later I was still steaming over it. The door opened and in walked Kevin. He was quiet. Too quiet. He walked into the bathroom closing the door.

"Well two can play at that game mister," I hurled at the closed door. I stalked into Tyler's room and climbed into bed with Tyler. He was still awake playing with his action figures. It actually took a couple of moments to notice that I was in bed with him.

"Daddy?" he asked softly. I looked over at his wide innocent eyes. "Did you and Kevin have a fight?"

"No son," I lied. "Kevin and I just need some time apart is all." I gathered him in my arms and lay down and prepared to go to sleep. I could hear that the shower had been shut off and I heard the bathroom door open and I heard Kevin call for me. I waited for him to come in but he didn't. It was when I saw the light turn off in the other room did I allow the tears to fall.

From Kevin's point of view

Ok so you all are really mad at me right now. I don't blame you. I fucked up. I wanted Matt all to myself and when I didn't get my way I acted like a spoiled child and left. God how could I be so stupid? Matt was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I miss holding him right now and I know any sane man would go in there and carry him back in and make love to him for the rest of the night. But no not me! I'm an ass! What do I do? I'll tell you what I did. I lay in bed for about an hour with my eyes wide open trying to convince myself that I was right and he was wrong. Another hour and I was still awake.

"Kevin?" asked a child's voice. I shook myself awake. I looked at the clock and saw that it was three in the morning. Tyler was standing at my bedside with his arm around his teddy bear.

"Hey Tyler?" I asked softly as I reached to pull him up in bed with me. "What's the matter?" He shrugged his shoulders and stuck his thumb in his mouth. I gently removed it and he glared at me for a few seconds. I felt sorry for him and stuck it back in. "I'm a real good listener." He thought about what I said for a few seconds.

"Why did you and Daddy fight?" he asked with his eyes wide opened and full of questions.

"Well Tyler," I said as I pulled him closer. He lay down beside me and snuggled closer to me. "I was a real meanie and hurt your daddy's feelings."

"But you promised you would never hurt my daddy," he scolded me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tears welled up in my eyes. "You pinky swore!" That did it. The tears were flowing.

"I know I did," I said softly. "I'm really sorry I hurt your daddy Tyler." We were quiet for a few moments. Than I felt two arms wrap around my neck and he hugged me.

"Are you still mad at him?" he asked.

"I could never stay mad at your Daddy Tyler," I smiled at him. "I love him so much."

"Than why are you in here and my daddy is in my bed?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"You know something Tyler?" I asked messing up his already messed up hair. "You are right. Let's get you back to bed and I will take care of your Daddy." I swung out of bed and carried him back to his bed and laid him down. Than I knelt at Matt's side and kissed him on his nose. He wrinkled his nose and grunted. I giggled at him and kissed him again. This time it worked he opened his eyes and smiled at me. Than he stopped smiling and glared at me.

"I'm supposed to be mad at you!" he said pouting.

"Would it help if I told you that I just got my but chewed out by Tyler?" I asked. His eyebrows shot up in shock. I giggled softly.

"I hope he was rough on you," he replied as he sat up carefully not to wake up Tyler.

"Well he reminded me of the Pinky Swear," I said cringing at the thought of that look on his face. "So yes he was very hard on me."

"Well good!" Matt retorted as he stood up and walked out of the room. I sighed and followed him out. Ok so this was not going to easy. I found him sitting in a chair staring out the window.

"Matt," I said softly kneeling by his side.

"I'm not talking to you!" he muttered shrugging away from me. I looked at his face and saw tears sliding down his cheek.

"All I can say is that I am sorry," I whispered softly rubbing his shoulder. He still refused to answer me. "Please Matt," I begged. He looked at me with anger in his eyes but I could see it disappearing. "What can I do to make it better?"

"How could you do that?" he hurled at me. "You know how important my son is to me. You know that I have to spend time with him. My son comes first! If you can't understand that or deal with it than maybe we need to separate!"

"NO!" I shouted at him. "I'm not losing you! Not after spending years finding you!"

"My son," he said looking down at his fingers. I took his chin and guided his mouth to mine and kissed his lips gently.

"I understand that you and your son share a bond that I will never understand. I understand that you need to spend time with your son. I can't explain why I did what I did last night. But I can promise you that I will never do it again." He looked at me and I held out my arms and he fell into them. I groaned softly as his weight collapsed onto me. I was in heaven again holding my love. We stayed in that position for a while until I heard him snoring. Laughing softly to myself I carried him to bed and laid him down and than stretched out beside him. No no that will never work. I slid out of my boxers and slid his off and pulled him close to me. I needed to feel his nakedness against my skin. There that is much better. I shivered at his touch and snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes.

From Matt's point of view.

The next morning.

I woke up cold. I was also naked! I looked over at Kevin. He had hogged all of the blankets! I tugged on them and he rolled over on top of them. Ok so this was getting old. "KEVIN!" I shouted. His head popped up looking around in shock. It was so cute that I busted up laughing. He glared at me for a few seconds and than plopped his head back into the soft confines of his pillow. "Kevin!" I spoke again.

"What?" he hurled at me.

"I'm cold and lonely," I whimpered out. Only then did he see my predicament. He chuckled and jumped on top of me covering me up. This was much better. Kevin was on top of me grinding his crotch into mine. I was as excited as he was. "There, that is much better!" I said snuggling up to him. Kevin wanted to play some more. "We are frisky this morning," I teased him by lightly jerking his cock. His eyes flashed with desire as he licked his way down my chest and abs. Soon he was at my crotch swallowing my cock. I groaned loudly as he started bobbing up and down on my cock. I looked down in time to see him wink up at me. I smiled down at him and gently massaged his hair as he continued his assault on me. I knew that today was going to be a good one. In about five minutes I blasted my load down Kevin's throat. He swallowed every drop and cleaned me up and than snuggled back up to me. I could tell that he was horny and wanted some action. "Kevin?" I asked. He looked down at me. "Make love to me? I pleaded. He bent down and captured my lips in a kiss. I could tell by his lips and tongue action that he was ready. I reached down and gently stroked his cock. He groaned into my mouth. "Please Kevin," I begged him. He stood up and slid in behind me. I was again reminded that he was considerably bigger than anyone that had entered me before. He gently eased into me filling me up his cock. I groaned softly in pain. He stopped and looked at me. "I'm all right baby," I assured him.

"I don't want to hurt you Matt," he replied. "If I'm too big than we don't have to do this."

"I don't care about the pain, I want you inside of me, I want you to make love to me," I replied as I pushed up against him. He chuckled softly and began to thrust in and out softly. I begin to tremble with pleasure as his cock plunged into me. The head of his cock slammed up against my prostrate gland sending unbelievable waves of pleasure through my body. "OOOOOHHHH GOD!" I shouted out as I met each of his thrusts. He was moving faster and faster and soon it was all I could do to just enjoy the ride. He rode me for almost an hour before slamming into me one last time. His cock swelled in me and blasted his hot searing seed deep into me. I almost blacked out from the intense pleasure of my own orgasm. He pulled out of me and I whimpered from the loss. He spent the next ten minutes kissing me and cuddling up against me. Finally I had gained enough strength to turned around to face his gorgeous face. He grinned sleepily at me and I gave him a light kiss on the nose. And than buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes to catch a nap.

Later. "Well I guess this means that I'm not mad at you any more," I said as I traced my fingers along his chest. He chuckled softly and kissed me on the top of the head. "Tell me what do we have planned for today?"

"Nothing," he replied. I looked up and laughed at his messed up hair. "What? Pray tell what are you laughing at?"

"Your hair is a mess," I giggled trying to smooth it out. I liked it long like was wearing it now. It gave him a reckless look and that turned me on. After trying to smooth out his hair I finally gave up. "So if we don't have to do anything today what are we doing awake?"

"Well you see this little brat woke me up complaining that he was cold and lonely and than one thing led to another and here we are," he smiled down at me. "Are we making up now?"

"I guess," I said a little sad.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"I guess we just had our first fight," I sighed wiping a tear from my cheek. "I was hoping that we wouldn't do that."

"Baby, we are going to disagree all the time, and that is ok," Kevin tried to sooth me. "What is important is that we don't do what we did last night."

"And that is?" I asked.

"Go to bed angry at each other," he said seriously. "I hate going to asleep with you angry or upset with me."

"I hated it too," I mumbled. He pulled me closer to him and I closed my eyes to get some more sleep.

"You go ahead and sleep," he mumbled softly. Hey! Who was I to argue? It is not every day that I get to sleep in with a totally gorgeous guy. So I was taking full advantage of this.

From Kevin's point of view

I waited until Matt was asleep before getting up. Tyler would be up and he like most boys his age would be full of energy and would want to play. I was more than willing to play with him if it met letting Matt sleep in as long as he wanted too. After showering quickly I threw on some clothes I headed into the other room. True to form Tyler was up watching cartoons.

"Hey Tyler!" he looked up and grinned at me. I smiled back and sat next to him. "What are you watching?" I asked messing up his hair. He shrugged his shoulders and climbed into my lap and lay back against me wrapping his little arms around my waist. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Tyler still wasn't as comfortable with me as he was with Nick and Brian but maybe that was changing. I hoped it was. I loved that little guy and hoped to be a major part of his life.

I heard his stomach growl and I busted up laughing and he let out a giggle. "So are you hungry?" I asked. Again he shrugged his shoulders. Must be a three-year-olds way of saying yes. "Well let's see what is on the room service menu," I said as I reached for it and started flipping through it. "Do you like pancakes?" I asked. Ok so it was a dumb question. All three-year-old boys loved pancakes. And the look he gave me confirmed that fact. "Ok so I will take that as a yes. How about blue berry pancakes and sausage and hashbrowns?" He nodded with a huge smile on his face. "What do you want to drink?" I asked. Ok here is where I get into trouble again.

"Chocolate milk!" he demanded. I thought about it for a few seconds and had to agree that it did sound good. So I agreed and ordered me the same thing. After hanging up the phone I heard a knocking at the door. "Come in!" I shouted at it. The door opened and Nick came walking in. "Morning Nick," I said as I turned back to the TV. Nick reached for Tyler but Tyler wrapped his arms around me and snuggled closer. Nick raised a worried eyebrow. "I think he is missing his grandparents this morning." Nick nodded understanding. So for the next thirty minutes we sat watching cartoons. Tyler was unusually quiet this morning wearing this little pout on his face. And he was very clingy too didn't want to be away from me at all. At first I was happy to have the time with him. Than I started to worry about him. I had to remind myself that he was just a boy a toddler infact. He didn't understand what death really was. All he knew is that he still missed his Grandparents very much and had no way to see them or talk to them. I was getting worried and was about to get Matt up so he could take over when breakfast arrived. That did it. Once he started eating his mood improved to the point that I was sastified that I didn't need to wake Matt. After eating our Blueberry Pancakes and chocolate milk we spent the rest of the morning playing. Playing what? Why tent of course.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to an empty bed. Looking at the clock I saw that it was after ten in the morning. I swung out of bed groaning. Kevin was a little rough on me but it was worth it. I stumbled to the bathroom and showered and put on some clothes. Than I set out to find Tyler and Kevin. I didn't have far to look. I could hear Tyler squealing with laughter and Kevin growling like a monster. I opened the door to Tyler's room and found the room service cart. I frowned at the empty chocolate milk glasses. I would have to have a serious talk with Kevin about proper diets for three-year-olds. I looked around and saw all of the blankets around the room draped over the furniture. I could hear Kevin growling and Tyler Squealing with laughter.

"Ahem!" I coughed loudly. I was greeted with silence. Than I heard Kevin's voice.

"I think your Daddy is awake," he giggled. Tyler's head appeared first. His hair was all messed and his cheeks were flushed with the activity. Kevin's head popped up next. He was about the same state as Tyler. "Umm morning sweetie," he said rather sheepishly." I laughed at them and turned and left the room. I was so happy to see Kevin and my son getting along and having so much fun.

"Daddy!" demanded Tyler. I turned around to see him standing next to Kevin still in his pajamas with his arms wrapped around Kevin's leg. "Come play with us!" I looked up at Kevin and he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yea Daddy!" he mimicked Tyler. "Come play with us!"

An hour later we were interrupted by a knocking on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened and In walked Brian and Leighanne. "Hey Guys I smiled up at them. Tyler and I were pinning Kevin to the floor. He was trying in vain to get the upper hand but was failing.

"Are you all having fun?" laughed Brian.

"Well we do have the day off," I spoke up finally having mercy on Kevin and helped him up. We sat down on the couch and Tyler climbed up in my lap and leaned back against me.

"That is why I stopped by. There is an amusement park near by and I wanted to know if you all were up to going out for the day," Brian suggested.

"Do they have bumper cars?" asked an excited Tyler.

"Yes Tyler," Brian laughed, "They have bumper cars." So I guess that settled it. We were going to spend the afternoon at the park.

Almost nine hours later I dragged myself to a park bench. My son on the other hand was taking his, oh I don't know, maybe is twentieth ride on the bumper cars. Kevin of course was riding with him. I took the last three rides and Kevin finally had mercy on me and volunteered to be Tyler's bumper partner. Hey! I tried to warn him.

"So you having fun?" asked a soft voice with a southern accent. I looked up yawning and he laughed harder. "I'll take that as a yes." Brian sat next to me putting his arm behind me. "Kevin is really getting attached to Tyler."

"Yea, they do seem to get along real well," I replied taking a drink from a water bottle.

"Do you think that is wise?" he asked. Ok so I was a little shocked. I looked up at him studying his face for any signs of deceit. There was none.

"So where did that come from?" I asked. "Kevin and I love each other very much, I want Tyler to be happy with him too."

"What if this doesn't work out?" Brian asked. "I mean I've seen Kevin like this before. One minute he is as happy as he can be. The next morning he is ready to move on to something different."

"Kevin is not like that!" I hurled at Brian. "He loves me!"

"Don't get me wrong, Kevin does love you very much in his limited way. But he doesn't have the best track record for boyfriends. I mean, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this but--," Brian stopped as if he was sparing me from some dark terrible secret.

"Come on Brian out with it!" I demanded. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Kevin carrying Tyler on his shoulders as they went back to the line to get back on the bumper cars. Kevin was grinning from ear to ear and laughing with Tyler.

"Well there was Nick," he mumbled.

"You mean Kevin and Nick were lovers?" I asked shocked. Brian nodded. "I want the whole story."

"Well Nick had just turned 17. We always thought that he had this crush on Kevin. So we decided that it was time to set the record straight. When it was all said and done Kevin ended up seducing Nick and taking his virginity from him. The next few months were great for those two. Than it started. First it was the long nights of extra hours in the recording studio. Than it was the long nights partying. Than one night Nick walked into their room and Kevin was banging the busboy. It broke Nick's heart. We almost broke up the band over that stunt. But we managed to keep it together." Brian paused to let the information sink in. "I just don't want to see you hurt like Nick. And remember there is Tyler here too. If he gets too attached to him it will break his little heart too."

"Why are you really telling me this?" I asked him a little harshly.

"I care about you and Tyler," Brian stated. "I just don't want you to get hurt. I want you to be prepared for the possibility of him breaking your heart." With that said he got up and walked away. I sat back quietly and listened to the noises of the park. The rides were slowing down and it was time for the fireworks. Kevin and Tyler were headed towards us. Tyler was riding on Kevin's shoulders but he wasn't the rambunctious little boy that he was when he first got here. He was tired. I could see that he was ready to pass out any moment. I took pity on Kevin and reached up and cradled Tyler in my arms. Sure enough he was out like a light.

"He is going to miss the Fireworks," Kevin mumbled as he fell into step beside me. I didn't say anything and Kevin caught on at once. "Want to tell me about it?"

I looked up into Kevin's eyes and saw nothing but love and honesty in them. "Nick?" I asked. His eyes fell to the ground. "How could you?" I asked him softly. Kevin looked at me and took my hand in his. I looked around to see if there was anyone around. Thankfully there was no one. I looked back up into his eyes.

"I promise you I will explain, but later. Not here not now," he said gesturing to Tyler. I had to agree with him. I nodded and we continued are trek to the cars. Once we got there the fireworks started and Tyler woke up so he could enjoy them too. The day ended on a nice note with all of us watching the display of noise and color.

Chapter 7

A Plan Comes into Shape

I put Tyler to bed. He barely had the strength to brush his teeth but he managed. Getting him into his pajamas was another and funny story. But with Kevin's help we got him ready for bed. I sat at his side looking down at his innocent face. His arm wrapped around his teddy bear and true to form his thumb in his mouth. I reached for his hand but Kevin gentle touch stopped me. Oh well I was fighting a losing battle anyway. Now that the little bugger had an ally. I bent down and kissed his cheek. "Good night baby," I whispered in his ear. I stood up and reached for Kevin's hand but realized that Kevin was kneeling at Tyler's bedside too. He too bent down and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. Standing up he took my hand and we walked quietly to our room. He led me to the sofa and sat me down. I looked out the window waiting for him to start.

"Please look at me," he pleaded. I looked into those blasted eyes and melted. "Are you ready to listen to me?" he asked. I nodded. "I was confused back then. And yes before you even ask me. I was in love with Nick. But I was young and so was he. I found out that I wasn't right for him. I was an ass and started sleeping around on him. He found out and it tore his heart in two. I will never forgive myself for the pain I caused him."

"I never thought that you were capable of hurting someone like that," I mumbled softly. "I mean I didn't want to believe Brian when he told me."

"What?" asked Kevin getting angry. "Brian told you?" I nodded. "That fucking bastard! He is always doing that!" I jerked my head up meet his angry gaze.

"Tell me something Kevin," I demanded. He glared at me for a few seconds. "Would you have ever told me?"

"Yes I would've told you when the time was right and on my terms. But Brian has a whole different motive for telling you," Kevin hurled back at me. Ok that was it, I had had enough of the old "Brian is out to get me" routine. It was time to put a stop to it right now!

"I'm so tire of you telling me that Brian is up to something. Especially when it is so obvious that all he is interested in is helping me out of a tight spot!" Kevin went to stop me but I held up my hand. "Brian has been nothing but nice and kind ever since my parents have died. I mean look at what he has done! He opened his home to my son! He didn't have to do that. So I don't want to hear anything more about how bad Brian is!"

"Matt," Kevin said pleadingly. "I don't mean to sound like Brian is up to something but he is!" I shook my head in amazement at Kevin's persistence. "I know you don't see it. But some day you will thank me."

"Right now all I want to do is to go to bed and get some sleep," I yawned. "Tomorrow is going to be rough when Tyler and Leighanne leave." I stood up and took Kevin's hand and pulled him up and led him into the bathroom and we got ready for bed. In a few minutes we were in bed holding each other.

"Matt?" Kevin asked softly.

"Yea sweetie?" I asked back.

"Are you mad at me for what I did to Nick?" he asked.

"I'm disappointed but no, I'm not mad at you. That was years ago and you are a different person now. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me or Tyler." I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arm around me bent down and kissed me lightly on the head. In a few moments we were fast asleep in eachother's arm. Unbeknown to me Brian was meeting in his room with a Friend of his and that meeting would have terrible results for all of us.

"Brian?" asked a male's voice as the hotel room door opened.

"Hey Justin, come on in," Brian said happily. "I'm glad you could make it! Can I get you something to drink?" Justin nodded and Brian busied himself with getting Justin a drink of soda. After handing it too him Justin took a nervous drink from it. "I need your help with something." Justin nodded for Brian to continue. "How do you feel about queers?"

"I fucking hate them!" Justin spat out. "Why?"

"How do you feel about Gays raising their own children?" Brian asked carefully. Justin put his drink down and smiled. He was starting to like where this conversation was headed.

"Are you planning what I think you're planning?" he asked with a devious smile on his face. "Are you planning on getting custody of Tyler?"

"I'm not ready to answer that question right now," Brian replied. "But if I were could I count on your support?"

"Hell yea you can count on my support!" Justin jumped in gleefully. "But I do have a question," Brian nodded. "I thought you and Matt were friends. Why would you want to fuck up his life like that?"

"I spend all my life following the commandments waiting to have sex until after I was married. I mean I do all the right things and I can't get my wife pregnant! And Matt does everything wrong. I mean look at him. He is a fucking faggot. He gets a girl pregnant, ends up with custody of the child and he has everything he could possibly want. He doesn't deserve to be a father. And he has no right to be that precious little boy's father!"

"Man and I thought I hated fags!" exclaimed Justin. "You can count on me Brian. Whenever you are ready to move on this just let me know!"

"Good, now on to more pleasant subjects. How is your love life coming along?" Brian asked.

"I'm seeing someone," Justin said blushing.

"Well come on spill the goods!" Brian pushed.

"Well she in not in the business. She is fresh out of high school and she is really a sweet person," Justin said.

"Have you--, you know had um sex yet?" Brian asked.

"No way!" Justin exclaimed. "I'm not ready for that yet. I'm not having sex until I get married! Having sex before marriage is way too complicated."

"When do we get to meet her?" Brian asked.

"Well some day we will have to get together for a cook out or something," Justin grinned. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Brian got up and opened it and let in Nick. "Oh great it is one of the fags!" hurled Justin. Brian glared at him shutting him up.

"You wanted to see me?" Nick asked.

"Yea I wanted you to meet our other one," Brian said. "Justin has just agreed to help us with our little plan."

"Wait a fucking minute!" Justin shouted. "There is no way I'm working with a fucking fag! It is bad enough I have to dance and sing with one!"

"Take a chill pill Justin!" Brian hissed at him. "I need Nick to keep Matt off the track."

"What is his job?" sneered Justin. "Matt's personal cock sucker. Oh wait a minute that is Kevin's job." Justin was laughing hard now and didn't see Nick until Nick threw Justin up against the wall knocking the wind out of Justin. Brian stepped in and pulled Nick off of Justin. Justin stood back up and pointed his finger at Nick. "Don't you ever put your faggot hands on me again!" Sitting down in chair trying to catch his breath he continued to glare at the enraged Nick.

"That is enough!" shouted Brian. "If we are ever going to pull this off we are going to have work together! Now we only have a few more weeks of the tour left. I want everything in motion so that the first day after the tour I have custody of Tyler. I have all the legal workings in place. All we have to do is keep Matt and Kevin and my wife from finding out what is going on."

"You mean Leighanne doesn't know what you have planned?" asked Nick. Brian shook his head no. "Wow and I thought you had such an open marriage."

"Shut up Nick!" shouted Justin. "It's Brian's business if he wants to tell his wife or not!"

"Fuck you Justin!" shouted Nick.

"Yea you would love too wouldn't you Nicky?" sneered Justin.

"All right!" shouted Brian. "That is enough!" Justin stood up and headed towards the door. "Don't call me on the company cell phone. Call me on my personal one." Justin nodded and headed out of the room.

"So you actually think this is going to work?" asked Nick worried.

"Yes Nick!" sighed Brian. "If we are real careful we can pull this off."

"Have you given any thought to how Tyler is going to react to this. He is going to hate you and me both!" Nick said putting his head in his hands. "I don't think I can do this. I mean the thought of tearing that little boy's heart out is killing me." Brian sighed and sat down next to Nick and put his hand on his shoulder.

"We are doing the right thing," Brian said soothingly. "Gays shouldn't have children. I mean you are gay and you understand that you shouldn't be a father right?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. Brian frowned when he felt Nick's tense muscles in his back and shoulders. He moved his hand down Nick's back and started to rub softly. Nick let out a groan. "You tense?" Brian asked softly. Nick nodded. "You want to suck me off?" Nick looked into Brian's soft blue eyes and nodded. Brian stood up and let Nick lower his pants and boxers and Nick guided Brian's cock into his mouth. Brian tossed back his head and moaned loudly. 'If this will keep you happy and on my side than you can suck my cock as often as you want!' Brian thought to himself.

The next morning I woke to a minor earthquake on our bed. Tyler was bouncing on it trying to wake us up. I groaned loudly and rolled over and wrapped my arms around Kevin. "Daddy!" demanded my son. "Get up and play with me!" I tried to pretend to be asleep. I felt two small fingers pry my eyelids open and Tyler's smiling face came into view. "Are you awake?" He asked.

"No, I'm still asleep, and you are having a strange dream, now go back to bed and go back to sleep," I giggled. I grunted loudly as Tyler plopped down on top of me. I looked over at Kevin glaring at him. I envied his ability to sleep through anything. "Come on Tyler let's go in the other room and let Kevin sleep a little longer." Taking his little hand I led him into the bathroom and sat him on the counter while I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to do something with my hair. When I thought I was presentable I opened to the door and walked into a very sleepy Kevin. "What are you doing up sweetie?" I asked kissing him on his nose.

"I woke up and you were gone," Kevin said reaching down and messing up Tyler's hair. "Hey Tyler," he grinned.

"Hey Kevin," he giggled as he wrapped his arms around Kevin's leg. "You want to play with us?" Kevin looked pleadingly at me for rescue.

"Tyler honey," I said looking down at my son who had attached himself to Kevin's leg. "Kevin is really tired and needs to sleep some more. So we are going to let him sleep a little longer. You and I are going out for Breakfast." Tyler's eyes lit up at the sound of going out. "So why don't you run along and put on your clothes and I'll meet you in your room." Tyler took off running into his room. In the mean time I looked back at Kevin who was leaning against the bathroom counter looking at me. I walked up to him and pulled him into a hug and pressed my half-naked body against his. I could feel his hard on against me. "Is someone excited?" I asked as I ran my finger down his sculpted chest stopping at his waistband of his boxers. I pulled his waistband away from his waist and peeked in to see the head of his cock peeking out. "Well hello there!" I giggled as I knelt down in front of Kevin. Taking his waistband in my hand I gently lowered them allowing his erection to spring forth. "He sure looks yummy," I giggled as I guided the head of his cock into my mouth. I shuddered as the head of his cock assaulted my tastebuds. Kevin let out a soft groan and gently pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. I opened my mouth wider and my throat up to allow his cock to slide down my throat. I moaned softly as his cock slid down my throat. I relished the feeling and taste of his cock gently sliding in and out of my throat and mouth. I could tell that Kevin wasn't going to last long. So I decided to help him out. I took my hand and slid my finger up his rectum and pushed in until I could feel his prostrate gland. One I felt the bud I gently ran my finger up against it and pulled my mouth off of his cock so that the head of his cock rested on the tip of my tongue. That did it. Kevin let out a huge moan his cock started shooting huge streams of cum down my waiting throat. I eagerly swallowed every drop. His cock slid out of my mouth and he sat against the counter breathing heavily. I stood up and laid my head on his shoulder. "Did you enjoy that?" I asked softly.

"Umm yea," he stuttered out. I laughed softly and kissed him on the cheek.

"You go ahead and go back to bed. I'll bring you something from the breakfast bar down stairs," I whispered in his ear. He nodded sleepily and shuffled back to his bed and lay down. I covered him back up and gave him a quick kiss and crept out of the room to find Tyler.

"So are you excited to go back to Atlanta?" I asked Tyler as he tried to fit the entire piece of sausage in his mouth. I gently took the fork from his hands and cut the sausage link into three more manageable pieces.

"I can't wait to go swimming again!" he said excitedly.

"Yea that was real nice of Kevin to get you swimming lessons," I smiled. "Did you thank him?"

"I want to get him a card!" Tyler said happily. "Can I Daddy?"

"Sure son, after we are done we'll make him special breakfast and you can get him a card from the gift shop," I said. I sat back and watched my son as he ate his breakfast. I smiled as he picked up the glass of chocolate milk and drank from the glass. I still had to talk to Kevin about that.

"Hey guys," said a voice behind us. I looked up and smiled politely. It was Justin Timberlake.

"Good morning Justin," I said politely. "Would you like to join us?" I asked politely. He accepted our offer swiping a piece of sausage from Tyler's plate. Tyler glared at him and Justin promptly put it back. "Yea that was probably a smart idea. Tyler is real protective about his sausage," I giggled. "SO what brings you all the way out here?"

"Business as usual?" Justin said as he flagged down a waitress and placed his order. "Tyler headed back to Brian's today?"

"Yea, the show must go on," I mumbled looking down at my plate. I was shocked when I felt his hand close on my. I looked to see understanding in his eyes.

"You only have a few more weeks than you can spend as much time with him as you want," he said soothingly.

"I know that is what every one keeps telling me. But I can't help feeling that a major part of my life is leaving today." I looked up to see Tyler finishing his breakfast. Than he did something that tugged at my heartstrings. He tapped Justin on the arm.

"Yea little buddy?" asked Justin.

"You can have my last sausage if you want," Tyler said shyly.

"Why thank you very much!" Justin said with his million-dollar grin on his face and he gratefully accepted the gift. I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye and saw that it was Nick. I didn't like the look on his face. He looked pissed and he was headed to our table.

"Morning Nick!" I said cheerfully. Tyler ran over to Nick and climbed into his lap and gave him a hug. I happen to look over at Justin in time to see a look of complete disgust disappear from his face. "What are you doing up so early?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"Keeping an eye on Justin!" Nick hurled at him. "Quite frankly I still don't trust him!" Tyler looked up at him with a little fear in his face.

"Tyler I think it is time to go," I stated as I got up and picked up the check and took Tyler's hand and he followed me. We stopped and picked up a card for Kevin. Tyler had to pick it out and he wouldn't show it too me. I could hardly wait to see what it was. In about five minutes we were headed back to our room with Kevin's breakfast.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked me. I looked down at him. "Why is Nick angry with Justin?"

"I don't know son, and it is none of our business and we must not meddle in other peoples business." We rounded the corner and walked up to the room and I could hear Brian shouting at Kevin. I frowned and slid the card in the door slot and walked int. Brian was standing over Kevin enraged about something.

"Umm does someone want to tell me what is going on?" I asked softly.

"Your lover wants to take Tyler on the rest of the tour!" Brian shouted at me. I looked at Kevin and he just winked at me. "That is going to fuck up everything!"

"Why is it going to fuck up everything Brian? If we can baby sit your rat dog for almost four months than we should be able to handle a Three year old boy!" Kevin through at him. I almost laughed at the reference to Brian's pooch but didn't. Tyler on the other hand did managed to get a few giggles out. I nudged him carefully and he caught on that maybe he should be quit.

"I just don't think that a music tour is the proper place for a three year old," Brian hurled back at him.

"And I couldn't agree more," I stepped in. Kevin glared at me and I held up my hand. "I know you mean well Kevin, but in this case Brian is correct. Tyler is a three-year-old boy who needs a strict schedule. Being on tour is not going to provide him with that!" Kevin stomped off into the bathroom slamming the door. Oh oh I made him mad. But I was right or so I thought. I looked apologetically at Brian. "You know that he is just looking out for me. He knows how lonely I get for Tyler while we are on the road. He hates to see me in pain. So don't be too hard on him." Brian nodded and slipped into Tyler's room to help him pack. In the mean time I set about getting Kevin's breakfast ready. I hoped that he would calm down by the time he got out of the bathroom. The door opened and out he walked. I could tell he was still pissed off but his mood was improving. I walked up to him and kissed his bare shoulder. He shivered at the touch. "You cold?" I asked.

"Just a little," he mumbled. I handed him a wife beater and he slipped it on and than threw on a shirt leaving it opens.

"Your breakfast is ready," I said gesturing at the table.

"You know that I love you," he stated. I sat down beside him and swiped a piece of bacon. "I can't stand seeing you sad. And when Tyler is gone you are a different person. I like the way you are now. Happy being a father for Tyler." I looked hard at Kevin and saw tears in his eyes. I knew I was going to regret this but I got up and stuck my head into Tyler's room.

"Brian stop packing!" I instructed him. He jerked his head up glaring at me with such hatred and anger in his eyes that it scared me. I walked into the room and picked up my son and carried him into our room. I looked over my shoulder giving him the hardest look I could. "I'm still his father, and I say he goes with us!" Brian threw down the suitcase that he was packing and stormed out of the room.

"Daddy?" asked a scared voice. I looked down at Tyler. "Why is Brian so mad?"

"Honestly Tyler," I said looking back at the door. "I really don't know." I opened the door to see Kevin eating the last of his breakfast. Tyler struggled out my arms and ran over to Kevin and handed him his card for him. Kevin's eyebrows shot up and opened the card and read it and gave Tyler a hug and a kiss on the top of the head.

"Thank you Tyler," he smiled. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"For the swimming lesson's dear," I reminded him. He nodded smiling as he remembered. "What time do we have to be ready to go?" I asked as I started to pack his things. Mine were already packed so I thought I would give him a few extra minutes with Tyler as I packed his things. There was a knock at the door and Kevin got it and in walked the rest of the guys with Brian leading the pack. I sensed a confrontation coming. I saw JC standing outside the door too with a worried expression on his face. I motioned him over. "Can you take Tyler out for a few moments. Take him to the hotel pool and let him swim for a while. Stay in the pool with him he is still new to swimming." JC nodded understanding taking Tyler's hand and led him out of the room. It didn't occur to me to ask JC what he was doing here but hey I was only interested in getting Tyler away from the coming battle. It had appeared that Brian had created for himself a united front.

"What do we owe this visit?" I asked deliberately keeping it polite.

"We need to talk about you and Kevin and Tyler," Brian said formally. I nodded and sat down beside Kevin.

"Well we are waiting Brian," Kevin pressed him.

"We all think that Tyler shouldn't come on the rest of the tour," AJ spoke up. "We are concerned that you are getting special treatment that the other dancers aren't getting." Ok so they were approaching this from a different angle.

"AJ?" I asked. "Are you familiar with the fair labor laws in this country?" I was met with a blank look. Apparently they hadn't rehearsed this part of it. "Did you know that the work place has to give the parents an equal opportunity to provide care for his child. And if he wants the child to remain in his custody, reasonable considerations should be taken to try and accommodate him?"

"We don't do that for the other dancers," Brian hurled at me.

"Do the other dancers have children?" I asked. All four of the guys shook their heads no. "Now I have offered to pay for Tyler's child care. Every time you refused payment. I can't allow you to continue to take care of my son with out support from his biological father. If the firm needs some form of compensation for the bunk that Tyler sleeps in and for the food he eats than I will be happy to pay whatever is required of me. I see the other dancers paying for room and board for their boyfriends or girlfriends. So don't tell me that it can't be done." I could tell that I was getting through the other guys. Brian on the other hand wasn't ready to give up.

"What about the example you are setting for him?" he hurled at me. "I mean you claim to be Catholic and you openly practice Homosexuality in front of your son!"

"And the real reason rears it's ugly head at last," I said standing up and walking across the room. I looked out the hotel room and saw that it was clouding up and it looked like it was going to rain. I smiled at JC and Tyler goofing off in the pool. Silence racked the room and I had to admire Kevin's restraint. I would've thought that Brian would be nursing a broken nose by now. Instead he was allowing me to fight this one. As it should be. I was Tyler's father after all and it was my fight. A light bulb went off over my head and I smiled and turned around. Nick took a couple of steps back. In fact everyone except Brian took a couple or steps back. Kevin chooses this moment to stand up and walk to my side. I took his hand and glared at Brian. He swallowed hard and looked around. It seemed that Brian's alliance was crumbling before his very eyes and he didn't like it in fact it enraged him.

"Do you want a Religious Discrimination suit slapped against you?" I hurled at him. "Or better yet, do you want a sexual discrimination suit slapped against you?" Brian started to say something. "Don't ever and I mean ever tell me how to raise my son! And don't ever through my sexuality or my religion in my face again!" Brian took a couple of steps back. "Now if you all don't have something important to say we still have to pack!" Brian swore under his breath as he started to leave the room. OK here is where I should've just stopped. But I guess I was having a JR Ewing moment here. "Oh and Brian?" I shouted after him. He stopped and looked back anger burning in his eyes. "I believe this is the part where I say "Check Mate!" He turned on his heals and left slamming the door behind him.

Chapter 8

Let the Games Begin!

It was the last day of the tour. We were headed to Atlanta for our last performance. Tomorrow we would separate and go our separate ways. The last eight weeks had been hell. Brian wasn't speaking to any of us. Tyler was confused as hell because I wouldn't let Brian near him. I would be thankful when this tour was over.

Tyler was restless and anxious and tired of being cooped up. We were scheduled to reach the hotel that evening. I was praying that he would make it until then.

"Hey sweetie," whispered a voice in my ear. I looked up to see Kevin standing over me. I could tell he was horny because we had chosen not to engage in any sexual activities in the bus. We didn't want Tyler walking in on us.

"Don't worry love, I smiled at him. "When we get settled in our room I will take of Jr. there." I patted his crotch and he let out a whimper and I busted up laughing. That was when it happened.

"Tyler!" shouted Brian. I looked around to see what was going on. "God you little brat!" I grabbed Kevin's hand drug him to the back where the commotion was happening. I parted the curtain and had to refrain myself from laughing. It had seemed that Tyler had found my shaving cream and had sprayed it all over the kitchen. Brian had Tyler by the shirt and was holding up and was shouting in his face. Tyler was in tears and shaking.

"Brian?" I asked softly as I tried to defuse the situation. "Can I see Tyler for a few moments?"

"Look at what your son did?" he shouted at me. I reached for Tyler and he thrust him in my arms. "If you can't make your kid behave than maybe you shouldn't be here!" Brushing past me he stormed out of the kitchen.

"I'll talk to him," Kevin said soothingly.

I sat down and with Tyler and looked at him. He was looking down in shame and fear. "You want to explain yourself?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "That is not an answer young man!" I scolded him. "You will have to be punished for this." I thought about it for a few moments and couldn't come up with any thing. I sighed and looked at him. He looked up at me with those innocent eyes and I almost caved but than I remembered Brian. I shook my head and took a deep breath. "Go to your bunk! And stay there until I call for you!" Tyler quickly walked up the aisle way of the bus and slid into his bunk. I looked around and started to clean the mess that Tyler had made.

"You want some help?" a voice asked behind me. I turned and saw JC standing there with a grin on his face. I nodded and he came in and started to help me with the mess. "You have to admit it was original." He quipped. I sighed and leaned against the counter.

"It came at a very bad time," I sighed again.

"Kids will be kids," JC said soothingly. "I seem to remember Justin doing something like this to our bus when we first started out."

"This is just the excuse that Brian needs to make a huge deal over Tyler being here," I added as I wiped the rest of the shaving cream off of the counter top.

"Hey it was only shaving cream. It could've been a lot worse," JC said with a grin.

"Yea I guess you are right. I guess I should swallow my pride and go talk to Brian and see if we can smooth things out." I headed back up to the bus and passed my Tyler's bunk. I could hear the little guy crying in there and I wanted to take him in my arms so bad. But I had to be strong and carry this through. I walked into the living area and sat beside Kevin. Kevin put his arm around me. "You and I need to talk," I said to Brian. Brian jerked his head up glaring at me. I turned to my sweetie, "Kevin can you check on Tyler and make sure he understands that I still love him." Kevin nodded quietly and left Brian and me alone. I turned to Brian and took a deep breath. "What happened to us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he retorted. "There was never an us!"

"Than why did you offer to let my son stay with your wife while we were on tour?" Brian just sat there glaring straight ahead. "You're going to have to answer me at some point Brian.

"You want to know what my problem is?" He hurled at me. I nodded. "You and your kind are my problem!"

"Elaborate please," I hurled back at him. "Or let me. You hate Gays!" He looked away trying to glare a whole through the bus window. "Admit it Brian!" I shouted at him. "You hate the fact that a Openly gay guy like me can be a father and be in love with your cousin. You can't stand the fact that I'm a gay father with a child! And you think that you can take--," I stopped as the realization hit me. Brian stood up and stormed out of the room. I was suddenly afraid for me, my son and Kevin. I stood up and went to find my Lover. I passed Tyler's bunk and heard Kevin in there giggling with Tyler. I knelt down beside the bunk and knocked on the side. The curtain was whisked aside and Kevin's head popped out. He saw the worried expression on my face and scrambled out of the bunk. "You and I need to talk now!"

"You want Nick to keep Tyler--," he started but I stopped him.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I don't know if I can trust him."

"JC?" he asked laying his head on my forehead. I nodded and Kevin went to get JC. Once they returned and JC was safely watching my son Kevin and I headed up front for some privacy. Once there I broke down sobbing. Kevin gathered me in his arms and comforted me. Once I gathered my thoughts I reached into my pocket and retrieved my cell phone and tried to dial out. I looked at it and realized that it had been disconnected. "Brian!" I hurled at it tossing it to the floor of the bus. Kevin handed me his phone. I dialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Naper and Naper Law Offices, how may I direct your call," said a female voice.

"Roger Naper please," I requested.

"May I ask who is calling?" she asked.

"Matthew Whitewater," I replied. I looked up to see Brian standing in the doorway.

"Yes Mr. Whitewater right away sir. Mr. Naper has been waiting for your call for some time now," the lady replied. Ok so I was confused.

"Matt?" asked a worried and relieved Roger Naper. "Where the hell have you been? I've been leaving messages for you all over the place. Don't you return you messages?"

"Whoa whoa slow down Roger," I said. "What messages? I haven't received any messages from you."

"I've left them some guy named Brian," Roger said. "Plus I sent e-mail messages to the firm where you work. Matt we really need to settle your fathers will."

"That is all fine and good. But right now I need to your services as an attorney. I may be losing my son," I replied. I looked over at Brian and saw all the color from his face leave. I heard Kevin swear behind me. Bingo! I had hit the nail on the head.

"What?" Roger exclaimed. "Who the hell would want to take Tyler from you?"

"The same one who wanted to prevent you from talking to me. How much did my father leave me?" I asked.

"Well Matt, let's just say that he left enough so that you and Tyler would never have to work another day in your lives ever again if you didn't want to. But we need to meet. Where are you?"

"We are just outside of Atlanta," I said.

"Matt you need to get the hell out of Georgia now. If that Brian guy is up to something they could stop you from leaving the state with your son. Matt are you listening?" I heard what he said but I was also listening to the sound of sirens screaming towards us. I felt the bus slow down and crawl to a stop. I heard the door open and I heard the voice of Georgia State Trooper.

"Is there a Matthew Whitewater on this bus?" asked the Trooper.

"I'm Matthew Whitewater," I said. Kevin stepped up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sir, I'm here to inform you that your son is to be removed from your custody and placed in the custody of Brian Thomas Litteral," the trooper said. My world came to a screeching halt. I looked to see Brian standing there with Tyler in his arms. Kevin moved to intercept Brian but I stopped him. Kevin looked at me like I was nuts. "Sir please, do not interfere. This is only temporary and a hearing will be scheduled to discuss this case." I could tell by the stance of the trooper that he meant business. I put the phone to my ear. "Sir put the phone down!"

"Am I under arrest?" I calmly asked.

"No sir you are not under arrest," the trooper replied.

"Than you can't stop me from talking to my attorney," I replied. The trooper sighed and nodded. "Roger, they've taken custody of my son. I need you now."

"I'm on the first plane out." Roger said than he hung up.

"Can I please see my son?" I asked. The trooper shook his head no. "Please sir his is going to be afraid. I have to tell him not to worry."

"No funny business?" the trooper asked.

"I will obey the letter of the law, you have my word," I pleaded. The trooper nodded and I walked off the bus and to the squad car. Brian was seated inside with Tyler. Tyler was crying loudly and trying to get away. "Tyler?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with fear and tears in his eyes. "You have to do what they say."

"I'm scared Daddy," he wailed holding his hands out to me. God that hurt. Tears flowed down my face. "Please Daddy, I don't want to go!"

"Tyler baby," I said softly. "You have to do what they say. I know it is hard to understand but trust me on this one ok?" He nodded silently. "You promise me that you will be a good boy and do what Brian says ok?" He nodded. "I'll be in touch with you ok?"

"I want a hug," he pleaded. I looked at the trooper and he nodded but three of them stepped closer. Tyler scrambled out of Brian's arms and jumped into mine. I sobbed as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you son," I whispered in his ear. "And I promise you we will be together!" I gently pulled him away from me and handed him back to Brian. Brian looked at me with a hard look.

"Matt?" he asked. I looked up at him. "Check Mate!" The trooper closed the door and the car drove off with my son in it. I stood there for the longest time watching the car drive off. Finally I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Kevin standing there.

From Kevin's point of view.

It has been three days since the horrible day that Tyler world was torn apart. I hated my cousin right now. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't hate but I do. I had no idea that my cousin was capable of doing something so horrible. The other night he tried to stop by the hotel where Matt and I are staying. He got only one foot in the door and I hit him. I think I broke his nose. I also told him that I never wanted to see him again. I was shocked to actually see hurt in his eyes. I wanted to do more harm but Matthew stopped me and invited Brian in. He politely asked Brian how Tyler was doing. Gave Brian some clothes for Tyler and his favorite Teddy Bear. Brian left the room and only than did my beloved break down. I held him the entire night hoping and praying for a miracle. I was interrupted by a knocking at the door. I got up and opened it. A man in a suit was standing there. "Yes can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm Roger Naper," he said stepping into the room. "I'm here to see Matthew." I guided him to a chair and left the room to get Matt. I opened the door and looked over at the window. There he was, all alone and by himself.

"Matt?" I asked softly. "Roger is here."

"Good," Matt said suddenly filled with energy. He actually leaned up and gave me a quick kiss. I followed him out.

"So what you are telling me is that my father just didn't work for Whittington Enterprises?" Matt asked shocked. "That he was Whittington Enterprises?" Roger nodded quietly.

"Jesus Christ!" I whispered. "You're a millionare!"

"Actually a he is a --," started Roger but he stopped. "What is in important is that we get a strategy in place for getting your son back. Now I have a plan and it is going to involve you going to Vermont."

"I can't afford to go to Vermont!" Matt said suddenly until he remembered that he could afford to go. "Oooops sorry about that," he mumbled. "Why do we need to go to Vermont?" he asked.

"You need to set up residence there. It will solidify your case. Vermont can request that your son be returned to your custody in view of their stand and laws on Homosexuals." Matt stood up and walked around the hotel room for a few moments trying to think. I stood up and went to him.

"What should I do?" he asked me.

"I think you should do what he says," I said wrapping my arms around him. He leaned against me sighing.

"I don't want to live in Vermont," he pouted. "But if it has to be done to get Tyler back than let's do it."

"Well than you two should leave tonight. The sooner you get to Vermont and establish a residence there the better," Roger said as he opened up a brief case and took out a bundle of papers. "These need your signature so that the funds can be transferred into your name. You will need funds to set up your residence. I've taken the liberty of opening a suite of offices in Vermont to make it look like you're father was planning to relocate there." I could tell that this overwhelmed Matt. I turned to Roger.

"Can you give Matt and me a couple of minutes?" I asked. Roger nodded and I took Matt by the hand and pulled him into our bedroom. "Matt?" I asked. He didn't answer me; he just looked straight ahead. "Matt please talk to me baby," I pleaded shaking him gently by the shoulders. He blinked a couple of times and than smiled.

"I'm rich!" he exclaimed. "Can you believe it?" I nodded yes. "I finally have the money to what I need to do." I started to get a little afraid as I saw the anger and hate return to his eyes.

"Matt honey?" I asked. "What do you have planned?"

From Matt's point of view.

I turned and looked into Kevin's eyes. He eyes were so full of love and worry that it shook me to the core. But the anger and hate was over whelming for me. Brian had to pay for what he did. He tried to take my family from me. I was already devising a plan to destroy him and all that he stood for. I turned to Kevin and kissed him on the lips.

"Kevin, my dear," I said grinning my "JR Ewing" smile. "Brian is going wish he never met Matthew Whitewater or his son Tyler." I turned to walk out of the room and Kevin followed me strangely silent. But I wasn't paying attention. All I was interested in, was my revenge. And how I was going to get my son back. And how I was going to make Brian, Justin and Nick pay for what they did to my son and me.

To be continued. . .

Well it is out. Not only did Brian get temporary custody of Tyler but we also found out that Matt is rich. But will his new money and power go to his head? Will his thirst for Revenge cloud his judgment and destroy his chance of happiness with Kevin?

Stay tuned for the next installment of Get Another Boyfriend.

Chapter 9 ( A Dish Best Served Cold.)

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Next: Chapter 4: Get Another Boyfriend 9 10

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