Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 10, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Nine

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situatons is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Now on with part Nine.

From JC's point of view.

I glanced at Nick's face. I could see the worry and concern on his face. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Don't worry baby," I cooed at him. "My mom and Jerome will love you." He smiled a nervous smile at me. "Trust me," I grinned.

"Flight 126 from Chicago arriving at gate 13A," announced the desk clerk.

"That is them!" I said as I grabbed Nick's hand and started pulling him towards the gate. He reluctantly followed.

"JC!" Nick said in a warning tone of voice. I looked down and saw that our hands were linked. I quickly let them go.

"I can't help that I want you to meet my son," I said with a small pout.

"Yea well you're not ready to come out in public yet are you?" Nick asked worried.

"Yea you're right," I mumbled. "Let's go meet my mother and my son."

From Matt's point of view.

"Good morning Matt!" said a very cheerful Travis. I looked up at him and gaped at his very confident stride and ever present grin on his face. He was carrying a giggling Mattie in his arms.

"Who are you and what have you done with my secretary?" I looked sternly up at him. He plopped Mattie in the play pen and sat down across from me with his ever present palm pilot. "You got some last night didn't you?" The blush was instant and very cute.

"No I didn't get any last night," he quickly replied. "Although I would've wanted to."

"Travis!" I said in a shocking tone of voice. He busted up laughing at my shocked expression on my face. "So how was the date?" I asked.

"AJ is very sweet," Travis replied with a sigh. "Very sexy too."

"So you going to go out with him again?" I asked.

"I was wondering the same question too?" AJ's voice spoke up from the door way. Travis spun around with a huge grin on his face. AJ walked in with a dozen roses and handed them too them. "I wanted to bring my future date some flowers. Is that ok?"

"Umm yea I umm think," Travis blurted out. "They are beautiful."

"Yea well so are you," AJ replied with a grin. Travis blushed again looking down. "You are really cute when you blush like that." Poor Travis's blush deepened as AJ continued to lavish attention on him. I decided to give him a break.

"Travis," I said as I stood up and retrieved a giggling Mattie. "I'll leave you two alone while I get breakfast." He smiled his thanks at me as I walked out. "Come on Mattie, let's go see Daddy." Once out of my office I heard Kevin's stern voice.

"Tyler Whitewater!" he boomed out. "You eat your breakfast or you are going to miss your bus!" I walked in to see Tyler scowling over a bowl of oatmeal. Kevin was scowling down at him too. Tyler saw me and brightened up.

"Don't expect me to side with you mister," I scolded him. "You need a good hot breakfast in you. Now you have precisely five minutes to eat that or you will be punished!" Tyler looked down and started to eat his breakfast. I looked at poor Kevin. I could tell he hated playing the bad guy. "Good morning babe," I smiled up at him. "What is for breakfast?"

"You," he smirked at me. Oh oh, Kevin was horny and he wanted some.

"The little ears," I smiled at him as I looked Tyler who was busy eating his breakfast.

"Well as soon as he is done eating and safely away at Pre-school I want to take you up stairs and make love to you," Kevin whispered in my ear as he nibbled on my earlobe. "I want to slide my hot cock down your throat and shoot my cum down your throat. Can you deal with that?" I looked into his eyes and saw the lust raging in his eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Good, cause then I am going to fuck you until you can't walk for a week."

"Than how will I get around?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Well than I guess I am going to have to carry you around all week than," he smirked.

"All done!" Tyler exclaimed. "Can I be scused now?"

"Excused Tyler," I corrected him. "And yes, you may be excused. Come here and give me a hug and kiss and than hug and kiss your pappa." After getting a kiss and a proper hug from our son we watched as he grabbed his book bag and take off down the hall just as the bus honked the horn. As soon as all was quiet Kevin looked at me with that same lust crazed look in his eyes.

"Now stud," he growled. "You are all mine!" I whimpered as he yanked my pants down right there in the kitchen. Soon he had my cock down his throat and I was enjoying the ride.

Later from Kevin's point of view.

I looked down at my lover sleeping peacefully all snuggled in the comforters and silk sheets. His body was still covered with a light sheen of sweat from our intense lovemaking. It had been wild beautiful and full of lust and passion like always. I had managed to cum a total of three times while Matt came at least five. He was worn out and was sleeping like a baby. I slid out of bed and made my way over to the closet and pulled out a pair of sweats and sprayed some of my cologne on them and than laid them out for Matt to wear. Than I slid on a pair of mine and walked down the stairs and into the nursery. I found Travis sitting at the rocker going over some papers. He wore a complete look of concentration on his face. AJ was there playing with Mattie and Kevie. "Hey you guys," I said softly as I leaned down and kissed Mattie on the forehead and than kissed Kevie too. "How is it going?"

"Travis and I are dating," AJ replied.

"You are?" I asked frowning. "Aren't you rushing things a little?"

"No," AJ replied. "He is single and I'm single and we both have the hots for each other. Why shouldn't see where it leads us?"

"Travis?" I asked.

"I agree," Travis replied. "We both want to explore this."

"Well don't get hurt," I warned them. "Travis, do you have those contracts and Matt's schedule ready for him to approve."

"Yes sir," Travis replied. "They are on his desk waiting for his signatures. Also the checks needed for donations are written out and ready for his signatures too." I had to admit that Travis was good. "TNG is coming over at Three this afternoon to go over tour dates, and the song for Nick's next single is also on his desk as well."

"When does Matt need to be down and in his office?" I asked wanting to give Matt a few more hours to sleep.

"Well it is 11:30 now and his afternoon appointments don't start until three," Travis replied. "Oh yea and he has those press releases to look over too."

"Wow," I smiled at him. "When you said you could do this job you weren't lying."

"Well sir, this job is a snap compared to what I did before," Travis grinned.

"Well you certainly do good work," I replied. "Now if you will excuse me I will be in the kitchen scaring up something for lunch."

"Two fried Chicken salads are ready for you and Matt sir," Travis replied.

"Thank you for your hard work Travis, why don't you take the rest of the day off. I can cover the rest of the morning and afternoon," I replied.

"Thank you sir!" Travis said with a huge grin.

I walked into the kitchen and looked into the refrigerator and sure enough there was two freshly made salads. I retrieved them and two bottles of water and a couple glasses of ice and than arranged them on a tray and carried the tray up stairs. Once in our room I found Matt coming out of the shower all naked. "I brought you lunch baby," I smiled at him.

"Good I'm starved!" he said grinning as he slid on my sweats. They were like three times as big as he was. But he insisted on wearing them all the time. I had to admit that he looked cute all snuggled in them. I took the tray to the sitting room and pulled out two tv trays and arranged them in front of the sofa that overlooked the bay window that also overlooked the cliffs and ocean. I heard him walking in and I looked back and my breath caught in my throat. He was gorgeous his blonde hair was all wet and wild and uncombed. It gave him a very wild and untamed look. The look that drove me wild with desire and lust. I wanted to drop everything and rip his clothes off right here and now and make love to him forever. He caught my dazed look and grinned his trademark mischievous grin. I swallowed hard and said the most sexy romantic thing that came to mind..

"Lunch is served," I said. "Did you check your sugar and take your insulin?"

"Yep!" he grinned. "It was 102."

"Isn't that a little low?" I asked concerned.

"A little but not on the dangerous side. This salad will bring it back up to normal," Matt replied as he started to dig into his lunch. I sat down next to him and started to devour mine. "Want to work out with me after lunch?" he asked.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"A nice jog on the beach would be fun. The weather is so crisp and cool I thought we should take advantage of it," Matt replied. I smiled as I thought of something else to do. When I got him alone on that cliff I would have my way with this gorgeous stud. He caught my grin. "What do you have plan?"

"Making love to you!" I grinned.

"Didn't you get enough this morning?" he smirked at me.

"Me?" I asked grinning back at him. "Oh baby, I could never get enough of you." Instant blush. "Yess!" I exclaimed. He glared at me and than continued to eat his salad. "Tyler is bugging me to help him decorate that house for Halloween."

"Are you going to help him?" Matt asked me.

"What do you think?" I replied. "Have you known me ever to refuse a Whitewater man let alone a cute adorable boy?"

"Nope," he giggled smugly.

"Yea well you're right. Only I'm going to recruit the rest of the house to help," I giggled back. "And that includes you mister." The rest of our lunch together went smoothly. We talked about everything under the sun, including the fact that I was going to be gone all next week in the studio. Matt wasn't happy about me being gone but I had no choice. We needed to get the CD done. Finally we were done with our lunch and dressed in our PT gear. I couldn't wait to get Matt on top of that cliff so I could have my way with him.

From JC's point of view at the airport.

"Relax Nick," I giggled at him. "He is not going to bite you." He was holding Jerome in his arms and Jerome was pulling on his chain around his neck. Jerome was at that, if it is shiny grab it stage. It was so cute. Well everything that he did was cute. "No no," I said giggling. "You're holding him all wrong." I took the squirming child from Nick's nervous grip. After getting him all snuggled in my arms and one of my fingers in his mouth he was happy. "See?" I smiled at Nick. "He is all happy."

"I'm going to make a terrible uncle," Nick said with a pout.

"Now that is where you are wrong," I replied. "I see you with Mattie and Kevie and Tyler. You are great with them. All you have to do is relax."

"Yea but Jerome is different," Nick wined. "We are dating. And I don't want to mess up around him."

"Baby," I smiled at him. "You are not to mess up. You love kids and you've been around them for most of your life." Jerome pointed at Nick and giggled and cooed at him. "See he likes you." I looked down at my son and thrilled at his emotions that raged through his little body. "Yes he does!" I gushed over him. "He does love his Uncle Nicky!" Jerome squealed and squirmed in my arms.

"I'm sorry that your mom had to go back," Nick said as we fell instep behind our body guards. "I was really looking forward to meeting and getting to know her."

"We will have plenty of time for that," I replied. We were finally outside and into our limo when Nick turned to me and said something that stopped my heart.

"I want to make love to you," Nick said with eyes blazing with love. "I know we haven't been back together for long but I love you so much."

"I love you too," I said blushing. "And I want to make love too. But I don't want us to rush things. The last few times I've been with men I've rushed things and look how it turned out. I want our relationship to be based on love and trust and communication. Not sex."

"But sex is good too," Nick said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Yes my horny little lover," I giggled at him. "Sex is good too."

"I want to show you something," Nick grinned.

"What?" I asked getting worried.

"My house," Nick said proudly. "I want us to move in when you are down here."

"Ummm ok umm I guess that would be ok," I stammered.

"We can have our separate rooms that way you will be comfortable," Nick smiled at me. I leaned into his embrace and kissed him on the lips. I heard Jerome giggle and looked over at him and saw him grinning at us. "Umm maybe we should wait until we are alone," Nick stammered.

"I am fine with showing you love and affection around my son," I whispered to him as I sucked on his adam's apple. He moaned softly as he pushed me down in the soft confines of the seats in the limo. We continued to make out for the rest of the ride. I could tell that Nick was getting aroused and so was I. I very gently eased out from under him.

"Am I moving to fast for you?" he asked with concern written on his face.

"No I could tell we were getting a little excited," I panted trying to catch my breath. He just smiled and pulled me close to him. I loved being held by him and I could tell that Nick was an affectionate person. That was ok with me. I loved to be held and I loved to hold too. Justin was all about the sex and that was about it. I pushed Justin out of my mind and concentrated on Nick.

From Matt's point of view.

"Why Mr. Richardson!" I giggled out. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Yes I am," Kevin replied as he continued to kiss on my neck. "Is it working?"

"Ummm yes," I replied. I reached for Kevin's shirt and pulled it over his head. I licked my lips as I took in his chest and abs.

"See something that you like?" he asked smirking.

"Well let me take off the rest of your clothes and than let me answer that," I giggled as I slid down his sweat pants and boxers at the same time. Kevin stepped out of them and than stood with his legs spread apart so that I could gaze upon him all I wanted. Kevin knew I loved looking at his nude form. And he took great pleasure in showing it off for me. I looked at his cock as it stood up tall and erect. A small droplet of clear liquid glisten in the sunlight. "God you are so fucking hot," I breathed out. "I never get tired of looking at you."

"Yea well only one of is naked," Kevin said softly as he took my hand and led me to the grassy area and laid me down. "Now it is my turn to look at you." His hands skillfully stripped me of what little clothing I had on. Kevin sat back and gazed upon my naked form. "And you are beautiful too," he breathed as he ran his hand along the side of my leg. I shivered at his touch. "Please?" he pleaded as he lay on top of me. I moaned loudly the instant his hot body came in touch with mine. "Please let me make love to you?"

"You never have to ask permssion to make love to me," I whispered. Kevin's lips came crashing down on mine. I arched my back trying to push my cock up against his. He laughed softly as his lips continued its trek down my throat and to my pecs. He gently took a niple into his mouth and begin to suck on it. I moaned softly as I held his head in place. Finally he looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his. "Yes dear?" I asked grinning at him.

"I want to be in you so bad," he whispered.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I asked. I watched in awe as this God of sex took my ankles and placed them on his shoulders and than positioned his cock up against my hole. I shivered in anticipation of what was coming. He looked so lovingly down at me as he begin to push in me. I shivered as his cock slid up me. I loved having him in me. I felt so complete with his rock hard cock buried deep in me.

"God I love you so much," he breathed out as he slowly pulled out and than pushed back in. "I never want this to end."

"Kevin?" I pleaded with him.

"Yes sweetie," he asked grinning.

"Shut up and fuck me!" I ordered him. He laughed at me as he begin to thrust in and out of me. I was in heaven as Kevin continued to ram in and out of me. This was where I belonged. Right here laying out in the open naked and submissive to my lover.

"God," he rasped out as he fell on top of me and latching onto my neck sucking hard. I reached down and grabbed his buttocks and pulled hard as if to bury him deeper in me. By now he was pounding into me as hard and as fast as he could. I could tell by his grunts and growls that he was close. His rock hard abs scraped across my rock hard cock. I was close too. I pulled his head down to my mouth and I took his ear in my teeth and bit down softly. He let out a whimper as he continued to fuck me harder. "I'm so fucking close!"

"Cum for me Kevin," I ordered him. "Make me cum!" He let out a strangled groan and I felt the welcomed feeling of his hot sead rushing into my bowles. I lost it too as I blasted my load inbetween our sweating and heavining bodies. We conintued to rock our bodies together as our orgasms subsided. Finally I felt the soft kisses that he was giving me. I returned them with equal pleasure. After a few minutes of soft kissing we looked at eachother. Seeing him coming down from his orgasmic high was a beautiful sight indeed.

"Hi," he said with a sleepy smile.

"Hi yourself," I giggled. "Umm we should head back up to the house. I have a meeting with TNG." He nodded as he handed me my clothes. I dressed and watched him dress too. Reaching for his hand I took it and we walked back to the house hand in hand. I had made my husband feel good. Making him feel good was my life. It is what I lived for.

"Thank you," Kevin said softly. "It was great."

"I am glad that I could do that for you," I smiled up at him. "And thank you."

"For?" he asked.

"For making love to me," I replied.

"Yea but what did you get out of it?" he asked looking down.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I'm always on top," Kevin said with bright eyes. "Doesnt' that bother you?"

"Kevin sweetie," I said softly. "Look at me." He looked at me. "Now tell me what do you see."

"I see the man I feel in love with," Kevin said as he ran his hand along the side of my face.

"That is right," I smiled at him as I caught his hand and brought it to my lips. "You also see a man who has dedicated his life to making you happy. Raising our children and making you happy is what makes me happy. If you only had an idea of how much pleasure I get from you making love to me you would never again ask me that." Kevin thought for a few seconds before nodding. "Now come on, we have to get back to the house. I have a business deal to close."

From Kevin's point of view

Looking at my sweetie at work was fun. It was plain that he really enjoyed this type of work. TNG was a great group. They were young and very good looking. They had a lot of talent too. Matt was busy laughing and joking with them. They were soaking it al in. After the contracts were signed we decided to celebrate by having a cook out. Matt insisted on cooking as usual. I let him because he loved to work his grill. By the time he had the burgers and steaks on Tyler had come home from school and Matie and Kevie were up too being really cute and playfull. The evening had turned out to be a good one. It was cool and crisp out again and the stars were out in force.

"Hey," Matt said softly as we watched the limo pull out. "Did you enjoy yourself?" I nodded as I took him in my arms. "Good, cause I wanted you to have fun too.

I looked down at Matt with a grin. He shivered under my gaze. "Umm what?" he asked.

"I'm going to take you up stairs and baby you for the rest of the night," I said as I kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"You don't have to do that," Matt said softly.

"Yes I do, because you know why?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Because like you I take great pleasure in making you happy. Can you deal with that?"

"Umm yea I guess," Matt replied shyly. I loved it when he was all shy. It was incredibly sexy.

"Good, now that we have settled that let's go up stairs and have fun," I replied putting on my naughty grin.


"Nope," I snickered. Matt looked up at me in confusion. He was naked and was getting ready to climb under the silk sheets. "I want to look at you. So you will be spending most of the time on top of the sheets."

"But what if I get cold?" He asked blushing.

"Than we will just have to warm things up a bit," I got up and walked to the fireplace and turned it on. I also looked out the window and saw that the moon was full. I swung open the curtains fully to allow the moon light in. I turned my head and saw my sweetie looking at me. He licked his lips as he eyed me up and down. I turned around slowly to allow him complete access to my naked form. I smiled as I watched his cock swell to it's fully aroused state. "See something you like?" He swallowed hard. "Good, cause I see something that I like too," I replied licking my lips as I moved to the bed. I laid down beside him and gazed down on him. I ran a hand along the inside of his leg making sure that I lightly brushed his heavy ball sack. He let out a soft gasp. "Did you enjoy that?" I asked looking into his incredibly blue eyes. He nodded as he swallowed hard. "Not talking much tonight are you?" He giggled softly as he tried to touch me. I gently took his hand and laid it aside. "No my horny little lover. Tonight is all about you." He let out a little whimper that almost made me give in. But I had other plans for him. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his throat and sucked on the side of it. After a few minutes I detached my lips and moved to another area. After about thirty minutes I looked at my handi work. My lover had several hickeys on his neck and chest. I giggled at his dazed look on his face. I glanced down at his cock and saw that it was hard as a rock and dripping precome. I licked my lips and lowered my head that my face was resting right next to his throbbing cock. Snaking out my togue I eagerly lapped up the growing pool of clear sweet liquid. The instant my tongue came in contact with his cock he jerked and moaned loudly. "Did you like that?" I grinned up at him. He nodded swallowing hard again. "Than you are really going to love this." I picked up his stiff cock and slipped the head into my mouth. His hips bucked slightly and the rest of his shaft slid into my mouth. I started to make love to my husband with my mouth. As expected he didn't last long. Before long he was shooting his sweet liquid down my hungry throat. Finally the flow subsided and I allowed the cock to fall from my mouth. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

"Please?" he pleaded.

"Please what?" I asked grinning.

"Let me suck you?" he pleaded giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked running a finger down the side of his face.

"Yes I trust you," he replied.

"Completely?" I pressed on as I gently massaged his throat. Again he nodded. "Good because I'm going to fuck you down the throat until you can't talk." I felt his body shivered in anticipation. "Can you deal with that?" He nodded eagerly. "Ok here is what I want you to do. Scoot over so that your head is hanging off the edge of the bed." Matt complied with what I instructed him to do. "Ok now tilt your head back so that your throat is inline with your mouth and open wide." After doing what I asked him I straddled his face. My balls rested on the bridge of his nose and I heard him inhale deeply. I gently eased my cock in his mouth and started gently side it down. I knew I had hit his gag reflex when I felt his throat muscles spasm. "Ok sweetie, I want you to swallow for me," I gently urged him. He swallowed hard and sucked my cock past his gag reflex. My cock slid deep down his throat and I was amazed at the tight glove that formed around my cock. "OOOOOH GOD!" I moaned out. I watched as Matt's cock grew as hard as I had ever seen it. This was really turning him on in a major way. "Ok Baby," I whispered out. "Take my hand." His hand reached for mine and I guided it to his throat. "Feel it?" I asked. I heard him a muffled yes from him. "Now feel this." I pulled out and slid back in. I was rewarded with a muffled moan. "That is me sliding all the way down you. Do you like that?" He moaned again. "Ok get ready baby." I started slowly as I pumped in and out of his mouth. I watched his throat expand when I shoved in and than relax when I withdrew my cock. It was fucking hot. I begin to pick up pace and soon was rapidly fucking him down his throat. I watched as his cock begin to twitch. He continued to swallow each time I thrust in. His throat muscles massaged my cock as I continued to fuck him. I heard him and felt him moan loudly and than I watched in amazement as his cock erupted cum all over his abs. I hadn't even touched him there. The sight was to much for me. I shot my load straight into his stomach. He shivered with desire as my hot load shot through his upper body and into his stomach. After I finished shooting I pulled out very slowly. After I was done pulling out Matt grabbed my spent cock and licked it clean. I than sat back and looked down at him. His face was shining with sweat and he had the biggest grin on his cute and adorable face. "Well?" I asked. "How was it?"

"We are definitely going to have to do that again!" he exclaimed as he sat up and took several deep breaths. "I've never felt anything like that before. I've never taken anyone that deep before!" I noticed that his voice was hoarse.

"Well I see I accomplished what I wanted to do," I smirked. He looked confused. "I fucked you hoarse!" He blushed and giggled. "Now let's get you cleaned up so I can cuddle with you for the rest of the night.

From JC's point of view.

"Did everything go well at Justin's?" Nick asked me as I walked in. I had Jerome in one arm and two bags in another.

"Yes it did," I replied handing a sleepy Jerome over to Nick's arms. "Let's get Jerome to bed so that we can talk." We walked into the quickly made Nursery and made sure that Jerome was all comfy for the night. Nick stood looking down at him with a small smile on his face. "He is a cutie isn't he?"

"Yes he is," Nick replied. "All babies look so innocent when they are sleeping."

"Let's go out on the balcony and talk," I suggested. We walked through Nick's room and pushed open the sliding glass doors and stepped out on to the balcony overlooking the beach. "This is a great place you have," I said as I gazed out over the ocean.

"I want you to think of it as yours too," Nick said softly as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back into his touch.

"I want to be comfortable with that," I replied. "But I don't want to rush things. Like I said before I want us to find our way back to each other. When I make love to you I want it to be because I'm ready to give myself to you. Not because we're horny as hell and we let our lust get in the way of things."

"How did you get so smart?" Nick asked as he kissed the top of my head.

"By making mistakes," I sighed. "The last time we got together was because I was hurting and so were you. We got back together because we were hurting too. But we love each other. I want to make sure that this time it is the real deal."

"So do I," Nick answered. "Do you want to go down stairs and sit by the fireplace?" I looked up at him and into his blue eyes. He looked so beautiful standing there with his heart open for me to look into.

"Of course," I replied. "I would like that very much." Nick held out his hand and I took it. The simple touch of his hand in mine was enough to send waves of pleasure running through me. "I do love you Nick Carter."

"I do love you, JC Chasez," Nick whispered to me as he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it lightly.

From AJ's point of view.

On the beach a fire is crackling. I am looking down at the most beautiful person in the world. Travis was laying in my lap staring up at the stars. Every once in a while I would lean down and kiss him tenderly on his lips. He would smile shyly at me and than resume looking up at the stars. "It is so pretty out tonight," he breathed.

"Yes it is, and having you here makes it that more special," I replied as I brushed a stray hair from his face. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. He nodded. "Are you a virgin?" He looked up at me with confusion in his eyes. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." I looked out over the ocean and watched as the moon rose. It was a full harvest moon and it bathed everything in a bluish tint.

"Yes," Travis whispered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Yes I'm a virgin," he replied softly.

"Have you ever thought of having sex?" I asked.

"Recently?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes, very recently."

"With me?" I pressed on. He nodded looking deep into my eyes. "I'm not ready for that step yet," I mumbled.

"That's ok," he replied with a smile. "I'm not ready either."

"Good," I looked back at the house and watched as the curtains slid back in Kevin's and Matt's room. I wondered what they were doing in there. If I knew Kevin he was making it a night for Matt to remember. "I want to get to know you first, and get to love you for the person you are on the inside."

"I feel the same way," Travis answered. "When do you think we will be ready?"

"I don't think there is a definite answer for that. I think that when the time comes we will both know it. And it will be special for us," I replied. Travis nodded and snuggled closer to me. I bent down and inhaled deeply of his scent. I loved the smell of him. Letting the scent rush through my body I laid back and looked up at the stars. A shooting star shot through the sky. "Did you make a whish?"

"Nope," Travis giggled.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I already got my wish," he giggled back.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Good night my love," I whispered in Matt's sleeping ear. I eased out of bed and made my way out of the room and down the stair and out onto the porch. Brian and Leo had returned and was sitting talking quietly. "Hey you two," I said as I sat down in the swing across from them. "Nice to see you back."

"It is good to be back," Brian sighed as he ran his fingers through Leo's hair. "How are you and Matt doing?"

"Well," I replied. "We are doing great." I sighed as I thought of leaving tomorrow to go back to the recording studio.

"What's wrong Kev?" Brian asked.

"We are back in the studio tomorrow," I replied. "Part of me is happy to be back and part of me is sad. I want to stay home with Matt and kids and on the other hand I can't wait to get back out and perform again."

"Yea I know what you mean," Brian replied. "Things are changing Cousin, and we have to change with them."

"Yea I know what you mean," I replied as I looked out over beach and smiled at AJ and Travis making out on the beach. Brian was right. Things were changing. Hopefully for the best.


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