Get the Fuck Outta Here

By drety yuiop

Published on Dec 12, 2005


Last Time...

"He said can someone crash up here with you nigga! Damn!" he was becoming equally annoyed.

"Yeah man, damn now let me go to sleep."

"O ii cuz he said that Jay rock will be crashin' up here!" He left as soon as he finished his sentence and shut the door.

Now I was fully awake.

I whispered to myself. "Get the Fuck Outta Here"...

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Night

That morning was hell for me. I woke up hard as usual, and went to go piss so that my shit would go down. After I had alleviated myself I went downstairs to go get something to eat cuz a nigga was hungry as hell! After making me a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich I went to go watch TV and my older brother came down.

"Wassup lil man?" Nick asked unusually happy.

This was weird because I knew that he was still mad at me because he had gotten that scion. So why was this nigga so happy all of a sudden? I didn't answer him on purpose to see what his next move would be.

"Aye bro, did Ricky talk to you about tonite?" He looked at me with a slick expression.

Now I knew what it was that he wanted.

"Yeah nigga," I started remembering the part about J-Rock Sleeping in my room. "Why the fuck do that nigga gotta sleep in my room? I'ont even know his ass!"

My brother saw my frustration. "C'mon please!! He is the best player on our team and we need him to win." My brother pleaded with me.

I hated seeing my brother beg. He was too good for that, and he wasn't the begging type either. He must've been pretty desperate to actually beg his "Little brother" for something. I had no choice but to give in.

"Aiight nigga damn!" I said, Nick's eyes got wide with joy. "If he does one thing to piss me off and I'm putting his ass out."

He just smirked as he walked away. "Nigga you know damn well you aint gonna do nothing."

He was right, I wasn't the violent type. Don't get me wrong, I fought plenty of times, I just don't like to start trouble. It's funny though because no matter how much I tried, living where I lived you did nothing but fight, smoke and run from the suits (Cops). Me, I've done everything on that list but smoke. It just wasn't me, smoking wasn't my thing.

Later in the afternoon, my mom left and niggas started pouring in left and right. I had to answer the door more than once in my boxers. I didn't care though, and no shame in mine. It was around 2:00, when I decided to take a shower and get dressed. Once I was in the bathroom, I looked out the widow to see who was out back. It was like forty niggas deep out there. I'm thinking to myself: Damn man!, Where the bitches at?

Once I got out the shower I took another glance. Still all niggas, no need for me to put my good gear on, aint nobody to impress. I went to my room dried off and threw on my Butta's (Timberlands), some light blue jeans and a white-T. No need to get all pretty and shit with it. I headed out back, and once that cool air hit my body I was feeling real energetic. I saw Devin, standing watching the basketball game. He signaled me over by raising his finger in the air along with his head.

"Wassup Karee?" Devin asked. "You just getting up nigga?"

"Aint shit, just chillen," I responded giving him some dap. "I been up, I was just chillen in the house."

"Oh aiight, so wassup you tryna ball?" He asked.

"Naw I'm good I'm not really a basketball player." I sad shaking my head.

"Oh it's all good," He said beginning to take off his shirt. "Well my team is up and we bout to show these niggas how to man-up."

I shook my head smiling at his competitive side.

"Aiight nigga do ya thing playa." I called after him.

I sat there for about 30 minutes watching Devin's team play Nick's. Devin was actually right, them niggas was beating the shit put of Nicks team. Nick was getting frustrated. I sat there laughing at how he would wile' out just because he missed a shot. It was funny to me. Just watching him was amusing me to no end.

"Man where the fuck is that nigga J-Rock at?" Nick asked impatiently.

His question was followed by a bunch of "I'ont knows". I'm gad this was the last game, because that means that all these niggas would be leaving, and I could have my house back to myself again. It was just my brother's team staying since they were the last game. So that means about 5 niggas crashin' it was all good. Especially since J-Rock was no where to be found.

Surprisingly the game ended in a tie. I guess my brothers fussing actually got them niggas to step their game up. It was about 9:30 at night, and everyone was leaving. I could barely see anybody's face let alone a ball, so I headed in the house.

"Aiight yall, we gotta finish this shit tomorrow morning. Cuz it's getting late and I can't see the rock no mo'. "

It was about 10:00 when our backyard was clear. I went to my room and removed all of my clothes except my boxers, and got into my bed. I felt relieved to know that I didn't have to share my room with J-Rock. It wasn't because I was stingy. It's just that, that nigga J-Rock made my stomach do some crazy shit. I know that nigga aint have my heart, but he didn't make me feel weird. I'ont know what the fuck it was, but whatever it was, I didn't know how to deal with it. I fell into a deep sleep thinking of how I felt about that nigga.

"Aye nigga you up?" Asked a deep voice.

I was barely woke and could barely see who it was calling my name I knew it wasn't my brothers though, because I knew how they sounded.

I woke up with my usual crankiness.

"Young' who the fuck is that?" I asked, words barely coming from my mouth.

I still had sleep in my voice.

"Nigga is me J-Rock." He said. I was now awake. "Get ya ass up."

"Nigga take ya ass to bed, damn!" As much as I didn't want to I couldn't help but be bitchy towards J-Rock. That nigga woke me up, and I hate being woken.

"Aye slim, this ya house and shit but you in my hood, so watch who the fuck you talk to like that aiight playa?" He moved a little closer to my bed.

"Nigga fuck you and your hood aiight damn. Now let me go to sleep!" I yelled to the top of my lounges.

I had won our little argument, because J-Rock was now heading for the door. I turned around and went laid back down.

That's when I heard a strange noise. J-Rock had locked my door. I jumped back up from shock.

"Nigga why the fuck you lock my door?!" I wasn't sleepy at all now. Just pissed cuz this nigga think he can start running shit up in my house.

"Shut ya bitch ass up!" He yelled moving closer to me. "Now say that shit one more time about my hood."

This nigga was tryna bitch me. I wasn't going out like that no matter what, I don't give a fuck who this nigga run, and how deep this nigga is. He wasn't about to make me less than a man. I felt the need to get bold.

"Nigga you heard me!" I said. He recoiled his head as if shocked by my response. I continued. "Fuck your hood, and most definitely fuck YOU!!!!!!!!"

I added emphasis on him.

He didn't respond how I expected. He had a pissed-off gaze on his face, I thought the nigga was gonna swing on me. Instead, he kneeled on my floor and pulled out a blunt and started to blaze. I didn't know how to react to this nigga. Instead of beating the hell out of my scrawny ass, he lit his blunt. I was so mad and so scared at the same time, it was crazy.

He took a couple of hits from his blunt and spoke. "You know I aint letting this shit slide..." and with that he continued to take hits from his Joint.

My room became filled with the scent of weed, and me being in the attic no one knew what was going on. I felt helpless, and being in front of the "Neighborhood king" didn't help as well.

I just thought to myself. "Maybe I should run for it". Naw that would be the worse thing I could do. See, if a nigga runs away he's considered a bitch. I know for damn sure I wasn't no bitch. I didn't want to get into it with J-Rock either. For the first time, I saw this nigga up close. Every time he took a hit of his blunt his body became illuminated. I couldn't make out everything because my room was almost pitch dark beside the moonlight coming through my window. He was very dark skinned, he had crystal white teeth, and stood at about 6 feet. His build was very skinny, but his body was all muscle. He had a thugged-out appearance. In fact to more perfectly describe him, he looked like a skinny Morris Chestnuts. This nigga aint look like nothing, but he gave off the aura of "Don't fuck with me".

"Look I'm going to bed." I said, trying to just drop the whole situation.

J-Rock took a final puff of his blunt and spoke. "Naw nigga, you aint doing shit."

I sat back up and watched him smush out his blunt. The room went almost entirely dark. I began to get scared because he had already locked the door, so there was no way I would be able to run if I had to.

"Man whatever." I said trying to act all hard laying back down.

I pulled the cover almost completely over my head in fear.

"Bitch get ya ass up!" J-rock yelled as he pulled the covers up off me.

"Nigga get the fuck outta here!" I yelled back matching his tone. I jumped out of bed to get my cover from this nigga.

He threw the covers to the floor and pushed me to the ground. Not thinking, I got back up and hit him right in his mouth. I could barely see where I was swinging, but I felt teeth in his mouth when I hit. He then grabbed my body and threw me to the ground. Once I was on the ground he straddled me with his body and began to hit me. I was trying to swing but I could barely see, I figured the same for J-rock because a few times he missed me and hit the floor. After a while of us swinging and missing, I began to panic. I wriggled my body underneath him in hopes to break free. I hit my head a couple of times on the dresser in my attempt. I swung one more time as hard as I could and BAM! That shit hit J-Rock's nose. I felt either blood or spit dripping on my body. He grabbed both of my hands. I was struggling hard now to break free.

"Nigga, shit is over for you!"

I then thought about who I had just hit, and now I began to regret.

"Come on nigga just leave me alone." I pleaded with him.

He didn't say a word. I could tell he was high because he kept swaying back and forth on me and smiling. Then after about 5 minutes of struggling to get free I had no more will power to move. I began to rest, so that I could regain my strength. He felt my helpless state and climbed off me. I thought it was over because he walked over to the other side of the room. He was no longer visible. I thought about running but he was blocking my way. After about 5 seconds of silence I heard his jeans begin to rumble. I thought he had a gun, so I stayed were I was, afraid to move. I heard some more sounds but I couldn't tell what the fuck it was. He then walked over to me, I couldn't see if he had something or not.

"Stop nigga!" I pleaded once more.

He then straddled me again, this time was different, he was naked! I could smell his masculine musk close to my face. He was sitting on my chest. I tried as hard as I could to move him off me but he out weighted me. He sat here for a while not saying a word waiting for me to stop my struggle. My strength wore out, I was helpless once again.

"Get off me bitch!" I said.


That nigga slapped the shit outta me. I winced from the pain.

"Look bitch new rules, since you wanna act like a bitch I'm a treat you like a bitch."

I didn't respond, I was too afraid of what else he was going to do. He was high and I aint know what else this motherfucker was capable of.

"Now suck this dick bitch." He commanded.

"Nigga I aint sucking shit!" I protested. "I aint gay! Fuck that!"

"Wrong answer!" Said J-Rock, as he began to slap me some more, each time getting harder. "Now listen, I swear to god on my life if you don't give me what I want from you tonight your moms is gonna burry you tomorrow."

My level of fear sky rocketed. I was afraid of what this nigga was capable of now. I had no choice but to do what he asked. I began to cry as I realized how helpless I was to his demands.

J-Rock chuckled and slid his body closer to mine, I could barely breathe. His body was crushing me, this skinny nigga was killin' my ass. As he moved closer he grabbed hold of his dick. His dick was half way hard now, I laid there helpless.

"Open up!" J-rock said as he put the head of his dick to my lips.

I obeyed. J-rock's dick was huge and almost as long as two remotes. He began to pull my head towards his body, my mouth still engulfed around his dick. What he was doing was wrong "I'm going to kill this nigga" was all I could think about. I could taste his precum sliding down my mouth. The bitter saltiness was way too much for me. He than began to move my head faster on his dick, and started to moan lightly. I felt weird as my dick began to react to his forcefulness.


I felt his hand make contact to my sore cheek again.

"Don't let your mutha fucking teeth touch my dick again, or I swear to god..."

I obeyed from fear of his threat. He somehow picked up his pace even more. He was thrusting rapidly in and out of my mouth, I was gagging horribly. I was desperate to get in breaths between his thrusts, that wasn't helping at all, I still couldn't breathe. Panicking from lack of air I began to take gasps. I was struggling to lift him off me, but to no success. His grip on my head and his weight combined was too much for me to bear.

"Stop please!" I pleaded again, hoping this time he would release me from his hold.

"Bitch!" he responded and started pounding my face.


He had hit me once more. I just stopped struggling and relaxed under his movements. I just wanted this night to be over. This was the most humiliating moment of my life. I felt like less than a man, and because of that, more tears began to roll down my eyes. I wasn't anything no more, but a face to be fucked by this nigga.

In all my thought I hadn't realized J-Rock had released me and went to my dresser. I sat up holding my face panting hard. It was hard for me to move or even look up from the ground it felt too embarrassed. I gathered up all the strength I could and got up and sat on my bed. I laid there for a minute, while J-Rock stood by my dresser going through my stuff. At this point I didn't even care what he took from me I just wanted him to leave. I laid there for about 30 seconds before J-Rock made his way back over to me.

"You know this shit aint over right." He said calmly, as if what he had already done wasn't enough.

"Nigga just leave me alone, Fuck!"

"Can't do that, you mines forever nigga!"

"Man my brother gonna kill you forreal" I was getting desperate hopefully he would just leave me alone if I mentioned Nick.

"Oh really, well I'll be waiting." He said and began to laugh. "What you gonna tell him you gave another nigga head."

I had no reply. He was right, I couldn't just tell my brother I gave another nigga head, I already know how he feels about feminine dudes. He hates them.

"That's what I thought fagget!" He said moving closer to me. "Now lay your ass down so I can take that ass."

I was paralyzed. I couldn't react. The last words I heard was take that ass. J-Rock was still naked and I had on my T-shirt and My boxers.

"I aint a fagget bitch!" Was all I managed to say.

"Oh really?" J-Rock responded. "Well was this?" J-Rock asked grabbing my dick, which was fully erect to its 8 inches. He squeezed it and slid his whole hand down along the shaft. I can't lie that shit felt good, but I wasn't gonna let him know. I wasn't gay, and this nigga was raping me!

J-Rock had me lain on my bed, my dick was still in his hand. He was stroking it rapidly. I thought I was about to nutt, my dick began to expand and J-Rock all of a sudden stopped.

"Naw nigga you don't deserve that shit." He said with a smile.

J-Rock sat back up and started to remove my jeans off my ass. Just as I started to stop him, he glanced at his jeans. I quickly remembered his threat. I wept uncontrollably as I realized this nigga was about to take my ass. J-Rock rose to his feet and slid me to the edge of the bed. I curled up my fist and suppressed my anger for him. I was too afraid to stop him. I was too shocked to react.

J-rock began to pour some of my baby oil on his dick.

So that's why he was over by my dresser. –I thought to myself.

J-Rock took hold of both of my legs and pushed them back to my chest. I felt gentle breezes across my hole. My ass was now fully exposed and I was helpless to do anything. J-Rock started to pour the oil on my exposed ass and I heard him beatin' his dick. He leaned in towards me and his bare body was now across my chest. I started to get hard again. J-rock brought his face to my ear. I could smell every scent of his body, his stomach was now pressing against my dick, it started to pound underneath his flesh. Despite the situation I was in I wanted to feel more of his touch, so I slowly started grinding my dick into his abs. As I did so, his body began to slip from underneath me and I felt his penis slide right into my hole, I never felt that much pain in my life...

I woke up suddenly and with a shock. Hoping everything that happened was all a dream. As scanned the room looking for any sign of J-Rock. Nothing, but I did see his clothes, where was he? Then I realized I heard a soft sound, almost a cat purr, and as I turned around I saw him. Laying there without a care in the world. His natural long curly hair glistened in the moonlight. I couldn't deny it anymore, he was sexy, and I found my self becoming more and more attracted to him. There he was, lying in my bed behind me naked, wrapped up in my covers, nothing was more beautiful. I guess he heard me get up, because as I began to lay back down he stopped me.

"Karee, you up?" He said in a voice filled with sleep.

"What nigga." Was all I could say. I didn't want to say it but it sort of slipped out.

"Baby, don't be mad at me. Look, I know what I did was wrong, but I liked you, nigga I wanted you. How I was raised, if you want something you take it. So I did the only thing I know I could to make you mine. See that's the weird part besides from getting head (oral sex between males-slang), you the only nigga that I have feelings for and have done shit with. Look man I want you to be mines and I have no other way to show you that besides doing what I did..."

He paused for a moment and sat up above my head, which was now looking toward my ceiling. He leaned in and softly kissed me using his tongue to brush my bottom lip. This time I didn't resist, something about his words had me in a trance.

He continued. "Look nigga as far as I'm concerned, you my nigga, and I'm yours. So that means that you better stay true to a nigga, and a nigga will treat you right and with respect. Now baby go to sleep."

As I heard his words I became excited and scared at the same time. I didn't object, why because something in me wouldn't allow me to. Sadly to say me-being-me, my mouth speaks before my brain.

"Ok baby, but before you go to bed give a kiss."

As he did I grabbed his dick which was now growing in my hands.

"Um..I guess ill take care of that in the morning." I said with a grin on my face.

"I guess I got to take care of my baby as well..."

And with that we both fell asleep. J-rock had his arms wrapped around me.


Next Time


Chapter 3: Relationships

Karee and J-rock relationship starts to kick off nicely, but Karee's brothers and J-Rock's boys start to notice their newfound relationship. Questions start to be raised, and Ricky has to make a decision that could have a negative effect...


As always please give me your comments, as you know I've been outta the writing game for a while. Lol due to laziness. But send your comments to or just post them on my group with lots more updates:

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