Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on May 31, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter part Four

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Disclaimer: This is fiction. I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys. The Characters in this fictional story is fiction. If this is illegal in your state or country and if you are a minor please leave now!

From Matt's Point of View.

I woke to an empty bed and looked around for my lover. He was no where to be seen. I eased out of bed and walked by the full length mirror. I stopped and gazed at myself. I was really starting to fill out again. Ever since I was diagnosed with Diabetes I had really taken my work out sessions very seriously. I watched my diet too. I had a very nice six pack and good pec muscles. I was even starting to out do Kevin. If that was ever possible. I didn't see it but Kevin insisted that I was. I heard his deep soft voice in the other room. I padded out into the hall and peaked into the nursery. What I saw was so precious that it would be etched in my mind forever.

"Is him being a good boy?" Kevin asked looking down at Mattie. Mattie wiggled his little hands and feet and cooed up at Kevin. "Oh yes him is!" Kevin said grinning down at him. "Him is being a good boy!" A happy squeal erupted from Mattie as Kevin bent down and gave him a raspberry on his belly. "Him is cute boy too." Kevin was in full force as he 'baby talked' to Mattie. It was just way too cute. Kevin was giving Mattie a bath. "Oh oh!" Kevin said as he picked up Mattie's foot and kissed the bottom of it. "Nakie baby in the house!" I choked back a laugh not wanting to let Kevin know I was watching. Mattie squealed again and kicked his other foot so that it splashed the water in the little tub getting Kevin's bare chest all wet. Again I choked back a laugh. It had seemed that Mattie had decided that Daddy needed a bath too. "You getting Daddy all wet?" Kevin asked. Mattie kicked again knocking some more water out of the table top tub. "Yes you are!" Kevin laughed. "You getting daddy all wet!" I couldn't resist any longer. I stepped into the room and cleared my throat. Kevin had just finished pouring a little water over Mattie's head. He grinned down in amusement as Mattie coughed and sputtered and cooed with glee. His little foot kicked again and splashed even more water onto poor Kevin. "Oh oh!" Kevin grinned down at his son. "Daddy all wet! Yes him his!" Mattie squealed and giggled up at his Daddy.

"You having fun?" I asked as I stepped in. Kevin jerked his head up just in time for a little yellow stream to fly out of the water and hit Kevin square in the chest and the little giggle from Mattie. I busted up laughing at the Look of complete shock on Kevin's face. Kevin quickly covered up Mattie's penis with a sponge. "You have to watch those little boys," I giggled. "They can be rather unpredictable."

"Yea tell me about it," Kevin replied as he cleaned himself off. "When did you get up?"

"Just a few minutes ago," I replied. "You go on and finish giving Mattie his bath. "I'll go see what Kevie is doing." As I walked out I heard more water being splashed out of the tub. "Try and keep some of the water in the tub dear," I said with a grin. "And Mattie? You make sure that Daddy is all clean too." Mattie kicked his feet again and splashed some more water onto poor Kevin. Kevin snickered as he continued to try and give Mattie a bath. Or was it Mattie giving Kevin a bath? I walked down the stairs and into the living room and spotted Kevie laying on a soft comforter on the floor. He had his feet in the air playing with his toes. "Good morning Kevie!" I said as I picked up the squirming little guy. "Did daddy give you a bath yet?" I smelled him and discovered that he had indeed had his bath. I looked closely at his little outfit and started laughing. "Daddy has to learn how to dress you," I giggled out. Kevie squealed happily and squirmed in my arms. "Daddy dressed you didn't he?"

"Yes Daddy did," Kevin said as he walked down the stairs holding Mattie in his arms. "Why what is wrong?"

"You are so cute," I giggled at him. I had to admit that he looked incredibly sexy holding Mattie in his arms with out a shirt on. "Now here is what you did wrong." I gently removed Kevie's shirt and flipped it around and put it back on. "You had it on backwards sweetie." Kevie spotted his daddy holding Mattie and held out his arms to him. It had seemed that the twins rivalry had started. I slid Kevie into the other arm of Kevin. I reached for a smiling wiggling Mattie. "You want breakfast?" I asked Mattie. He promptly stuck his hand into his mouth and started sucking on it hard. "I'll take that as a yes," I giggled. "Where is Anne?" I asked looking around.

"She left for New York," Leo's voice said from behind me.

I spun around looking confused. "What do you mean she left for New York."

"Well since her milk has dried up and the twins are on formula she decided that it was time for her to leave you two alone with your little family," Leo explained as he gave Mattie a little kiss. Mattie squirmed with delight at the kiss. "Now let me have my nephew so he can have his breakfast." I pouted as I let Mattie go. "I promise you will get him back when I'm done."

"Where is Tyler?" I asked looking around.

"Preschool dear," Kevin reminded me. I shuddered at the memory. You see three days ago it was Tyler's 4th birthday. And it was time for him to go to Preschool. He fought us tooth and nail over it. He even locked himself in his room.

Flash back.

"Come Tyler," I pleaded with him. "You will love Preschool."

"No I won't!" he yelled through the door. "I'll hate it! I wanna stay home with you and Pappa and the twins!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up into the eyes of Kevin.

"Let me talk to him," He said softly as he passed Mattie into my arms. I moved aside and watched in shock as Kevin produced as screw driver and slid it into the lock and unlocked the door. He than knocked on it. "Tyler?" he asked softly. "I'm coming in."

"I'm not gonna go to preschool!" he shouted at the door. "I don't wanna grow up!" Kevin opened the door and stepped in and closed it behind him. I sighed as I just realized that my son was growing up. There was no stopping it either. I felt a tugging on my shirt and looked down to see that Mattie had my shirt in his mouth sucking on it. He looked up at me with those trusting eyes that just melt your heart.

"Hey Mattie," I cooed down at him. "You hungry baby?" he just cooed some more and continued to suck on my shirt. I looked longingly at the closed door and heaved a sigh of relief when I heard Tyler bust out laughing. I knew that he was going to just fine.

Back to present.

"Who took him?" I asked.

"I did," a voice said behind me. I turned and grinned when I saw Nick walk through the door. "Do you think I would miss my adopted nephew's first day of preschool? But you have to pick him up. AJ and I have to head back to Orlando so we won't be late for our recording session." I smiled my thanks at him. I heard the door bell ring and I opened it and found a ups guy there with a package. I signed for it and brought it in the house.

"Our invitations are here!" I said with a grin. I rushed to the living room and sat down on the floor and tore into the box. I saw a shadow cross over me. I looked up and into the eyes of Kevin. "You want to see how they turned out?" I asked.

"Don't have time sweetie," Kevin said with a smile. "I have to get going."

"Where are you going?" I asked frowning.

"The recording studio dear," Kevin replied. "You going to be all right with the twins by themselves?"

"Won't Leo be here too?" I asked.

"Nope," Leo said as he deposited a very full and very happy Mattie on the comforter on the living room floor. Mattie promptly started to play with his feet. "I'm spending the day with Brian."

"We gotta go sweetie," Kevin said with a grin as he kissed me on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said kissing him back while taking Kevie from him. "Have fun recording."

"I put the seats in the truck if you want to go somewhere," Kevin said as he walked out the door. Soon I was all alone in the house. Well not quite. You see I had the twins with me.

"You guys want to go cruising?" I asked them. They just looked at me and giggled and wiggled their little hands at me to be picked up. "Ok let's go cruising!" I picked them up and their diaper bag and headed out the door.

I looked hard at the Truck. "There is just no way," I grumbled. "There is just no way this is going to work." Mattie let out a squeal as he tried hard to get my attention. Kevie stuck my finger in his mouth and started to suck on it. "What am I going to do?" Than it hit me. "A Volvo!" I cringed at the sound of it. "Yuck!" Both Kevie and Mattie made a yuck sound too. I looked down at them and smiled. They squirmed and grinned up at me too. "So it is agreed?" I asked. They just stared at me. "No Volvo!" I buckled them into their seats and climbed into the driver's seat and started it up. I let out a whimper as I realized that I was going to have to give up my dual exhaust doge ram. I put it in gear and drove down the drive and up the road. As I stopped at the stoplight a Dodge Durango passed me. "That's it!" I yelped. Mattie and Kevie looked at me like I was nuts. "A SUV!" I exclaimed. "Cool!" I exclaimed again. I looked at my watch. I still had three hours before I had to pick up Tyler. "Three hours is enough time isn't it?" I asked the twins. They just reached for their toes and stuck them in their mouths and gurgled at me. Fifteen minutes later I was dragging two car seats into the dodge dealership and caught the eye of the first sales person. "Quick! I need a suv and I'm going to pay cash for it and I have to have it less than three hours!"

"You want one today?" the salesperson yelped.

"Uhhh huhh," I replied as I popped a pacifier in each of the twins mouths. They looked at me like, 'what is this? We want real food!' Kevie's pacifier shot out of his mouth and landed on the floor. Mattie just sighed and started sucking on it and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Kevie on the other hand was to interested in looking at all the shiny cars. He spotted a bright red viper and started cooing at it. The Salesman laughed when he saw the look on my face. "Babies, what do they know?" I said turning away from the Kevie's new object of desire. He than spotted a bright blue one too and started to gurgle and squeal at it too. "No Viper Kevie," I chuckled at him. "Your daddy would have a fit."

"Umm exactly what were you looking for?" the salesman asked.

"Well I have three kids. Two babies and a Four year old, so I was thinking maybe a Durango?" I asked.

"Well you are in luck, we had a new shipment come in this morning," the salesman replied. "If you want we can leave the twins in our childcare area."

"Ummm no," I said politely. "I don't quite feel comfortable leaving them with strangers." The sales man politely nodded and led me to the outside and over to the line of durangos. Thankfully Kevie was just as exited about those too. After about an hour of test driving and getting Kevie's approval I picked out a dark blue one. It even had dual exhaust too. An hour later I was on my way to the day care center to pick up Tyler. I wondered what he would think of the new wheels.

From Kevin's point of view

The day was long and hard. Nick had for some reason turned into a perfectionist and wanted to redo each and every song at least three times. I was tired and hot and ready for some quality time with Matt and my children. Speaking of them I wondered how they were getting along with out me.

"Kevin!" Nick shouted at me. "Pay attention!" I glared at him and thought of something nasty to say.

"Come on Nick!" Brian hurled at him. "Enough all ready! We've been like over these songs three times all ready. I want to call it quits!"

"I agree," I said smiling at Brian. "I have a family to get home too."

"Fine!" Nick grumbled. "But we are back here in the studio at ten in the morning!" I sighed a sigh of relief and wondered just when did the roles change. Usually it was me that was barking orders. Now it was Nick.

"What is happening?" Brian asked as he picked up his duffle bag. "I mean when did our cute little Nicky get all bossy?"

"Want to travel back in time to find when he got all bossy?" I asked grinning at Brian. Brian quickly shook his head no holding up his hands. "You and Luke need a lift home?"

"Well we did come with you," Brian said grinning.

"I'll take that as a yes," I giggled. "Come on, let's go home. I need a Mattie and Kevie fix in a major way."

From Matt's point of view.

After picking up Tyler at Pre-school and showing him the new suv and hearing him talk about how much he loved pre-school I took everyone out to lunch and headed back home. I had a lot of work to do.

"Daddy!" Tyler shouted at me from the front door. "There is a nice lady here!"

"Well let her in!" I shouted back as I laid Kevin down in his crib. His eyes were wide open and looking around the room. He picked up his foot and stuck it in his mouth. "Sleep mister!" I lightly scolded him. He just squealed with laughter and wiggled with joy. "I have to go see who is here." I trotted down stairs and saw a short woman standing there looking very familiar. "Yes, may I help you?" I asked softly.

"Are you Matthew Whitewater?" she asked kindly.

"Yes," I answered. "How can I help you?"

"I'm Ann, Ann Richardson," she replied. "Is my son Kevin here?"

From Kevin's point of view.

"Finally we're home!" I sighed as I put the parking brake on and stepped out. I heard laughter in the house and walked up the stairs and opened the door.

"Can I call you Grandma?" Tyler asked.

"You can call me anything you want," the voice of my mother rang out.

"Mom?" I asked shocked as I walked into the living room. "When did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago," my mom said as she walked up to me and hugged me. "I got tired of waiting to meet your family so I came out here to see for myself." I bowed my head in shame. "Did you think I wouldn't be accepting of them?"

"I know how you feel about my sexuality," I mumbled.

"Wrong," Ann said back. "You know what you think I feel about your sexuality. How can I not look at Tyler and Matt and see the love you have for them and now be happy for you. And just when were you going to tell me that I'm a grandmother?"

"I guess we do have a lot to talk about," I mumbled. "I just didn't want to upset you mamma."

"That is your problem. In fact that is every one of my children's problems. Always trying to protect Mamma. Dad's dead and mom needs protection. Your father has been gone for almost 11 years now. I'm not a fragile flower that needs protecting. Now show me my grandchildren!" I winced when I saw her hands on her hips. That meant that she meant business.

"They are upstairs sleeping," Matt replied. "Why don't you two go up and I'll start supper."

"No way mister," my mother replied in her scolding tone of voice. "You're coming too." Sighing we both headed up stairs and into the nursery. I could hear Kevie or Mattie talking up a storm. Not that you could understand him but he was jabbering about something. I peaked in to see Kevie's little feet in the air and his little fingers trying to reach them. My mother walked around the crib and looked in. "Ooooh my," she whispered as her bottom lip trembled. I walked to her side and slid my arm around her waist.

"Mamma, I would you like to meet Kevin Jerald Richardson," My mother sobbed with joy as she reached down and picked up my twin son and held her to her chest. "Mamma," I said softly. "He's got pop's chin." She nodded as she gazed down at him. Kevie looked up at her with wide and trusting eyes. "Kevie," I said softly kissing his cheek. "Meet a very special woman, my mother and your Grandma." Kevie squirmed in her arms and cooed up at her. Just about that time I heard Mattie whimper. I walked over to his crib to see him stretching his little arms. He looked up at me and held up his arms as if to ask to be picked up. "Did him have a good sleep?" I asked down at him. He smiled and squirmed. I reached down and picked him up and laid his little head on my shoulder where he promptly wiped his little nose on my shoulder. "Someone else is bucking for Grandma's attention too." My mother looked at Mattie too. "Mamma meet Matthew Scott Richardson."

From Matt's point of view.

Watching Kevin with his mother as they both admired Kevin's son's was a touching moment. I was content to stand there and watch. Seeing Kevin bursting with a fatherly pride was a very beautiful sight indeed. But I saw a sadness creep into his face. I went to him and laid my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and the tears flowed. "Kevin?" I asked softly. "What's wrong?"

"I just wish pop was here to see them," he said softly. "He always wanted to see his grandkids."

"He can see them sweetie," I said as I reached up and wiped his tears free. "He is up in heaven looking down and his face is shinning with pride at the sight of his son becoming a father." I leaned up on my toes and kissed Kevin lightly on the lips.

"You think he is proud?" Kevin asked me.

"Oh I know so," I replied laying my forehead on his. Mattie decided that he wasn't getting enough attention and whimpered. I looked at him and he caught my eye and grin. "Hey there Mattie!" I beamed at him. "You want to be held by me?" He wiggled with glee as Kevin passed him onto me. "You ready for dinner?" He stuck his hand in his mouth and started to suck on it. "Grandma?" I asked Anne. She looked up at me. "You want to feed him?"

"You know I would," she replied as she took Mattie from me. Mattie smiled up at her and gurgled happily at her. "You are a cutey, you know that?" she asked Mattie. Mattie just cooed and continued to noisily suck on his hand. After Anne had walked down stairs I turned to Kevin.

"Hey sexy," I smiled at him. "How was your day?"

"Lonely," he said looking at me. "I missed you and the twins and Tyler."

"I missed you too," I replied pouting. "I mean I had the twins and Tyler to keep me all busy and stuff but I missed having you around."

"Well we are together this evening," Kevin said as he wrapped his arms around me. He ground his crotch into mine and I could feel his hardness against mine. "I want you so bad!" I reached down and rubbed his cock through the thin fabric of his shorts. He let out a soft moan as I continued to rub his crotch.

"Fuck me," I whispered. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into our room and slammed the door and in no time had my pants down around my ankles and was shoving his cock up my ass. I moaned with pleasure as the feeling his cock ramming into me seared through me. "Ohhhhhh yea!" I groaned out. "Fuck me Kevin!" I rasped out trying hard to keep it quiet. His teeth found my earlobe and he bit down on it hard causing me to whimper again as the pain was mixed with pleasure.

"OOOH Yea!" Kevin groaned out. "Take it Matt! Take my cock up your ass. Let me fill you with my cum!" His cock was slamming in and out of me and slamming against my prostate gland sending incredible waves of pleasure through me. "Ohhh fuck!" he groaned out as he started to jerk hard on my cock. "I'm so close! So fucking close!"

"Cum for me Kevin!" I grunted out as I climaxed all over his hand. He groaned loudly as he sucked hard on my neck and I felt his cock swell in me. Than I felt the welcomed feeling of his cum searing into me. I reveled in the feeling his body quacking from the powerful orgasm. Than he turned gentle as he kissed my neck and shoulders with soft feather kisses and continued to thrust in and out softly. I could feel his seed running down my leg and I loved it. Finally he pulled out and I whimpered softly from the loss.

"I promise baby," he said in that same soft sexy voice that he used right after he came. "I'll make love to you tonight properly." I shivered at the prospect of him ravaging my body with his. "Let me give you a shower?" he pleaded with me. I nodded and allowed him to lead me into the master bath.

Later that night.

"So you want to tell me why you got a suv?" Kevin asked grinning as he climbed out of it. "I mean I thought you loved that truck of yours."

"A truck is not praticle with three kids Kevin," I replied. "You should've seen Kevie," I giggled. "He wanted those vipers so bad."

"I bet he was cute," Kevin replied as he pulled me close to him. "How did you talk him into a suv?"

"The noise," I replied. "When he heard it start up he giggled and squealed with joy that I knew I had to get it."

"What did Mattie have to say about it?" Kevin asked grinning.

"He was sleeping," I giggled. "Tyler really likes it too."

"Do you like it?" Kevin asked me.

"That doesn't matter--," I started.

"Yes it does," Kevin insisted. "I want you to be happy baby."

"Oh Kevin," I said looking up into his pleading green eyes. "I'm so happy right now. I love the idea of raising your children and Tyler. Trust me when I say that I am happy!"

"But you loved that truck," Kevin insisted.

"Yes I did, but you know something Kevin?" I asked. "I love Tyler and Kevie and Mattie and you a hell of lot more than a stupid truck."

"I love you Matthew Whitewater," Kevin said laying his forehead on mine.

"I love you too Kevin Richardson," I giggled at him. "What do you say that we go inside and say good night to our children?"

"And than can we make love?" Kevin asked grinning. He looked so cute that I had to laugh.

"Yes Kevin dear," I said patting his crotch. "We can make love all night if you want too."

From Kevin's point of view.

"I'm going to the hotel boys," Mom said as she headed to the door.

"Mom, you don't have to sleep at a hotel. You can stay here," I said.

"Oh yea I can stay here," Mom said with that twinkle in her eyes. "And than I would have to listen to you to make love all night long."

"Mom!" I whined blushing. Matt giggled at my blushing.

"Now son," Ann replied giggling. "You know it is true. You and Matt are in love. You've been away from home all day and Matt's been home with the kids all day. Trust me when I say that making love at night after a hard days work is perfectly normal. I don't want to be here to make it uncomfortable. I'll be back in the morning. Because Matt and I have to start planning the Wedding!" I watched as Mom gave Kevie and Mattie a kiss and than a kiss for Tyler and Matt. I walked her out to the car.

"Thanks for coming out mom," I said softly.

"Kevie and Mattie are beautiful," Mom said softly. "You have a beautiful family Kevin. Don't ever take it for granted!"

"Don't worry mom," I said looking back at the beach house and grinned at Matt standing in the door holding Kevie. "I will never take them for granted."

"Your Father would be so proud of you," Mom said softly. I looked at her with questions in my eyes. "Yes you are gay son. And your father knew that." I gasped as tears streamed down my face. "He knew you were gay and he accepted it. He waited for you to come to him. But you didn't."

"I'm so sorry mom," I sobbed. "I really wanted to tell him but I had no idea how to."

"He knew that, even though it hurt him he knew that you had to find your own way. And you did. You found a love of your life and you grabbed him and I am proud of you and I know that he is too. Now go back to the house and put your kids to bed and than go make love to your lover," Mom said smiling as she climbed into the car and drove off. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Matt standing there looking up at me.

"Come on love," he said softly. "Let's put the kids to bed."


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Next: Chapter 43: Get Another Boyfriend 2 5

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