Getting in Touch with His Sub Side

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 10, 2021


Robert Mason worked as a CPA at the biggest accounting firm in a medium sized city. He had worked hard to get the job and had been there since he graduated Business School. He and Lucy had been married for 8 years. There were no children. Lucy worked as a litigator in a very busy firm, and they made the decision that children were not a part of their "plan." Robert had majored in accounting as an undergraduate, and he also ran track: mostly cross country, and some long distance race running (10k, 5k, an occasional marathon). He still ran when he could, which had kept him relatively slim and fit. He visited a gym and lifted, which kept him toned. Some of his friends had said, not incorrectly, that in addition to accounting, Robert had minored in "slutting." They weren't wrong. He had engaged his libido any chance he could, and had slept with men, woman, and sometimes both at the same time. He learned, very early on, that he preferred taking dick rather than giving it to another man, and at certain points during his undergrad career, he was having sex with a different man or woman, every single night. He never developed any kind of relationship with any of the people from these encounters, but he did develop a sense of what he liked. He liked being penetrated, period.

That like had been put on "hold" during Business School. The carefree approach he had taken to sex and socializing got put aside as he realized that he needed to work much harder to do well. He did. He had met Lucy at one of the "pre-professional mixers" the University offered, where students from all of the professional schools could meet. It's fair to say that Lucy approached him. Attractive, dynamic and driven, she saw in Robert a man whom she could control, but who would also serve as the necessarily foil for her professional ambitions. Robert kept his undergraduate sexual past from Lucy. He saw no need to unearth it because, as far as he was concerned, it was dead.

In short, they weren't very different from many other couples.

For Lucy, there WAS a path: she was working toward a partnership, and she was determined to get it. Robert, on the other hand, was mired in middle management: he wasn't competitive enough to make a drive to the top, but he was also important enough to the company to be kept on. He was content. Lucy earned more money, but he did his share. Somewhere along the line, Robert began to feel a yearning for more physical contact, but without sex. He considered options and since Lucy was usually working until late at night, he enrolled in massage school. After 6 months, he had his certification. He worked independently: his company was called, simply "Mason Masseurs" and he was the only masseur. He had polo shirts made up with his logo, in powder blue, had three different portable massage tables (he only did "out calls") and started working.

Robert was stunned by the number of clients, and especially repeat clients he had. He enjoyed the work. It was sort of like his time as a "slut:" there could be a different person every night, man or woman, physical contact, and no sex. Sometimes, he'd have a client whose body would stay in his head for a day, or longer, and he'd masturbate thinking about them. All of this was fine for Lucy, who found corporate finance law much more exciting than sex.

One of Robert's repeat clients was Steve Hanau. He liked Steve. He was maybe 4-5 years older than Robert, and worked as an attorney himself. He would get a massage once a week. Robert liked how Steve was organized: the room for the massage was always clean, and Steve paid in cash: always, and in full. Steve had a large house, and there were rooms off to the side of the house down a corridor. Robert had never been down that corridor, until the night he knew he wasn't going to get home without wetting his pants. "Mr. Hanau, I hate to ask for something like this, but would it be alright if I used your restroom?" "OH, OF COURSE! Just down the hall. Turn right, three doors down." You'd think an accountant could count the number of doors. Robert miscounted, and he opened a fourth door. He found a room filled with sex toys: ropes, gags, chains, collars, vibrators, all things he had never used while he was in school, or with his wife, but which he knew about. Embarrassed, he gently closed the door, found the correct room, used the bathroom, and left. Mr. Hanau's room, though, had ignited something in him. He thought about the room every single day. He couldn't wait for his next appointment to give Mr. Hanau a massage.

"I came back because you were gone for a while. I was worried." Robert heard Hanau's voice behind him, as he walked into the "bondage room" as he called it, and began to run his fingers up and down one of the dildos. Robert jumped. "OH. Mr. Hanau! I'm... I'm so sorry. Last week I walked into this room by mistake, and...." Hanau laughed. "You DID seem a little pale when you left. So, now you know my secret. It's kink. If you haven't figured out that I'm gay yet, you haven't been paying much attention to the art, the decor, or anything else. "I... I did realize that, Sir. I had some gay experiences myself in college." "Just about every man has, Robert. But the kink side of things, well...." "Yeah, you're right. I never did any bondage when I was fooling around." "Never too old to start, Robert." Steve laughed and laughed harder when Robert blushed. "I'm just kidding. Actually, I'm not. Bondage doesn't always involve sex, Robert. If you wanted to get tied up, or do something with bondage, I could direct you to one of the clubs, or one of the bars, whatever you want." Then he paused. "Or, if you trusted me, I'll tie you up. No charge for it, no bartering, no anything. Completely up to you." "Uh... thanks.. I uh, I have to think about it. I'd better get home. Lucy'll be waiting." "So will I" thought Hanau. He knew Lucy's reputation. She wasn't waiting. Lucy NEVER waited. Robert got into bed before Lucy came home. He was rock hard, thinking about how he could be tied up by Hanau. No sex, he had said... Well....."

Steve never mentioned that encounter again, and even though Robert was dying to go back to the "bondage room" he didn't. He kept a "pee bottle" in his car, so that he didn't have to go back to that section of Hanau's house. All of that changed four weeks later, when Robert read a story about an accountant who had been kidnapped by a drug overlord, and had been held for ransom for three days. He had been tied up for most of it, and Robert's fantasy world nearly exploded.

"Hello, Mr. Hanau? Yes, this is Robert. I'm calling to see if your offer still stands. Maybe we could work out , like a story line or something?" Steve was smiling at his end of the phone. He had read the story too, and wondered how long it was going to take Robert to call. "Of course we could. Let me know what times work for you, and what kind of roleplay - that's what we call it Robert - you want to do." "Uh, you don't want to get paid for this?" Steve laughed. "I'm gonna be honest with you Robert. I didn't see you as having a kinky side, but there has been more than one time that I wanted to get off your table, throw you on it, and tie you there." Robert's cock BOINGED in his pants. Hanau had a good build, a dark complexion, and it was clear he lifted seriously. Giving Hanau a massage always made Robert think of the line about English muffins, with all the "nooks and crannies" on Hanau's body. They set up a date. Since they were doing the fantasy, Robert came in his working clothes: a tweed jacket, a woolen tie, a button down, plaid shirt, and corduroy pants. When he came to Hanau's house, he was nervous: almost shaking. "ROBERT! As always, right on time. Come on in." "Thank you Sir. I.. I appreciate it." Steve laughed. "We're gonna have a tutorial too, because I think that if you get into this, you probably need to know a few things you can't pick up from books. Like these...." he showed Robert a pair of handcuffs. "If you're going to do self bondage, and you want to use these, I'd suggest you do them in front of you, like this... " Steve handcuffed him, as if he were going into a perpetrator's walk. "That way, it's easier for you to pick up the key to unlock them. Now, you CAN handcuff yourself behind your back." He demonstrated on Robert "and convince yourself that you can reach the key." He put it on the table.. "BUT.... if when you're grabbing for it, if you miss, and it falls on the floor.." He smiled. "Go ahead, try to get it." Robert did. He began to sweat. He didn't know what to do. "I. I see what you mean." "So that's your lesson for today. Now, I think you'll find this much easier if you take off your jacket. Whether you take your tie off or not, is up to you." "I'll take it off I think." Robert undid his necktie, and then he lay it on the table. "Ok, now let's get started. First, know that the ropes I'm using: I'll give you a source for them. They almost never leave a mark, which makes them very useful. I also like them because they stretch just enough for the bunny - that's what we call the guy who's tied up by the rigger - that's me - to think he can maybe get out of them." He sat Robert in a chair, and tied his wrists behind him. "Go ahead. Try them. Pull at them. " Robert did. He saw what Hanau meant. Then he saw Hanau pick up his tie. "Now, here's a good rule. NEVER trust a rigger." He laughed, as he wrapped the necktie around Robert's mouth, forcing it between his lips. "And now, we have a trussed up, gagged accountant, and I can do anything I want do him." Robert began to sweat. He didn't know what that meant. "This time, we won't use blindfolds, but if you want them, in a next time, if there is a next time, we will. "mmmmmmmmmmmph." Robert shook his head no, even as the thought of being blindfolded got him excited. "Now, here's what we're gonna do Robert. If I do something you REALLY don't like, tell me. And I'll stop. It's just a scene, it's your fantasy, but sitting in bondage while the rigger does nothing, is kind of boring." Robert didn't think it was boring at all, but he was curious again as to what Steve had in mind. He felt a second shirt button open, and Steve's hand go inside his shirt, and find a nipple. He began to tease it gently. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" moaned Robert but he didn't shake his head no. He felt Steve's mouth at his ear. "If you like that, next time, don't wear an undershirt. Flesh on flesh always feels better." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Robert was enjoying it. He enjoyed Steve's tongue flicking in and out of his ear too. "If you didn't have the undershirt on, I'd open that shirt completely, and I'd give you a tongue bath over your torso. " He smiled. "Next time?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Robert nodded yes vigorously. "Now I'm gonna ask you to do something Robert. You don't have to but.. you'll enjoy it. Spread your legs." Robert shook his head no. "Ok, let's pretend I didn't ask you. I told you.... spread your legs." Robert shook his head NO again. Steve stepped behind him and went back to his nipples. "You know, I may change my mind. I may open your shirt, get a scissor, cut holes in that t shirt, and go flesh on flesh. Maybe even with my teeth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" robert shook his head NO, vigorously, but he and Steve both saw the bulge in his pants getting bigger. "Spread them Robert." Robert gave a minimal nod of assent, and when he did, all Steve did, was push his knee in and massage Robert's cock. "I'm not gonna bring you off Robert. If you want, we'll do that together. You want that?" Robert shook his head no. "Ok, then I'm gonna take the liberty of doing myself because, to be honest: having you tied up has gotten me VERY hot." Steve opened his pants and his cock popped out. It was thick. And long. It had been a lot of years, but Robert didn't remember ever taking anything that big, in either his mouth or ass when he was an undergrad. Steve began to stroke himself. "OH YEAH. DAMN SHAME they paid your ransom. I was into keeping ya for myself, cutie. Fucking hot body like you've got. Who gets a fucking CPA with muscles. DAMN. The things I coulda done to you." Then he quieted down and Robert saw how he pumped faster - the way Robert did when he got close to jizzing - and then his cum shot across his living room, maybe two feet. " "FUCK. That was GREAT. " Steve looked at Robert. "I'm gonna let you go now, but you see what ya did to me, sexy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." Robert's voice was pretty high. When was the last time he had been called sexy? Certainly not by Lucy. After he untied Robert, and Robert was massaging his wrists, he blushed. "Steve, or, uh, Mr. Hanau... is it ok if I changed my mind? I mean about.... jerking off." "Sure it is. I'll even do you if you want" Robert blushed. "No. That's ok. I... I think I can do it." "You wanna do it here, or the bathroom." "Maybe the bathroom" "It's all yours stud" Steve grinned. Robert went off, closed the door, and jerked himself as fast as he could. A drop spilled to the side and he grabbed some toilet paper to clean it up. When he came back to the living room, Steve was just finishing up putting the living room in order. "Ok, Big Bob" he smiled. "You let me know if and when you wanna do this again?" He held out his hand to Robert. "It's clean. I washed it while you were otherwise engaged." Robert laughed at that. "Thank you Steve. Still on for massage this week?" "Two days from now, right? 7pm?" "that's right." "See ya then." When he got home that night, Robert was so excited about what had happened, he jerked off a second time.

Next: Chapter 2

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