Getting in Touch with His Sub Side

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 18, 2021


Steve Hanau spent the day after he had initiated Robert into the world of adult bondage, thinking about what he wanted to do. It had been a long, LONG time since he had initiated anyone into his world. He had had encounters with men: guys he picked up at bars, or on the internet, and had enjoyed them. No one could say that Hanau had taken a vow of celibacy since he broke up with his lover of 7 years. Robert... hmmmmm. There was something about him that got under his skin. Maybe it was because he played straight, and was so open to being "blackmailed?" The fact that he had some experience with gay sex was a plus: there wasn't going to have to be the fear of dealing with trauma the first night Steve took him - IF he took him (he was leaning that way, but hadn't decided). There was also something about his body and personality that was cute, hot, and interesting. Robert was a man who, on Hanau's scale, was probably about at an "80" out of 100, on wanting to be dominated, enslaved, used as a bottom, all those things that intrigued Hanau.

He decided to go forward with it, at least for the time being, and he devised a plan for what to do next.

Robert had continued to jerk off after his evening with Steve. His wife treated their home as, essentially, a place to sleep, drop off her laundry for either Robert or their housekeeper to take care of, and very little else. Her secretary paid the bills for the couple, Robert did their taxes: their life was essentially a business arrangement. Since Lucy had gone into overdrive for partnership track, he HAD been "celibate," though not by choice. He was too timid to go and try to pick up someone at a bar, and while he played on various websites, he never did anything but get aroused, and then jerk off. The thought that another man would touch his cock was one that hadn't crossed his mind - not since his college days. He wasn't sure if he should cancel his masseur relationship with Hanau, but ... Hanau had been so controlling, and so, well, dominant in that first meeting, he didn't want to give up the chance to see him again. Even so, he was way too nervous to ask if they could do something like that again.

Fortunately, he didn't have to. He showed up at Hanau's house for their regular massage session: he had put on one of his uniform polo shirts that fit him snugly, and a pair of jeans that he thought showed off his ass. He smiled: he was flirting. He hadn't flirted in over 10 years. "I still got it," he thought to himself, as he entered Hanau's house. He didn't see Steve at first; what he DID see, in the corner on a table, was a pile of rope, a set of handcuffs, several "toys" he didn't recognize, and a gag. He recognized the ball gag as something a dominatrix had used on him when he was in college. He hadn't seen one since then.

He heard Hanau before he saw him. Hanau had on leather boots that made a crisp sound against his wooden floor . "OPEN THE TABLE. THEN LAY ON IT. FACE UP." Hanau ordered sternly. He was head to foot in black. Robert began to feel a little woozy. "Uh, don't you want your massage?" "I SAID OPEN THE TABLE AND GET ON IT, BITCH. DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN." "Uh, yes sir." Robert's hands were shaking and he almost couldn't set up the table. "Should I..." "ONE MORE TIME AND THEN I GET THE WHIP. LAY ON THE FUCKING TABLE." "yes sir." Robert answered. He lay down as he had been instructed. As Hanau grabbed his right wrist and put a coil of rope around it, he snarled. "Next time, move faster. There are consequences to what you do and don't do." Robert felt the rope get pulled back and tied to the leg of his massage table. "Yes sir. Sorry Sir," he answered, as he felt his other wrist being bound." "Sir, can I ask..." "NO YOU CAN'T. AND IF YOU KEEP ON YAPPING I'LL SHUT YOU UP REAL GOOD." Hanau moved down to the end of the table and did what he had done to Robert's wrists, to Robert's ankles. Robert got nervous when Hanau untied his sneakers . "I'll get to the socks later...." Hanau pulled up a stool right next to the table. He put his left palm against Robert's torso. The warmth of the hand and the weight, gave Robert a bit of a charge. Hanau didn't move his hand, he just left it there. "Tonight, robby, we're gonna explore some of your body. Find out what turns you on, what turns me on...I'm not gonna fuck you tonight, but I'm telling you right now. If there's a third time, I WILL fuck you." "Sir, I hate being called robby. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG" Hanau's elbow leaned into Robert's crotch. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU LIKE AND DON'T LIKE. IF I WANT TO CALL YOU ROBBY, I WILL. IF YOU FIND IT DEMEANING... GOOD. AND SINCE YOU DIDN'T SHUT UP." Hanau shifted on the stool, picked up the gag and in seconds, it was locked in robert's mouth. "I got another gag shaped like my cock. You'll get that one when you behave." robert began to feel scared. And aroused. He couldn't move, and Hanau's hand had come off his chest. He took out his cell phone and took a bunch of photos. "THOSE will make sure that, if I want you back here, you'll be coming. Now...." His hand went back to robert's body, and fingers began running over robert's left nipple. "mmmmmmmmmmm" robert almost began to purr. When Hanau's second hand went to his second nipple, the purring got louder. "I LOVE activating a man through his tits. And... I don't even have to use my fingers if I don't want to." He pulled up robert's polo, and he began to lick first one , then the other nipple. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" robert tried to buck, but he couldn't move. "Thing about wearing tight pants, robby, is everyone can see your bulge. And you've got a BIG one right there. Just from a little nipple play.

You're easy." robert's shirt was pulled up, and Hanau began to run a finger around his belly button. He jumped: robert was very ticklish. When he and Lucy HAD been intimate, tickling him was one way she made sure he knew she was in charge. His cock would point up and.... it was TRYING to point up now, but it was trapped in his jeans, and the smiling Hanau seemed totall uninterested in releasing it. "Now, let's see about those feet, robby boy." "MMMMMMMMMPH" robert shook his head NO, not that it stopped Hanau. He pulled robert's socks off and then began scratching his soles with his fingers. robert thought he was gonna pass out. He was laughing so hard, that he almost pushed the ball gag out, but he didn't. He couldn't. It was too tight. "Getting a little messy down here, aren't we stud?" robert couldn't see from his position, but he assumed there was a spot of pre-cum at his crotch. "Maybe we'll get you undressed, and then.... have some more fun." Hanau began untying robert. "GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF." "Sir, I'm not sure I'm ready. " That got a smack across his cheek, that almost knocked robert over. He saw Hanau standing there with balled fists. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU'RE READY OR NOT . YOU'RE GETTING NAKED, YOU'RE GETTING BACK ON THE TABLE, OR I'LL KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR CLOSETED ASS." " yes sir," was all robert could muster. After he had shucked his clothing, Hanau handed him the gag. "PUT IT ON. MAKE SURE IT'S TIGHT. THEN GET YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOU." " yes sir." robert did what he was told. When Hanau snapped his fingers and indicated that he should spread his legs, he did so. He felt his balls in Hanau's hands, and moaned. "I wouldn't shoot if I were you straight boy. Could make you lose these. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" robert tried to scream in pain. It wasn't happening. Hanau stepped behind him, and robert felt something begin shoved into his ass. Hanau whispered "it's about 2/3 the size of MY cock. Got to start small with you straight boys. Now get back on the table." Hanau re-tied robert and then he brought over one of the toys: nipple clamps. He smiled as he ran them over robert's nipples. "You are gonna get to love these boys. They're gonna be your best friend." robert doubted that and gulped, and tried not to scream when Hanau affixed them. "I'll take out the gag if you want, but then.. you have to pull the chain up nice and tight. And if it's NOT nice and tight, well... I got clips for your balls too. You want the gag out?" robert shook his head no, which was a mistake. Hanau immediately pulled it out and yanked the chain up to robert's mouth. "OOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" screamed robert, before the chain went between his lips. "PULL IT BITCH. PULL IT HARD." If the clamps hurt before, now it was worse. But robert's cock continued to harden. When Hanau went back to the foot of the table and began twisting the dildo, robert thought he was having an out of body experience. He squirmed as best he could, and tried to scream. When he dropped the chain, Hanau smacked his balls, pushed the dildo, and put it back in his mouth. "THAT DOESN'T COME OUT UNTIL I SAY IT DOES, CUNT." Hanau used one hand to twist the dildo, and the other one to run his finger up and down robert's balls. The stimulation was too much and robert began to shoot. He might have been embarrassed to do that in front of another man, but he was too excited. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. And it wasn't over. Now, Hanau smiled and dropped his pants. He picked up his cock in one hand, and took the chain in the other one, pulling it. "OH GOD SIR. OH GOD!" "I'm gonna shoot all over you , bottom boy. You're gonna bathe in my cum. You want that?" "Yes sir. YES SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE GIVE ME A MILK BATH." Hanau smiled. He hadn't heard that expression in... how long? "You are going to make me SUCH a great straight bitch. SUCH a great one... Fuck toi." Hanau whispered the last two words, and then shot . He aimed his cock all over robert's body, saving the last drops for his mouth. He took a deep breath, and took the clamps off robert's nipples. Then he yanked the plug out.

"We're done here tonight. You're gonna get dressed and get the fuck out. No showering until tomorrow morning. I doubt your wife is gonna notice. And look for a call for me tomorrow. A text rather. " A big smile. "You get re-initiated to butt fucking this week."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx robert was too empty to jerk off when he got home. He put on a t shirt to hide some of the dried jizz, but it didn't matter. He was asleep before Lucy came home, and she was out the door before he got up and cleaned up. By morning, he had a little in his balls and he shot it into the shower, watching it curdle in the hot water.

He got the text late on Friday afternoon. "3 pm, Saturday afternoon. Dress as if you're going to work. Don't be late if you know what's good for you." robert texted back. "yes sir."

On Saturdays, Lucy usually left for the office after she had eaten lunch. She would drop a note off to robert on Friday night before she went to bed, so that he could prepare it on Saturday morning . It listed what she wanted it the salad, the type of dressing, and how much. He'd bring it to her in her study, she'd look up, and then after she had gone to work, he'd go in and clean the dishes up. He finished with the dishes that Saturday, then went to get dressed. They didn't use business formal at work anymore. robert wondered if he should wear a tie anyway. He decided he'd bring one, put it in his pocket, and put it on if Hanau insisted. For the rest, he pulled out a slim fit blue oxford button down. He wasn't a sleeve roller, but he left the cuff buttons opened. Then he put on tan khakis, and a tweed jacket, since the fall had started. He checked his watch: 2:25. He'd have enough time to get to Hanau's house, and if he were early, he'd park and wait. On the drive, he felt himself getting hard. He knew what Hanau said they were going to do. He just didn't know what they'd do before, or after.

He found a parking spot and checked his watch. He was ten minutes early. He sat, with his hand drifting, without thinking, to his crotch. He heard his phone buzz. It was Hanau. "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF WHAT'S MINE AND GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE. NOW!" "SHIT. DId he know? Did he guess?" Robert got to the house and rang the bell. When there was no answer, he pushed the door. It was opened. He walked in and he saw, on the table next to the door, a leather collar and a note. "PUT IT ON, THEN COME TO THE LIVING ROOM." Touching the leather collar got robert even more aroused. "SHIT! " He thought. He was wearing light colored pants. Any staining was going to show up right away. And there WAS staining already. He gulped: too late to do anything. He walked into the living room. "I'm here Sir." "I can see that." Hanau was wearing a tank top, and some black jeans. His presence was: commanding. "When you stand in front of me, robby, you put your hands behind your back. GOT IT?" "yes sir. Sorry Sir." robert clasped his hands behind him. He felt robert handcuff him, and then pull the collar back. Hanau's mouth was over robert's ear, and a hand covered his mouth. "My hot little fucking straight boy accountant, is gonna have his ass REAMED this afternoon. Gonna start his BITCH training.' 'mmmmmmph." robert was trying to say "yes sir," as he felt a leash get clipped into the ring on the collar. He felt Hanau pushing him down to the floor, on his knees. "CRAWL ON YOUR KNEES, CUNT. GET YOUR FACE IN MY CROTCH. NOW." "yes sir." robert moved forward as best as he could, but it was slow going. "ABOUT TIME CUR." Hanau pushed robert's face into his crotch. "SMELL WHAT YOU'RE GONNA EAT FUCKHEAD. DAMN. I HOPE YOU ADD NUMBERS FASTER THAN YOU OBEY A DOM" "MMMMMM" the musky smell coming from Hanau's jeans was causing more leaking from robert. He wanted to taste that cock. Badly. "Get your teeth on that zipper and open it. It better happen faster than I think it will." "yes sir..." robert got to work, but he was so nervous, he missed three times. Hanau pulled the leash so robert's head was back, and stared at him. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH." "yes sir. " robert thought Hanau was going to unzip and shove his cock in. Not yet. Instead, he felt a big wad of spit in his mouth. "SWALLOW." robert did, nearly gagging, and Hanau laughed. "EXCELLENT. You're gonna be a FINE sub." Now his zipper went down and he ordered robert. "EAT IT. Get it nice and lubed." robert fell on the cock as if he hadn't eaten lunch. GOD he was hungry for a man's cock. How long had it been?" "Nice work fuckboi. Glad you didn't forget EVERYTHING you learned at school." Hanau pushed forward, nearly gagging robert, but after so many trips to an infamous tea room in the School of Library Science at his university, robert took it all. Then he felt the leash pull him to his feet. "Bedroom. Time for the main event. ha ha ha." Hanau helped robert up and then dragged him to the big four poster bed. robert had never spent much time in this room: only the time he had accidentally walked in. He saw restraints built into the headboard, and at the corners. Hanau pulled his arms over his head and chained them there. "Let's see how much you scream, bitch. If it's too much, we'll gag you. But I wanna hear your sounds for our first time." "First time," thought robert. "That implies another. " He was more and more glad he had shown up. He was glad he didn't wear his BEST shirt, because Hanau didn't bother with unbuttoning. He RIPPED the shirt apart, and then nearly ripped off robert's pants. robert felt Hanau grab his ankles, and shove his legs in the air. "Boy are you gonna hope you lubed me good when you blew me, bottom boi." Hanau showed robert how hard he was, before he started penetrating his ass. robert hadn't been fucked since junior or senior year in college. The muscles weren't as supple as they once were, but Hanau didn't care. He just charged in. robert felt the cock pass two rings of muscles, before Hanau smiled and began slowly pushing back and forth. Now, robert began to moan. "OH YES. OH YES SIR. OH YES. FUCK ME GOOD. PLEASE SIR. TREAT ME LIKE THE SCUM I AM." That seemed to get Hanau more excited. He stopped, and looked at robert. "You're right. You ARE scum. Cheating on your wife. And with another man no less. FUCKING FAKE STRAIGHT BOY." He followed it with a hard shove right down roberts' chute. He held it there, smiled and said "You're gonna be a great sub, bitch." before he shot deep in robert. He slid back and forth as he did. When Hanau was done, robert thought he was going to untie him. Again, he was wrong. Hanau got up, and came back with something robert had never seen before. It was a cock cage. "Now, here's what's happening cocksucker. You're spending the night here. "NO. SIR I CAN'T OUCH." Hanau was squeezing robert's balls, for punishment and to shrink his cock. "I SAID YOU'RE STAYING HERE. LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR THAT CUNT YOU CALL A WIFE. And while you're here, from now on, you'll wear this.." He locked the cage on robert's cock. "This will remind you: I decide if you can cum, not you. Maybe I'll give you one to put on before you come for 'massage,' but for tonight... you'll be wearing this." It felt awkward, but somehow, it felt right: robert was now Hanau's cock slave. He didn't dare show a smile, but he was smiling inside.

Next: Chapter 3

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