Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Oct 14, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at

Part X ------

The smell of food wakes me up. I slowly open my eyes. An arm is draped across me from behind me. Forgetting the latter part of last night, I think it's Brian's. "Brian, you're too good to me." I take the hand and kiss it.

"Apparently not good enough." Brian's voice is coming from the other side of the room. I look over to where he is to see him in a chair with his knees up in it, like when I woke up from the snake incident. And again it looks like he has been crying. When I make eye contact with Brian, he shifts his eyes to the other side of the bed. Not fully understanding the situation yet, I look. AJ. I smile as I remember. I get up out of the bed. I take Brian's hands and stand him up in front of me.

Had to lie, and had to do it quickly. I whispered so I wouldn't wake AJ. "Last night the front desk called and said that I'd better get down there. AJ was drunk and making a scene about not being able to find his room key. So I brought him here. I didn't think it would be good if I left him alone in his room like that." This brought some relief to Brian's face.

"But what about that?" He motions to AJ's shirt and pants on the chair.

"I guess he was hot. Or he sleeps in his underwear. I don't know. He was dressed when he fell asleep."

"When I walked in, I didn't know what to think. I'm sorry I just assumed...."

"It's alright. It does look bad. But AJ's not my type of man."

Brian smiles. "And what is your type of man?"

"The perfect type." I put my arms around his neck and kiss him. "And it also helps if they're gay." We both chuckle.

Soon, although unexpectedly, Howie, Kevin, and Nick join us. When they saw AJ in my bed, I had to explain it to them as well. A little white lie, nobody gets hurt. We sat down at the table. Since Brian only ordered enough food for two, Kevin had to call down to get more. It was there surprisingly fast. We all chatted quietly as to not wake AJ. Finally we decided I'd better get him up to get ready.

I walk over to the bed and shake him. "AJ, wake up. It's time to get up." He moans and opens his eyes to little slits.

"What? Where am I? My head hurts."

"You're in my room. And you're hungover. You got drunk last night, remember?"

He lifts his head just enough to be able to wipe his eyes. He thinks about last night. I guess he didn't realize everyone else was in the room. "Man, thanks for taking care of me last night. I mean, letting me sleep here and taking off my clothes and everything. Everyone else is too much of a prick to do that for me. What would the guys think if they knew I put the moves on you last night?" He starts to laugh, but stops when he sees the look on my face. Now, the way I'm standing, my back is to the table where everyone else is, and AJ is laying on his stomach with his head turned just to see me. When he realized what my facial expression means, he says, "Oh, shit." He sits up in the bed and I turn around at the same time. Howie, Kevin, Nick, and Brian are looking at us in disbelief. AJ falls backwards onto the bed and says, "Great. This is just great."

I cross my arms and start talking. "Alright. So I'm sleeping last night, and I'm woke up by AJ here, in something of an inappropriate manner. He was so drunk I don't even know how he magnaged to walk to my room. The people at the front desk let him in my room because he told them this was his room. He didn't know what he was doing, much less what he was saying. And yes, he propositioned me, but I knew he didn't know what he was talking about. So I just laughed it off. He practically passed out on my bed. When I laid him on that side of the bed, he said he was hot. So I took off his shirt. I just figured that the sooner he was comfortable, the sooner I could go back to sleep. But he was still hot, specifically his legs. So I took off his pants. Then we went to sleep. And that's it, the truth."

Brian has a hurt expression on his face. "Why did you lie to me?"

"Because I didn't want you to be mad at AJ. It was bad enough you discovered us in bed together this morning, but then to have to hear that.... I just figured a little white lie wouldn't hurt anybody. I'm sorry for lying to you all."

AJ gets out of the bed slowly. He grabs his sunglasses and puts them on. "Too bright. Brian, sorry, man, but I really didn't mean anything by it. I don't know what I was doing."

"It's okay, AJ, I forgive you." AJ nods and continues to my bathroom after getting his clothes from the chair. "Chris, I understand. It's alright." I smile and take my place at the table.

AJ yells from the bathroom, "Oh, yeah. Sorry for calling you all pricks!" We laugh.

Kevin says, "You're forgiven this time, AJ. But Chris is going to tell us everything you say behind our backs."

"Oh, no! You're not putting me in the middle of a group thing. Well, not that_kind of group thing." Nick and Howie groan. Kevin doesn't give a reaction this time, and Brian looks at me. "Well fine then. Brian, looks like you have me all to yourself." I get up and sit in his lap. I put my hand behind his head and kiss him.

He smiles and says, "Good. That's the way I like it." We kiss again before I take my seat and resume eating.

Later. I'm on a teleconference with management and some other people. "Yeah, that sounds good. I think we can manage that. We'll have to leave LA a day late. It doesn't look like that will interrupt much. My main concern is travel time. I don't know if we'll be able to make it until early that morning." Brian is pacing around the room because we're supposed to go out to lunch together. "Yes, I know. But the guys want to do that show, that's just not possible....Couldn't we move that to the next day?....That would be a lot better...."

"Chriiiiiss! Let's go. I'm starving!"

"Hold on a second." I put the phone down. "Brian, this is really important. Business before pleasure, you know." I pick the phone back up. "OK, so what were you talking about?.....uh-huh.....yeah, that's good."

Brian came up behind my chair and squatted down. He started licking my neck and ears. I couldn't help but groan into the phone. "....oh nothing. just hungry, I guess...mmmmmm......sorry, saw a commercial for food.....right, back to the tour...." I half-turned around in my chair and pushed him away. He came to the front of the chair this time and pulled out my shirt. He stuck his head under it and licked and nibbled my nipples. "....Agh.....nothing....sorry again.....No, 2 o'clocks uuuhhhh not possible. Right, so we'll get there at 4. We'll see you then. Bye." I quickly hung up the phone and pulled his head from under my shirt. "Just what do you think you're doing? That was an important call."

"Just seeing if you could handle 'business before pleasure'."

"And I think I did."

"You would've hung up that phone soon enough if the conference hadn't been over."

"No, I would have kicked my boyfriend out of my room for disturbing me. Now let's go."

Nice little Greek place Howie suggested. First time I've had Greek food. Interesting, very interesting. I'm not saying bad, but different. Brian doesn't look too thrilled. "Is something wrong with your food, Brian?"

"It's hard to tell." We both smile.

"I know it's not macaroni and cheese, but come on, you gotta live it up a little. You get to go to all these great places around the world and"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard that one before. We leave the international foods to Kevin and Howie. I'll stick to McDonald's."

"You mean like the one down across the street you've been looking at since we sat down?"

"Yeah, like that one."

"Alright, let's go."

After receiving our processed meat and salty fries, we sat down at a table in the corner. "Thanks, Chris. You're the best."

"I know." I remove the top portion of the bun and look at the stuff that constitutes condiments. "The things I'll suffer through for you."

"Come on. It's not that bad."

"What I wouldn't give to have a nice Caesar salad, meaty lasagna, and garlic bread right about now."

"Well, you agreed to come here, no you actually suggested it, so I don't want to hear any more complaints."

After lunch. "Brian, I really don't have to go. It IS just a dress rehearsal."

"Oh, come on. PLEEEEEEASE.... I really want you to be there."

"Stop whining. It's not very becoming of you." He stomps his foot at this. "Oh, yeah, pouting isn't good either, Brian. Why are you acting like such a baby about this? It's just two hours; it's not like we're never going to see each other again."

"I know, but I still want you there. Please, Kissy?" Again he whips out that nickname.

"You're not going to give up, are you?"




Now why in the world did he want me to just sit here and watch the five of them out on stage doing their thing? Yeah, so I get my own Backstreet Boys concert, but since I know them, it's not so exciting. So I decide to get online using my new laptop computer (gotta love these company perks). Checked some e-mail from the company and my parents. Also had a couple messages from some online friends. I guess I have been online a long time, because I notice the music is stopped. I look up from the computer to see the Boys standing right in front of me, looking at me. "What?"

Howie asks, "You weren't watching the show?"

"Hey, I watched until after 'I'll Be the One'."

Kevin: "That's the third song."

"Well, I had a lot of e-mail to check up on. Why, what is the big deal? I am going to be here tonight anyways."

Brian sits down beside me. "We just thought we'd give you your own personal show. That's why I wanted you to come."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys had such a thing in mind. That's really great of you. Thank you all. Now I feel like a complete dick."

Nick laughs and says, "Hey, don't worry about it. You're going to be at all our shows anyway."

AJ's stomach grumbles. "Yep, right on time. Let's eat!"

Brian explains. "AJ always gets hungry after rehearsals or shows. It just always happens."

After a while in the silent limo. "Okay, I'm a bit confused. We didn't discuss where we were going to eat, yet the driver seems to know where to go."

Kevin smiles at Brian. "Don't worry about it, Chris. He knows where to go."

"You know, I really hate it when you all do this. What is it this time? Are you just going to go ahead and dump me into a lake?" Everyone laughs, remembering the water gun incident.

AJ: "No time for that, right_now. I'm too hungry." I squint my eyes at him, and he laughs.

The limo stops in front of an Italian resaurant. "Italian!"

Apparently I'm a bit too happy over this because Nick says, "Cool down, Chris. It's just food."

"No, Italian is my favorite food. And I haven't had any real Italian food for at least two weeks. I think I know who to thank for this one." I turn to Brian and kiss him on the cheek. "You are the best."

"No, I think McDonald's beats this." I shake my head and grunt. "But I'll suffer through it for you, Chris."

"Gee, thanks, dear."

"You're not going to look at the menu?" Kevin asks.

"No, I know exactly what I want."

Brian says, "Let's see, what was it now? Caesar salad, lasagna, and garlic bread."

"Yep, that's it."

Nick: "Okay, food's here! Chris, don't cream your jeans over it this time."

I wait until the server has left before my retaliation. "So Nick, planning on screwing up tonight? I could use a good laugh." His fork stops short of his mouth as he glares at me.

Howie speaks. "Actually, Nick didn't mess up a lot during rehearsal. Now, Brian on the other hand...."

Brian attempts an explanation. "Yeah, so I was off a bit.... It wasn't that bad."

I say, "Well, we're just going to have to do something about your dancing before the show tonight." First he gives me a confused look, then his eyes widen when he remembers his connection between dancing and sex. I smile just a little bit and continue eating.

After Brian has finished his food. "Come on, you guys. You eat so slow."

I decide to play this game. "Gee, Brian, why are you in such a hurry to get back to the hotel?" I hold back a smile. "We have plenty of time. Why, if we got dessert, we wouldn't even have to go back to the hotel; we could just go straight to the concert from here. Sure, you'd be a bit early, but all the more time to get ready."

He looks like he's ready to kill me. "Well, I just want to relax a little bit before the show. So I need to get to the hotel. I know if I relax some, I'll get a lot better at my dancing."

AJ butts in, "Okay, you two gonna fuck or what?" All activity at the table ceases. AJ, Howie, Nick, and Kevin laugh as Brian and I turn red.

"Well, I wouldn't have put it so bluntly, AJ." I glare at him.

Kevin says, "You two just go ahead and take a cab. We can manage without Brian's whining."

I take my time walking into the hotel, into the elevator (I had thought about suggesting the stairs, but that would have been a bit much), and down the long hall. Brian says, "Why are you so slow?"

"My, my, somebody's in a hurry. Hopefully you won't rush when it comes to other things."

"You bet I won't." I unlock my door and walk in. When I make it halfway to my bed, I feel his arms wrap around me from behind. He whispers in my ear, "I love you, Christopher." Then he kisses the side of my neck.

"I love you, Brian." I spin around and kiss him.

He quickly moves away from the kiss. "Blegh!" He shakes his head. "Garlic."

I take a couple steps toward my bathroom. Then I turn around and, surprising him, push him onto my bed. "Wait there." I go into the bathroom and grab my mouthwash. Yeah, I'd better do it twice, just to make sure. Then I rinse with water.

When I come back out, he has removed his shirt and pants. "Well, you're ahead of me. I guess I'll just have to catch up." I take off my shirt and unbutton my pants. I bend over to remove my shoes and socks, then let the pants fall to the ground. I step out of them on my way to the bed. "There, much better." I get onto the bed and lay on top of Brian. I kiss his neck while one hand reaches his upper thigh. I move it to the bulge in his underwear and rub him. I slowly lick his neck. Then I start to laugh.


"I was just thinking I have half a mind to give you a hickey the size of Mount McKinley. And I would, too, if you didn't have a show tonight." He laughs too, but stops once my mouth engulfs his earlobe. My hand has made its way into his underwear and is rubbing his cock. Brian moans, and his hands rest on my back. I move up off of him to remove his underwear, then mine.

I lay back between his legs and take his balls into my mouth. Immediately his hips thrust upward a little. I lick and suck them in my mouth. He starts to jerk himself, but I grab his hands and pull them to the sides. This is going to last a while. I release his balls from my mouth and very slowly lick and kiss up his shaft. His breathing is heavy now. "Wait, Chris, let's 69." I look at him, then nod. He gets onto his side, and I move my body up into position. My cock throbs when his hand grasps it. I take him into my mouth just when he does the same to me. Total ecstacy. He moves his lips over my dick slowly. His mouth is so warm. His tongue is driving me wild. I concentrate on sucking him. I move my head in circles around his cock. He moans loudly at this, so I do it more.

After just a couple more minutes, his hands come down to my head. They run through my hair, and he grunts loudly. He cums load after load into my mouth. I like the taste of his juices. I swallow, then let his cock out of my mouth. I cum very soon after; he swallows it all. I roll onto my back beside him to catch my breath. "Damn."

"Yeah, I know." He turns sideways to lay his head on my stomach. We look into each others' eyes. I bring my hand up to run my fingers through his hair. His head moves up and down with my breathing. "Chris?"


"Let's not go any further. I want those times to be special."

I know I got a huge smile. And I almost cried. "Alright. You are too cute." He gets up and kisses me. "Now, we have a show to get ready for."

"I have a show to get ready for."

"Oh yeah, you have a show to get ready for."

We each shower and get dressed. "No fair! I have to dress up, and here you can go in whatever you like!" We yell between our rooms.

"It's not my fault I have wardrobe changes. At least you don't have to get out there and get all sweaty and change clothes a thousand times."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just hope I can watch the show in peace without being bothered."

"Hey, you had your chance earlier."

"I know. I'm really sorry about that. I just didn't think."

"Ah, it's alright, honey." He walks into my room. "Ready?"

I grab my briefcase and slip my cell phone case onto my belt. "Yep, let's go."

As soon as we got there, he and the other Boys were ushered off to the dressing room and make-up. I, on the other hand, had to meet with stage people and managers and other people. I catch just a glimpse of Nick and Kevin as they rush from the bathroom back to the dressing room. Not too soon it was time for the show. When the announcer came on, the managers and other people around me just fade away; I don't know where they went. It's like they just stop whatever they're doing when the show begins. Not that I'm complaining. Now, people working there who want to watch the show can go up to a balcony that's marked "Closed For Repairs". So I decide to go there. Ugh, bad choice: can hardly tell who's who from up here. But the huge monitors help, so I guess I can handle it.

Near the end of the show, I decide to go backstage and wait for the guys. I pass by a few people I have gotten to know. I stand in front of the dressing room. They don't have any more wardrobe changes, so I guess this is as good a place as any to wait for them. While I'm standing, I see two girls way back in the corner giggling. I approach them. "Ladies, are you supposed to be back here?" I surprised them.

"Um, not really. But we just want to see them! Please don't kick us out." The red-head pleads with me while the blonde laughs at their being caught. They look to be at least 17 years old (but today, who can tell?).

"Alright. 5 Questions. You get them all right, and you can see them. Number one: Who is afraid of heights?"

"BRIAN!" They scream at the same time.

"Whose favorite color is yellow?"

The red head thinks a minute. "AJ!"

"Who was the fourth member to join?"

The blonde answers this time: "Kevin!"

"Howie is half-Hispanic, and half what?"

The blonde: "Oh, crap, I know this think it's Irish?"

"Correct." They both sigh in relief. "Okay, last question." I think of a good one; I don't think the boys want to be bothered after the performance. "For Disney World, he"

The red-head cuts me off: "NICK! AAAAHHH!!!"

"I'm sorry, but you're wrong."


"The question was going to be 'For Disney World, he played Aladdin'. So the answer is Kevin. Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now."

"But I thought you were going to ask who did a commercial for Disney!"

"You should've listened to the whole question."

"But there was already a question about Kevin. I thought there was going to be one question for each guy." They try to rationalize with me as I lead them by the arms out the backstage door.

"Goodbye, ladies." I hate to admit it, but that was kinda fun. Cruel, but fun.

I resume my spot by the dressing room. About 10 minutes later, the guys sluggishly walk by me into the room. I follow them in. "My, you guys look so tired. And here I'm feeling kinda hyper."

"Just shut up" Kevin commands. I laugh. They each collapse on different pieces of furniture around the room.

"Wow, great show, guys. A little hard to see from that balcony, but what I saw rocked."

AJ mumbles a 'thanks' before his head falls backwards onto the arm of the couch. Howie and Nick are downing bottles of water. Kevin asks, "So, how was your backstage experience?"

"Not too bad. Hated the paperwork and all that before the show started. But just a short while ago I had the pleasure of kicking out a couple of trespassers." I continued to relate the story to them. When I was finished, Brian's mouth was gaping.

"I can't believe you did that to them" Nick says.

I clear my throat, then let out the most girly yell I can. This surprises them. Then I run up to Nick and assualt him like a blood-thirsty wolf. When he succeeded in getting away from me, I straighten my tie, clear my throat, and say, "You wanted two of those here?"

"Point taken. But don't ever do that again or I'll have to kick your ass."

"Deal. But I can understand those two girls. I mean, we do have something in common."

AJ asks, "What's that?"

"We all have a thing for totally cute guys." I walk over and stradle across Brian's lap. I put my arms around his neck, but he's all sweaty, so I draw them back. "Gross, Brian, really gross." He looks over my right shoulder, then my left. I was just about to ask what was going on when he jumped up, and all of them hugged me and wiped their sweaty bodies all over me (and despite this description, it didn't turn me on). When they had sufficiently moistened me, they stepped back and laughed. Here I was, nicely dressed, but now all sweaty and really smelly. "You're all going to pay for this one. Just wait. This is where I draw the line." Seeing my very serious face, Brian gulped. "Yeah, that's right, Mr. Littrell, I mean it this time. I don't know how, I don't know when. But you're all going to get it."

In the limo. "Chris, I'm sorry, I don't" Brian is the only one bothering to try to apologize.

"Brian, don't talk to me. Just don't." The two bench seats face each other. On one is me, then Brian, then Howie. Kevin is across from me, then AJ, then Nick on the other bench.

"Chris, but I"

"Brian, I just said not to talk to me." I give him the meanest look I can muster without laughing. I think all of the Backstreet Boys think I'm genuinely mad. I spend the rest of the ride back looking out the window, thinking about what I'm going to do to them.

Kevin says, "Goodnight, Chris."

I mutter "Goodnight." I intentionally 'unintentionally' slam the door. I collapse onto my pillow and bust out laughing. Oh, this is going to be good. Once my laughter has subsided (and a drool spot is left on the pillow), I pick up the phone and start dialing.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 11

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