Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jun 10, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter part two.

Disclaimer: This is fiction. I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys. The Characters in this fictional story is fiction. If this is illegal in your state or country and if you are a minor please leave now!

Special Note: Ok I really don't want to sound all political and all but I have to say this. I'm really ticked off! Kevin Richardson testified infront of the United States Senate Committee Meeting last Thursday. He came as celebrity to voice his opinion on Mountain Top Mining. His foundation, Just Within Reach, deals with Mountain Top Mining and fights for the stopping of such practice. In short what Mountain Top Mining is this, in order to get to the coal deposits deep within the mountain some idiot decided that a good way of doing it would be to shear off the top of the mountain and push the debris down the side. It is an environmental hell. A Senator from Ohio boycotted Kevin's testimony because he didn't take Kevin seriously. He obviously didn't believe that Kevin had anything important to say. Well he did and it was his right to speak. Not just as a Backstreet Boy but as an American first! Check out the story on MTV and than comment on it if you feel the need. Let's support Kevin on this! He just got told to sit down and shut up. I don't agree with that!

Now on with the Story!

Three Months later.

Another long day at the recording studio. Nick was his usual bossy self. I swear I am going to have to talk to AJ and make sure that boy is making our Nicky happy. I missed Matt and the kids something terrible. Once again I wasn't paying attention and Nick called me on it. That was going to have to stop. I pulled into the driveway and hopped out of my car and ran up the front steps and into the house. I raised my eyebrows when I saw Tyler sitting in the corner with his head hung low. Blackie was laying beside him with his head in his paws looking guilty too. "Hey Tyler," I said patting Blackie on the head. "What's up?" He shrugged his shoulders not saying anything. "Why are you in the corner?"

"I had a fight today at preschool," he mumbled.

"Oh," I replied. "Where is your father?"

"Cooking dinner," Tyler replied. I bent down and kissed him on the cheek and headed into the kitchen. Mattie and Kevie were in their high chairs playing with their toys. I gave each one a kiss on the cheek and thrilled at them squealing with pleasure. I walked up to Matt and wrapped my arms around his narrow waist and nuzzled his neck and kissed him behind his ear. He let out a soft moan of pleasure. "Hello sexy," I cooed in his ear.

"Welcome home babe," he smiled at me. "How was your day?"

"Long and tiring," I replied. "Nick was his usual bossy self."

"We really need to talk to AJ and make sure he is making Nicky happy," Matt giggled.

"That was exactly what I was thinking earlier," I giggled back. "So what's this I hear about Tyler getting into fight at pre-school?"

"He got rude with another little boy," Matt replied. "I tried to get him to apologies but he wouldn't so he is paying the consequences. Speaking of which it is time for him to get out of the corner now."

"How did your day go?" I asked as I saw him stifle a yawn. "Your tired aren't you?"

"The twins decided to be naughty little boys," Matt said chuckling. "They started out being the cute little angels that you know so well. By this afternoon they turned into little devils. See look!" I turned to see Mattie reaching for Kevie's toy. Kevie was trying to keep it away from him. Mattie looked up at me and tears started to flow down his face. Kevie's little face was set in a stubborn look. It was plain that Kevie had no intentions of giving up his toy. I reached over to Mattie and picked him up. "Umm you shouldn't have done that," Matt said.

"Why?" I asked as I cuddled Mattie.

"Because Kevie is going to want attention too," Matt replied. Sure enough Kevie started to whimper and hold out his hands. The toy he had dropped to the floor and he started to wail at the top of his lungs. "See?" Matt said as he picked up the wailing child. "They have been like this all day long." Once Matt had Kevie in his arms Mattie reached for Matt and started to whimper. It had seemed that full blown twin rivalry had started.

"What's that matter Mattie?" I asked him. He just pointed at Kevie and whimpered some more. "Your Poppa is holding Kevie right now. Come on let's go into the living room and see what kind of trouble we can get into." On the way in to the living room I spotted Tyler still sitting in the corner. "Tyler?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with his guilty look on his face. "Your father said punishment time is over. Come over here so I can talk to you for minute?" Tyler stood up and shuffled his feet over to me. "Sit on my lap?" He climbed onto my lap. I wrapped my one free arm around him and pulled him close. "Now tell me what is wrong." He hung his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Tyler, you have to tell me what is wrong if I am going to help you."

"It was dumb," Tyler muttered. "Just some kid saying stupid stuff and I told him to shut up and daddy heard me and asked to pologies."

"Why didn't you apologies?" I asked.

"Because I was right to tell him to shut up," Tyler replied setting his lip in a stubborn way.

"What did he say?" I asked softly.

"He said he was better than me cause he had a mommy and a daddy," Tyler muttered.

"But Tyler, you do have a mommy and daddy," I replied. "Did you tell him that?"

"Yea but he said it didn't count and that I was sissy boy," Tyler replied. "That is when I told him to shut up."

"And daddy heard you," I replied.

"Uh huh and he said I was to pologies and I wouldn't pologies and I got into trouble," Tyler explained to me.

"I see," I replied. "Tyler, that boy was wrong to say those things to you. That was not nice. But you were not nice when you didn't follow your daddy's orders."

"Yes poppa," Tyler said softly.

"Good now that is all settled go and play before dinner," I said as I hugged him. Tyler jumped down and grabbed Blackie by the collar and drug him out of the room and outside. I peaked into the kitchen and spotted Matt sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his arms sleeping. Kevie was in his play pen napping too. I quietly got up and laid Mattie in the play pen too and he drifted off to sleep. I looked down at Matt and saw the lines around his eyes. He was doing it again. He was working to hard and not taking enough time for him self. I heard the alarm go off for dinner and went to get it.

"I got it," a sleepy Matt replied.

"No sweetie," I replied sternly. "I'm fixing the rest of dinner. You go into the living room and lie down on the couch. "I'll call you when dinner is ready." He nodded and shuffled into the living room. I made up my mind to talk to him about him not taking care of him self again. As I was setting the table an idea popped into my head. I grabbed the phone and quickly called Brian. Brian picked up.

"Brian?" I asked looking behind me to see if Matt was still sleeping. I could see him from the kitchen and could see by the statement on his adorable face that he was out like a light. "What are you and Leo doing this next week?"

"Nothing," Brian replied. "We are just going to hang out at home."

"Want to come to the beach house for the next week?" I asked crossing my fingers hoping that he would agree. "I need to pamper Matt and I want to go away with him for the next week. And we want to be by ourselves."

"Yea," Brian said. "Leo and I were looking for an excuse to spend some time with the twins and Josh and has been dying to play with Tyler. Where are you taking him?"

"Haven't decided yet," I replied. "Got any ideas?"

"As a matter of fact I do," Brian replied. "Leo and I are coming over this evening and we'll bring the brochures. I think you guys will like it." After hanging up with Brian I finished putting the dinner on the table and than crept into the living room to wake up my sweetie. Kneeling down by the sofa I started to cover his face with feather kisses. Finally reaching his lips I slid my tongue into his mouth. He groaned and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Hey," I smiled down at him. "You hungry?" He nodded and yawned. "Have you checked your sugar?"

"Yes I did, and it is only 110," he said with a smile. "I'm just tired going after the twins all day."

"Well come to dinner and after dinner I have a surprise for you," I said kissing him on the cheek. "Go on into the dining room and I will get Tyler." I headed out onto to the front porch and heard Tyler high pitch giggle. I also heard Blackie's barking. I walked onto the beach and looked around for him. I spotted him and Nick and AJ running towards the house. Tyler was squealing with laughter and Nick was making monster sounds at him. "Dinner time you guys!" I called out.

(From Matt's point of view)

Kevin is up to something! I know he is. He has the twinkle in his eyes and he is treating me with kid gloves again. The doorbell rang and Kevin jumped up. "I got it!" he exclaimed as he rushed to get it.

"Hey Cous!" I heard Brian say. "I brought the bro---UMPH!"

"Shhhh!" Kevin shushed him. "Matt is in the dining room. Come on up to the study. Leo go in and distract him!" Ok so now I was getting worried. Leo came in looking as guilty as hell.

"Hey Matt!" he said with a smile.

"Don't you hey Matt me!" I scolded him. "What is my lover up to?"

"Don't worry," he giggled. "Trust me when I say you are going to love this!" Turning to a cooing Kevie. "Hey Kevie!" he exclaimed as he pulled him out of his high chair. "How you doing buddy!" Kevie just squealed with glee as Leo tossed him in the air. Mattie held his hands up demanding attention too.

"What do you mean I'm going to love it?" I demanded. I was not going to allow him to distract me. Not when I was this close to finding out what the surprise was.

"Bring Mattie with you," Leo said as he headed out the door with Kevie in his arms. "Him is a cute little boy!" Leo baby talked him. "Yes him is!" Kevie giggled as Leo tickled him on his feet. "Come on Matt!" he called over his shoulder. I sighed as I picked up Mattie and held out my hand for Tyler. Tyler took it and followed me out.

"Don't worry about the dishes," Nick said. "AJ and I will get them."

Once outside I spotted Leo on the beach trying to teach Kevie to build a sand castle. I sat Mattie down beside his brother and choked back a laugh as Mattie promptly stole Kevie's shovel. Kevie swiped the bucket and used his hands to put sand in it. "Ok Cousin!" I barked at a smirking Leo. "Spill!"

"Sorry, can't do that," he giggled. "But trust me when I say you will love it!"

"Fine!" I grumbled putting on my trade mark pout. "Don't tell me than!"

"Sorry Matt," Leo giggled. "That pout only works on Kevin not me." I heard the door open and saw Kevin walk out onto the porch with two suitcases. I got up and ran to the porch.

"Say good bye to the twins and Tyler," Kevin said with a grin.

"Why?" I asked looking confused. "Where are we going?" Kevin just giggled as he kissed me on the cheek and went to say good bye to his sons. I gave Tyler a hug and kiss and the twins too. Once we were in the car I turned to Kevin. "Umm Kevin?" I asked. "Why did I just kiss my children good bye?"

"Because my love, he said looking at me with those incredible green eyes of his. "You have been working to hard. For the last three months you have given all of your time to the kids. You haven't taken any time for yourself. You are tired and you need a break. So I am going to give you one! Now no more questions or I will have to tape your mouth shut." I watched in surprise as he slipped a soft silk blindfold around my eyes. I stiffened up immediately. His lips graced my lips. "Do you trust me baby?" he asked in his bedroom voice. I nodded my head. "Good!" He tied the silk blindfold around my head. "Can you see?" he asked kissing me again. I shook my head no. "Good, now I want you to relax and just enjoy yourself."

"Where are we going UUUMMMPPPPHHHH!" his lips came crashing down on mine. After kissing me breathless he broke apart.

"Now no more talking," he scolded me lightly. "You will find out when we get there." After driving for over an hour we stopped. "Ok we're here," he whispered in my ear. "Take my hand."

"Can I get your bags Mr. Richardson?" asked a male voice.

"Yes please do," Kevin said. "And take us to our room please." I was still blindfolded the whole time. I was led through what I assumed was the lobby of a hotel or something. I could hear hushed whispering. Finally we stepped into an elevator. Once the elevator stopped I was led into a room. "Ok sweetie, I'm going to take the blindfold off." He slipped the blindfold off and in front of me was a very attractive young man standing in front of me completely naked! I turned to Kevin and looked at him. "Welcome to the Pearl of the Sea Resort," he smiled. "Where," he slipped off his shirt. "Clothing is," he than slipped off his pants. "Optional!" he whispered huskily as he slid out of his boxers.

"uuummm wow!" I mumbled. I turned to look at the bus boy who was standing there looking completely at ease. "Ummm wow! Umm what is this place?"

"This is the Pearl of the Sea Resort an exclusive all male resort," the young man said. "And like Mr. Richardson said, clothing is optional."

"You're naked!" I gasped.

"All bus boys work in the nude sir," the bus boy replied. "We find it makes it easier for our guests to relax."

"Ummm ok I umm guess," I stammered. I looked at Kevin who was standing there in his naked glory. I guess the bus boy knew what my next question was.

"You are completely safe. We pride ourselves in being completely confidential. If you two will excuse me." Kevin slid a hundred dollar bill in his hand. "Thank you sir!"

"I'll expect you to be our exclusive servant," Kevin said.

"Yes sir!" he stammered.

"And please call me Kevin and that is Matt, and you are?" Kevin asked.

"Ryan," Ryan stammered.

"Thank you Ryan," Kevin said softly. "That will be all for now." After Ryan left Kevin turned to me and looked at me hard. "You have on entirely to many clothes!" I blushed as he started to advance on me. "I want you naked right now so I have complete access to you for the next week!" Soon I was naked as Kevin and standing out on the balcony overlooking the ocean. Kevin came up behind me and pressed his body up against mine. I could feel his rock hard cock pressing against me. "You comfortable?" he whispered huskily in my ear as he bit down on my ear lobe.

"Very," I moaned out. "Where did you find this place?"

"Remember the week Brian took off with Leo after Leo got better?" Kevin asked as he ran his hand across my chest sending shivers through me. I nodded. "Well Brian took him here. Brian told me about this place and when I saw how tired you were I decided that my sweetie needed some serious pampering. And right now my love I want to make love to you!" I was surprised as Kevin slid in behind me and I gasped as I felt his cock slide into me.

"Kevin we are out in public!" I moaned as he started to pump into me.

"No sweetie," he whispered in my ear. "We have the entire top floor to ourselves!" I moaned as his cock probed my prostate gland. "No one can see us!" Kevin rammed into me again racking his rock hard abs across my back. His rock hard nipples stabbing me in the upper back area. His hot breath brushed over my neck and shoulder area as his teeth nipped at me. I turned my head as I tried to kiss his lips. His lips came crashing down on my driving his trembling tongue deep into me. I could feel his rough goatee scrape against my bare chin. He was making grunting noises each time he rammed into me. I was making my whimpering noises too. I couldn't help it. Every time Kevin rode me I was out of control. The breeze blew in off the ocean chilling our sweaty bodies causing us both to groan out loud. Kevin pumping into me faster and faster his body bucking and quaking at his approaching release. "Ooooh fuck!" he rasped out. "you make me so fucking hot!" he rasped out as he bit down on my lip. I reached up and pinched his nipples hard and twisted them hard. "OOOHHHH!! GOD!" he screamed as plunged into me one last time. I could feel his seek blasting into me. The rush of his cum sent me over the edge and I blasted my load too. Kevin caught it in his hand and brought it to my lips where I licked it up. Kevin than picked me up and he carried me into our room. Ryan was standing there at the bathroom door.

"Your bath is drawn Mr. Richardson," he managed to squeak out. For some reason I was not embarrassed about him seeing us. Kevin looked down at me to make sure I was all right. I smiled and nodded. He kissed me lightly on the lips and than looked back up at Ryan.

"Thank you Ryan," Kevin said politely. "You may be excused for the remainder of the night." Kevin carried me into the bathroom and I gasped at the sight. There was Candles everywhere. The bath was in the shape of a champagne glass with stairs around it from the bottom to the top. Kevin carried me up the stairs and lowered me into the bath water. The hot water startled me at first but I soon relaxed into the soothing heat. "How is it?" he asked with his eyes twinkling.

"Wonderful," I gasped out. "Kevin-why?" I aksed. His finger brushed my lips to silence me.

"Because I love you," Kevin said with his eyes getting misty. "I love you more than life itself. You have willingly given of yourself to take care of my children while I'm recording. You never once complained. I wanted to show you that I love you and I really appreciate all that you do." I noticed that Kevin's cock was hard again. "Now what else do you want?" he asked smiling down at me. I reached for his cock.

"I want to taste you," I said huskily as I slid my lips around his cock. Kevin let out a soft moan and he bucked his hips driving his cock down my throat. "MMMMM," I moaned as I bobbed up and down on his cock. Five minutes later I was swallowing his cum as fast as I could. Kevin was breathing heavily.

"Wow!" he gasped out. "That was great! But the water is getting cold and you need your sleep." We got out of the tub and headed back into our rooms. Kevin insisted on carrying me. He gently laid me on the silk sheets and covered me with his body. "I love you Matthew Whitewater," he whispered as he kissed first my eyelids than my nose and than my lips. I laid there and allowed him to ravage my body. Finally he finished and snuggled up to me. "Now go to sleep!" he ordered me. "Because tomorrow we have a full day ahead of us!"

The bed was huge! The soft silk sheets and comforter felt so good. I laid there with my eyes opened as I looked out the huge window and out at the full moon. "Matt," Kevin said in his sleepy scolding voice. "Go to sleep." I let out a soft giggle and turned around and buried my head in his chest and drifted off to sleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

"He is so beautiful," I whispered to Ryan.

"Um yes sir if you say so," Ryan replied.

"Why?" I asked shocked. "You don't think so?"

"Well I can't really see much of him," Ryan said as he squinted at the bundle of sheets and comforters. "Are you sure he is under all that?" I looked back over at the huge bed. Matt was under the covers with just the top of his head sticking out. His hand was reaching for me and he was making little growling noises when he couldn't find me.

"Watch," I giggled. "This is so cute." True to form Matt slid over to my side and snatched my pillow and hugged to him and drifted back to sleep. "Come on out into the living room. I want to talk to you about today's events."

"A full body massage," I instructed Ryan. He nodded as he wrote it down. "And than I want him to spend an hour in the gym working out and than a full body massage again."

"That is a lot of massages for one guy," Ryan said with a grin.

"Yea well he is worth it," I replied. "Oh yea and he is a insulin dependent diabetic so I want his diet worked around it so he doesn't have to worry about what he is eating. And make sure it is delicious food. Not that typical hospital stuff that hotels serve to diabetic guests!"

"No problem sir," Ryan said as he continued to write it down.

"And make sure he has a phone with him at all times so that he can call his son any time he wants too," I continued to instruct him.

"Where will you be?" Ryan asked.

"I'll be right here with him but you are to treat me as if I'm not here. Your only concern is Matt. He is to be happy and pampered," I instructed him. "Now if you will excuse me I have a gorgeous man to wake up."

From Matt's point of view.

I tried to open my eyes for the tenth time only to have them kissed shut. I heard the deep chuckle from Kevin. I finally got my left eye open and I grinned up at Kevin. "Good morning sweetie," he smiled down at me. "You're supposed to be sleeping."

"Well someone decided to kiss me awake," I replied with a pout. His lips came crashing back down on my lips. He ground his rock hard crotch against mine. I already had a hard on and his movements drove me close to climax.

"You like that?" he asked grinning at me. His movements got faster and faster.

"Kevin," I squeaked out.

"Yes sweetie?" he giggled down at me.

"I'm gonna cum!" I yelped out trying to hold back.

"Than I suggest you cum!" Kevin leered down at me. I groaned loudly as I arched my back to meet his thrusts and let loose. Stream after stream of my hot cum splashed between our bodies. "Yes!" Kevin giggled proudly.

"What?" I replied gasping for breath.

"Made you cum!" he said smugly. He quickly scooted down and I felt his tongue licking up my cum. "Yummy!" he said in between licks. "You taste good!"

"Yea but what about you?" I asked. In a flash he was straddling my chest with his cock pointing at my lips. "You want something?" I asked grinning innocently up at him. I looked right at his cock head and licked my lips.

"Please?" he whimpered. If you ever hear him whimper you know you can never refuse him.

"Please what?" I asked still looking innocent. "What is it dear?"

"Suck me?" he asked almost wining. He edged him self closer to me. I could smell the musk of his scent. "I'm horny!"

"I can see that silly," I giggled. I looked at his cock again and marveled at its beauty. I looked up at him and used my most seductive voice possible. "Fuck me in the mouth Kevin," I ordered him. He drove his cock down my throat fast and hard. I shivered and moaned at the same time as my mouth and throat was filled with his meat. He pulled out and plunged back in. I reveled at the taste of his cock and feel of the hot tube of male flesh being rammed down my gullet. I let out a moan and started to suck hard and swallow at the same time. Kevin moaned his deep groans and continued to fuck my face. I could tell he was getting close. His cock was swelling and his moans were getting louder. I decided to help him along. I slid my finger up his ass and dove it in until I found his prostate gland. I flicked it.

"Fuck!" yelped Kevin as his entire body shivered as he unleashed a huge load of cum down my hungry throat. I eagerly swallowed and slurped it all down. Finally he stop shooting and gently pulled out. I liked him clean and gave the head of his cock a kiss. "Wow baby!" he gasped out. "That was great!" He laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "You ready for your day?"

"Umm what do you have planned dear?" I asked worried.

"You will just have to wait and see. First you need a shower with me," Kevin said as he picked me up.

"Umm Kevin?" I asked as he carried me to the bathroom. "Umm I can walk you know."

"I know but I want to carry you as much as possible," he smiled down at me as he set me down in the shower. "Now let's get cleaned up. Because we are late for breakfast."

Later that morning.

"Ohhh man!" I moaned as Ryan's hands worked their magic on me. "That feels so good." I had was just finishing my second all body massage. Kevin was stretched out by the pool soaking up some rays. We were still naked as can be and enjoying it.

"All finished," Ryan said as he slid off of me. "I'm going to have lunch brought up for you."

"Thank you Ryan," Kevin said as he looked over at me and smiled. "Matt and I are just going to eat here at the poolside." Ryan nodded and walked away leaving us alone. "You enjoying yourself?" he asked as he scooted his lounge chair closer to me so that he could hold my hand.

"You are spoiling me," I scolded him. "Not that I am complaining."

"Well you deserve it babe," he smiled at me as his hand slid down to my cock and stroked it lightly. A very cute guy walked by and winked at us and I blushed deeply. Kevin snickered and continued to stroke my cock. "You like that?" he asked grinning.

"You are just plain bad!" I laughed at him. "Behave!"

"But I don't want to," Kevin said with a small pout. He turned serious and tossed me his cell phone. "Call Tyler."

"Yes Daddy," I giggled as I dialed our number. Leo answered the phone. "Hey Leo!"

"Hey Matt!" Leo said cheerfully. "How is Kevin treating you?"

"He is spoiling me rotten!" I said grinning. "So I guess that means he is treating me great. I was wondering if I could talk to Tyler."

"Sure let me get him," Leo said. A few seconds a very welcomed sound of Tyler's voice came over the phone.

"Dadddyyy!" Tyler squealed. "I miss you!"

"I miss you to buddy," I smiled. "You behaving yourself?"

"Yes Daddy," Tyler said in his high pitched hyper voice. "We buried Uncle Brian in the sand today!"

"You and who else?" I asked.

"Leo and Josh and me!" Tyler exclaimed. "We had fun!"

"Well I am glad you are having a good time with Uncle Brian and Leo. Do you want to talk to Pappa?" I asked. Tyler said he did and I passed the phone to Kevin. For the next few minutes Kevin and Tyler had their little talk than I got Tyler again and than hung up. "Thank you," I said to Kevin.

"For?" Kevin asked.

"For loving me and letting me and Tyler into your life," I said getting all sappy. Kevin got up and laid down on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. After kissing me for a few minutes he broke apart and ran his hand along the side of my face and than placed his forehead on mine and smiled into my eyes.

"No Matt," he said as a tear fell from his eyes. "Thank you, thank you for loving me. You let me into your heart and let me into your son's life. I love you so much for that."

Later that afternoon I was sitting looking all sad. I had just seen two gay lovers, very young high school kids get all exited about going to the prom. I hadn't gotten to go to my prom and I was feeling sorry for myself. I really didn't know why but I was. Kevin came in and caught me pouting and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "I can't help you baby, if you don't tell me what is wrong," he whispered into my ear as he nibbled on the lobe.

"It is stupid," I mumbled as I snuggled deeper into his hold.

"If it makes you sad than it is not stupid," Kevin whispered as he kissed my neck. "Tell me please?"

"I was just thinking about my senior prom," I mumbled.

"And?" Kevin pressed on.

"Well I didn't go," I replied.

"You didn't go to your prom?" Kevin asked shocked. "Why?" he asked as he laid his forehead on mine. "I went to mine."

"I didn't have a date," I replied. "I mean what kind of gay high school senior goes to a prom with a gay teen?"

"That is to bad baby," Kevin said. He held me for a few more minutes and suddenly got up and hurried into the other room.

"Kevin?" I asked suddenly worried. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" he called back followed by his giggle.

"Don't you nothing me!" I called back. "What are you doing?" Kevin stuck his head back into our bedroom with that naughty glint in his eyes. "Kevin?" I asked scolding him. "Are you being bad?"

"Me?" he asked looking all innocent. "Being bad?" He giggled again and retreated into the room. I sighed and laid back on the bed and waited for him to return. At some point I drifted off to sleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Man he is going to love this!" I said bouncing on my heels.

"If you say so sir," Ryan replied. "Try to hold still sir," he instructed me as he continued to take measurements.

"I want this to be perfect!" I insisted. "I want him happy!"

"That is good sir," Ryan said as he finished up. "Tell me what you think." I looked in the full length mirror and smiled. "Perfect! Now all we have to do is get him ready!"

Later from Matt's point of view.

"Please Mr. Whitewater!" Ryan pleaded. "You have to wear this!"

"No!" I grumbled with a pout. "I'm not getting dressed until you tell me what is going on!"

"Mr. Richardson will kill me!" Ryan yelped.

"He is right you know," a deep soft voice sounded behind me. I jumped when I felt a pair of hands touch my shoulders. "You are not behaving Matt."

"What is going on?" I asked looking up into his green eyes. He had that dam twinkle in them. He was definitely planning something. He was dressed in a tux too. I was till naked and very happy to be naked. I didn't want to wear clothes. I mean after all this was a resort where clothing was optional right?

"Do you trust me?" he asked running his finger down the side of my face.

"Of course I trust you," I said shivering with pleasure. "But--," I started only to have him lay his finger on my lips.

"Let me spoil you please?" he asked. "Please put on the tux."

"Ok if it will make you happy," I replied. "But I'm taking it off as soon as we get back here!" After I was all dressed up and looking good I left with Kevin and followed him down to the lobby. "Where are we going?" I asked linking my arm into his.

"Just to the hotel restaurant," Kevin said smiling down at me. We walked up to the double door. He paused and walked in front of me and gathered me into his arms. "Remember baby," he said as he smiled. "I love you so much and all I want to do is make you happy." With that said he pushed opened the door and I gasped out loud. "Babe," he said with a smiled. "Welcome to your own private Prom."


Ohhh I know sugar sweet and sappy and all that! So sue me!!.

e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 44: Get Another Boyfriend 2 6

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