Getting Coached


Published on Mar 11, 2023


(This chapter is written from Coach's perspective)

"Thank you Coach. What is your next instruction?"

I smiled to myself when I saw Jonathan's text. He was coming along nicely. The addition of the UPS guy was definitely a surprise and it seemed like he rose to the task. Hungry, adaptable, and eager to please. All traits I liked to see in a man. He was probably still kneeling on the tile floor of the bathroom at his whiteshoe law firm, reflecting on the aftermath of being thoroughly used by a subordinate and a UPS guy, one part wondering how he got himself into this situation, one part feeling more content than he's ever been and another part wanting more.


Another text. Definitely eager. There was always something about guys like this that had a deep need to serve. They were usually successful, confident and self-assured. By every metric, what most in society would deem as men who were in command of their own lives. But I could always spot the ones who had a craving deep inside. Sometimes they didn't know it themselves, but I could tell, or at least brought it out of them. You can see it in their reactions when interacting with them. A side glance, a stare that lingers just too long, a sudden flush in the face, a change in their breathing or a sudden trip-up in their speech. I knew Jonathan was one of these men within a minute of meeting him.

I replied back "Clean yourself up and get back to work. Don't touch yourself at all. Meet me on campus tonight at 8pm. Will send you details later. Busy."

I felt a little bad brushing him off like that, but he needed to learn that I was in control, not him. Plus, I really was busy sitting in my Constitutional Law professor's office chair as he struggled with taking the final two inches of my cock into his mouth. He was an interesting find. Tall, muscular, swarthy, classically handsome with a silver tongue, not to mention a beloved professor in the Law School, no one would suspect that Prof. Cardwell to be a starving cocksucker. Not even himself. But I had my suspicions which were quickly confirmed when he wet his lips when I thrust my groin forward only just slightly at one of his office hours at the start of the year. Now his silver tongue was working its way down my shaft. I put my phone down, gripped his head with both hands and pulled him down to the base of my cock. His body lurched and his hands went to my legs to try to push back against my fat cock that was probably cutting off his air. I counted to 10 and pulled him off, leaving my cock throbbing in front of his heaving face, covered in thick throat slobber.

"I think we'll leave your lessons at that for today. Clean me up. We both have class in 5 minutes"

His eyes widened as he realized he only had 5 minutes to put himself together before getting to the lecture hall.

"Clean me up, Professor."

"Yes, Coach", he said, as he started to gently lick off the slobber he had left all over my cock and balls. "When is my next lesson?"

"Tonight. PolySci basement bathroom, center stall. 7:45. Be in uniform"

"Yes, Coach."

"See you later, Professor."

I stuffed my hard cock back into my underwear and zipped up, silently cursing myself to the somewhat self-inflicted blue balls, but sometimes these things just happen. I headed towards the door and looked back at Professor Cardwell standing up, trying to bring himself together. He had leaked through his own pants and there was a noticeable wet spot in his crotch. I chuckled as I walked out and headed to class.

I arrived in class a few minutes late, but obviously had no concerns since I knew Professor Cardwell was probably somewhere between trying to clean up the wet spot and not look like he had been choked by a fat cock. Sitting in the back row, I waited for Cardwell to enter. He came in, looking a little worse for wear, holding his bag strategically in front of his crotch. Smart man. He was a little disheveled but cleaned up well. I doubt anyone had any suspicions. My cock twitched slightly in my pants. There was something so fun and hot getting a respectable man down to his base in a private session, then seeing him back out in the world as a dignified man that people looked up to. I wondered how he would get his fix once I graduated?

I brought out my phone and texted Jonathan. "Hope you enjoyed your appetizers. Bet your breath smells like cum too. I'll see you at 8pm sharp at the PolySci bathroom. You know the one. Wear your uniform."

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and felt a buzz. Probably a near instant reply from the hungry guy. I smirked as I ignored it and paid attention to Cardwell's lecture.

After a few more hours of class, I headed towards my small private office I had at the University's athletics department. Was a small perk for my coaching duties. It was my little private domain, where I watched game tape, studied, jerked off, and fucked the occasional guy. I did some work for another couple of hours before I decided to call it a day. I picked up my phone and saw texts from both Jonathan and Caldwell.

Jonathan: "Just got off work, in uniform and will be on campus on time. I'm ready for my next workout" Caldwell: "I'm working on some briefs and all I can do is think about stuffing my face in yours. I'll be there at 7:45"

I texted both of them back to be right on time. This was going to be fun. It was still a little early, so I changed into my gym gear and decided to go on a run around campus to give both my boys an extra surprise. My nuts were starting to bother me and I was pretty much at a constant semi, but the run felt good. I built up a good sweat and headed back to my office, grabbed a few things from my desk and headed towards the PolySci building.

I walked into the quiet building and went straight towards the basement where the bathroom was. I started getting hard thinking about the fun I've had in this bathroom and grabbed my bulge through my gym shorts as I pushed the door open and headed in. Seemed like the coast was clear, and given the hour and location, didn't seem like we'd get any surprise visitors. It was already 7:50 so I expect Caldwell to be here already. Jonathan was going to be here soon, so there wasn't much time to waste to get the action started. I saw the middle stall was occupied and recognized Caldwell's loafers through the bottom gap. I cracked my knuckles in front of the door and pushed it open.

I was greeted by a sight that sent blood surging to my cock. The man I knew as Professor Caldwell was sitting there in nothing but a jockstrap and a hungry look on his face. I admired his body, which looked good for his age and to be honest, probably could get most guys and girls to bend over for him. He looked up at me with his mouth hanging open and I reached down to pinch his nipple. He groaned as I praised him for following my instructions. As I much as I wanted to make him beg and wait, I didn't have much patience left in me after the blue balling I gave myself earlier in the day; I took a step forward, grabbed the back of his head and pushed it into my hard bulge.

It felt good to feel his hot breath on my cock through my mesh shorts as I commanded him to take a deep huff.

"Smell good, prof? Went for a run before getting here. Take a big deep huff of those sweaty balls and enjoy it."

He breathed heavy and moaned as my scent worked its way through his brain and tapped into his deep need to serve. I grinded my crotch deeper into his face and put his mouth right on the tip of my cock.


His mouth wrapped right around the bulge and I felt an increasing warmth encircle the tip of my cock, coupled with the flicking of his tongue. Looking down, I could see his eyes were closed with his face giving an impression of intense focus, getting flushed as I saw his cheeks draw in with each renewed attempt to seemingly try to vacuum as much of my cock through my shorts as he could. I chuckled at just how far he had come since the beginning of the semester, when he tried to resist me, claiming he had no interest in cock, and here he was, in a campus bathroom worshipping his student's bulge.

I pulled his head back and saw a deep wet spot around the tip of my bulge. I needed more and I was going to get it. I pushed my shorts and trunks down in one motion, and my fat cock swung out like an angry baseball bat, full engorged with an almost purple head that was slick with precum. It struck the Prof on his cheek with a smack that went through the quiet bathroom. He looked up at me with his mouth hanging open as I spat in his face and told him to open wide for some more training.

I wasn't going to be gentle. He had his warm up earlier in the day and I needed a warm hole for my cock. As my cock passed his lips, I heard and felt a small moan come from Caldwell as he tasted my sweet precum and smelled my sweaty crotch. I pushed further, adding a few more inches and felt the resistance of the back of his mouth. I grunted and told him to open up for me and show me that he deserves to worship my cock. I could feel him trying to fight me now as my cock made its way down his throat, but I kept a strong grip on him even as he tried to pull away and his body strained. He was a strong man, and I could see his muscles bulge and flex as he resisted, but I knew he was so far down the rabbit hole of being a hungry cocksucker that the taste of my cock and the feel of it taking over his throat would take overwhelm any resistance that remained in him. I could tell that he was gagging but I held him down for a few more beats and flexed my cock for good measure before pulling him off my cock.

He gasped for air as my cock popped out covered and dripping in thick spit. He wiped the tears from his eyes and looked back up at me with my throbbing cock in his face with a sense of eagerness that told me that he needed and wanted more.

"Want more, boy?"

"Yes, Sir"

"It's Coach", I said as I slapped his face with my cock

"Yes, Coach"

"Tell me what you want", I said as I flexed my cock to emphasize my point

"Your cock, your balls, your sweat. I want to serve you."

I spat in his face.

"Correction. You need to serve me."

"Yes Coach, I need to serve you."

And as if on cue, the door to the bathroom creaked open. Caldwell froze with his mouth hanging open. I checked my watch. It was minutes before 8. Must be Jonathan.

I lowered my voice and said to Caldwell. "You said you needed to serve me, didn't you?" Then I pushed my cock past his lips and into his mouth before he could respond. I kept just the tip of my cock in his mouth as I listened for the quiet footsteps. The footsteps paused and I heard my phone buzz. I reached down to grab my phone and read a text from Jonathan: "I'm here, but there was someone in the bathroom already"

"Go in the stall now." I texted him back.

"Yes Coach." and I heard the steps return, this time with some trepidation.

Caldwell's eyes went wide as he heard the neighboring stall's door creak open. He tried to spit my cock out, but I held him tight and pushed a couple more inches in.

"Don't worry, he's just another boy like you. He's here to serve me too.", I said loud enough for Jonathan to hear in his stall.

I immediately heard some shuffling and I saw his eyes at the gloryhole and heard a gasp. He probably had Caldwell as a professor back in the day too.

"Hey boy, thanks for coming on time. You probably know my friend here, don't you? I've been training him just like you and today we're going to have a bit of fun. I'm hoping seeing each other will spur a little competition between the two of you"

I pulled Caldwell's head back and looked down at him. His eyes darted to Jonathans before he looked up at me.

"Now Caldwell, show me what you've learned, and Jonathan, pay good attention"

I pulled my shirt off and put my arms behind my head, exposing my sweaty pits, which filled the stall with my scent. I knew the effect it would have on Caldwell. It was like having him take a hit of poppers. I felt his moan vibrate along my cock before he forced himself all the way down and buried his nose in my bush. I let out a low moan of approval and leaned back to savor his hungry mouth working from base to tip with nice long even strokes. I felt my cock twitch when he started to focus on the head which no doubt released some sweet precum that made him moan contently. He was definitely in his element and loving it. I bet he didn't even remember that he was worshiping my cock in front of another person right now. Breaking him out of his trance, I pushed his head back and popped out of his mouth with his tongue wagging trying to get of a taste. "Now Caldwell, don't forget that you have someone else here who's here to learn. Why don't you be a good professor and tell him exactly what you're doing so he can benefit from your experience."

Again, his eyes darted up to mine and back to Jonathan's.

"Yes, Coach"

"Start with describing your role so that Jonathan knows exactly what to expect"

"Yes, Coach. I am here to serve Coach for all his needs. My job is to make him feel good and offer him my services when he deems fit. One key component of this is to properly worship his cock and balls, which as you can obviously tell, demand utmost care and attention"

I chuckled to myself - Caldwell was really treating this almost like a lecture.

"You need to learn to appreciate just the scale and size of his cock, from the mushroom head to the thick base and those big bull nuts, it's definitely something worth worshipping. Let's start with the head. I'm going to demonstrate a key technique right now."

He took my head in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the ridge, causing me to moan, then started digging his tongue into my piss slit. This was one of his first lessons. He knew it would get him some sweet precum if he did it right, but he stopped short and pulled off. He tried to get a word out to explain what he did, but I pulled him back onto my cock.

"Keep going Caldwell, feels good when you dig into my piss slit like that to get that precum straight from the source."

I looked down at the gloryhole and caught Jonathan's eye.

"Here's one thing he didn't mention which is most obvious of all. Coach sets the rules and gets what he wants."

And with that, I gripped Caldwell's head with both hands and started to slowly throatfuck him. I guess the lesson was over, but I didn't care. I'd been nursing my blue balls from earlier in the day and I wasn't going to wait when I had these hungry holes around me ready to serve. The whole time I held eye contact with Jonathan as I picked up the pace and started aggressively fucking Caldwell's throat and pushing through his gag reflex. I could feel his spit start to drip down my nuts but I didn't care; it felt too good to stop. I looked down and he was turning into a mess. Red faced and covered in spit. I pulled out and let him gasp for breath will I slapped my cock his face repeatedly. Grabbing the top of head once more, I went balls deep in a single fast stroke, held him down and started counting. I got to 10 and he started gripping my knees, trying to push off, but I knew he could hold out. "Cmon Caldwell, you can keep going, let's go for 20!"

He tried to resist, but we both knew I was stronger. I could see him shaking, but he was trying to hold it together, I had to give him that. When I hit 20, I pulled him off and let him go, where he collapsed down onto to the bathroom floor, heaving. My cock was shiny and dripping with his thick gag spit.

"Good job Caldwell. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Thank you Coach for the training"

"That's right - it's not every day you get this sort of training. Now let's see how Jonathan performs."

I walked out of the stall and pushed my way into Jonathan's. He was already stripped down to his jock and own his knees. His eyes darted my face, my cock and the gloryhole that had Gladwell's eye peering through now.

"Balls. Now"

Before he could even react, I stepped forward into Jonathan's space, and shoved my crotch into his face. The spit that was on my cock quickly slicked up his face while I ground my balls into his mouth. With my cock throbbing and overshadowing his face, I told him to open his eyes and look up at me while he sucked and licked my full nuts.

"You like that, don't you? Bet you've been thinking about this all day."

He groaned around my nuts.

"C'mon, you've got an audience right now. Did I mention only one of you is going to get my load? So show me what you've really got"

Jonathan started to slurp and lick my nuts with a frenzy, gripping my legs for support as he pushed his face into my sweaty nuts to get his tongue into every spot. The sounds were obscene and anyone walking in would have figured things out in no time.

"Time for the main course"

I pulled his head back, his tongue still wagging out of his mouth and put the head of my cock just out of reach of his tongue. I slowly let him approach and let his mouth envelop the tip. I grunted as he dug into my piss slit, licking up the precum that had pooled there. I let go of his head and leaned back to let him worship my cock. I sighed as I felt his hot wet mouth work its way down my shaft, watching his lips quiver when he had forced himself down as far as he could. He instinctively gripped onto the remaining half of my cock to stroke it but I quickly pulled his hands away.

"Real cocksuckers don't use their hands, and don't make me remind you. Try harder and get it down your throat. I know you want it and you can do it. Don't lose to Gladwell."

"Yes, Coach."

He wiped the cock slime off his face, took a breath and went back to worshiping my cock. You could tell this was exactly where he was meant to be - kneeling on a bathroom floor wearing nothing but a jockstrap with a fat cock making its way down his throat. The reminder of the competition seemed to really spur him on to push himself. He was still gagging, but forcing himself down to the base and burying his nose in my pubes. Placing a hand on the back of his head, I flexed my cock and grunted my approval.

"That it's boy... get all the way down and inhale my scent. It's getting you drunk on cock, isnt it?"

He pulled back, a thick string of spit connecting his lips to my cock and stared up to me with glazed eyes and slurred his appreciation before getting right back onto my cock. I leaned back against the door of the stall and settled into Jonathan's cock worship. There was no other way to describe how transfixed he was to slurping and licking every inch, tracing his tongue along the veins of my cock and sucking my balls into his mouth. Every grunt I made and pulse of my cock only seemed to spur him further. I could see Gladwell's unblinking eye through the gloryhole; he was definitely getting a lesson.

As much as I was enjoying the cock worship, my mind drifted back to thoughts of Jonathan's hole and how tight it was. Guys like him were always "tops", which just meant their holes were even tighter and hungrier when I inevitably fucked them. I grabbed Jonathan under his arms, pulled him up and pushed him against the door with his back against me. I could feel how hot and sweaty he was already getting from sucking me. With one arm across his chest holding him tight, my other arm drifted across his gym fit body. I was willing to bet part of his motivation to going to the gym was to attract guys, but I wonder if he suspected it would lead him into turning into a cockslut taking cocks in lockerrooms and bathrooms? I reached down and cupped his bulge through the precum soaked jock.

"Mmmm... someone needs more cock, don't they?", I said as I ground my crotch into his ass, "Hope your ass has recovered from last time"

"Yes, Coach. I've been thinking about your cock all the time. At work, at the gym, at home, everytime I close my eyes I think about it. I can't get it out of my head."

I looked back at Gladwell's peering eye. "Hear that Gladwell? This is what it's like to be a cockslut. This will probably be you pretty soon, but don't be scared. It's natural." I shoved my hand into Jonathan's jock pouch, coated my fingers with his precum and presented it to Gladwell. "Get a taste" I smiled to myself when I felt his mouth envelope my fingers and suck it down.

I sat down on the toilet and instructed Jonathan to present his ass to me. He pushed his ass back and leaned forward into the arch that I showed him before, putting his hole right in my face. It looked good. A nice puckered hole ringed by a light dusting of hair between an ass shaped at the gym and miles on the bike and trails, all framed with an old-school Bike jock. I put my hands on his cheeks and spread his ass, revealing a pink gap in the puckered ring. I dove right in with my tongue and started circling his hole before pushing it open with my tongue. He tasted clean, with a hint of fresh sweat, and his moans only fueled me. I could feel his hole loosening. Pulling back, I admired the view of his now wet hole. I didn't want his hole too loose just yet.

I stood up and told Caldwell I needed his mouth.

"Get it nice and wet, Caldwell.", I said as I shoved my cock through the gloryhole. I could hear him spitting and slobbering all over my cock before I pulled it out to find it shiny and covered in thick spit.

"It's time Jonathan. Time for Coach to take your ass"

"Yes Coach!"

I lined up my cock to his hole and pushed into his tight ring.

"Open up for me boy", I grunted as I pushed forward again and his hole spread open to take the first inch of my thick cock.

I pulled out and reached into my shorts that were now on the ground and pulled out my secret weapon - an old jock that I kept in my office as a cumrag. Natural poppers. I wrapped the jock around my left hand and brought it to his face, telling him to inhale deep, causing him to moan and push his ass out.

"That's it boy, that's coach's sweat and cum you're sniffing. Now open up for me. This hole is Coach's property", I said as I pushed into him again, slowly going deeper and deeper. I groaned in satisfaction, feeling his tight hot hole yield to my thick cock as he whimpered and moaned as I instructed him to keep huffing on my cumrag jock. When I bottomed out, I flexed my cock and ground my crotch into his ass, my balls resting up against his jock pouch.

"Who does this hole belong to?"

"Coach!" he whimpered through the cumrag "That's right, and I'm going to fucking destroy it"

I was in no mood to coddle and slow fuck him; it had been a long day and I was already nursing my blue balls. There was no need to be gentle anymore. I unwrapped the cumrag from my hand, shoved it in his mouth and told him to suck out the loads soaked into the jock. My hands now free, I gripped them around his hips and started with long deep thrusts, watching his ass ring grip feebly along my shaft as I broke it down with each pass. I pushed deep into his hole, adding spit to the precum I was leaking to lube his warm tight ass.

I pulled out and looked at his hole. It was gaping slightly and turning pink. I turned him slightly to give Caldwell a good look at my handiwork and told him this will be him one day. His eyes darted to mine for a second in a nervous glance. I circled two fingers along his ring and pushed them deep into his wet hole that was now significantly looser, curling them and pressing against the walls of his ass for his prostate. When I heard him squeal and clench around my fingers, I knew I had my spot. I pressed down hard while also applying pressure to his taint and he moaned hard into the cumrag while his knees buckled.

"Want. More. Cock. Boy?" I said as I tapped on his prostate with each word.

He groaned and pushed his ass into my fingers. I pulled my fingers out and plunged my cock into his hole with a single thrust. With little resistance, I slid in balls deep as I began to long dick him, pulling out entirely with each thrust, feeling his hole break down each time my cock head pushed through. The gape became more pronounced and the sounds became obscene. It's a good thing this part of campus is dead, because there was no doubt that someone was getting fucked hard. The stall walls shook as I picked up the pace. I could hear Gladwell stroking himself and Jonathan's whimpers and moans.

I pulled the cumrag jock out of Jonathan's mouth and hung it through the gloryhole for Gladwell to smell and taste. Jonathan was panting, his face red and wet with spit and sweat.

"Fuck me Coach. Use my hole. I've been thinking about your cock all week. I need it man, mark me with your cum."

I drilled him harder and deeper, watching his back muscles arch and flex as my hips met his ass. I felt his skin break into goosebumps and his moans hit a higher pitch.

"Fuuccckkkkkk Coacchhhhhh your cock feels so fucking gooddddd", he moaned out

Then he yelled out and I felt his hole clench tight around my cock, milking me hard as he shot handsfree into his jock. I fucked him through his orgasm and reached into his jock, coating my fingers with his cum and stuck them in his mouth.

"That's the cum I just fucked out of you. Time for you to get another dose of coach cum, boy." "Yes, Coach! Fuck my hole, shoot your load inside me."

I could feel him clench tight as he backed into my thrusts. I needed to cum. Sweat was dripping off my brow and landing on his back. I wrapped the band of his jock around one fist and gripped his shoulder tight with the other and began slam fucking his ass until I felt the cum boiling in my balls. With a final deep thrust and a load groan, I went over the edge and unloaded my balls deep inside him, holding him tight until I caught my breath.

I pulled my semi-hard cock out of his hole and admired my handiwork. His hole was totally wrecked. Pink and sloppy. He was going to feel it for days. I told him to stay bent over as I pushed my cock through the gloryhole and told Gladwell to clean me up. Without any hesitation I felt his mouth on my cock licking me clean. I put my clothes back on, snapped a pic of Jonathan's wrecked hole, opened the stall door and stepped out. Jonathan stared back at me with a wide-eyed look which I returned with a smirk and said "We aren't done yet."

I opened Gladwell's door and found him on his knees covered with his own load. "Next time. For now, I have another job for you", I said, as I took a pic of him for my own records. I grabbed his shoulder, positioned him in front of Jonathan's gaping hole and pushed him into it and told him to lick up my load that was already leaking out.

Taking one final pic of the two, I closed the door on them.

"Jonathan can borrow my cumrag for now. Have fun, Boys"

Walking out of the bathroom to the sounds of Jonathan moaning and with my balls lighter, I smiled to myself.

Let me know if you got off, or if you have any dirty ideas/suggestions. And if you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to send an email to

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