Getting Comfortable with What I Am

By T J

Published on Dec 27, 2013


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your area please leave now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. I do not have the future planned, so if you have feedback, comments, ideas, suggestions, please email me at

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As I was about to leave, Master pulled me back to the bed and bent me over. When he pulled my shorts down, I was hoping he would fuck me again. Instead I felt a plug going into my pussy. "No other cocks in there until I come back, pet. You can take it out twice a day to clean out, but it goes back in after. Now-" Smack! "Get out of my sight." With that I practically ran out the door, not realizing until I got to the elevator that my shorts were still pulled below my cheeks.

Part 4

I pulled my pants up as the elevator doors closed, grateful nobody else had been waiting. When I got through the lobby and to my car, my phone chirped with a text message from Master, "You are already starting out in the red, boy" it said with a picture of the stranger I sucked, whose cock had been hairless. "Remember, no refusing any cock offered to you. +1 for hair, -1 for hairless cocks. I will be testing you, pet." I knew better than to respond. I drove back to my dorm and promptly fell asleep, fully aware of the plug in my pussy, trying to put all worry out of my head about what Tuesday will bring.

Tuesday morning, I woke up surprisingly excited. It had been almost two weeks since I had cum from manual stimulation and several days since my pussy had been allowed to shrink back down. When I had taken the plug out to clean it and release my bowels, I realized how truly empty I felt. The plug was a part of Master and having a part of him inside me made me smile. I still hadn't sucked any cocks, but I was planning on my first one being the piercer tonight. I would figure out the rest from there. I struggled to focus in class all day, then left with plenty of time to get to Master's friend. I wore loose sweatpants that barely clung to my hips and a hoodie. I had thrown all my underwear away as they were too snug for the plug.

When I showed up, I noted I was ten minutes early, but still went inside, looking for Master's friend. Luckily nobody else was in the shop, and the piercer seemed to recognize me. I wonder if Master had given him a picture of me. He introduced himself as Ryan, then held up his hand, signaling for me not to speak. He walked to the front door and flipped the closed sign and locked the door. I realized Master had scheduled an afterhours appointment for me. "Strip, boy" Ryan ordered. I immediately shucked my clothes without questioning his authority. "Your Master says you can't speak without clothes on, so I figured this would be easier for me." He then turned and motioned for me to follow to a back room. As I surveyed the room, my eyes settled on the piercer's chair, which didn't look like any chair I had ever seen. It was a mix between a gynecologist's chair with stirrups and a psychiatric bed with restraints. I knew my place and settled into the device, waiting for Ryan to tie me down.

"John has four piercings in mind and I assume he told you the payment policy," Ryan said as he pulled out the equipment he was going to ornate me with. "It's a blowjob for each piercing, to be paid at my discretion." I nodded, smiling as I realized Master had been caring and given me a way to get all my homework done with one person. "Now would you like to start at the top or bottom, boy?" I thought about it and tried to motion towards the ceiling since I couldn't speak and there wasn't a pup word for top. "That's what I figured." Ryan took a very large needle and grabbed my left nipple, "Remember, no talking." He clamped and pulled as he shoved the needle through without warning. I inhaled and bit my lip, willing myself to just whimper instead of scream. After he locked in the ring, he moved to my other nipple and repeated the process. Again, I whimpered but still didn't scream out. Then my eyes widened as I felt him grab the tip of my penis. He took a key from around his neck and unlocked my cage, allowed my penis to immediately rise despite the pain and worry, it seemed to have a mind of its own to stretch like I do after a long car ride. He stroked me a few times, eliciting pleasure whimpers from me before turning to grab his needle. This one he marked first, then gave me a warning to breathe in deeply as it would hurt much worse than the other two. I held my breath as I felt the needle work its way down my slit and exhaled as it punctured through the bottom out the underside. Tears filled my eyes as Ryan carefully handled the jewelry into place.

When Ryan reached for the final needle, I pleaded with my eyes for a break, which he seemed to understand. "If you want a break, boy, we could get a head start on your payment." I eagerly nodded, anxious for a breather and to get one payment out of the way. Ryan reached under my head and unhooked something, which caused my neck to swing back leaving my head hanging over the edge. Ryan turned around and I saw his pants fall to the floor before he stepped out of them. He backed up towards me and bent forward, pushing his musky, hairy ass towards my face. After Master Jacob's quick lesson, I knew to stick my tongue out to eat Ryan's hole. When my tongue made contact with Ryan's hole, he moaned. I felt him pull his cheeks wider as he rubbed his hole all over my tongue and nose. I felt my penis rise again, causing pain to the fresh piercing, but didn't have time to react as Ryan turned around to present his cock to me. What I saw made my stomach drop.

Ryan was shaved smooth. As he forced his cock into my mouth, resting his balls on my nose, I realized this was one of the tests Master had set up. It only took a few thrusts before Ryan was spurting down my throat, essentially knocking me back another peg. My score for the week was now -2 and I had to be +1 or Master would punish me. Ryan let the last few drops fall in my mouth instead of down my throat. His cum was very sweet, almost like icing. I was glad for that. If I had to be knocked down one point, at least it tasted sweet. "First of four, boy. Aren't you happy you're a fourth of the way there?" I swallowed the last sweet drop as I realized Master was costing me four points for these piercings. Ryan kept his pants off when he went back to between my raised legs.

"This last one is my favorite, pup. Your Master has good taste." I felt him pinch the skin under my balls, but couldn't hold my head up to look since Ryan had left it hanging over the edge. Ryan let go of the skin, though, and started pulling my plug out. I hadn't cleaned out my second time today and was reluctant to let it go, but knew Ryan was acting on behalf of Master. However, I began barking, trying to warn him that Master had ordered nobody else to go in my pussy. "I know the rules, pup, but this can't be helped so you are just going to have to deal with it. Ryan stuck two fingers in and crooked them so they were pulling on the inside of my pussy lips next to my g-spot. I felt a salty drop ooze by my fresh piercing as Ryan gripped some skin between his fingers again. He pulled his two fingers out grabbed his needle. "Deep breath, boy," Ryan ordered. I inhaled to the depths of my lungs as Ryan stuck the needle through the skin horizontally under my balls. I felt some pressure as he put in the jewelry. Ryan took his gloves off then moved to undue my straps.

"Up and out, boy." I slowly lowered my legs, feeling the metallic addition between my legs for the first time. "Now I gotta get home so you need to get out, boy. We ARE closed," Ryan emphasized, throwing my clothes at me. I grabbed them in my arms and awkwardly walked to the door, trying to cause as little friction as I could. "Oh, boy, I almost forgot," I turned to Ryan as he handed me my phone. I sent a couple pictures to your Master for you. Oh, and don't forget this," Ryan pushed my shoulder over so I bent over the counter and he shoved the plug back in. The lube had dried off, so it stretched worse than usual going in, but without clothes I could just whimper. Whimpering had become my primary mode of communication, I had to remember to use real boy speak when around my peers.

I ran barefoot and naked to my car after Ryan literally pulled me out the door and locked it behind me. Once inside the confines of my car, I looked at my phone to see what pictures Ryan had sent. To my dismay he had sent two, one of his cock rooted in my throat, clearly showing his shaved crotch, the other of his fingers inside my pussy. Looking at the picture reminded me that Ryan had forgotten to put my cage back on. It was clearly off in the picture. Master will be furious if I lose his property. I looked at the shop and saw Ryan running to his car waving the cage at me before jumping in his car and kicking rocks as he sped out of the parking lot.

My phone chirped, it was Ryan. He must have programmed himself into my phone. "You forgot something, pup. If you want it back, you will have to earn it next time. I will text you." I hung my head as another text messaged came in, "Very good start, pup, but now you are down two points. I expect better of you." I wanted to respond but had nothing to say. I knew I had to do better and fast. I decided to do something about it now. I drove to a bookstore I read about online that had an "arcade" for adults. The reviews said it was usually a bunch of older, creepy guys, but I knew I had to get some points back on my side.

When I got to the bookstore, I put my clothes back on and walked inside, making sure to take my ID. There were only a few cars in the parking lot, but I hoped at least a few would want a young pup playing with their bone. I walked in the store and showed the guy working the desk my ID to prove I was old enough to be in there. I walked around the store, taking in the sights of all the different toys, novelties, and outfits they carried. I saw a few men look at me and grab their crotches. None of them would have been what I would go after, but I was out of options and wanted to make Master proud. I asked the clerk about the arcade, but didn't know what to do when he said it cost five dollars to get inside. I hadn't brought my money with me. An older man approached and said he would pay for it, that he would give me a full tour. After money exchanged hands, the clerk gave the man both of our tickets and buzzed us through a door behind the counter. It was dark inside, but the man guided me while my eyes adjusted. My eyes watched as two men on the screen were fucking a blonde woman with big tits similar to how Master and Master Jacob had fucked me over the table, except I doubt this was her first time. Once the man guided me to a seat and had me sit down, I could look around a little. There were three other men in the theater, all slowly stroking their various sized cocks. The man and I were sitting in the back row, furthest from the door. One of the other men kept sneaking glances back at us.

"So what are you looking for, boy?" The man asked.

"I need to suck cock to please my Master, Sir," I answered, hoping that was blunt enough to get the ball rolling.

"Master, huh? I thought slaves weren't allowed to wear clothes." I knew what he wanted, and raised my hips, pushing my pants down and over my feet before lifting the hoodie over my head. I sat there with just my shoes on, afraid of what might be on the floor, as the man leaned over and ran his hands over my body. "Your Master is a lucky man. Do you know what to do with a cock, boy?" I nodded quickly, hoping he could see me in the light from the screen. "I hope so, because you owe me for paying your way in." With that he took his cock out of his pants and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me over the chair arm and onto his cock.

He was still soft when I started, so I rolled my tongue around the head and suctioned it over the roof of my mouth. Once he got hard, he lifted his hips and pushed his pants and underwear to his ankles, which prompted me to get on my knees between his legs. I ran one hand over his inner thigh while reaching with my other hand to get my phone. Out of the corner of my eyes, I brought up my camera and handed it to him, hoping he would get the idea. "Oh, a show of slut, huh? I like you. May have to steal you for my own." As he raised the camera, I looked directly into the lens and took him to the root. The camera flashed and I could only imagine what the other men thought of the flash. I kept the man's cock in my throat and swallowed, milking his balls from the outside. I felt his balls against my chin start to tighten up as he grabbed my hair and pulled me off his cock. It started spurting, getting in my eye as he snapped another picture. I was blinded by the flash, but knew another man had come to see what the action was when I felt another hand on my cheek. I licked clean what cum I could before following the hand to its owner's cock.

I scooted on my knees to the other man and started licking on his cock. He pushed my head down so I was instead lapping his balls. As I lapped like a good puppy, I felt a foot graze my plug. "Looks like the boy has his hole plugged. Should we see how that end does?" I whimpered in the negative, moving my mouth to swallow the cock to the base. Another flash went off to my right as the first man took a picture of me deep-throating his buddy. I tentatively moved my hands up to the second man's chest, hoping if I played with his nipples he would give me another load and make my points even since both men were very hairy. I was right, the man started shooting down my throat only seconds after I tweaked his nipples. "You are such a good, boy," the first man said. I wiggled my butt involuntarily to the praise. As I did, I heard a gruff voice behind me.

"Another bitch moving in on my territory?" I turned to see a tall man with a half naked boy standing a pace behind him connected by a leash to the boy's collar.

"He says he has to suck off a bunch of men to please his Master," the first man said. "I don't think he knew this territory was already marked." I whimpered and pleaded with my eyes, hoping I wasn't about to get beaten by a stranger. "He's got a pretty good mouth, but his hole is plugged so I think that's off limits," the first man continued.

The leather clad man looked at my phone, still being held by the man that paid my admission. "Lemme see that!" He took my phone and started looking through it. Next thing I knew he was making a call, I gathered to Master. I couldn't hear both sides of the conversation, but it seemed like Master had given this man permission to help further train me for crossing into His territory. "Come with me, pup. Seems like you need a bit of training your Master can't give you. He gave me free reign, so I have some ideas that will make you really understand what you have gotten into." I got up and went to grab my clothes but He stopped me. "You won't need those. Grab your ID, but leave your clothes." He turned, followed by his boy. As I followed, very embarrassed to go into the bookstore with nothing but my shoes on, I noticed a tail coming from the boy's pussy.

I am hoping to continue this story, but I am motivated by feedback. The more I hear, the more often I work on the next chapter. I am always looking to hear about real Master/slave(pet) relationships. If anybody has suggestions for actions, training, tests, punishments, locations, tools for the story or me personally, please let me know. There are a couple different paths I am thinking and would really like feedback, so please help me Sirs. If there is anything you would like to say to me for any reason, my email is Thank you Sirs for your time and consideration and good luck to fellow pets and slaves.

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