Getting By

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 30, 2020



By Justin Balancier

This story is fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places or things are purely coincidental.


Getting by can be a lot more complicated than one thinks. It's nobody's fault, but everybody's problem. When you start telling people your problems, 80% do not care and 20% are glad you have them.

Why a person will move away from home to live on the street like a dumpster whore had always been a mystery to Gary. He was poor himself so not having much was nothing new to him. What disturbed him more than anything was going from poor to poorer, when it was a dumb thing to do. Of course, there are reasons for most things, and he was no one to question people.

Sonny, who chose to be homeless, was a weak person and blamed his misfortunes on society. His daily existence was getting involved with hustlers, con men and whores. Every day was a day to get high and hustle a few bucks in order to buy some junk food to eat. He was not a whore himself and did not sell his body for sex. He was so dirty looking, that he couldn't give it away. Straight or gay, nobody cared.

Sonny kept a cardboard box outside under the stairs of a basement apartment where he often crashed at night. A sleeping bag inside a large wholesale flower box with a cover that he used for protection, from the damp night air was about it.

Gary, the other dude in this story, was more fortunate, but not by much. He worked in housekeeping, for the last two months at a fleabag motel, with nobody there he called `friend.' He was not paid much money and the motel owner, supplied him with a free room, along with a chump change, that he called wages.

The job was crap-emptying garbage, changing dirty sheets and doing laundry. He cut the grass, washed floors and windows, all for a few bucks and a place to stay

Sam Pookey operated the motel on a shoestring budget. It was not well accepted, known for hookers, fights, criminals and poor trash of any color. Everything fit in place; it was not the Hotel Royal

It was a dreary weekday morning and Sonny was standing outside `Pookey's Motel,' where Gary stayed and worked.

Sonny was not bothering anybody but would ask people for change whenever he had a chance to do so, however folks ignored him. It wasn't anything earthshattering because the motel wasn't much better. It was a dump. Jenny, a large black woman, who worked for Pookey, was in the laundry room when Gary came in caring a load of soiled bed sheets.

"Hey mama sweet plum, I brought you some more sheets." Said Gary trying to be jovial

"You wash those damn sheets yourself. I ain't nobody's niggar." She said

"Oh stop it. You want to see me cry?" said Gary

"Cry your white ass off – see how much that bothers me." She replied.

"I can do that," said Gary

"Hold up a minute," said Jenny. "Let's do a trade."

"You're looking for something. I know you Jenny."

"Damn, that's not the point. The point is old man Pookey wants me to tell that homeless cracker out front to move on. He slid me $5.00 buck to get him to move, BUT I don't want to do it. So you tell him to beat it and I will put your sheets in the washer. Do we got a plan here, or not?" she asked.

"Sure, let's not give this ritzy palace a bad look. I'll do it." Said Gary

"Here's the five," said Jenny now laughing – "sucker," she mumbled quietly

"Gary went out front feeling uncomfortable and sorry he had agreed to do it. He toughened up and strutted out as if he was in charge.

"Hey man, you can't hang out here. The owner wants you to move on. Here's five bucks. Beat it." Said Gary

He looked directly at Gary with sadness in his eyes, never reaching for the cash. He wasn't very old and had sweetness about him. He needed a bath and no doubt a good meal. One couldn't miss the obvious.

"Here take this;" said Gary handing him the five dollar bill. "What's your name," asked Gary softening his tone.

"Sonny" he replied and started to walk away

"Where are you going to go?" asked Gary

"I don't know - someplace." He answered and kept walking.

Gary scooted up to him and tapped him on the shoulder I'm sorry for asking you to move, but the boss made me do it."

"Ahh, I get that all the time, it doesn't matter. It happens all the time," he repeated.

"I'm Gary"


"What's your name again?" asked Gary

"I already told you. It is Sonny, yeah...I'm Sonny" he replied "Would you come back with me to the motel? I work here and I have a room." Said Gary

"Why would I go to your room? Are you going to stab me or something?" asked Sonny "Can't rob me, I ain't got no money."

"Nope, I will wait for the movie on that one," said Gary making Sonny feel more at ease.

"Can I have a shower if I go back with you?" asked Sonny "It's been tough."


"Yeah man it's been tough, for me too but I have a room here, and they're good on letting me share it. I mean having somebody, like company, in the room. Believe me, it isn't much. I do shit jobs for old man Pookey and he gives me a place to stay and a few bucks for food. It is temporary; I plan to do much better. I just have to save a few Jackson's so I can get the hell out of here. I want to find something that pays something.

"I hear that," replied Sonny. That's what I hope to do also; but it isn't easy having no money. I tried staying at a homeless shelter, but the old men scared the hell out of me and I couldn't stay there after a few days of trying to adjust.

"C'mon let's get you that shower," what do you say?" asked Gary. "Sure," Sonny replied

Gary was not stretching a point when it came to the free motel room where he stayed. The room was gloomy, with one lamp, a single light bulb in the bathroom with a stained toilet and a moldy glass shower door, open at the top.

The bed looked clean with no critters crawling around and Gary kept it that way. He was changing motel beds, including his room, with laundered sheets. No one clean the room. He did that himself, but not very well. The room was a mess with boxes and clothes strewed about. The bed was not made and a wet towel hung over the bathroom door. Still it was better than a wholesale flower cardboard box with a cover.

Gary quickly straightened the bed covers, so there was a place to sit down. There was one chair in the room but it was loaded with boxes and junk. A beer cooler sat on the floor next to the chair.

The room looked brighter with the sun streaming, off and on, through the window. The window was clean because Gary had just washed it that morning. Not everything about the motel was negative.

Sonny was not the least bit shy. He pulled off his shirt and began to strip down to shower. He took off all his clothes and left them in a pile on the floor. Gary sat on the edge of the bed watching him walk about the room stark naked.

He was built below the belt and flopped his junk a few times, as if to air his crotch from the dirty underwear.

He had a good-looking dick that hung down like a sleeping fritter. Gary understood why the old gents at the shelter, looked at him like beefsteak.

It was obvious that he had not been naked for some time; by the way, he was airing everything out. Sleeping in a box, you don't get to undress very often.

Moments later, he was in the shower and humming, scrubbing, soaping his crotch and cleaning his butt. Gary knew this because he peeked and Sonny never saw him looking. He had his eyes shut washing his hair.

"Damn, get the crud off and put a little weight back on his chest and this guy is a catch." He thought to himself picking up his dirty clothes from the floor.

"I'm taking your clothes next door and put them in the washer," He yelled out to Sonny still enjoying the hot water.

"Okay – thank ya brother, Sonny yelled back'

By the time Gary returned, Sonny was dried off, still naked and using Gary's razor shaving and trimming his beard with shears, that he found in the bathroom. His body looked yummy naked in front of the mirror. Great butt.

"I'm using your razor," Sonny shouted with his back to the open door.

"Not a problem," replied Gary. "You look a lot better."

Gary took an extra toothbrush from a dresser drawer and brought it to Sonny.

"Here," he said, "You can't brush your teeth with your finger. Use this," and handed Sonny the toothbrush. It was new.

"Okay" Sonny said. "You are terribly good to me."

"Nah, it's only a brush and some hot water."

"Put these on while your clothes are in the dryer;" and handed Sonny a pair of jeans and a pull over sweatshirt. They were about the same size, so the clothes fit reasonably well. They were also close in age with Gary being older; twenty-seven and thirty-four respectively.

Gary left to put Sonny's clothes into the dryer, when he returned Sonny was lying on the bed and had fallen asleep. He was dressed and looking cool.

With his head resting on a pillow, Sonny looked like a biblical figure from the Old Testament; His hair was black brushed in ruggedness against the pillow. He sported a black beard with full lips and a strong chin. His body was very desirable lying there quietly and at rest. What a difference grooming can make. Straight or gay, Gary was not sure; only that he was hot looking.

"Damn," thought Gary, after studying him for a few minutes. This dude is a handsome devil. There was no doubt, that it had been awhile since Sonny had rested so comfortable. Gary decided not to wake him and let him sleep.

He lay down beside him, being careful not to touch or wake him up; and drifted off to sleep himself. Sonny was sleeping like a baby.

Gary felt something hard pushing against him. Sonny had spooned up to his back and poking him in the butt with his crotch. It was more like a rub against his ass with a hard cock. It felt very hard like a stick.

He didn't know if Sonny was still sleeping or awake. When his arm came across Gary's chest from behind, everything began to make sense. Sonny was sleeping and dreaming; making little growling sounds like snoring.

Gary stayed very still, letting Sonny hold him, even tho it was not for real.

Sonny's dick was hard and he kept rubbing Gary's butt, as if he wanted to fuck.

Sonny rolled over and was awake. Gary was also awake and they were facing each other.

"Sorry man for climbing on your back like that. I was dreaming," said Sonny.

"Don't be sorry, I liked it. I was thinking about taking my pants off, but you woke up."

"You're kidding, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm kidding."

"I feel better now, thanks to you helping me today," said Sonny. I better get going."

"And do what?" asked Gary "I'm going to get a meal and then head out to the boulevard, to see who's around. First, tho, I am getting me some mashed potatoes swimming in gravy. I love mashed potatoes." He said

Gary dug in his pocket and handed Sonny twenty dollars. "Take this and put some roast beef with those mashed potatoes," he said.

"Thanks man"

"Are you stopping back here? I don't go far and will be here all evening."

"I don't want to get you in trouble with Mr. Mookey" he said

"It's `Pookey" and don't worry about him. For a blow job, he would let Dracula stay here." Gary told him

"That lets me out. He is 200 lbs. and 60 years off my `to do' list" replied Sonny smiling.

This was the first time Sonny had smiled and he was cute as hell with a dopey grin.

"Oh – your clothes," he stammered and started to remove his shirt.

"No, you keep them," said Gary

"Thanks man – you are good as hell, you know."

"Of course," was Gary's comment?

The door closed behind Sonny and Gary watch as he headed towards the Diner flashing with bright clear lights. In his hand, he carried his clean clothes in a black trash bag. He had twisted the top around forming a knob by which he held his possessions.

Gary looked in his pocket and he had $1.64 cents left. He gave his only twenty to Sonny.

Was he regretful that he did that? Maybe a little; however, just two months prior he was in the same situation. He considered twenty bucks insurance and not a fool parting with money.

They are both down and out, but now they are friends, coated with lust, sex, compassion, romance and work. This is not the end of the story, but rather the beginning.

Part 2 - Sonny returns with a proposition for sex, that Gary finds hard to resist. / comments welcomed

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Next: Chapter 2: Getting by 2 3

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