Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 4, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part ten

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

And now with the story.

From Brian's point of view.

"Leo?" I asked softly as I walked into the room. "Your mother is here."

"Really?" asked Leo as he sat up and stretched. "How long have I been asleep?"

"About three hours," I smiled as I handed him swim trunks. "I also have a surprise for you sweetie."

"Ewwww!" he giggled. "I love surprises!"

"Well hurry up and get dressed and join the party sweetie," I replied as I kissed him on the lips. I headed outside and down the steps and onto the beach and ran into Enrique. "Hey I want to thank you for coming out here today to do this favor for me."

"He must be a very special guy," Enrique said as he fell into step beside me.

"Yea he is," I said looking down at sand. "I love him very much and he has been through so much crap the last few months. First his father disowning him than cancer and now the death of his sister. No one deserves to have that much crap to happen to them. That is why I called you. I really need you to do this for him."

"Well I will be honored to help cheer him up. He is lucky to have someone like you in his camp," Enrique smiled. "Now how do we want to do this?"

"Well he is on his way out now and so I want you to say that you are here on my invite because we are such good friends and all. The rest will come later after the party and when we are ready to go to bed," I explained. "Umm I plan on making love to him while you ummm you know."

"That is cool," Enrique said. "I've always wanted to sing for a couple when they make love. I just never thought it would be with a gay couple."

"I really appreciate it," I smiled.

"Where is my surprise?" asked Leo as he walked up behind me. "Oh my God!" he gasped. "Do you know who you are?" he stammered pointing at Enrique. Enrique just smiled and held out his hand. Leo took it and started to pump it up and down. Oh my God oh my God!" he gasped. By now I was laughing my head off. "Brian!" he scolded me. "Do you know who this is?"

"Yes dear," I replied pulling him close to me. "Enrique meet my lover Leo and Leo meet my good personal friend Enrique."

"Oh my God!" he gasped again. "I love your music! Don't turn out the lights is awesome and Hero! Wow!!! I can't believe I'm talking to you!"

"Leo honey," I said grinning. "Breathe." Enrique snorted back a laugh. "That's better. Enrique is here because I invited him. He and I are good friends." Leo smacked me on the arm. "Ouch! What was that for?" I demanded rubbing my arm.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew him?" Leo scolded me. "Shame on you!" Enrique just laughed as he slid his arm around Leo's waist. "Ohhh my God! He has his arm around me!" Just about that time Matt decided that it was time to start the fireworks. Three big ones shot up into the air and exploded over the ocean. The night air was full of color and noise. "Cool Fireworks!" Leo said as he grabbed my arm and drug me over to the rest of the crowd.

"He sure is hyper isn't he," Enrique said grinning. "And cute too."

"Yea he is hyper this evening. I'm thankful, he really needs something to take his mind off of his sister's passing. And yes he is very cute. Don't get any ideas mister," I said grinning.

"Who me?" he asked grinning.

"Yes you Latin lover," I teased him. "I saw your video of you making out with a chick on the bathroom sink. Leo almost popped a nut when he saw that video." Enrique blushed deeply when I said that. I just laughed as I went to find my sweetie. I found him by the food tables getting a huge plate of food. "Hungry dear?"

"You bet I am!" Leo grinned at me. "I haven't eaten all day." He grabbed my arm and we walked down to the beach so that we could enjoy the fireworks with the rest of the family.

Later that night From Leo's point of view.

"Hey mom," I said as I sat down next to her. "You enjoying the fireworks?"

"Yes dear I am," mom replied. "This has been a nice party, and it was so nice of Kevin and your cousin to host it this year."

"Dad didn't come," I muttered. I had to admit that I still had a lot of anger to deal with when it concerned him.

"Give him time dear," mom said softly as she put her hand on mine. "You have to understand that he is a very bitter man."

"Why can't he be like Uncle--," I started only to interrupted.

"You know that is impossible. Two men cannot be the same. They both had to follow their own path. Your father just doesn't understand what it means to be gay. Matt's father did," Mom explained. "I understand what it means to be gay. I accept you for what you are and I refuse to allow Joe to keep me away from my son any longer!"

"When I was sick I wanted you so bad," I admitted. "I wanted to call you so many times."

"Why didn't you sweetie?" Mom asked. "You know I would've been there for you in a heart beat." I shook my head not really having an answer for you. "And now that Anne is gone you are the only one I have left."

"Is it true that Dad lied to Matt and Kevin?" I asked.

"Yes he did, he lied to all of us. He pretended to be in support of your homosexuality to get close to his grandchildren. He wants to sue for custody," Mom replied.

"Can he do that?" I asked scared for Mattie and Kevie. "That would kill Matt and Kevin if they lost custody of the twins."

"Don't you worry about it," Mom said with a grin. "As long as I hold the purse strings your father won't get near them." I nodded as I realized that my uncle was smart when he gave Mom a share of his company. Dad was so mad but there wasn't anything he could do about it. Now that move was paying off. "Your uncle was a very smart man son."

"Yea mom," I smiled. I smiled broader as my sweetie came up to me. He wrapped his arms around my bare shoulders and plated a kiss on my cheek. "Hey sweetie," I smiled up at him.

"You ready to turn in?" he asked yawning.

"Yea I guess," I said getting up and giving mom a hug. "Good night mom, you coming for breakfast?"

"Yes I am than we have put your sister to rest," Mom said sadly. I nodded and gave her another hug and kiss. I took Brian's hand and we turned to go in. "Brian?" mom asked. Brian turned towards her.

Yes Ma'am?" he asked with his southern accent really showing.

"Thank you," mom smiled. "I can see that you are so good for my son. Thank you for loving him."

"No, thank you Ma'am, you bringing him into this world made me able to love him possible," Brian said as he smiled one of his killer smiles.

"Oh dear," Mom said blushing. "I can see why he has fallen in love with you."

"Mooom!" I whined. Brian giggled as he steered me to the house.

From Brain's point of view. I quickly led him to the bedroom and started to strip off his clothes what little he had on. The room was full of candles and every one of them lit. Leo tried to talk but I wouldn't let him. Every time he tried to talk I would cover his mouth with mine in a kiss.

"I love you sweetie," I said as I looked down at Leo. "I want to show you that I love you so much."

"I love you too," Leo said as he slid off my shirt. "Make love to me?"

"You know I will," I smiled down at him as I gazed into his eyes the music started. His eyes got real big as he heard the song. "This is for you baby."

  • Let me be your hero

Leo went to say something as Enrique stepped out from the shadows but I placed my finger on his lips and laid him down on the bed. "I love you baby and this night is yours." He swallowed hard as I slid my cock into him. The music from the song filled the room and my heart. I looked into his eyes and poured out from mine as much lover as I could.

  • Would you dance if I asked you to dance Would you run and never look back Would you cry if you saw me crying Would you save my soul tonight Would you tremble if I touched your lips Would you laugh oh please tell me this Now would you die for the one you love Hold me in your arms tonight

His legs wrapped around my buttocks pulling me deeper. I continued to thrust in and out as lovingly and slowly as I could. I wanted this to last as long as possible. His eyes were wet from unshed tears. I could feel his rock hard cock as I thrust in. My abs scraping against his tender skin making him moan with desire. My sweat mingling with his causing our bodies to glisten from the work and art of lovemaking. Enrique's voice sounded all around us as he continued to sing.

  • I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away

"I love you baby," I moaned out as his lips sought out mine in time with the my thrust. I was getting faster and faster and for some reason Enrique's singing increased in tempo just slightly. It was as if he was timing the end of the song with my orgasm.

  • Would you swear that you'll always be mine Would you lie would you run and hide Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I don't care you're here tonight

I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away

Our bodies continued to rock together in time with music. I paid close attention to Leo's eyes as he gazed into my eyes. The tears were still flowing as his arms wrapped around my shoulders. He pulled my head down to his and pressed his lips to mine. I could feel myself getting closer to the edge and willed myself to hold out just a little longer. His rectal muscles were convulsing around my shaft making it so hard to hold back. I threw back my head in a soundless groan as I stopped thrusting. I wanted to time it perfectly to the end of the song.

  • I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away

Ohhh I just wanna hold you, I just wanna hold you, oh yeah Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I don't care you're here tonight

I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain Oh yeah I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away

Finally I gave up and plunged into him in rapid thrust rocking his body causing him to whimper in desire. I could feel my cock head hitting his prostate gland sending waves of pleasure through him. I could feel his cock twitching in between our hot bodies begging for release. Finally I thrust in one last time and blasted my load into him. He let out a groan too as his cock unloaded between our bodies. Enrique's voice continued with the song not missing a beat.

  • I can be your hero I can kiss away the pain And I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away You can take my breath away I can be your hero

At some point the music ended and Enrique crept out of the room leaving us alone. I felt Leo's hand grace the side of my face. "What did I do to deserve you?" he whispered. I looked into his eyes and found tears of happiness flowing down his face.

"All I want is to make you happy," I said with a trembling voice.

"Know this my love," Leo said wiping the tears from his face. "I am happy and I love you." I nodded as I got up and held out my hand and he took it and I guided him to the bathroom and into the shower where we washed our bodies and made love again. It was late that night when I finally closed my eyes to sleep. My arms were wrapped around my lover holding him tight. Nothing in the world could ever make as happy as I was tonight.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Wow!" Matt exclaimed. "What a romantic!"

"Yea that is Brian for you," I said nodding. "But Leo really deserved it you know." We headed up stairs and got ready for bed. There was a very cool breeze blowing from the ocean so we decided to leave the huge bay window open. "You, my little fireworks nut, smell all smoky," I said wrinkling my nose.

"I'm going to shower, you want to join me?" Matt asked as he slid off his shirt. I nodded and followed him into the bathroom. Soon the hot water was cascading over our naked forms. There was nothing sexual about our shower. Just two lovers enjoying each other's company. It was a quick shower and soon we were dressed in silk pajama bottoms without our shirts on. After walking into the nursery and spending some quality time with the twins and than checking on Tyler we retired to our room. I slid into bed first and Matt slid in beside me and laid on my chest with his head laying where he could listen to my heartbeat.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"For?" Matt asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting sleepy.

"For the cook out," I said softly as I kissed the top of his damp head. "You did most of the work you know."

"I enjoy doing that stuff," Matt replied shrugging. "Beside it made you happy and that is thanks enough for me."

"You ready for tomorrow?" I asked turning serious. I heard Matt sigh.

"Can you ever be ready to bury the mother of your children?" he asked looking up at me. I shook my head and sighed too. "But I will be right beside you taking care of you as I always do. I love you Kevin."

"And I love you too baby," I smiled down at him and kissed him. "Now let me hold you so you can get some sleep." Matt snuggled close to me like he always did and closed his eyes. In a few minutes he had drifted off to sleep. I followed shortly after he did.


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Next: Chapter 49: Get Another Boyfriend 2 11

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