Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on May 26, 2002


(F/F, Adult Friends)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction by an author using the pen name Suzy Suburbanite. It`s a story of lesbian sex, so if that offends you, or is illegal where you live, or if you're underage where you live, then you must not read it. It is a work of FICTION.

Thanks to all who wrote regarding Part I and Part II of Getting Fucked by Mary. I will try to get the next segment out a bit faster (more vacation time = more stories) and family permitting

enjoy, Suzy

Getting Fucked By Mary By: Suzy Suburbanite

Part III: The Bliss of Letting Go

Chapter IX

Mary gently dried me and wrapped me in a lovely terry robe provided by the hotel. As she finished snuggling me into the robe she pressed her lips to mine and whispered, "stay right there my darling," and she quickly disappeared and reappeared carrying a chair from the suite. She placed the chair in front of the large wall mirror and said, "sit."

After my previous mirror experience, I was reluctant to do as my teacher asked. "Sit, you nasty little slut," She insisted, and I complied.

I sat in the chair provided and slowly raised my eyes to confront my image in the mirror. Surprisingly, I looked well, happy, and mouth broke into a broad, almost silly, grin.

"That's my darling little girl," Mary exclaimed. "I knew you could overcome your fears." With that, she started to fluff my hair. And, proceeded to comb, brush, dry and style my raven colored mane. Feeling her delicate, yet strong fingers stroking my head and scalp made me feel warm and cared-for. She brushed my hair in slow, tender strokes that absolutely melted my soul. We locked eyes in the mirror, and Mary just smiled the most loving, caring smile I could ever imagine as she applied the utmost sensitivity to stroking my hair Mary constantly whispered about how lovely my hair, my body, and just plain me sent my soul spiraling into her world of possession and submission. I never wanted her caresses to end.

"Kate dear," she said questioningly.


"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, for your cunt Ma'am," did I say that or was this my lesbian persona trying to break free?

"No silly. Are ready to eat some food?" she giggled.

I suddenly realized the empty pit of my stomach. I had only eaten a single Danish all day, and it was pushing 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. "I'm famished Mary. I could eat a whore," I giggled.

"You're such a silly little girl."

"Yes Mommy, I am." Why was I perpetuating the `Mommy' stuff? Did I really want or need to be treated as a child?

"Right. You get your makeup on, and I'll order our supper. If we have enough time, maybe I'll take my best girl hurry dear."

Mary was taking total control of me. I was still not sure where I wanted this to go, all that I knew was that I was feeling more love and attention from this one-time stranger than at any time in my life. This sexy, dominant woman made me crazy with passion and love. I truly wanted to submit to her sexual whims.

"Darling, are you a vegetarian or allergic to any food?" Mary shouted from the other room.

"No Ma'am,"

"Do you have any religious food restrictions?"

"No Ma'am, I don't."

I continued applying my make-up as Mary requested. As I dabbed lipstick to my mouth, I was struck with how wanton, and sexy I looked. `Was this to be my lesbian persona?' I thought to myself: big hair, too much blue eye shadow, too much blush, too much eyeliner, and way too much lipstick. I wanted to be the perfect slut for my Mary.

Looking into my own eyes I decided that I would look however Mary wanted me to look. I would be her air headed sex toy. I would be her "little girl" slut. I would be, and do whatever she wanted. I would play any game over the next couple days, anything to satisfy my teacher and my own curiosity. At last, I was ready to let myself go and be controlled by Mary.

"Are you done Katie?"

" Ma'am," I stuttered my way out of my daydream. Nobody had called me "Katie" since I was about eight years old. The funny thing is it felt so right when Mary, my "Mommy," referred to me that way.

"Good, what clothes did you bring?" Mary asked.

"Just my office clothes, a pair of jeans, a dress, and some sexy lingerie Ma'am," I said.

"Hmmmm," she pondered. "Alright then, put on panties, your blue jeans, and the shirt I've laid out on the bed. And Katie, be sure to wear your lovely high heals."

Chapter X

The top Mary had me wear read, "Mommy's Pussy," stenciled in bold white letters on a dark pink t-shirt. Ma'am told me how sexy and desirable I was in my slut outfit. "Ma'am" wore a black cocktail dress that was scooped low in the front to reveal her lovely pale breasts, and cut high on the hem to reveal flashes of her sexy, lacy stocking tops as she moved. She looked just so stunning and sophisticated. I tried to think of the last time I dressed as blatantly sexual as that, "not since my honeymoon," I thought.

Thank goodness this game was to be played only in our hotel room.

"Our food is waiting Katie my darling," and Mary grabbed my hand, leading me out the door of our sanctuary towards the elevator.

I was ready to die. There was no way I could be seen wearing this shirt. Mary, ever the thoughtful "Mommy", presented my work blazer. "Put this on my little slut."

I gladly, thankfully, wrapped myself in that concealing coat. "Ma'am, I thought we were going to eat?"

"Yes dear, we are. Now be quiet unless I tell you to speak."

Ma'am whisked me into the elevator and out through the lobby to a waiting limousine. She opened the rear door and offered her hand to assist my entrance to the limo, "Just the perfect gentleman," I thought. She quickly followed me into the sumptuous, cocoon-like environs of my Cinderella carriage. "Off to the ball!

Or off to get balled?" I chuckled to myself.

"This is your special night Katie, I want you to let go and allow me to show you how I will care for you. I want you to know that you are my special little girl, and to trust my judgment in bringing you pleasure of all types." Mary was laying claim to me...telling me that `Mommy knows best,' and that I needed to make decisions tonight. She never hinted of coercion, or threats. This was to be my decision, 100%. Either I was to be her lover, or not. Either I would allow my beautiful teacher to control me, or not. Either I would become "little Katie," or not. Either I was to be "Mommy's Pussy," or not.

"Ma'am, I want to be your special little girl, I want to be my "Mommy's Pussy"...please," I said in a quiet, soft tone. My womanly treasure was on fire as I said these words. I could see in my minds eye being paraded through the streets wearing my t-shirt proclaiming what I had become, and loving it. I needed this release--the total abandonment of my will to another--to be cared for by this loving, dominant personality.

Mary leaned into me and gave a soft, wet kiss. "I'll make everything alright darling, all you need to do is let go," she whispered into my ear. "And, remember that `Dean Martin' is still there for you."

"Now, take that silly coat's just us girls," Mary stated in a most demanding tone.

I sheepishly removed the blazer, and became very aware that I wore a shirt whose message could not be mistaken.

Mary pushed a button on her armrest consol and the window separating our cocoon from the driver opened with a rapidity that did not allow me to cover the shirt I wore.

"We need to be at this address by 9:30," Ma'am stated to the female driver, handing her a slip of paper.

The driver locked eyes on my t-shirt and I saw her break into a knowing, possibly envious grin.

"Yes mistress."

"And, Laura is it? Be sure to keep us on level roads.

Is everything in order for our journey?"

"Yes Ma'am, everything you requested is in order for your journey this evening."

"My god," I thought, Laura's eyes never left my breasts as she responded. Was she like me? She seemed to know how to properly respond to Mary's inquiries.

"Good. That will..."

"Ma'am," the driver interrupted, "if there is any other service I may be of assistance with this evening..."

"Laura, you're out of place," Mary cut her off in a stern tone; "you know better my dear."

"Yes Ma'am," the driver sheepishly acknowledged.

And with that brief exchange, my dear teacher pressed the button to raise the partition separating us from the inquisitive Laura.

Chapter XI

Mary opened various compartments within our cocoon. She presented a feast of seafood for our glorious meal. My dear Mary fed me bite after bite of the most exquisite delights from the sea: scallops wrapped in crisp seaweed; lobster claw meat in a delicate, yet rich saffron sauce; huge shrimp boiled in Bay seasoning; cool, meaty raw oysters with a touch of horseradish; and a bottle of 1988 Dom Perignon Rose (I still have the well as many others from my lesbian spoiler).

Never in my life...never ever, ever did I have a lover who spoiled me with such extravagance.

I felt as though I were the most desirable little pussy on the planet. Mary was doing everything right.

Not only taking control of my sexuality, but showing my neglected housewife soul what true romance could be. The more she fed me and touched me and caressed me, the more my will was released to her control. I was truly becoming "Mommy's Pussy."

We slowly melted a light, sweet watermelon sorbet onto our tongues while driving past the monuments of our city; the sights that I always resisted as being "touristy", but everything was beautiful, full of light and magic and wonder. I felt Mary stroke my neck and ears as I stared in child-like amazement at the city I never knew.

"Katie," she paused, "look at me dear."

I turned towards my mentor as she presented me her breasts over the neckline of her dress, the small gold rings that pierced her nipples flashing glints of light as we moved through the streets.

"Are you ready for your dessert darling?"

My heart beat and breathing immediately quickened. I could feel my pretty little pussy start to dampen as I openly gaped at Mary's beautiful tits. "Yes Ma'am," I said breathlessly, "yes, I'm ready for my dessert."

"Then get on the floor you little slut. Get on you knees in front of me," my dear teacher said in a commanding tone.

I slid from the warm, soft leather onto the plush, padded floor of the limousine. I started to unsnap my jeans when Mary abruptly stopped me, "No dear, you stay dressed," she demanded.

I watched as Mary hiked-up her dress, leaned-back against her seat and lewdly spread her legs before me.

My gaze instantly traveled to her smooth, wet cunt. Her labium was swollen with desire. "Do I excite you little Katie?" she demanded.

"Yes Ma'am, you excite me very much."

"Do my lips excite you?" she asked, while lightly stroking the shining pieces of heaven surrounding her mouth.

"Yes Ma'am, your lips excite me," I said while imaging the bliss they would bring to my affection-starved body.

"Do my tits excite you, my nasty little girl dyke?" she said as she tugged the small gold rings piercing her nipples. I just stared, almost panting, kneeling obediently at the feet of my tormentor, my lover. Her nipples hardened and extended to a length I didn't think possible.

"Oh god," I groaned, "Yes. Yes, Mary your tits excite me very much." My pussy cream had soaked through my panties and I felt that I was on the verge of an orgasm.

I watched as Mary moved her hands at an agonizingly slow pace towards her cunt. I eagerly awaited her next question. Of course I knew what my response would be, `yes, yes, yes your cunt inflames me Mary,' I anticipated. Mary's hands glanced past her pretty, puffy cunt and traveled down her thighs. She quickly hooked her hands on the inside of her knees and drew her legs up behind her shoulders. I came. I came as I watched the flower of her wet, pink cunt open before my eyes. I came as I marveled as her cunt pulsed open...inviting me to delve into the pleasure I knew awaited me there.

Mary's fingertips traveled lower still, slowly caressing the area around and over her anus.

"Does Mommy's asshole excite you little Katie?" she teased.

"Oh Mary, what are you doing to me? Please, please," I was almost sobbing in my need to know the joy of pleasuring my tormentor. "Yes mommy, your asshole makes me very excited," I stammered incoherently.

She chuckled knowingly as her fingers moved towards her cunt. My gaze stayed glued to those lucky fingers as she ever so slowly penetrated herself, ever so slightly.

"Does Mommy's cunt excite her little girl?" she whispered.

Her whispering just intensified my desire; it was our secret, our naughty game. My lust for my dear Mary exploded in yet another orgasm. "How can this amazing woman do this to me, without ever touching my body, but only my mind?" I thought.

"Oh mommy, can your little girl PLEASE taste your cunt?" I pleaded, "Please Mary, I have to know. Your cunt, your asshole, your tits, your lips, and all of you excite me...PLEASE MOMMY," I was close to shouting my desire. I desperately needed to taste Mary.

I could feel the street passing beneath us. I could see the lights of the city flashing past. I could smell the joyous aromas of womanly sex as Mary pointed to her anus, "Kiss me here little Katie," she insisted.

My lust for this woman--my teacher, my tormentor, my lover--was released. An act that I would have thought disgusting and depraved only hours before now seemed second nature. I moved my hands to Mary's smooth bum cheeks to steady my decent; my mouth engulfed her delicate, pink anal opening. My submission to Mary was complete. I would do anything for her; I needed to be controlled by her.

Ma'am reached out and gently held the sides of my head as I explored her anus with my lips and tongue. "That's it my little slut, eat mommy's asshole. Oh, yes, yes, yes..." she sighed heavily while pulling my entire face further into her body. My nose, eyes and forehead were treated to Mary's womanly musk and wetness flowing freely from her cunt.

"Put your tongue inside my asshole now Katie," Mary gasped.

I did as my teacher asked and made a small point of my tongue tip and slowly penetrated her anus. Mary started rocking her hips up and down, causing my tongue and lips to go farther and farther into her bum.

She placed her left hand on the back of my head and forcefully grabbed my hair; she then started to rub her clitoris with her right and increased her rocking tempo. Mary was alternately pulling and pushing my head in measure with her rocking hips.

"Buttfuck me, buttfuck me, buttfuck me, buttfuck me, buttfuck me, buttfuck me..." she chanted the rhythm of our passion.

"Come on you nasty little girl, buttfuck mommy's asshole with your nasty little tongue," she screamed.

"Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it..." she was increasing the tempo of her chanting and rocking. I was holding on for dear life to the back of Mary's thighs.

I felt the ring of muscle around Mary's anus suddenly relax and start rapid contractions on my tongue. Mary grabbed my hair and moved my mouth over her flowing, fragrant cunt, "eat my fucking cunt hole you little dyke," she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her finger moved at ever increasing speed over her now engorged and distended clitoris.

Her hips rocked ever faster. Mary pressed my mouth harder and harder against her pulsing wet cunt.

"Suck my cunt harder Kate," she yelled.

I opened my eyes to see Ma'am's eyes burning with her passion for me. She was puffing her breath faster and faster, harder and harder. Her face, neck and upper chest were flush with color. We locked our gaze as Mary demanded through clenched teeth, "swallow my cunt cream dyke."

I felt her body tremor and tremble, her finger stopped moving, and she let out a long, stuttering sigh. Then, the most amazing thing happened; her cunt opened to immense proportions (almost consuming my entire face) and started pulsing her thick, syrupy cunt sauce into my mouth. I was overwhelmed by the volume and did my best to swallow her fragrant juice. It coated my tongue and my face. As she released her orgasm into my accepting mouth, I groaned my own orgasm back into my teacher's womanly folds.

Mary held my head in place for a few moments, not moving, just holding me still. Her breathing was returning to normal. Her hands lightly, ever so gently stroked my hair and face. "Clean me with your tongue darling; slowly, very slowly. Like a kitten cleans its paws," Mary ordered.

I licked her thighs, her bottom, her anus, and the outer folds of her cunt, but Mary pushed me away from her clitoris, "Not there darling. Not now."

She let her legs drop and offered her hand to me as she pulled me onto the seat next to her. "Kate, that was lovely," she beamed. Mary drew me into her arms and softly kissed my mouth. "Oh Mary, you taste so...mmmmm. I never imagined you would climax like that. You absolutely soaked me," I said, stroking the neckline of my t-shirt and pointing to the obvious wetness staining my chest.

"I guess I should have warned you," Mary giggled.

"No, I loved it. It was and delicious."

I watched as Mary lifted her breasts back inside her dress, tugged her hem down and generally straightened herself around. Her breathing had returned to normal--although mine hadn't--and she smiled warmly at me once she was back in her seat and relaxed.

"You are a naughty young lady, aren't you Katie. But, I guess lady isn't the right word..." she trailed off, lost for a proper description for her new toy.

"Dean Martin," I said abruptly.

"Oh!" Mary was surprised. "What's wrong Kate?" she inquired.

"I need to ask you a serious question Mary."

"Of course my darling Kate."

"Am I just a brief distraction for you? If I am then I need to know, please."

"No darling" she started, "my intent is for you to be part of my life. I made a decision back at the coffee shop. Otherwise I would have never invited you back to the hotel. I like you Kate--really, truly--I like you as a person first, then as a lover; which, by the way, you are a very talented lover. I see a lot of me in you. I think you have many of the emotional needs that first led me to girl love. I want to lead you through the confusion, and show you the joy, and release you can achieve by being a little girl' for a mommy.'

"Really?" I said softly.

"Yes dear Kate, really. I want to be your lover, your teacher, and your `mommy' for as long as you'll have me," Mary stated with a confidence and determination I'd never heard from any lover. I was falling in love with my beautiful Mary. I looked into her clear, bright, blue eyes and knew that what she said was true. "I love you Mary," I then started sobbing lightly as she drew my body into her arms, "I know Katie. I know my darling."

I felt at peace. My fears continued to erode, and my desires to please my "mommy" were all but set in stone.

-----------End of Part Three of Getting Fucked By Mary

And who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

Next: Chapter 4

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