Getting in Touch with His Sub Side

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 19, 2021


As he slept, dreams about "Tops and Bottoms" went through robert's head. He knew about the club: it came up just about every time he surfed the web. He just had never been brave enough to go on his own. Now, Hanau had taken him there, done everything but fuck him in public, and he found out how Hanau had found HIM. It was a lot to take in, and he had some trouble waking up. A squeeze to his balls was as effective as a shrill alarm clock. "C'MON PRETTY BOY. SATURDAY! TRUE WEEKEND. TIME TO HAVE SOME FUN!!!" Groggily, robert answered "yes sir. yes sir. " Hanau had clearly been tired too. He didn't fuck robert all night, or try to get a blow job, or anything. robert could feel the hard cock up against his ass, though, and knew: he'd get taken again today. He just didn't know when.

"You were a big hit at T and B, bobby. We'll be back. There IS that pool table to try out. " He saw Hanau's smile as he rolled him on his back, pinning him down. Hanau didn't do anything but wave his cock in robert's face. "I bet you'd love to suck that. Right now. Wouldn't you?" robert moved his lips out of the way . "NO. No sir. Not now. " Hanau laughed. "I love that you're still resisting. A sub with some backbone. That's not how Lucy described you, but...." robert pushed at Hanau's hands, holding him down at the wrists. "WHAT did she tell you? I can't believe she knew, and you didn't tell me." Hanau smiled as he began flicking robert's nipples.

"Now what good would that have done? You'd just get more freaked out, more scared, and it'd be even more easy to dominate you. I'm not looking for easy." "You think I'm EASY to dominate?" Hanau laughed. "A piece of cake." "LET ME UP" robert pushed, and Hanau grabbed his nipples. He squeezed hard. "OH SHIT." robert fell back on the bed, and Hanau eased the pressure, but he kept playing with them. "You wanna try again?" He let go. robert tried to sit up, and got his nips abused again. And again, he fell back on the bed. "You know, robert.... I could do this over and over... until you beg to get tied down, or fucked, or to get a dildo up your ass.... instead, I'm doing just enough so that your cage is filled." Indeed, robert felt how tightly the cage gripped his cock. He moaned and whined. "Please. Please Sir. It's beginning to hurt. " "Ha ha. A little hurt is good for a beginning sub. Help you to learn. Not hard to dominate you at all." "No Sir. I was wrong." "OH, I got so many games planned for this weekend. Got to get ready for the day first. " He got off of robert. "I'm getting cleaned up first. Hmmm. Maybe... Yeah maybe.." He jumped back on top of robert, and yanked his wrists to the corners of the bed, tying them there. "Hard to dominate huh? Ha ha." He pulled a vibrator out of the side table. "You can moan and scream all you want. Too early. No one driving by, and no one around. " "Please NO. NO SIR. DON"T. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. " robert felt the slight buzz of the toy, as Hanau went off to get himself cleaned up. He was gone for about half an hour, and the stimulation was making robert hornier and hornier.

"There'll be times when you'll just be sitting like that, getting 'prepped' for when I want you bobby. Get used to it. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng... yes sir." Hanau turned it off, and got robert untied. "Make yourself even prettier than you are. Make sure your face is nice.... and smooth. " Then he paused. "Wait. Do you need to go running in the morning?" "I'd like to Sir. But you decide." Hanau thought for a minute. "How long is your run? " "About ten miles Sir" "I shouldn't, but.... ok. get into your running clothes, and head out. If I were you, I wouldn't try going anywhere but coming back." "Yes sir. I promise."

On his run, robert tried to put everything that had happened, together.

Hanau clearly enjoyed dominating him, and while robert knew he wanted to be dominated, he hadn't realized until the night at the club, that he wanted to be humiliated too. The sense of it: humiliated in front of not only other men, but other women - was thrilling him. robert ran past his house on his run. He thought about stopping: should he see if Lucy was at home? Probably not. He didn't see any lights on, and the only car parked on the property was his. He kept on running, speeding up to get away from it. He realized: faster than he thought it would happen, he was moving away from Lucy and toward Hanau. Was he ready to be the man's sub, 100%? He didn't know.

While robert was on his run - Hanau figured he'd be gone for at least an hour - he made two phone calls. First, he called the ma who had equipped his "play room" or "bondage room." When Mason came to the phone, Hanau spoke to him about getting a bondage cross: St Andrew variety, for a man about 6'1", and medium/thin build. "Not a problem Steve. Got a newby?" Hanau smiled as he answered. "Not only a newby, Jason. He might be 'the one'" "No shit. You found yourself the sub of your dreams?" "I think I did. Problem is: he's married. On the other hand, she seems to know about all of this and not care." Mason paused. "Take this number Steve-o. It's an attorney I've sent friends to. Best way to get out of these situations, is really divorce. And trust me: the wives are always ok with it... until they're not." Hanau thought his friend was making a good point. Lucy WAS a really good lawyer, and she probably knew good lawyers. On the other hand, there might not be a need for this. He figured that he'd get robert in a position where he'd accept whatever Hanau said to accept, and the needs were minimal. He finished his call with Mason. Then he began to think this through, as a huffing, puffing, sweaty robert came in the door. "PHEW. Been a while Sir. Ten miles. Not too bad a time either." Hanau looked at him smiling. "Sir, you've got the look you get before...." "I'm thinking about it. Sweat makes it easy to get in there. That's a plus and a minus. I think I'm gonna wait. You go get cleaned up, then we're gonna talk about the day."

Hanau had chosen what was one of robert's favorite outfits: a French blue button down shirt, and a pale pair of khakis. "Back in better days," as he thought about their early marriage, Lucy had decided blue was robert's best color, and just about all of his shirts had some blue in them, if they weren't totally blue, like this one. This particular one caught his eyes, and when he wore it with those pants, which were thin, and showed off his "runner's haunches", he'd always get a few looks. "Sit down, robert. Time to learn one of my favorite games." "yes sir." Once robert was seated, Hanau pulled his wrists behind them and tied them with a rope that had a bit of give to it. He ran a strand around robert's chest, just above his pecs, and pulled it tight. He did the same thing underneath. "You can sit with your legs spread, and your feet hooked to the back, or I can tie them. Your choice." "Yes sir." robert moved his feet into the desired position and Hanau smiled. "Now, you see, bobby, in this position, I can do whatever I want to you, except for one... thing, because you're sitting on the target." Hanau was standing behind robert, hands on his shoulders. "So... if I want to nibble your ear...." robert gasped when he felt the teeth on his right ear, and then Hanau's tongue digging in. "Or, scruff your neck..." robert's yelp was louder as Hanau's scruff rubbed. He had just shaved, and it was still stimulating! He felt Hanau's hand over his mouth. "I can gag you any way I want. " He whispered "you like being gagged robert?" robert did, but he shook his head no. "Liar. Good reason to punish you later. Let's not forget how vulnerable these tits are..." Hanau's fingers moved down and gently rubbed over the most sensitive part of robert's body. A leak in the cage was evident, as a spot formed on the light pants. "Of course, I can go for these, whenever I want... " Hanau's hand moved to robert's crotch and lingered there just enough for robert to start whimpering. He walked around in front of him. "Your mouth is right there for a good ole blow job, studbottom. Only thing I can't do from this position... is fuck you. But that's ok. I don't mind dragging you into the bedroom for that. Heh heh heh. " "Are you gonna leave me tied up all day Sir?" "At least a few hours. I like the idea of just walking by, tweaking a nip, or chewing an ear, until I'm ready for a full session with my sub." "I AM his sub," robert thought. "I'm his bottom, his bitch. But...." There was a ring at the door, and Hanau's hand went over robert's mouth. "Just gotta make sure..." He pulled out a big hanky and shoved it between robert's lips, tying it behind his head as he went to the door. It was Betheny. "Hi Hanau. I'm sure I'm interrupting, which is a good thing." She took a deep breath. "Look, Ms. Lucy had some guys from her mailroom load up your boy's stuff and load it in his car. I drove it here. Call a cop. " Indeed, the car was sitting there, in Hanau's driveway. Lucy's car was idling on the street, with someone behind the wheel Hanau didn't know. "Lucy says the best way to take care of this is with a divorce. Her lawyer'll contact bobbert on Monday. So be ready." "Would you like a coffee, Betheny?" Hanau smiled. This was going better than he hoped it would. "COFFEE AFTER TEN IN THE MORNING? SAVAGE! Had you said vodka, I might have said yes, since I'm not driving. " "You want a vodka?" "DAMN RIGHT I DO." "Come on in. " "mmmmmmmmmmmgggmggmgmggmggm.........." robert stammered through the gag, as Betheny looked him over. "WHOA. Don't YOU look hot bobbert. I always thought you'd make a good sub." Hanau handed her the drink. "Not joining me?" "I got some work to do" Hanau smiled and looked at robert, who's eyes first flashed anger then fear. "Ha ha. I bet you do. Got to get your bitch in shape. I shoulda known." She downed the vodka. "I better get going. She's gonna wonder what I'm doing away from the office so long, BITCH. " She smiled at robert. "Can I take a picture?" robert shook his head vehemently and Hanau said "go ahead." And then she was gone.

"Now before I take off the gag, understand something bobby. I make ALL the rules. ALL of them. I hope she shows Lucy the picture. Divorce is gonna be easy." "UN UN. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" robert was trying to get free. He struggled so hard that Hanau had to administer a smack to his crotch. "Now, understand something, bottom." He began undoing the gag. "You two shoulda split up a long time ago. This is the right thing. Trust me. It'll be clean. These married gay men cases, they always are." "How do you know, Sir?" "I'll tell you later. But you know what? I hadn't planned on this.... you look so goddamn good like that, and realizing... I'll have you 24/7 soon... we're going to the play room." Hanau gripped robert's forearm, took him out of the chair, and led the way. He squeezed robert's arm, and robert flexed back. "Nice. I noticed those muscles of course, but.... where's your gym?" "I worked out at home, Sir. It was...." robert reddened. "Too embarrassing for me to use a gym." Hanau broke into laughter. "Well, if your gym stuff is in that car, we'll move it into a room and you can keep at it. But you'll exercise naked. Except for the cage." Another blush came over robert's face. "Yes sir." When they got into the bedroom, Hanau untied robert's wrists. "Star shape, face up." "Sir, you know you don't have to tie me down." "I know that. I tie you down because... I like it and.... I have some ideas in mind that... well, you'll find out." He secured the cuffs on each of robert's wrists, and then he opened the cuff buttons on the shirt. As the sleeves opened up, Hanau ran a nail down the back of robert's arms. It tickled. It tickled a lot. robert squirmed to get out of the way but.... now the cuffs made sense. "Look at that... my little boy blue is ticklish there, too. Hmmm. Good to know. Hanau's head went down, and his tongue went over one, then the other arm. "NO. NO. STOP. STOP. PLEASE SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA." Hanau looked at robert as he began opening the front of his shirt. "A sub NEVER says NO to his DOM. EVER..." "You're right sir. Sorry. Sorry. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Hanau's tongue had moved to robert's nipples. Sore though they might have been, the tonguing was getting him excited again. Hanau made it "worse" by putting his finger right in robert's navel. He began to giggle like a girl. "OH, I bet Lucy woulda LOVED to know about that spot. " robert was breathing hard. "I... I never told her Sir... " "But I know about it. Just another way of keeping you in your place. " Hanau stopped for a minute to take off his shirt. Then lying across robert he whispered into his ear "I'm gonna eat your manpussy, and then... I'm gonna FUCK your formerly straight ass." As he pulled away, he scruffed robert's neck again. It didn't take Hanau long to get the slacks off robert, who saw Hanau's big tongue getting ready. robert knew that the tonguing was gonna make his cock hit the cage harder and harder. He began to whimper. And when Hanau's tongue his his ass. "OH MY GOD SIR OH MY GOD.... " Hanau didn't respond. All robert heard were slurping noises, and all he felt was every nerve ending in his canal firing, as Hanau's tongue moved further and further in, as Hanau spread robert's legs, further and further. At one point he looked up, smiled at robert and said one word: "mancunt" Then he went back to "lubricating" robert. "I could keep on doing this until you BEG for cock, sub boi. And then... I could say NO." "Please don't do that SIR. Please. Please. " robert could see the bulge growing in Hanau's pants. "Take me now Sir. Please PLEASE. PLEASE USE ME LIKE THE SLAVE BITCH I AM." "Ha ha. I'm glad you're finally learning.. " Hanau slid down his own pants and robert saw how hard he was. He saw Hanau spit into his hand, rub it on his cock, and then.. he felt the burning he always felt when Hanau's cock head went in initially. Hanau saw robert's discomfort, and held his cock in place, reveling in that discomfort. "Gonna be my bitch?" "YES SIR. YES. ALWAYS. 24/7. YES SIR YES. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Hanau had started sliding his cock inside robert. The burning stopped, and the feeling of being completely full overwhelmed robert. "ANNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Hanau's fingers were on robert's nipples, tweaking them as he pushed in , further and further. "Gonna make you a bitch bottom, studboy. MY bitch bottom. " "yes sir. yes sir." robert was panting. "Please paint the walls with your jizz. PLEASE. PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR... YOUR CUNT...." And then the cooling explosion filled robert. He was always sad, and glad, when Hanau climaxed. He still wasn't used to the regular fucking, but he liked it. He liked feeling controlled, owned.

Hanau pulled out. "Maybe tomorrow, we'll give you release. MAYBE. First, you're gonna have to sign an agreement because... if you're gonna move in here, you're gonna have to agree to MY rules." He ran his hand over robert's chest. "Including weekly shaving. By me." "yes sir... yes sir. Shave me. Shave me all you want. Do anything you want..." "Heh heh. You may be sorry you said that, stud. But it doesn't matter. You're gonna do it anyway. " Hanau began getting up. "I think I'm just gonna leave you here for a while, with something to entertain you. That ass of yours is nice and sensitized now... perfect place for a vibrator. robert was about to be "NO," but he caught himself. Hanau took the toy and put it inside robert. "I'll hear the battery die. That's when I'll let you up. " He smiled. "It burns more juice if you tighten your glutes on it." Then he left the room. He had to prepare that document. And he had to call the lawyer. He was getting robert out of that marriage, and into his house as his sex slave. He smiled. He had just cum, and he was getting hard again. He licked his lips. "Flipping a straight guy. Always a good thing" he thought to himself, and then "never took it this far. Let's see how far I can go."

Next: Chapter 6

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