Getting To Know JB

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Jan 30, 2007



TheGayNarrator reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

Precautions against STDs are NOT used in this story, but I would urge you always to use effective and adequate protection.

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It was announced on a Friday in the middle of September that the following January there would be a skiing trip to Grenoble for 20 boys. (It was an all-boys school). I had repeatedly asked my mum whether I could go on school trips and always got the same answer, "We can't afford it."

I rushed home from school in a hopeful whirl of anticipation, knowing deep down that I would get the usual answer.

I opened the back door and said hello to mum and went upstairs to put my school books in my bedroom ready to do my homework later in the evening.

I went back downstairs just as mum was putting the evening meal on the table. It was a pretty frugal offering, but there were just the two of us since dad buggered off with his young floozy, and times were pretty hard. I suppose I really should have been thankful that there was food on the table at all.

"Mum?" I began.

"Yes, Alex?" she replied.

"Mum, there's a skiing trip to France in January and there are only twenty places. Is there any way we can afford for me to go? It's only a few hundred pounds for ten days."

Mum laughed. "A few hundred pounds? Where do you think I could lay hands on a few hundred pounds? I had enough trouble scraping a pound together to buy a lottery ticket, son. I'm sorry, but it's out of the question."

Full of disappointment I still managed to smile and say, "OK, mum, not to worry. Perhaps if we have a win, eh?"

Mum laughed again and said, "Yes, Alex, and maybe the queen's coming to Sunday dinner."

She put her arm around me as we went into the sitting room and said, "You're a good kid, Alex, I'm very lucky to have you." Mum and me had always got along together. I could talk to her about anything, even being gay. Sure, she was surprised, or maybe even shocked when I told her, but there was no trace of condemnation or rejection.

We sat and watched television for an hour then I went upstairs and did my homework, then another hour with mum and then to bed.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny and I dug my old bike out of the garage. All the other kids laughed at my bike. It was an old "Chopper" style from the 1960s, but it got me around and it was rumoured that it might have been worth a few quid if it had been in better condition. Mum packed up a sandwich and an apple for me and I went off for the day, riding first of all to the local park and then up into the hills where I could lose myself and it wouldn't cost a penny. I had my favourite places where I could do `what boys needed to do', if you get my drift, without fear of interruption.

I had a satisfying day in all respects and returned home in time for tea. Mum was in great form and after I had been upstairs for a quick shower to freshen up my sweaty and sticky body we settled down to watch TV for the evening.

After the usual quiz programme and the news it was time for the lottery draw and mum sat with the ticket in front of her.

"Thirty-Eight," said `the voice of the balls'.

"Oh, we've got that one," Mum said.

"Number Eight" said `the voice'.

"No." Said mum.

"Forty-Three," said the voice.

"Yes," said Mum.

"Number Eleven".

"Yes, we've won a tenner." Said Mum.


"I don't believe it," said Mum, "four numbers, that'll pay for next week's shopping." Ever practical, my mum.

"Number Twenty" said the voice.

"Oh, my God" said mum, going white.

"And if you need a bonus number ... ... ... Number six." Said the voice.

"Bloody hell," said mum, "we've got five numbers and the bonus. That could be worth a few thousand pounds."

Mum stood up, pulled me to my feet and we did a little dance around the room as mum said, "Well, Alex, you know what this means?"

"What?" I replied, almost tripping over the coffee table and stubbing my toe in the process.

"This means that you'll be learning to ski after all."

"Fucking hell, mum," I said without thinking and earned a clip round the ear for my thoughtlessness.

"We'll have none of that language" she said as she walked into the kitchen and took down the flour jar from the shelf. "This calls for a little celebration," she said as she removed the lid of the jar and took out the rent money, "the council can wait for the rent until the winnings come through, I'm just going down the off-licence for some wine. Anything you fancy?"

"No. I'll just have a glass of yours." I said as I walked back into the sitting room and picked up the winning ticket. Looking on the back I found a telephone number to ring to find out how much mum had won, but did not phone straight away as I knew it would take time to get the information on line.

Mum returned with two bottles of nicely chilled Chardonnay and poured us a large glass each. "To us, and a little bit of luxury for a change." She toasted.

"To you, mum, you deserve it." I replied and took a hefty glug of the wine. Of course, I wasn't used to wine and by the time mum rang to find out how much she had won my head was pleasantly buzzing and there was an aura of wellbeing all around me.

Mum looked at me as she listened to the recorded message, then she went quite pale and sank to he sofa. "The prize is shared between seven people and we get two hundred and twelve thousand pounds each." She said disbelievingly. "Two hundred and twelve thousand pounds. We're rich, we're bloody rich." She said, lifting her glass and draining it, then pouring us each another one.

"I went and gave her a big hug and said, "Well, not exactly rich, mum, but you won't have to scrimp and scrape any more."

We talked into the early hours about what we'd like to do and where we'd go for a holiday and finally went to bed at about 3am, physically exhausted but our minds still mulling over the events of the evening.

I woke on Sunday, unsurprisingly, with a slight headache and could hear mum singing as she walked around the house, something I hadn't heard for a long time. We went out for lunch to the local `Harvester' pub restaurant and mum enjoyed a rare treat of eating something that she hadn't cooked herself. As I looked across the table at her she looked ten years younger. Isn't it amazing what a little money can do?

The rest of the day passed pleasantly, more plans being made for a summer holiday somewhere warm and sunny and when I went to bed I still had trouble sleeping. My hand, naturally enough, gravitated to my crotch and I took myself in hand until I shot an amazing load into my discarded underpants. It was then that I realised that with all the excitement of the weekend I hadn't cum since Saturday lunch time, whereas I was normally a regular `three-times-a-day' boy.

On Monday morning when I got to school I went to see Mr Stephenson, my maths teacher who was also arranging the skiing trip and asked him for an application form. He looked at me, surprised, and said, "Well, Alex, this is a surprise. Is your mum OK with this?" I should point out that we are usually called by our surnames at school (mine's Cumber, so my nickname is `Q') but when I came out and there was little unpleasantness from a certain member of staff, Jason Stephenson sorted it out for me and, whilst he never told me outright that he was gay, he intimated as much. He hugged me on more than one occasion and allowed me to call him by his first name during a couple of counselling sessions, a privilege which I continued whenever we were alone and which always drew a smile from my teacher.

"Yes, Jason, she's fine with it. To tell you the absolute truth, she had a win on the lottery this weekend. Not a fortune, but enough to make life a lot easier for us."

"Well, that's brilliant Alex, and I think I can honestly say there's not a boy who deserves it more than you.' He said, smiling and handing me the form, "I usually say that I can't promise anybody a place, but as it's you, consider yourself in."

"Thanks, sir," I said, slipping back into formality, and went off to my form room for registration.

The next couple of weeks dragged by and then one morning at assembly the names of the boys accepted for the trip was read out, and mine was at the top. The Headmaster said that we would be meeting the following afternoon after school in the library and we would be given travel information and allocated room-mates.

Room-mates?' I thought. Shit, I didn't realise I'd have to share a room. What happened if I got a dork sharing with me, and what happened when I had to get undressed for bed? What happened if I got a babe to share with and got a hard-on every time I looked at him?'

This meant that I would also have to go and buy some pyjamas. I usually slept wearing the tight pink suit I was born with, but that would be out of the question if I was sharing.

The following afternoon we all gathered in the library and waited for the Headmaster to arrive. He was about five minutes late and was accompanied by Mr Stephenson. Travel schedules were handed out and the Head ran through them with us, then he pulled a list from his pocket told us to be quiet.

"Now, some of you have requested specific room-mates and we have decided that we will go along with what you have asked, but if Mr Stephenson decides that there is any problem with noise or bad behaviour he will move you around, so it will be in your best interests to behave yourselves impeccably, not that I would expect anything else from you on a school trip."

He began to read out names and there was the odd cheer and the odd whisper of "perverts" followed by a great deal of laughter.

I sat and waited for my name to be called and was nineteenth of the twenty boys. "Cumber," said the Head, "will share with Baker." He concluded.

Baker?' I thought, who the hell was Baker? Oh, JB. Wow, JB.'

JB was HOT. He was pursued by most of the girls in the school and was considered among the rest of us to be the ultimate stud. What on earth was Jason thinking of, putting me in with JB?

I was aware of the jeering going on around me and smiled to myself despite my embarrassment. They all knew I was gay and they had, for the most part, accepted it. I didn't force myself on them and they treated me with a modicum of respect, In fact, some of them had told me that they admired my bravery in coming out.

The Head dismissed us and some of the boys began to leave straight away. I picked up my school bag and was about to leave when I heard a voice behind me say, "Um, Hi, Alex." I looked around and saw that it was the boy in question, JB.

I smiled and said, "Hi, JB. I suppose it must be a bit of a bummer for you, having to share with me."

"Nah, its cool," he said "at least I know where I stand with you, unlike some of the other closet gays here."

"Closet gays?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied, "why do you think some of them shy away from you and don't want to be seen associating with you? It's because they're in the closet and if they're seen with you they might be accused of being gay and give themselves away when they try to deny it."

"Well," I replied, "they certainly haven't made themselves known to me."

"Nah," he said "they wouldn't be seen talking to you."

We left the school together talking about the forthcoming trip and then, much to my surprise, he said, "Why don't you come over to my place next weekend? Maybe we ought to get to know one another a little better if we're going to be room-mates. I don't know a lot about you except that you're pretty intelligent, that you're gay, and, like me, you haven't got a dad around the house."

"Sure, I'd love to." I said, thinking that I'd love to spend as much time as possible with this gorgeous boy, "But aren't you afraid of being tarred with the same brush as me? I mean, they might think ..."

"Let them think what they like, Alex, I think you're a pretty cool guy and I'm looking forward to getting to know you a bit better."

Wow, I was getting seriously excited about this and if I wasn't careful my excitement would manifest itself somewhere just below my waistband.

"Come over on Saturday around eleven o'clock and stay over, if you like." He said.

"OK," I said, feeling by face blush and my cock rise, "but are you really sure?"

"It's a date." He said, grinning and waved to me as he turned and ran to the end of the street.

I almost skipped home with delight. Things were looking up all round. I was going on the school trip, money worries were a thing of the past and now I was going to become mates with the subject of many of my masturbation fantasies.

When I got home I saw a note which mum had left asking me to peel the potatoes for dinner as she would be a little late home.

I went upstairs and got stuck into my homework and had almost finished when I heard mum's key in the lock. I ran downstairs and gave her a welcoming hug and she went into the kitchen to start on the dinner. From her shopping bag she produced two wonderful-looking pieces of steak. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen steak in our house and my mouth began watering as she slid then into the frying pan. "Thanks for doing the potatoes, Alex, she said."

"OK mum, I replied."

She went back to her shopping bag and produced a large box of man-sized tissues, "For you to keep next to your bed," she said, "then I may not find any more extremely stiff pairs of underpants like I found next to your bed when I came home at lunchtime." She added, pointedly.

"Sorry, mum," I said, grinning mischievously. "Hey, mum, we were allocated our room-mates for the ski trip today and I'm going to be sharing with JB. You know, the Baker boy, I don't know his first name, everybody just calls him JB. He's asked me if I'd like to go and stay at his place next weekend so we can get to know one another a bit better. Do you mind if I go, mum?"

"Does he know that you're gay?" asked mum concernedly.

"Mum, the entire school knows I'm gay." I replied. "Besides, he told me it makes no difference to him, he doesn't care what anybody else thinks."

"He sounds like he could be a good friend to have." Said mum. "Of course you can go, son, I'll take advantage while you're away and maybe go and stay with your Aunt Betty for the weekend."

Aunt Betty is mum's sister. She's married to Uncle Fred who is the most homophobic man on earth, so I refuse to go there just in case the subject comes up.

"Great, mum, thanks. I'll go over there on Saturday morning and stay over until Sunday, or maybe if it's OK with his mum I'll stay until Monday and go straight to school from there."

On Thursday the cheque arrived from the lottery company, Camelot, made out to Mrs. C (for Catherine) Cumber for Two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-three pounds and fifty-one pence. "Well, son," said mum "I still don't believe it, but there it is in black and white."

We hugged and she sat and stared at the cheque and then, as if coming to a momentous decision she said, "I'm going to put the two hundred thousand into a high-interest account so it will earn us some money, and I'm going to put the twenty thousand into the current account so that we can buy what we want for the foreseeable future. The odd two thousand-odd pounds is for you, Alex, to spend on whatever you want to. You have been a great son to me and since your dad buggered off you've helped me in every way you can. I know you'll spend it wisely, but don't be afraid to be a little carefree on how you spend, I want you to enjoy it. I've opened a bank account for you and as soon as I can I'll have the money transferred. In the meantime I got this for you." And she handed me a small envelope which, when I opened it, contained a charge card for Debenham's store, the huge department store in town. "I want you to go to Debenham's and get some nice new clothes and whatever else you need for the trip. They would only give me a limit of a thousand pounds but you can spend as much of that as you want on whatever you want."

I was speechless, which was probably just as well because with the tears running down my face, anything I tried to say would probably have come out as a wail anyway.

Friday dragged. Twenty four hours seemed like a week and every school lesson seemed to last all day, but eventually the final bell went and I headed for the main entrance. When I got there JB was waiting for me and for a horrible moment I thought that something was wrong, but he just wanted to finalise plans for the weekend. I told him about the windfall and asked if he would like to come to Debenham's with me on Sunday and help me choose some clothes. He said he's love to and we walked out of school together, side by side laughing and joking as though we'd known each other for ever.

I spent a great evening with mum and then decided to pack a few things for the weekend, including my school clothes on the off-chance I'd be staying over on Sunday night as well. It was then that I remembered the need for some sort of night attire, so I packed a pair of loose-fitting shorts and some old t-shirts which, I thought, would have to do.

I woke early on Saturday and spent some time in the bathroom, having a long luxurious shower and pleasuring myself with my left hand (so much sexier than my right!) in case I didn't get the chance over the weekend. A wet dream would be extremely embarrassing, probably for both of us.

Knowing it would only take me about twenty minutes on the bus to get to the flats where JB lived I still left home at 10 o'clock. "No sense in leaving it `til the last minute." I told myself.

I arrived at the flats at 10.30, having waited a long time for a bus, and walked up to the fourth floor (there was no lift). I thought that where I lived was rather shabby, but these flats had certainly seen better days. Eventually I found number 48 and as there was no doorbell I knocked gently on the door. Getting no answer I knocked again, louder this time and a few seconds later I heard a voice say, "Just a sec," and then "oh, shit." As I heard a resounding thump.

The door opened and there stood JB, wearing a grubby t-shirt and a pair of well-creased boxers with the buttons undone and nothing else. He was wiping the sleep from his eyes as he said, "Shit, is it that time already?"

Now JB fully clothed is gorgeous. JB naked straight from the shower is breathtaking, but JB standing there, tousle-haired and barefoot, straight from his bed was totally irresistible and I just couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Well," he said after a few seconds, "are you going to come in or am I going to stand here freezing my balls off, Alex?"

I came to my senses, apologised and went in, unavoidably brushing against him in the narrow hallway. "Are you OK?" I asked, "I thought I heard a thud just before you opened the door.

"Oh, yea." He said, "I was putting my boxers on and overbalanced. I was in bed when you knocked and I ... er ... well, I don't wear anything in bed." He said, blushing a little.

"Snap" I said.

"Really?" he grinned, and I nodded. "Well, I know you've seen me naked in the shower and all that, but I thought if I answered the door in the buff you might just freak out." He said.

"Oh, I could probably have lived with it." I joked, raising my eyebrows.

"Speaking of showers, I have to grab one now," he said, "put the TV on and amuse yourself for a while, I won't be long. He went into what I assumed was the bathroom, but proved to be his bedroom, and he emerged stark naked a moment later carrying a bath towel. My bottom jaw hit the floor as he walked in front of me, crossing to the bathroom, a wicked grin on his face. "Do you like what you see, gay boy?" he asked, wiggling his bum at the bathroom door, then disappeared inside, hooting with laughter.

I smiled to myself, knowing that this was not meant maliciously and then I smiled at myself because I was getting pretty hard down there. I saw that he hadn't closed the bathroom door, and the next thing I heard was his stream of piss hitting the water in the pan and then the flush, and then the shower being turned on. The running water began to have the usual effect on me and within seconds the need for a pee was extremely urgent. I went to the bathroom door and asked, "Do you mind if I pee while you're in there?"

"Go right ahead," came the reply, "then you can come in and scrub my back." I laughed and waited for a few seconds `til my cock decided what I wanted to do, as it always hesitates when I have a hard-on. Eventually I managed to do what had to be done and as I was zipping up, the shower curtain flew open and JB said, "Well, are you coming in with me?"

"Are ... are ... are you serious?" I stammered.

"Never been more so," he replied, "why do you think I asked Jason Stephenson if I could be with you on the trip?"

"You mean ... you're ... gay?" I asked, disbelievingly.

"Uh-huh, gay as a buttercup." Said JB. I stared at him for a moment, until he said, "Well?"

I slowly began to remove my shirt, watching him all the time in case something evil was coming, then I took off my shoes and socks. As I looked at him I noticed his cock firming up and this gave me encouragement. I undid my belt and let my trousers fall to my ankles and stepped out of them, now wearing just a tight pair of briefs with a huge tent in the front. "Now, that looks promising." Said JB whose cock was now considerably bigger than when I had started undressing. I pulled my waistband out and over my cock and lowered my briefs and shook them off, my cock waggling wildly in front of me. "Wow," said JB, "I just can't wait to get a handful of that."

"You won't have to wait." I said and stepped into the shower with him. It was a pretty small cubicle and not touching was not an option. "And now I have a confession to make." I said, "Although I make no secret of the fact that I'm gay, I have never actually been with another boy other than to masturbate one another." I admitted.

"OK." Said JB, "I guess we'll just have to learn together, won't we?"

"Just one thing, JB, you're always with the girls at school, and you have the reputation of being the school stud. How can you be gay?"

"Do you ever see me chasing the girls?" he asked. I shook my head. "If you'd taken the trouble to notice, you'd see that it's them making all the advances. Can I help it if I'm irresistible to women?" He added half-jokingly. As for me being a super stud, OK, I fucked one girl, once. It was an absolute disaster and I had to go home and wank off afterwards. No, Alex, you're much more my type, it's just that you're braver than me and you've told everybody. Maybe some of your bravery will rub off on me, but in the meantime, let's start the weekend as we mean to go on." And so saying JB gently placed his lips mine.

Of course, our lips weren't the only parts of our bodies that were touching. At the other extremity we were toe to toe and I could feel John's hardness against my own as we leaned closer together. Suddenly and unexpectedly I felt JB's tongue against my lips and without thinking opened my mouth to find his tongue slipped inside. I felt my cock spasm as my own tongue rose to do battle with his and I very nearly shot my load, but could not stop myself from grinding against him and wrapping my arms tightly around him, which he reciprocated immediately.

Without warning the water turned cold and JB hastily broke off and turned off the control behind him before turning back and resuming the hug. "God, you're so beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"No, you're the beautiful one, JB, I've lusted after you over and over again." I said. JB moved away from me and looked me straight in the eye.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really." I replied.

"And I've wasted all this time thinking you wouldn't be interested in me." He said. "Come on, let's get out of here and settle ourselves comfortably."

"Er, JB," I said, quietly, "are you sure this is OK with you? And what about your mum, isn't she around?"

"Firstly, this is more than OK with me, and secondly mum's gone away with her new boyfriend for the weekend. She won't be home until Monday night."

JB took me by the hand and led me back to his bedroom. It felt really strange holding another boy's hand, or anybody's hand, come to that. When we got into his bedroom it was like walking into a war zone with debris everywhere. Clothes on the floor, clothes on the chair, clothes on the bed, there were more of his clothes scattered around than I had clothes!!

My attention, however, was rooted to the form lying naked on the bed in front of me. I just couldn't believe that anybody, male female or divine could look so beautiful. I knelt beside the bed and whispered, "Can I touch you, JB?"

He looked at me, smiled and said "I'll be very disappointed if you don't." I took a deep breath and reached out, laying my hand on his flat stomach. As I came into contact with him his stomach spasmed and he sucked in his breath sharply. "I'm very close." He said.

I slid my hand downwards, running my fingers gently through his pubic hair, then I wrapped my fingers loosely round his throbbing cock and pulled his foreskin right back. His knob was so hard the skin was shiny and precum was leaking from his piss slit. "God, Alex, that feels s ... s ... so amazing."

I began stroking him slowly and his breathing immediately became erratic and he clenched his fists until his knuckles were white. "OOOOOOOOOoooooooooohhhhhh" he said as his bum left the bed and the first stream of cum shot straight up and hit his chin, immediately followed by four or five strong shots on to his stomach, the final offering dribbling out over my hand. JB breathed out and seemed to go into a little dream world of his own. I leaned over him and kissed him gently on the lips. "Hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm" he said, a gentle smile creeping over his face. "That was just amazing, Alex." He said, shuffling over and patting the bed beside him. I got off my knees and crawled into bed next to him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said, "You certainly seemed to shoot loads." As I finished speaking I felt a hand gently caressing my balls, then encircling my cock and beginning to massage me gently. "Gently does it," I said, "I'm pretty close as well." JB grinned at me and continued the massage. "Can I ask you a question?" I said.

"You can ask, but I won't promise to answer." He replied.

"You're always known as JB, but what does the `J' stand for?"

"Guess." He said.

I went through all of the usual names, John, Jonathan, Jack, Jason, Jeffery, James, Joshua, Jude, and so on and so on, but each time he told me I was wrong. I was beginning to lose the power of conversation as I neared my climax and on the point of my first thrust I shouted "Jared." As my cum landed on my neck and chest.

"Actually, it's Jeremiah," he said, "but as of today I'm going to be Jared, and every time somebody calls my name I'll think of you, naked and cumming, you really looked sooooo sexy."

"Not half as sexy as you made me feel," I said, "I've never felt like that before, even the first time I shot my load. That was wonderful, now kiss me."

The rest of that weekend was spent totally naked, and much of it in bed. The shopping trip went out of the window. Who needs clothes when you're in love?

I began calling JB `Jared' at school and very soon the others began doing so too, and every time somebody said it, a smile would light up his face and he would look at me and give me a sly little wink.

This story was first published on the `Gay Authors' site.

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