Getting It Done

By Sven Benters

Published on Jan 27, 2020


This is a fan fiction story it says nothing about if the actor/character is gay.

Joshua Morrow as Nick Newman and Jordi Vilasuso as Rey Rosales. Copyright © CBS - Young and the Restless

This story goes a few months back when Nick asked Rey to find out more about Adam.

At Nick's apartment.

"What do you mean you could not find anything more about Adam" Nick says angry at Rey.

"He's just to cautious for leaks" Rey explains.

"I hired you to find information about my brother and with what do you come, nothing!"

"I do the best that I can"

"It's not enough obviously or you don't realize how bad the situation is"

"I do" Rey says.

Nick's really pissed off, he is angry Rey has waisted his time and that Adam is getting what he wants.

"I'm sorry" Rey says.

"At sorry I have nothing" Nick sneers.

"What can I do" Rey asks.

Nick is frustrated and wants to get his anger out, he looks at Rey, he gets a sip out of his glass whiskey.

"I might know something" Nick says looking at Rey.

"What" Rey asks questioned.

"Let me get my frustration out on you" Nick says.

"Frustration out on me, like how" Rey asks.

Nick walks over to Rey and turns him with his back towards him. Suddenly Nick wraps his arms around Rey's waist, grabs his shirt and rips it open. Rey's buttons flying thru the air.

"What the hell man" Rey says shocked.

"Let me be clear, this is to let my frustration out, there is nothing more" Nick says.

"Uhm..."Rey has no words of what's just happening.

Nick pulls Rey's shirt off of him. Rey doesn't understand what this is about, he's confused and so overwelmed that he just doesn't know how to react. Nick starts to unbuckle Rey's belt and removes it out of his jeans.

"Uh..." Rey reacts but has no words, he feels Nick unzip his jeans and grabs Nick's hands before he pulls it down.

"I told you to get it done but you didn't, now I will get something done and hope that motivates you to do better" Nick explains.

Somehow Rey understands but this is not the way he thinks.

"Let my hands go and let it happen" Nick says.

Rey is confused and suddenly let's Nick's hands go. Nick continues and unzips Rey's jeans by pulling it down. Rey standing in his underwear with Nick breathing in his neck standing close behind him. Nick pulls his fingers at the sides of Rey's boxershort and pulls it in one move down. Rey gets nervous, he has a idea what's going to happen but also not, what does Nick wants from him he thinks. Nick bents Rey forward and gives him a few hard slaps at his ass. Rey yelps, feeling Nick slapping him hard.

"You just should have done better" Nick says and slaps Rey hard.

"I know" Rey says.

"Do you" Nick says and slaps Rey even harder.

"Yes... yes..." Rey replies.

"Go on, walk to the bedroom" Nick says.

Rey walks to Nick's bedroom followed by Nick. In the bedroom Nick unbuttons his shirt and removes it, he unbuckles his belt, unzips his jeans and takes his dick out.

"Get on your knees and start sucking" Nick orders.

Rey hesitates for a second, he then walks over to Nick and gets on his knees, he starts to take Nick's dick in his mouth and sucks on it.

"That's it, you should just have getting your work done" Nick says.

Rey sucks on Nick's dick, making him hard. Nick hangs his head back and rolls with his eyes, releasing a moan, enjoying his dick getting hard. Rey has his hands on Nick's waist and takes Nick's whole dick.

"You sure this is your first time sucking a dick" Nick looks down at Rey.

Rey says nothing and continues. Nick putting his hand on Rey's head keeping him on his dick.

"Oh that's it" Nick says moaning.

Rey taking it all, just how Nick orders him to do. Nick pulls at Rey's hair, to hold his head back "Get up and go on the bed" her orders.

Rey stands up, shocked realizing what Nick is going to do to him.

"On your hands and knees on the bed" Nick orders.

Hesitated Rey slowly gets on the bed on his hands and knees, not understanding why he let's this happen.

"As I told you, don't think much about this, I just need to get my frustration out" Nick says while getting behind Rey.

Nick rubs his dick against Rey's ass, he grabs a condom and puts it on his dick. Rey nervously breaths in and out. Nick has a tube with lube in his hand and lubes his dick and Rey's hole. Rey feeling Nick rubbing lube at his hole. Suddenly Rey yelps feeling Nick sticking his finger inside to put the lube good at it.

"Next time you get something done when I tell you" Nick says and places his dick at Rey's hole.

Rey feels Nick's dick coming inside. This can't happen, Rey thinks, how can he have let this happen for Nick to do to him. Nick getting his dick further inside. Rey feels the pain at his hole.

"This is all your own fault" Nick tells Rey.

Rey moans feeling Nick getting completely inside him.

"Try to relax and adjust" Nick tells Rey.

It's the first time Nick is now nice Rey realizes and takes Nick's advice, he tries to relax and let's his hole adjust to Nick being inside him. Slowly Rey feels Nick starting to go back and ford. Nick puts his hands on Rey's waist. Rey starts to moan more, feeling Nick going faster. Nick moans as well, enjoying fucking Rey's virgin hole.

"Man, you really have a virgin hole don't you" Nick says.

Rey is so shocked about this situation that Nick is fucking him as punishment.

"Arrrggghhhh..." Rey growls.

Nick grabbing Rey's shoulders and fucks him deep. Rey feeling his dick gotten hard and starts stroking himself. Nick and Rey moan loudly. Rey feeling Nick's hips hard against him, the sound of Nick's hips against Rey's ass is good to hear. Nick moaning, putting all his frustration out on Rey's ass, pounding him hard. Rey taking it all, moaning loudly and stroking his dick fast.

"Aaaaaahhh..." Rey growls and cums on Nick's bedsheets.

Nick pulling his dick out, he takes the condom off and strokes his dick. Rey still shocked about what just happens. Nick cumming on Rey's back.

"I'm going to shower and when I'm back you are gone, I want to see you again when you have results or you know what happens" Nick says and leaves.

Rey stands up, he's angry at himself that he let this happen, he walks to the livingroom to grabs his clothes, he gets dressed and leaves.

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Next: Chapter 2

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