Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on Jun 24, 2002


(F/F, Adult Friends)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction by an author using the pen name Suzy Suburbanite. It`s a story of lesbian sex, so if that offends you, or is illegal where you live, or if you're underage where you live, then you must not read it. It is a work of FICTION.

Thanks to all who wrote regarding Part I, II, III IV or V of Getting Fucked by Mary.

enjoy, Suzy

Part VI: Girls Day Out

Chapter XVIII

I heard something squeaky. That's what woke me from the most glorious night's sleep I've had in years, even before the girls were born, years and years. But the squeaking noise woke me.

Mary was out of bed and she was speaking quietly to the hotel employee who had wheeled the offending cart into our room. I rolled onto my side to look at the pair as Mary was signing the check for whatever was being delivered...I assumed breakfast, as I caught wafts of maple and ham in the air.

The girl that delivered the food, and she couldn't have been more than 20 or so, was staring at me, but I was much to content to care who saw me in my lover's bed. I was a happy little camper and a happy little slut for my Mommy to boot.

Mary caught the far away gaze of the young room service hostess and flirted, "dear, if you don't leave now, you may be eaten instead of the food."

`How wonderfully crude,' I thought as I rolled over; exposing my bare breasts to our young guest. "Mmmmmm, yes dear, bring her here, I'll eat her until she cries for mercy and signs over her checking account," I said in a teasing, but sleepy voice.

The poor girl all but bolted from our room.

"First you flash her, and then you want to take her money?" Mary scolded me, "tch, tch, tch, tch what am I to do with you Kate," my darling lover said while dropping her robe and crawling back into bed with me.

We kissed, morning breath and all, we kissed quietly and tenderly. Mary hugged me close to her.

"I am getting use to this very quickly Mary," I said, feeling her soft, warm body against me.

"So am I darling. So am I," Mary sighed.

"Well my little slut girl...breakfast is served," my Mary jumped-up on the bed, shaking me awake and giving me a firm swat on my bottom, "Up and Atom you naughty dyke," she bellowed in her imitation of an army drill sergeant.

I laughed and said, "no fair," but she dragged me from the warm confines of the bed into a soft robe and fed me what I can only describe as a robust breakfast: pink grapefruit juice, two poached eggs covered with Vermont Cheddar over a bed of perfectly crisp hash browns, three thick slices of apple-maple bacon, wheat toast, and finished-off with a narrow wedge of honeydew melon draped by a paper-thin slice of Serrano ham. All this and a stunning, sunny Saturday morning view of the river, the city beyond, and hot steamy coffee to help make sense of it all.

Mary and I talked about the previous evening during breakfast, what my emotional state was, what I liked, what I did not like and where my mind was today. I was so happy to be where I was on this sunny day...mind and body. My mind was buried in her cunt!

"Mary, you've made me very happy," I said, "and very aware of where I want to go with you. You are opening a whole new world to me. You're showing me desires I never dreamed that I could have."

She just smiled. Oh, that million dollar smile.

"Mary, I love you!"

"And I love Kate."

"It's a bit after nine, and if we're going to be ready for Shelby and Chrissy we need to get going," Mary tried to motivate me, but all I wanted was to go back to bed with her, to feel her naked body against me.

"Where are we going," I asked.

"We're getting manicures and getting your little pussy waxed, and lunch, and maybe...if you're good...we'll stop by and get your boobies done," my trusted mentor said.

"My `boobies' done?" I questioned hesitantly.

"Yes dear, get little trainer rings in your nipples. Would that excite you?"

I could only imagine, but after last night and the way Mary showed me pleasure from my breasts that I hadn't know in decades, I was ready to try. I was turning my will over to my Mommy.

"Yes Mommy, having my little nipples done will excite me," I said, getting back into my little girl role. All I could picture were Shelby's obscenely distended nipples inside of those cages she wore last night. `Yes, it was very exciting,' I thought.

"In to the shower with you," Mary said with the gallant flair of an English King, and off I went.

"I'll lay out your outfit on the bed darling," Mary shouted.

"Ok Mary." I said as I closed the door and used the facilities. Somehow it now felt strange not to have Mary here watching.

Mary stepped into the shower with me just as I was finishing. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and chased me out, "no fooling around Kate...go get ready now. Oh, and darling, no need for heavy make-up; we're just four girlfriends out for a Saturday of errands and girly stuff. Ok?"

"Ok Ma'am," I was so happy that I took the risk yesterday. I was just so happy with Mary. I took a few minutes to slightly dry my hair and dabbed-on some lipstick and a bit of blush. Mary was finishing her shower, and I hurriedly popped my hair into a ponytail and shuffled out of the bathroom as Mary stepped out of the shower. I saw her in the mirror watching my naked bum as I left the room, so I pushed out my rear-end and gave it a little shake, "Little girls who tease like that usually end-up getting fucked dear," Mary shouted after me.

I stuck my head back in the bathroom, and watched as Mary finished drying herself, "Promise?" I continued my tease.

"You naughty slut," she said as she dropped her towel and ran after me into the bedroom. My lover caught me after a brief chase and pushed me back on the bed as we wrestled, and tickled and giggled and laughed. Mary sat on my thighs and tickled my tummy and I screamed and laughed and begged her to stop, "Please, please, please...I can't take it anymore."

Sitting-up, still trapping my legs under her naked body, Mary asked, "Do you love your Mommy?" in a mischievous voice; hands poised to start tickling again.

"Oh yes I love my new Mommy," I playfully responded and returned her question, "Do you love your Katie?" I asked, somewhat cautiously.

"Oh yes, I love my Katie very much," she said as she bent to kiss and hug me.

I knew in was probably just infatuation, but I didn't care. I wanted my woman to possess me. How beautiful,' I thought, my woman. It sounds so right.'

"Darn it," Mary exclaimed, sitting up on my thighs, "look at the time. We need to get ready. And, no more teasing or I'll have to spank you."

With a sly little grin on my face, I teased, "Promise, Mommy?"

"Oh you just wait deary, you'll get yours," she warned as she happily jumped off the bed and skipped in to bathroom.

Mary laid out a yellow sun dress; a strapless, white demi-cup bra; a pair of sexy white panties; and--thank goodness--a pair of flat white sandals.

Everything fit to a tee, `Wow, I look great,' I thought while looking at the new me, the lesbian me, in the mirror, "What a great day to be alive...and to be a dyke," I chuckled to myself.

Chapter IXX

I answered the knock at the door, "Hi Shell, hi Chris!

C'mon in," I invited my two friends into our room. "Mary's still getting ready. She should be out in a minute."

Wow, Shelby's form was just as amazing today as last night. I had never noticed how large her breasts were during the years I've known this woman, but standing before me now--wearing tight blue jeans, white tennis shoes, a tight blue t-shirt with a "superman" emblem on the front; and large hoop earrings that drew attention to her delicate neck--she was once again proudly displaying those huge tits. `I wonder if she's wearing her corset,' I thought.

"Hey Mary," I shouted, "Chris and Shelby are here."

"Ok darling. Hi girls," Mary shouted back from the bathroom. Peaking around the partially closed bathroom door, Mary smiled and waved, "Shell, could you give me a hand?"

"Sure hun," Shelby said, walking to join my Mary.

`What are those two planning,' I wondered.

Christina was dressed in a lacey, white, cotton and denim skirt and matching off-the-shoulder, white cotton top. Here long, dark hair was down; fraVo her beautiful young face, `Oh, to be 30 again,' I thought enviously. She had the whole romantic "Latin peasant" look down pat.

Chris and I sat, looking at the view and chatting mindlessly. I told her how erotic I thought her piss drinking was from the night before, and asked how she discovered it. She told me, and then also told me it took her almost six years before she was really able to drink it.

"It's just a matter of trust and desire over what you normally believe is proper," she explained.

Mary and Shelby came out of the bathroom, and I turned to look at Mary. `She is so beautiful,' I thought, I had to pinch myself to ensure she wasn't a dream.

Mary was wearing a sun dress also, but hers was a light green and white floral print with wide shoulder straps and a square-cut neck line. My darling wore flat sandals, much like mine, and had her hair down, but pulled back off her lovely face. One thing I did notice different, her breasts seemed larger and her nipples were visibly erect under the light-weight dress.

"Ready girls?" Shelby asked, "Who's driving?"

Chapter XX

We took Mary's mini-van, "And to think I almost brought the Lexus, but they don't make a mini-van yet," she said. That got squeals of laughter from Shelby and me, (our children are in, or entering, their early teens.) but Christina's son is still too young to need schlepping around.

I turned in my seat and out of the blue asked Shelby, "So Shell, exactly how big are those tits of yours."

This time everybody laughed. Mary even glanced in the rearview mirror and added, "Yes dear, do tell...I had a hard time last night deciding between Kate's pretty, pink pussy and your big jugs." Chris, Mary, and me all giggled.

Mary glanced at me and winked to let me know that she wouldn't have passed on my womanly charms for anything.

"Ok...Ok...fine, you joke all you want, but you try carrying around tits like these for a week and see how goddamned funny you think it is then," Shell was mock scolding us.

"Oh my poor, poor Mommy," Christina teased, "but doesn't your girl hold them up for you all the time?"

"Be careful girlfriend, or I may call your bluff on that `all the time' thing," Shelby teased back.

"Seriously though, I've known you for what? Ten years. And I never imagined you had such large boobs," I really did want to know.

"34 F Kate. Can you believe a 34 fucking F?" It was a crude rhetorical, "and yes, they really do hurt in a bad way most of the time...except when I'm with Chrissy of course," she said while smiling at her girl.

"Christ!" I blurted, "34 F? Is it hereditary, or what?"

"I guess. One of my maternal Great Grandmothers is said to have had super biggies like mine," Shell teased us again by glancing at the front of her "superman" t-shirt as she emphasized "super biggies" for us by lifting those beauties in her hands.

We were all giggles, and I was already getting moist thinking of playing with my friend and her big boobs. Oh God,' I thought, I don't know if I can take another day of continuous arousal.' But damn, I was sure going to try! And try very hard.

The remainder of the short trip was spent bitching about work, or our husbands, or the ignorant things children do that make a parent laugh. (But, that you had to discipline them for anyway) We chatted about how proud we are of our children and their accomplishments at school and at home, and how much fun it is watching them grow, and how scared we are as they entered puberty.

"Paul wants to lock our girls in a convent until they're 30," Shell said in false exasperation, "And every time I try to talk to them, they're like, `oh mom, we know all that stuff already' and I can't seem to communicate. I even tried to be more graphic and we all just end-up embarrassed and not talking for a day of two."

Mary was laughing, "I know, I know. I am half tempted to sit them down as say, `First, rub his thing; Second, put it in your mouth and suck up-and-down; third, swallow his nasty cum; fourth, when he says, "suck my fucking cock you bitch whore," he is really saying, "you're a beautiful girl, and I really care for you;" fifth, never let him put his thing in your cunny unless it is triple wrapped and sterilized; and sixth, just fuck girls because they're more fun anyway,' but I just can't seem to do it."

We all burst out into loud, uncontrolled guffaws; tears of silliness streaVo from our eyes.

I was having the time of my life with my new friends, my new lovers. I felt a bit guilty that I would never be able to share this with either my husband (would I really want to?) or my best friend.

"Can you imagine your mother giving you that little gem of advice in Junior High or High School?" Christina giggled.

Chrissy continued, "Worse yet, when your mom catches you "practice kissing" with your best friend, and says, `I know you girls need to practice, but don't go too far now,' after she clearly saw that Sherry's shirt was pushed up to her neck, her bra was undone with her boobs popped out and her nippies excited, and my hand down the front of her pants, rubbing her towards insanity, and my room totally smelled like fresh, hot cunt. SHIT! What the hell is too far mom?"

We all laughed and giggled.

"Well, at least you weren't sucking her cunt darling," Shell laughed

"And hey," she continued, "what the heck do I say to my son?"

We all laughed again and happily teased Christina.

Our little troop of weekend dykes went laughing merrily down the road.

Chapter XXI

"Where are we going?" I cried at Mary, as we pulled into a very familiar strip mall.

"We're just going to a salon I know," Mary looked at me quizzically.

"Oh, Girl...Friend." Shelby sounded happy, "do you see Jean?"

"You bet girlfriend," Mary shot back.

I was shaking my head into my hands, thinking that this can't be happening; Jean had been my hair stylist for over five years.

"Kate it's Ok," I heard Christina say, "Jeannie is a very special beautician whom I have known a long time.

"Chrissy introduced me to her," Shelby defended her lover and herself.

"My first woman lover showed me this place," Mary tried to explain, "Don't worry dear, everything will be alright."

We entered the salon and were promptly greeted by Vo, an attractive Vietnamese woman who is one of the manicurists. "Hello Mary," she started, and then with some surprise, "Shelby?.. Christina?.." and with visible shock and disbelief, "Kate?"

"Hi Vo," the other girls said in unison, each in turn doing a "Kiss-kiss" socialite greeting.

"Kate?" Vo looked at me questioningly.

"Hi Vo," I said in a very small voice, not really able to make eye contact.

Vo hugged me close and kissed my ear, "It's so good to see you here on a Saturday darling," she had never been that familiar with me before.

`Could she be...?' I thought.

She held me at arms length and smiled warmly, knowingly at me. She grabbed my hand and led our group to the waiting area, "Jeannie is just finishing-up with a customer," Vo said as she left our group, "she should be right out."

Mary was now holding my hand to reassure me that everything was fine as we waited for Jean. Somewhere in the back of the salon I heard women laughing and clapping. I sat nervously; absentmindedly staring at the wedding band on Mary's hand, when I heard a very familiar voice say, "Thank you Jean darling. Having you wax my asshole is always the highlight of my month," I immediately looked up and saw my best friend, and next-door neighbor, Carolyn. I was about to die on the spot when Carolyn hugged Jean very closely and kissed her. Not a light peck, but an open-mouthed, tongue down the throat, passion-filled, and sloppy, kiss. They parted and Carolyn strode onto the waiting area.

"Carolyn!" Mary and Christina exclaimed in stunned, jaw-on-the-floor surprise.

Shelby and I looked at our partners with equal surprise.

"Hi girls," Carolyn waved and blew kisses to Mary and Chrissy, "eat any good twats lately," she said as casually as if she were asking them about there tennis game.

Not waiting for an answer from her shocked audience, "Hi, I'm Carolyn Jones," she said, approaching Shell, extending her right hand.

"Shelby. Shelby McAllister," Shell said as they shook hands and kissed cheeks.

"Oh right. We met a couple years ago at a dinner party at Kate's house," Carolyn said while giving Shelby a quick once over, "You and your husband...Peter?"

"Paul. My husband Paul."

"Right, right. Those are some big ol' tits girlfriend," Carolyn said, as she brazenly reached out and cupped the underside of Shelby's right breast; lifting it as to test the weightiness.

"Just waiting for your tender lips dear," Shelby shot back.

Carolyn then turned towards me, "And I know who this little girl is. Hi Kate," she hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "I guess we'll have some exciting things to talk about," as she pulled back, she kissed my cheek and felt me up.

`My God! My best friend just caressed my boobs...and I liked it!' I screamed inside my head. Unable to control my newfound lust, I grabbed Carolyn's face and kissed my best friend, just as she had kissed Jean moments before.

`Too weird. Too, too weird,' I thought. But at that moment I had visions of me eating my dear friend's hot, wet cunt, and loving every moment; every taste; every whiff of her.

"Slow down hun," Carolyn admonished me, "we'll talk later...I promise."

And she was out the door. That fast. She just turned and went out the goddamned door. `What the heck just happened?' I thought. I was so stunned that I couldn't quite remember where, or who, I was as I stared at the empty doorway; feeling my little treasure become hot with desire.

"Kate? Kate? Katie honey," it was Mary, gently trying to get my attention, "are you alright dear?"

" Um...yeah. Yes, I'm ok," I stuttered.

"Do you know Carolyn dear?" Mary inquired.

"Yeah," I said dreamily, still staring at the door, "Yeah, she's my next-door neighbor...she's my best friend."

"Cunts and pussies, cunts and pussies, cunts and pussies," Jean entered the waiting area singing happily, "cunts and pussies, cunts and pussies. I love cunts and pussies. Are you a cunt or a pussy dear?" she giddily asked Shelby, "Or are you just tits baby?" she teased and leered as she gave Shelby's breasts a firm squeeze.

Shell enthusiastically played Jean's game, "I'm a sweet cunt Jeannie, and you know it because you've sucked it enough, you nasty dyke."

"Oh my, how right you are," Jean's face beamed and she laughed.

"So," Jeannie said, pointing towards each of us in turn, "Cunt, pussy, pussy..."

Mary stopped her and said, "Nope, I'm a cunt now."

"Good for you darling," and then Jean looked me squarely in the eyes and cocked her head a bit asking me THE question.

"Pussy Ma'am," I answer timidly as I noticed Vo and Rita (one of the other manicurists) watching our game from behind the partition.

"I would have invited you to a Saturday sooner if I had known hun," Jeannie said to me while holding and stroking my hand.

"Jean, she's new to this, so don't embarrass the poor girl," Mary, my dear mommy, shielded me.

"How new?" Jean said, standing before me in her lime green tube top, short denim skirt, impossibly high white heels, and short, spiky, platinum blonde highlighted dark brown hair. Her nipples were clearly visible through the knit top and quite erect, displaying for all who cared to look her excitement, willingness and randy state for girl sex.

I always thought it was the beauticians' costume; so much for my ignorant conception of the air-headed hair dresser. She knew exactly what she was after...and how to advertise for it and get it.

"Yesterday." Mary explained.

Vo and Rita where giggling as they watched the scene play-out before them. It was very obvious they were aroused as they started to rub one another while watching. Christina and Shelby held hands and just smiled--broad, bright smiles--as they watched me get introduced to another old friend that heretofore I was unaware was a lesbian.

How is it I never knew these women are all gay...or bi,' I thought, how did I miss this for so many years?' I thought of best friend for crying-out-load.

"Oh how Cool," Jean squealed her excitement, still looking at me with knowing warmth that I'll never forget. She seemed to be very happy that I had found this new adventure.

Jeannie started leading my hand under her skirt as she spoke to my companions, "Wax and nails girls?" I felt that she was bare under her skirt. She grasped my index finder and middle finger and guided them into her very wet pussy, "Pump darling," she said, as if a finger-fucking from her customers was a normal, everyday occurrence, "Fuck my pussy...bitch," she demanded. Her cunt felt huge. I was afraid that my entire hand may be swallowed by her experienced hole. As I moved my fingers into her treasure, she asked my friends about what service she and her staff were to provide that day and who would go first.

`This just can't be happening. It can't be,' my mind was a sea of doubt and desire. I looked towards Mary for some kind of guidance, or even rescue from my own depravity. She just motioned me to go forward with a slow backwards wave of her hand. I turned back towards Jean and looked into her well-worn, but pretty face.

"Jean, may I suck your cunt please," who said that? I looked at Mary as she rubbed my shoulder and she looked back at me with a satisfied smile as she gently pushed my head towards Jeannie's cunt, "That's a good girl Katie. Suck Jeannie's cunt," she said. Continuing to guide my face to Jean's, now exposed, pussy.

`My god, I said that,' I realized, as my lips were pressed into the vagina of my hair stylist.

"Good girl. Good, good girl Kate," Jean moaned as my tongue caressed her hole and her button.

I pulled my mouth from Jean's cunt and looked at Mary, "Mommy is this ok?" I asked in my best little girl voice.

"Yes darling. Yes. Yes, it's very ok. Keep sucking Jeannie's pretty cunt hole," my dear teacher prodded me on my path of lesbian submission. Jean snickered cruelly, looking down on my submissive form. Her tone sent a shiver up my back. I realized that this woman I was tasting would not be the gentle and patient lover Mary has been...she scared me. I knew that given a chance, she would hurt my body. That thought excited me as I pressed my face tightly against her wet hole and sucked and licked the best I knew how.

"Mmmmm... Mmmmm ... Mmmmm good...Kate I've wanted you for so long," Jean groaned her desire, "so fucking good you nasty bitch."

Sucking Jeannie while she was standing was really tricky. I had to crane my head and neck in ways that were rather uncomfortable, but the moans I managed to elicit from her were well worth the effort. She placed her hands on the back of my head and forcibly pushed me into her wet cunt, "Suck it bitch, suck it bitch," she demanded of me.

Her flavor was so different from Mary's. She was tangier, more pungent than my Mary. Her cream coated my tongue and mouth with her delightful essence. I couldn't imagine living without this flavor in my mouth.

Then, as suddenly as it started, Jean pulled my mouth from her pussy, "Enough slut. You're not getting my cum that easily." And she pushed me away, lowered her skirt and motioned for our foursome to follow her.

"You're such a naughty girl," Mary whispered into my ear as we rose to follow Jean into the salon, "such a naughty, naughty pussy," Mary said as if proud of my wanton state of mind. She kissed my mouth and relished the new girl flavor on my lips. "Such a naughty girl," she reiterated, and I cherished hearing my darling lover say it; again and again and again. I wanted to be her "naughty girl" forever and ever.

Chapter XXII

Jean led our group into the salon. Shelby and Christina were to get their manicures while Mary and I were to get waxed. Jean handed both Mary and I smocks and asked us to change.

"I can't believe I just ate out Jean," I whispered to Mary, "I've known her for such a long time."

Mary giggled lightly, "I'm happy to see that you're getting into the swing of things this quickly dear. How long have you known Carolyn though? That really intrigues me, because she was my first woman lover."

"You're kidding me, right?" I was really stunned and excited by my lovers' revelation.

"Nope. She was my first Mommy, but Carolyn likes to seduce new, mostly straight women too often for my tastes. I really want a one-on-one relationship with some fun play like last night and today. But sex we do a couple," Mary explained.

"I like the sound of that...a couple," I leaned into Mary and kissed my lover. A happy lesbian couple exploring forbidden desires of the flesh together,' I thought, how beautiful.'

"Are you dykes ready yet," Jean shouted in the crudest fashion, "I have a fucking business to run here."

Mary and I quickly finished changing, although I was a bit disappointed that we did not hug our naked bodies together before donning the smocks; Mary even turned her back to me as she dropped her dress. Odd,' I thought as I watched her naked bottom, some time for modesty.'

Jean had me hop up on a medical examining table (hmmm,' I thought, these little tables sure come in handy...') on all fours and flipped the back of the smock up on my back so that my bottom was naked before her gaze.

"Whew, what an ass Kate," Jeannie was making me blush as I felt very exposed.

She opened my bum, "Just as I thought, shave the pussy and ignore the asshole...sheesh. OK, I'm gonna do this side first, and then we'll get that nasty stubble on the front."

Mary was holding my hand as Jean, true to her word, put the warm waxing gel all around my anus and the next thing I knew, I was letting out a yelp as all the hair was quickly pulled from around my anus.

"Damn it Jean," I squealed, "Give me some warning please."

"Oh shush. Roll over little girl," she commanded.

I did as she asked and she put my feet in the stirrups and looked intently at my pubic region.

"Completely smooth Mary?" Jean inquired of my new Mommy, Mary.

"Yes," Mary instructed. I could see that she was excited watching me get this treatment. I reached out my hand and put it under Mary's smock to feel her wet cunt. Mary jumped a bit when I made contact with her vulva and I started to lightly tease her puffy lips with my finger tips.

"Wait Katie dear," Mary stopped me, "lay all the way back. I want to ride your face while Jean waxes your pussy bare."

I eagerly got into position as Jean cracked open the stirrups ever wider and Mary knelt astride my face while slowly lowering her hot cunt to my yielding lips and tongue. I did my best to pleasure her sweet, sweet cunt; I even tongue-fucked her asshole again, which seemed to give her particular delight. She was much less vocal today than last night in the limo. The sudden pain of having the hair removed from my pussy made me scream, but not out, rather in...into Mary's flowing cunt. As I screamed and groaned, Mary pressed her cunt harder onto my mouth; rocking her hips against my face, making me wear her beautiful scent. After the fifth or sixth pass of the waxing strips I felt a warm cloth gently bathing my now hairless pussy and asshole. I reached-up and held Mary's hips as she moaned quietly and rocked her hips gently across my searching, needy tongue. My hands searched for her lovely, pointed breasts, but Mary held them in her own, not letting me touch her peaks of warm delight. I looked up past her bottom and watched the small of her back under the smock and back of her head rock back and forth. She was lost in her own world of lust, and I was so happy that it was me bringing her this passionate release and satisfaction.

The wash cloth was removed from my pussy and the area was lightly patted dry by Jean. What Jean did next threw me for a loop, but it was a very pleasant loop. She started to eat me.

"Hmphh," I groaned into Mary's cunt as I felt Jean spread my pussy open and lick from my anus to my button.

"Doesn't she taste just divine Jeannie?" Mary asked the beautician.

"That's good pussy baby," the ever-crude Jean remarked, "but I just gotta get me some Katie asshole," she stated as she dipped her face back into my loin and started to lick and suck and tongue-fuck my bottom.

"Oh my dear," I moaned lustily. No person, man or woman, had ever preformed this act on me before. `Now I know why Mary likes this so much,' I thought as I moved my tongue back to caress my lover's anus.

Jeannie then placed a finger at my anus and started gently rubbing around they ring of muscle as she completely engulfed my pussy into her mouth. She gently massaged her finger tip in slow circles around my bottom with the touch of butterfly wings. I moaned my passion into Mary's hot cunt, and then Jean slid her finger slowly, millimeter-by-millimeter into my relaxed, wet anus.

"Oh god Jean," I called-out loud enough for the whole damn shopping center to hear me. She was the first person ever to put anything in my butt; I almost went insane from the pleasure. The sensations I experienced were so intense, incredible, and heavenly.

Jean increased her effort on my pussy as she slowly fucked my bum with her gentle, long finger.

Mary climaxed in my mouth and over my face, flooding me once again with her delicious cunt cream. She firmly held my hips down on the padded table as Jean brought me pulsing into an anal and vaginal orgasm. I moaned through my climax which was not the short, intense affair I was familiar with. But, a long, drawn-out climax--almost painful in its intensity--that started where Jean's soft tongue battered my clitoris and ended somewhere deep in my bowels where Jeannie massaged my inflamed rectum.

Heaven, absolute heaven,' I thought as I trembled on the table, Uncle, Uncle,' I cried in my delirious brain.

Mary raised herself from my body and our altar of lust and stood beside me; she kissed me gently on my pussy and then on my lips.

"Oh no..." I said breathlessly as her mouth touched my pussy, pushing her away. I was too sensitive. Jean inched her finger from my rectum while staring me right in the eye. She got up from her seat and pulled me into a sitting position, hugging me closely while brushing my lips and mouth with her tongue.

I was burning with lust for this woman. I wanted her to do her magic again, and again.

"Now that's a pussy wax," I heard Rita giggle from the doorway, I turned to see Shelby, Christina, Rita, and Vo all grinning appreciatively for the sex show they just witnessed.

"Next," Jean grinned, sucking the finger that had been in my bottom and wiping her mouth clean of my essence with the back of her hand. I was still shaking on the table and doing my best to smile at my horny friends. Mary reached out her hand to help me from the table, as Shell and Christina went to change into smocks for their wax session.

"Mommy," I questioned, looking at Mary and surprising Jean, Rita and Vo with my acceptance of my new role as a submissive little girl to my lesbian mommy, "Mommy, aren't you going to have your cunt waxed now?"

"No dear, not today. I'm much too sensitive at the moment," she answered while hugging me close.

"Awwww, I think they're in love," Jean said in a crude, `smarty-pants' banter.

I just held Mary tighter and ignored our crude friend.

Mary led me out to the manicure station and we both sat to get our nails worked-on by Vo and Rita. Vo was with me and Rita with Mary. I had trouble looking Vo in the eye, as she sat and smiled at me, a knowing, happy smile.

"Jeannie is very good at licking assholes, isn't she Kate?" What an icebreaker. I felt a blush from Vo's words spreading over my face and body, while the other women giggled. I assumed they knew, as I now did, that Jean is a champion, super dyke, asshole licker. I joined in their giggles as we proceeded with our manicure.

After about and hour, I had nice, short pink fingernails, "Shit Vo, these are really short," I exclaimed, looking at my nails that were trimmed flush with my fingertips.

Mary raised her hands to show me her equally short, pretty nails, "All the better to fuck you with my dear," she said in a mock Big Bad Wolf voice.

The other girls giggled as they waved their fingers for me to see that they all sported very short nails.

I get it,' I thought, closing my eyes; letting my minds eye see Mary's fingers pumping into me...Vo's fingers...Rita's fingers...Jeannie, Christina, Shelby...Carolyn, Oh yes, I get it...or I'll get it,' I smiled to myself.

We four happy dykes went towards the back where Chris and Shelby were "getting waxed" and found Chrissy, Shell, and Jean completely naked. Christina was on her back while Jeannie was on top of her in Sixty-Niner. Jean's big round bottom was up in the air and Shelby was opening her bum with her hands and her sexy head, with those large hoop earrings, was pumping in and out between Jean's cleft, as she tongue-fucked Jean's bum hole. They were clearly enjoying themselves as offered by the soft moans and that slick, wet sound that I now knew as the sounds of lesbian lovemaking.

Vo stepped-up behind Shelby and embraced her stunning naked form. Vo's hands cupped Shell's majestic, pendulous breasts at the base and milked them firmly towards her large, excited nipples, (that now sported thick silver rings rather than the cage contraption she wore last night) while whispering some desire into Shell's ear. Shelby broke her oral love on Jean's anus to look over her shoulder at Vo and nod her head up-and-down; smiling broadly and groaning the word, "yesssssssss," to signify Vo to do as she please. Vo dropped to her knees and pried open Shelby's bottom, and started her wet, sucking onslaught on my friend's asshole.

"Vo taught Jean how to eat ass...she's VERY talented with tender bottoms," Rita explained to Mary and me as we raptly watch this young Vietnamese woman elicit sighs and moans from my friend.

"Not bad for a 55 year old woman," Rita said, gesturing towards the licking Vo; shocking both Mary and me that this young-looking woman was well into her 50s.

We watched Chrissy buck her hips into Jean's face, as Jean rocked her bottom into Shelby's mouth, as Vo caused Shell to repeatedly thrust her bum out towards Vo's soft tongue and sucking mouth. The sight was truly amazing. Watching these women pleasure one another was something that I will always remember, `sex with a man was never this...filthy,' I thought happily. The look of satisfaction on Vo's pretty face--covered in Shelby's sweet essence--as she patted Shell on her bum cheeks and turned towards her admirers and said, "Yummy," was just so erotic.

What a slut,' I thought, what an amazing slut.'

Rita and Vo offered to help us get cleaned-up and dress, but I couldn't take anymore sexual stimulation so early in the day. I didn't know if I could take anymore this weekend, I felt so week and satisfied.

Mary, Shell, Chris and I cleaned-up as best as we could with the small hand sprayer in the dressing room and somehow managed to get our clothes back in place. We were all kisses and hugs as we departed Jean's happy salon of physical delight.

"Where are we going for lunch," Shelby asked Mary.

"Oh Christ, we have to eat again," I said in pretend annoyance after the workout my mouth just experienced.

All the girls laughed.

"But Katie, the weekend of our girl adventures has barely started," Shelby taunted me.

"Lord almighty, have mercy on my pussy," I sighed happily as I squeezed my thighs together.

Again, our happy crew burst into uncontrolled laughter.

Chapter XXIII

We arrived at The Cranky Fisherman Inn a few minutes before our 1:00 PM reservation. The scenic riverside restaurant was packed with bicycle travelers, kayakers, people out walking the old barge canal, and a bunch of "girls" out shopping on this bright, beautiful Saturday.

`I wonder how many of these women just had the most satisfying sex of their lives,' I thought while scanning the terrace for faces I could recognize, and hopefully avoid.

"One O'clock, Gonzales," my Mary told the hostess.

"Gonzales?" I asked.

"Yes, my husbands' name dear."

"Is he Latin?"

"About three centuries ago," Mary remarked.

"Ladies, if you'll follow me," our hostess led us to a table with a glorious view of the surging river.

"May we see a wine list please," Shelby requested of our server.

"Yes Ma'am, your server will be with you in a moment," the clueless young waif responded.

Shell grabbed her arm in a firm, almost sadistic grip, "That's not what I asked you for now is it?"

"No Ma'am, I'll get you a wine list immediately," the poor, dear girl answered.

"Shelby," Mary laughed, "you're so evil. You could see that young woman's lust for your control the moment we walked in."

Cupping her large breasts in an obvious and brazen fashion, Shell said, "These big tits of mine do have there advantages."

Christina and Mary giggled and I just sat stunned as I tried to burn holes through Shelby's thin t-shirt to see her large boobs, and even larger nipples.

"mmmmmmm," I sighed unconsciously.

"I think Kate wants to nurse on my Mommy's boobies," Chris whispered, which caused another round of silliness and giggles from our table.

We had a lovely, quiet lunch on the second terrace of The Cranky Fisherman Inn. We laughed and spoke in whispers and implied body talk. I was more relaxed and at ease with these wonderful lesbian women than I had been with anybody or any group of people in years.

The young hostess stopped by our table often to see if "everything" was alright. On her last trip, Shelby asked her if she was in college, to which the young woman answered, "No Ma'am, I just graduated high school two weeks ago, but I'll be going to College in the fall."

"Isn't that wonderful for you dear," Shell definitely had her best "adult" condescending voice going. She reached out and lightly stroked the girl's bare forearm.

"Yes Ma'am," the girl said trembling at Shelby's touch.

Shell had the look of a predatory cat as she introduced herself, "My name is Shelby, and you are?"

"Madeleine...Maddi Ma'am. My friends call me Maddi," the small woman responded as if commanded by forces beyond her will.

"Such a beautiful name, Madeline," Shelby was obviously having fun, but I didn't know if this was an attempt to seduce the flat-chested, young blonde girl, or just innocent teasing for our benefit.

Christina leaned-over and whispered something to Shell as Maddi and Shelby stared at each other. Shelby smiled at whatever Chrissy just said and nodded her head affirmatively. Chrissy was rocking anxiously in her chair as she watched young Maddi.

Shell then introduced Christina to Maddi as "my lesbian sex slave" and told the poor dear innocent girl that, "we both want to fuck you senseless tonight in our hotel room." Shell pressed a piece of paper into the stunned girl's hand, "Be there any time after eight o'clock tonight darling."

The poor blonde waif turned pale and stepped away on wobbly legs; her knees almost buckled as she bumped into a chair while alternately staring at Shelby's big boobs and the piece of paper in her hand, "Yes Ma'am."

"You're so bad," Mary whispered to Shelby, "she can't be more than 18."

"I know, but she's just so darling. I have to fuck her," Shelby said. Chrissy was blushing and biting her lower lip, as I could only imagine the lusty thoughts running through her head.

"I'll bet she shows-up tonight," Shelby wagered.

"Ten bucks," Mary challenged.

"You're on, ten dollars," the bet was called.

We finished our perfect summer afternoon lunch of Dover Sole with julianned leeks and a touch of flame-roasted sweet corn. Shell ordered a Cigar and port as her dessert, while the rest of our party enjoyed cool lime sorbet and brie while we watched the world move around us. Shelby looked terribly funny, acting manly in her blue jeans and t-shirt while her table-mates sat demurely in pretty dresses--but somehow very attractive as she puffed that stinky root and slowly sipped her port.

My Mary glanced at her watch, "Its quarter-to-three, I think it's time we take Katie to get her little titties done," Mary proclaimed as we finished our peaceful, perfect, horny lunch.

Chapter XXIV

I nervously held Mary's hand as we drove towards the piercing salon. I was afraid that this would be one of those hideous tattoo parlors with bikers and the like milling about. We parked the mini-van and I found that we were only a block or so away from my favorite day spa. I thought how nice it would be for Mary and me to spend a long leisurely day of pampering and relaxation. `Note to self...'

We passed the day spa and two doors down stopped in front of "Eli's Pins and Needles," which I always assumed was a sewing, and sewing accessories shop from the Victorian-style frou-frou visible from the street.

"Are you ready my darling Kate?" Mary asked.

"Will it hurt Mary?"

"Yes dear, wonderfully so," she replied and smiled warmly.

"Yes Mommy, I'm ready," I said very quietly with some trepidation.

We were greeted by an attractive heavyset woman in her thirties, "Hi I'm Eli. How may I help you ladies today?"

Mary pulled Eli to the side and spoke in hushed tones with the store's namesake. There was a lot of nodding and a few quiet giggles as Mary explained what she wanted for my first intimate jewelry. Mary reached into her purse and handed the large woman something that I could not see, but that I knew would give me pleasure.

Shelby and Christina stood at a display case looking at the various items for body adornment. Chris was enthusiastically pointing to something when Eli approached me.

"Hi Kate, I'm Eli," she said, extending her hand to greet me.

Eli was dressed in an attractive and professional pants suit. She didn't have rings through her nose or any other visible piercings (other than a single earring in each ear) that I find so creepy and unsavory.

"It's nice to meet you Eli."

"Let's go chat somewhere private," Eli said, taking my hand and leading me into her office.

Eli asked me a string of questions from a standard form. All about what led me to having my nipples pierced and how I would feel if people other than my lover knew of my piercings. She asked me about medical issues, "Are you allergic to..." And, she talked about the hazards of having this now sensitive area of my body penetrated by metal devices and what would be required of me to safely maintain my nipples and breasts. By the end of our chat, I was at ease having this woman place these symbols of submission and ownership into my body that my dear Mary wished me to wear. At that point, I realized that I was "Mommy's Pussy" and I was ever so happy to wear my Mommy's rings and my new label.

Eli asked me to strip naked and hang-up my dress in a small closet in her office; she then led me, naked, into the piercing room. My Mary, Shelby, and Christina were there, naked as me, but each wearing varied sizes of nipple stretchers like Shell had displayed the night before. `What beautiful friends I have,' I thought, unable to move my gaze from their grotesquely distended nipples.

"Hop up Kate," Eli said, pointing to yet another medical examination table...stirrups and all.

Does every dyke on earth have one of these,' I laughed to myself, Shit, I may...but could I hide it from my husband and daughters,' I giggled out-loud as my dear Mary took a seat close to my head.

"Lean back, and close your eyes while we prepare you dear," Eli said.

I felt many hands on my body. My friends and lovers stroked and caressed me into a state of warm, comforting bliss. I felt warm, wet mouths ensconce both of my nipples simultaneously. My eyes opened to see each Chrissy and Eli suck my previously insensitive nipples deeply into their warm mouths. Harder and harder they sucked; drawing my flesh and blood into their world of experienced breast love.

Mary continually whispered into my ear, "I love you Kate, I love you Kate, I love you Kate," as she tenderly stroked my head and ears with her soft, delicate fingertips.

Then, as if by command of my fantasies, I felt another mouth descend on my body; directly to my exposed, bare pussy. I raised my head to see my long-time friend Shelby licking my tender, pink treasure.

Soon enough, I felt something wet, cold and rough scraping my left nipple, as the smell of antiseptic filled the air. As I grew close to my climax from Shelby's insistent soft, mouth, my left nipple was suddenly pulled sharply away from my body and I felt the sting of the needle in my tit while Mary's mouth kissed mine harshly.

"Nnnnnngggggggg," I groaned into Mary's mouth as the needle pierced my tender flesh.

Within a minute my right nipple was pierced with the same intense feelings, "Nnnnnngggggggg," I screamed into Mary's mouth as Eli placed my new "wedding rings" into my extended nipples.

"With these rings, I thee bed," my Mommy whispered into my ear as Shelby's seasoned mouth brought me to a gentle climax. Chris and Shell both kissed me, and surprisingly, the large Eli kissed me and congratulated me on my bonding with Mary. I looked at my breasts with fascination. My nipples now sported miniature versions of the cages worn by my friends. A metal bar ran horizontally through each nubbie and a small metal ring was pressed to the place where my nipple met the areola, effectively keeping my nipples in a permanently erect state.

Shelby gently cleaned my pussy and bottom with a warm towel, as Chrissy and Mary got dressed. Eli brought my clothes into the room and helped me get dressed, saying that I would probably want to wear a full cup bra while my body adjusted to its new adornments.

"And remember dear, they will be sore and very tender for awhile, so be gentle with them most of the time," Eli reminded me and winked at Mary as she emphasized "most of the time."

-------End Part VI of Getting Fucked by Mary.

And who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

Next: Chapter 7

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