Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 2, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Nine

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

And now with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

I watched Kevin's expression on his face. He and I had touched on this subject before. He knew my views on the subject and I knew his. Let's just say that we didn't exactly agree on the subject of abortion.

"What do you plan on doing about it?" I asked softly.

"I don't know yet," Howie said softly as he sniffled. "I love the child and I want to keep it."

"Does she know that you want to keep it?" Kevin asked.

"Yes she does but she says that it is her body and it is her right to decide what to do with the baby," Howie replied.

"You mean you don't have a say in the decision making process?" Kevin asked.

"No Kevin," I interjected. "The father has no rights in this. The mother has all the rights."

"That's not fair," Kevin blurted out. "My friend is about to become a daddy and he can't stop her from having an abortion?" I couldn't help but be a little mad at Kevin. Just a few weeks ago he was preaching to me about a Woman's rights and all. Now because he was affected by it and one of his best friends was also affected by it he was acting all different. "What can we do about it?"

"We can try and talk to her," I replied. "I have a few friends that are active in the Pro-life area and they may have some advice for us." Kevin smiled at me and I smiled back but my heart wasn't in it. He caught on and frowned at me. "In the mean time let's try and enjoy ourselves. She is not going to be able to do anything until tomorrow. I'll place some calls tonight and try and see what I can do."

"Thanks Matt," Howie said smiling for the first time. "Now where are the twins I've heard so much about?"

"Umm Justin has them by the pool," I said pointing at the huge floating lounge chair. Kevie and Mattie booth had on large sunglasses that matched Justin's. I had to laugh at them. They looked so cute. "In fact I am going to join them."

From Kevin's point of view.

I watched Matt strip off his shirt and than dive into the pool. I loved to watch him swim. Watching him work all of his muscles while swimming turned me on. I shook my head as a hand waved in front of me. Brian grinning face crossed my line of vision.

"Hey cousin," he said cheerfully. "You were like a million miles away."

"Nah," laughed Nick. "He was just checking out his boyfriend in the pool." I glared daggers at Nick. "Well it was true! Tell me you weren't checking out Matt!" Now it was my turn to blush. Nick giggled as he realized that he was right. I kicked him under the table. "OUCH!" he yelped glaring at me.

"So when are you two getting married?" asked Brian. I rolled my eyes. "What?" Brian asked confused. "You are planning on getting married aren't you?"

"Yes Brian," I sighed. "We are getting married."

"When?" Brian asked.

"Yea Kevin when?" Nick pressed on. "And who is your best man?"

"Who is going to be Matt's best man?" Brian asked.

"You have to have a best man!" Nick insisted. "And it has to be one of us!"

"Yea so who is it going to be?" Brian fired at me. My head was dizzy from bouncing back and forth between Brian and Nick. I shook my head to clear it.

"We haven't talked about that yet," I sighed.

"Well you have to make up your minds pretty soon," Nick pressed on.

"Why are you guys ganging up on me?" I asked.

"Hey!" Brian said. "We have to get you married."

"Yea!" Nick interjected. "You two have been going out long enough. Time to get hitched." Both Nick and Brian were wearing grins on their faces very proud of themselves.

"It looks like we are going to have plan the wedding for them," Brian giggled. Nick nodded trying to look serious but failing.

"Ohh dear," I sighed.

"Yea Kevin," Nick giggled. "Don't you worry about a thing. We'll take care of every thing. Come on Brian let's go planning!" I watched as Nick and Brian walked off together. I shook my head as I realized that life was about to change. I stripped off my shirt and dived into the pool. I swam over to Matt and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and smiled at me. He looked so cute with his hair all wet and wild.

"Hey," Matt grinned. "You having fun?"

"Oh yea," I grumbled. "I'm having fun all right. Brian and Nick have appointed themselves "Let's get Kevin and Matt married committee."

"Oh they are so cute," Matt giggled. "Don't worry Kevin, Justin has been bugging me all day about getting married too."

"What are we going to do?" I asked pulling Matt close to me.

"I guess we are going to have get married. Only question is how do we get married?" Matt asked. "We could let Justin and JC plan our marriage and put up with Justin's & JC's weird fashion sense."

"Or we can let the two biggest pranksters in BSB plan our wedding," I sighed. "Or we can plan our own and real quick."

"Hey! I've got an idea! Let both teams plan the wedding and than whichever team comes up with the best plan that is the one we pick," Matt said with a smug grin on his face. I pulled him close to me and gave him a kiss on the nose.

"What do you say we take Kevie and Mattie up stairs and put them down for a nap?" I asked.

"That sounds like a good idea to me," I replied. "Only problem is how do we get them away from Justin?" I swam over to Justin and the twins. "Ok guys," I said. "Time for your naps."

"Da da da!" exclaimed Mattie as he held out his little hands.

"Pa pa pa!" argued Kevie. Kevin looked over at Justin and busted up laughing.

"So umm when did they start talking?" Justin asked grinning.

"Last night," I said proudly.

"Man you are so lucky," Justin said.

"Hey what about Jerome?" I asked. "Where is he?"

"He is at my mother's spending some quality time with grandma's," Justin said with a little pout. "I wish he was here with Josh and me." I reached over and picked up Mattie.

"Da da da!" he said grinning up at me. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. He squirmed with pleasure. I watched Matt pick up Kevie. We walked out of the pool and headed up to the house.

"Did you have a good swim with Uncle Justin?" I asked Mattie. He squirmed in my arms and giggled. "Yes he did!" I smiled down at him. "You did have a good swim." I heard Matt giggling behind me. I turned to see him rubbing noses with Kevie. Kevie's hands and feet were squirming with joy. "Come on you two," I said grinning. "Lets go upstairs and put you down for your nap."

From Brian's point of view.

I was holding Leo in my arms enjoying the feeling of his lean but well built body next to mine. I looked down at this chest as it rose and fell in time with his breathing. I loved the way his abs moved when he moved or breathed. I also stared at his treasure trail that went from his belly button and into his trunks. I could just barely make out his package. Sitting there thinking of it made me hard.

"You're horny," he said in a sleepy tone of voice.

"Hey sexy," I whispered in Leo's ear as I sucked his ear lobe in my mouth. "You want to go into the house and get freaky?" Leo moaned softly as he snuggled closer to me. "I want to lay you down and make love to you all afternoon."

"What about the party?" Leo asked. "Won't Kevin and Matt miss us?"

"We'll tell them we are going to lay down for a while," I said as my hand traveled down to his crotch. I rubbed his hard on through his shorts. "You want me don't you?" He swallowed hard and nodded. "You want my hot cock up your ass fucking your brains out don't you?"

"God yes," he rasped out. "Fuck me Brian." I took Leo's hand and led him up to the house and into our room. Once there I pressed him against the wall and kissed him hard while grinding my crotch into his. In no time at all I was naked and pushing Leo down on his knees. Leo let out a whimper as he engulfed my cock into his hot wet mouth. He sucked hard and started to bob up and down on my cock. I looked down at his black spiked hair as he worked my cock. He glanced up at me with those eyes of his. I eased him off of my cock and laid him down on the bed and pressed my lips to his. The taste of my Precome was heavy on his tongue and lips. "Fuck me!" he ordered. I reached for a condom and slid it on. "Hurry," he gasped as he raised his leg for me. I slid my cock up his tight whole in one thrust. He shivered and reared back so that his back was pressing up against my chest. "God!" he gasped out. "Fuck!"

"Oh yea baby," I moaned as I started to thrust in and out. I reached around and took hold of his cock. It was rock hard and dripping Precome by the gallon. "God you are so hot," I whispered as I pressed my lips to his neck and started to suck hard. He whimpered as my hand started to stroke him off. He must've been ready because he tensed up and yelped a high pitch yelp and I felt his cock twitch as he blasted his load into my hand. I eagerly licked up his load. Leaving some in my mouth I pressed my lips to his and transferred the small amount of cum to his mouth. He sucked my tongue hard and started to swallow. I continued to fuck him fast and hard. I could feel my self getting closer. I pumped harder and finally I let out a groan and growl and blasted my load into the condom. I pulled out and slid off the condom and tied it in a knot and tossed it in the waste basket. "How was I?" I asked softly as I kissed his bare shoulder.

"MMMM, You were so great!" he moaned. "I'm so tired now." I shook my head. I was the one who did all the work and now he was tired. Oh well. He could be tired if he wanted to be. He had just lost his sister and was tired. Actually I was glad that he was finally getting his sleep. I cleaned him up as good as I could and than kissed him on the top of his head. He grunted as he turned over.

"Why don't you get some sleep and I'll wake you in about an hour or so," I smiled down at him as he hugged my pillow to him.

I walked out of the room in time to see Kevin grinning at me. "So that is how you get him to sleep." I blushed and looked down. "Dam You two were really going at it!" Than Kevin turned serious. "How is he doing? I mean really?"

"He is doing better than before. I'm not as worried today as I was yesterday. Yesterday he was in a place that was so dark and lonely and he wouldn't let me near him. I never want him in that place again," Kevin nodded as he listen to me pour my heart out. "How are Kevie and Mattie doing?" I asked steering the conversation away from Leo and Me.

"They both said their first words yesterday," Kevin said with pride. "Mattie says Da Da and Kevie says Pa pa. They even argue with each other about it. Oh and I think that Kevie is going to crawl pretty soon. The little guy is trying so hard to crawl."

"God Kevin," I said grinning. "They are growing up so fast. You recording all of this stuff?"

"Of course I am," Kevin giggled. "After all what kind of father would I be if I didn't pile up evidence for their future girlfriends?"

"Or Boyfriends," I reminded Kevin gently.

From Kevin's point of view.

I nodded as we headed back outside to the cook out. I picked up a plate and started to pile food on it. The butler had done an excellent job keeping the hot foods hot and cold foods cold. After getting me a plate I looked around for my honey. I spotted him talking with Justin and JC. I headed over to the table and sat down next to him. I leaned over and kissed the top of his shoulder. "What are you three talking about?"

"About your wedding," Justin said with a stern look on his face.

"Ohh not that again!" I moaned. Matt giggled as he swiped a piece of fruit from my plate. "What is this? Gang up on poor Kevin and Matt day?"

"Yes it is," JC smirked. "You two have been attached to the hips for long enough. It is time to make this thing official! Now what do you say that you let Justin and me plan your wedding?" I raised my eyebrows at JC's sparkly shirt and looked at him as it to say. "You have got to be kidding."

"I promise no sparkly clothes," JC grinned while looking lovingly at Justin.

"Hey!" Justin shot out. "I love sparkly clothes!" He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

"I promise after we plan Kevin and Matt's wedding you can buy me all the sparkly clothes you want too," JC said as he kissed Justin's lips.

"Well I have an idea," I said looking over at Matt who was wearing this smug look on his face as he munched on another piece of watermelon that he had snatched from me. "Hook up with Brian and Nick and you four can plan our wedding together."

"Umm Kevin?" Howie asked. I looked over not even aware that he was even here. "Are you sure that is wise?" I could see the twinkle in his eyes so I knew he was just joking.

"Yes Howie," I said grinning. "That will free Matt and me up for planning our honeymoon."

"Nope!" AJ popped up. "Fraid we can't let you do that."

"And why not?" I demanded.

"Cause we are going to plan that too," Howie grinned.

I looked at Matt for help and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Fine!" I grumbled. "But I want to see the plans!"

"Nope," AJ said with a giggle. "It is a surprise." I looked to Matt for help but he was gone. He decided to refill his plate and returned with a plate full of fresh fruit and vegetables. I snatched a carrot from him.

"Bang!" shouted both Josh and Tyler. All of us jumped at the table. Josh and Tyler busted up giggling as loud as they could. "Daddy?" asked Josh as he looked up at Brian.

"Will you go swimin with us?" he asked.

"Yea Daddy?" Tyler asked Matt. "Come swimming with us please?"

"Go ahead sweetie," I said to Matt. "You haven't spent much time with Tyler. I'll join you in a few." Josh and Tyler jumped up and down for joy as their Daddies got up from the table and picked them up and tossed them into the pool and than jumped in after them. Soon the yard was filled with the laughter of children and their father's as they played Marco Polo in the pool.

"Want to play horse shoes?" JC asked me.

"Sure," I said getting up and headed over to the horse shoe pit that Matt had put together. I picked up the brass colored shoes and JC picked up the silver. Matt had gone to Wall Mart and had bought the champion set. We had played for hours that first night. Turns out that Matt was a very good player. He beat me in four sets easy. JC and I settled in for a long game of horseshoes. Nick and AJ and Troy and Jack decided to play a game of volley ball and Justin decided to swim some more. Yes I would say that Matt's cook out turned out really well. Everyone had plenty to eat and plenty to do. Hell even Brian and Leo got to spend some intimate time together. I watched as a limo pulled up in the drive way followed by Aunt Denise's rental. I frowned as the limo stopped and let out a very tall and slender young man. He turned around and I gasped. Enrique? I saw Brian hop out of the pool run up to meet him. They shook hands and than hugged real quick. Aunt Denise walked over to where the lounge chairs were and sat down. Josh and Tyler clamored out of the pool to talk to her. I was tempted to talk to her but decided against it. I was happy playing horse shoes with JC. I looked up at the sun and saw that the sun was setting. Soon the sky would be lit up with fireworks and my sweetie would be in the thick of lighting them off. I was looking forward to seeing how was going to light off five huge boxes of fireworks. It was going to be a long night.

From Justin's point of view.

"He is so beautiful," I sighed as I watched JC line up his shot.

"He is a little skinny for my taste," Matt said as he swam up beside me. "So how is married life treating you guys?"

"JC is the kindest most wonderful man on the face of this planet," I sighed.

"Sounds like Kevin," Matt giggled. "Kevin is such a sweet heart too. Always thinking about how to make me happy. Did you know he took me to an exclusive all male resort where clothing was optional?"

"He did?" I asked shocked. "Man I could never get JC to do that for me. He is way to shy."

"I think shyness is a very sexy quality," Matt said with a grin. "Did he tell you about our well you know?"

"Yes he did," I replied to put Matt at ease. "And I am completely ok with it."

"You are?" Matt asked shocked and I nodded. "You are a very lucky man, JC is a great lover."

"Tell me about it," I replied blushing. "The things that he can with his tongue." Matt blushed even deeper than I did I think. I looked at his shoulder and spotted the hickey on his shoulder. In fact I noticed several on his shoulder. "Kevin seems to be a vampire."

"What?" Matt asked confused. He was staring at Kevin. Kevin had stripped off his shirt and Matt was ogling him.

"Kevin is a pinked eared elephant," I said in a very serious voice.

"Yea he sure is," Matt sighed. I laughed and he looked at me confused before catching on. When he did he dived for me and drug me under water where we wrestled for a few minutes.

From JC's point of view.

"So Kevin," I said watching him line up his next shot. "You are going to get married to Matt right?"

"Are we going to talk about something else besides Matt and my wedding?" Kevin said sighing.

"As soon as we get you hitched than we can talk about something else," I giggled. I spotted Justin and Matt wrestling in the pool. Knowing Justin he probably started it. I watched as his well muscled body glistened in the sun. I shook my head as a hand waved in front of my face.

"You still here?" Kevin asked frowning.

"Yea I was just looking at Justin," I mumbled blushing.

"Yea he is a hottie," Kevin said grinning. "But not nearly as good looking as Matt is."

"Hey!" I yelped. Kevin just giggled as he pitched his shoe and knocked mine out. "Hey! That was not nice!"

"All part of the game sport!" Kevin laughed as he ringed his next shot.

Author's point of view.

The 4th of July bash at Matt's and Kevin's continued with good friends having fun and having good food and having a good time. After all the pain and hardship that they had undergone it was nice to sit back and enjoy family and good times for once. But will the good times last? Or is there trouble just around the bend?


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Next: Chapter 48: Get Another Boyfriend 2 10

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