Gift for the Gladiator

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 29, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"It's a clear case of sheer ingratitude!" Scutorious complained to his friends as Theosos rubbed his bare back with fragrant perfume-laden hands, agile fingers moving in smooth circles over his more-than-ample frame. It would take of lot of perfume to cover that body, but such was Theosos' task and he could not shirk it, not unless he wanted a taste of the lash. His own back was covered with only a few, barely visible white scars, scattered and obscured with age to show that he had learned his duty to his master early and well. "I wish to give my best gladiator a gift, so I send my finest beauty to his cell with no more request than he have his way with her and cause her to bear him a child for me to raise up to be a gladiator one day. You'd think that he would have immediately bedded the wench, and who wouldn't? You know my Belinda, don't you, with the blond hair and the jugs out to here and an ass that the Greeks would fall down and worship, wouldn't you Theosos?"

"Of a certainty." Theosos carefully kept his voice polite, but Belinda was indeed a vision of pulchritudinous beauty, assuming one cared for the female of the species. He did not, and this was in part because of his nature and in part because he had been a beautiful boy that had been taken to many beds by lecherous men, sold for a few coins by his trainer. How could whatever had been his true nature have flowered other than it had in such circumstances? He had been fortunate that Scutorious had purchased him when his training had been done and he'd been placed on the auctioneer's block for sale. Scutorious was fat, lazy, and stingy with his care and gifts for his slaves, but he at least did not care for the pleasures of any but the female slaves in his household. Theosos need only bathe the corpulent body, scrape it of the poisons the hot water had leached out, rinse it and then rub oils or perfumes in it as his master's whim chose. Tedious and difficult, but when it was done, he could turn his eyes to the cleaning of the bathing chamber and know he would not suffer the visits of anyone else, save on days such as this, when his master had company. But even these were cut from Scutorious' cloth and more interested in food and women than the pretty Greek male bath attendant.

"So I send him my Belinda, only wanting him to mate with her as lustily as he wished and what does that insolent son of a hair-dresser do? He refuses to touch her, even though I had promised her a bag of silver if she bore me a male slave from him and she plied him with every skill of seduction she had (I had them watched and I know), and he scorned her, thrust her away from him, forced her to sleep in the opposite corner of the cell from his own bed, and there she stayed for the full five days of her fertile period."

"So sell the ungrateful and sterile stallion." one of his friends opined. "It's what I do with my studs when they stop mounting the mares!"

The group guffawed heartily.

"Would that I could." mourned Scutorious. "But you know as well as I that Flavius is the best gladiator in the arena today. Undefeated in every bout since I bought him two years ago! All I want is more like him! I swear, if he'd mate with any slave I had, I'd send her in to him." And Scutorious again turned his attention to Theosos. "Theosos?"

"Yes, Master?" Theosos stopped his work so he could pay careful attention. Scutorious would not want to repeat himself in any way and he had better understand. He had studied Latin but Greek was his native tongue and Scutorious refused to speak to anyone in anything but Latin.

Called Greek, which was becoming the major tongue in Rome, a slave's language, unworthy of the Roman mouth.

"You have heard all we have said here, have you not?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"And you know Flavius, do you not?"

"Somewhat, My Lord." Theosos demurred. "I spend most of my days here in these baths."

"No matter." Scutorious went on. "Do you know of any of my women that Flavius would mate with gladly?"

"None of whom I am certain." Theosos said. "But I don't know him that well, as I have said."

"Why do you think a slave would refuse the most beautiful woman in my stable?"

"I could only guess." Theosos replied.

"So guess." Scutorious commanded.

"Yes, Master." Theosos hurried on. "His reason for refusing the woman Belinda may be the reason I myself would refuse. His taste may not run to women. There are those who prefer...the other sex."

That drew a hushing sound as the men in the room inhaled sharply...then erupted in loud, raucous laughter.

"The warrior is actually a handmaiden!"

"His sword is decorated with flowers!"

"His shield is his maidenhead, waiting to be deflowered by some lusty spear!"

Scutorious laughed as heartily as the rest. "I wouldn't have thought that a brave and majestic male like Flavius would bend over for another man's lance." he said. "But a test would certainly show if that is the answer. I shall send the great Flavius a male slave and he can mate with them as much as he likes. A gift from a grateful master."

"But what of the slave who would be buggered by that huge javelin of his?" one of the friends asked. "You've seen that spear he wields between his legs in the arena at times, as have we all."

"I have the perfect one to send in. Who else would bend to the Greek vice but a Greek?" Scutorious said. "Theosos, you have admitted that your taste runs to such as Flavius. I shall send you in as his reward for fighting so well in the arena. And for your own reward, I shall offer you what I offered Belinda, a full bag of silver, and all you must do is pleasure Flavius in any way that will please him and yourself for a full five days as he would have Belinda."

Theosos gulped hard. Pleasure Flavius? For all his words to his master, he had no assurance that Flavius would treat his entrance into his cell in good humor. After all, wouldn't his being placed there be the same as calling Flavius a homosexual? For all of his Latin name, Flavius was from a German tribe that had risen in rebellion and he had been seized as a slave in retribution. The Germans were horrifyingly cruel to men they caught in sexual congress with each other, smothering them in mud! "He may not welcome me after all." he pleaded with Scutorious. "Will you let him kill me to prove he is a man after all?"

"I shall have him watched." Scutorious said. "As I did with Belinda. You have only to call out and I shall have you removed. But unless you stay with him the entire five days, you shall have no silver."

Theosos realized, then, his master's cleverness. He and his friends would have a jolly laugh at his expense and he wouldn't even need to pay Theosos a single copper!

Theosos sighed as quietly as he could. A slave must needs put up with such. "If I may help you learn if Flavius' problem is with Belinda as a woman, by placing myself in harm's way, I shall do so with pleasure."

His joke was unintentional, but the assembly roared. "Take him to the gladiator's barracks! To the barracks!" they cheered, and Theosos hurriedly helped Scutorious into clean clothing. Himself, he had none he could reach quickly, and this group would not wait, he needs must wear his gossamer bath-attendant's tunic, skimpy and nearly translucent as it was.

The hour was late and it was after curfew, but a group this large could travel unmolested even by the City Guard, given who it numbered among its company, the best and wealthiest of Rome! Theosos was led, still wearing only his bathing-room gown, which was an abbreviated and rather gossamery fabric intended more for decoration than weather protection. Still, this was a hot summer night, he didn't envy the Romans in his company that labored through the humid air in their heavy woolen tunics.

The guard at the barracks stopped them until Scutorious showed himself, and greased his palm in a way that caused him to bow and step aside as the men piled in. Theosos brought up the rear and felt the guard's eyes upon his semi-exposed buttocks as he walked in after the roisterous men. Torches lit the stone walls and floor as they went, around them was the smell of male sweat, male excrement, male blood; there were the sounds of male snoring, male laughter, male moaning in pain from wounds received in battles of the arena, and among them, amidst them, between them, there was the cell of Flavius.

"Flavius, hear the sound of your master and obey!" called out Scutorious.

"I am here." came the answer, proper in form if not in tone and Flavius rose from the bed upon which he had been lying. A golden gleam of male muscles broad in girth and abundant in quantity. His hair was as blond as Belinda's and his face was as regular and regal as any Grecian statute set up in the temple could be. The son of a chieftain indeed, was he, no wonder Scutorious desired to have him mate with his finest women slaves and give them his progeny.

"I have another present for you, since you scorned the other. I am giving you this one the same as I did the other, for five days, you may take this slave and have your pleasure as you will."

"I care nothing for such, though I thank you."

"You might care for this." Scutorious opened the door of the cell and sent Theosos inside with a gesture. Theosos stood before the gladiator in nervous fear. The Germans were well-known for their scorn of male-male love, so unlike the more tolerant Greeks...

"Who are you?"

"I am...I am Theosos."

"Where did you get that...costume?"

"I work in the Master's bath."

"So why are you here?"

"The Master wondered if...." Theosos gulped hard and went on. "...if the reason you scorned the slave girl Belinda might be that you preferred to take your pleasure with...another."

"Another like you?"


"It was his own idea." Scutorious added from outside. "If you won't mate with my slave girls, then you can mate with Theosos. Either way, I reward you for your valor in the Games, do I not? Come, we shall leave these two lovebirds to bill and coo at each other in private. Mayhaps one of them shall lay an egg ere long if we do!" And laughing, the party departed down the hallway from where they had come.

"And how long must I share my cell with you?" came the gruff sound of Flavius' voice in the sudden silence their leaving had caused.

"I am with you for five days." Theosos said, looking down for he could no longer look into Flavius' blazing eyes. They literally blazed, for the torch was placed in the sconce in their room, to light them for the Master to watch.

"And you will be rewarded as well?"

"The same as Belinda would have been, had she borne a male child to the Master."

"You cannot bear a male child."

"No, but I shall be rewarded all the same. But only if you take your pleasure with me. Otherwise, I am to be given nothing."

"So then, a bag of silver is your price for bedding with me, is it?" Flavius seemed to sneer. "And how are you different from the saffron-robed whores that sit in the arena and lick their lips and rub their breasts when I look their way?"

That stung. "I am loyal to my Master, and he wishes this." Theosos said stoutly. "And I wish it because he wishes it."

"Then he should save his silver and simply order you to bed with me."

"He could have." Theosos admitted.

"You are truly a slave among slaves." Flavius said. "The Master asked me to ask what I would for my gift for winning the last series of bouts as I did. I told him I wanted only my freedom. Instead, he sent a soiled and overused harlot into my cell. When I sent her away untouched, he sent you in her place, as he apparently doubts my manhood for failing to seize the diseased cunt-monger he gave me before. When all I truly wish is my freedom."

"So what would you do for your freedom?" Scutorious asked from outside.

"I have killed for my freedom." Flavius said. "And I have lived for my freedom, if one can call this existence a life. I would do whatever it takes, if it would win my freedom and return to my homeland."

Theosos realized the true difference between them. "You have a homeland to return to. I have none."

"You are Greek."

"By birth." Theosos agreed. "No more than that. I was raised in the slave pens."

"So you have never been free."

"Nor wish to be. The life of a freedman is more difficult than that of a slave. You must find work somehow, unless your master hires you back again, and Scutorious does not do that. I have nowhere to go."

"And I have nothing else but a place to go if I can win my freedom. But I won't sire a pack of my sons to be slaves in my place. That is why I refused Belinda, not because I prefer men over women."

Theosos sighed. No bag of silver for him! "He shall not stop. If you do not take me, he will know that your reason to refuse him was not that you prefer men, so he will use other means to try to gain your progeny. Scutorious is not to be denied what he wants. Any woman you give a child will find herself pressed to sell it to him, even back in your homeland. Or your children could be stolen away and sold to him by slavers."

Flavius was silent. "So the only gift I have to give my children is slavery."

"I think so." Theosos said. "Which is why you should embrace the life you have here. Give Scutorious the children. Take Belinda and enjoy her. Your children will be well cared for and, once he has several of them, he may be willing to grant your freedom and leave you in peace after."

"My children as his slaves." Flavius mourned. "Curse the entire Roman Empire that they can do this."

"They are on the whole a very just and law-loving people." Theosos said. "And we can serve them in security and hope of a long life, which is not to be found in your German forests, even you must admit that."

Flavius turned and Theosos placed a hand upon his shoulder in consolation. "Shall I call out for the cell master?" he asked. "Scutorious can have Belinda back here before tomorrow night."

"No." said Flavius and he turned back. "I shall not need Belinda." And Theosos was startled as Flavius took him in his arms. "I shall not need her at all." And his lips went to Theosos' and Flavius kissed him.

Theosos was numb at first, then returned the kiss with ardor if also with bewilderment. When Flavius released him, he said, "I am here, and willing." he said. "But I thought you did not care for men."

"I cannot bed a woman any longer, for fear she would bear a child for our Master. But you, I can bed without worry. It is better to be with someone than to be alone."

"That is...a very Greek way of looking at things." And Theosos reached for those lips in his own turn, and his own arms lifted up to encircle Flavius.

Flavius' large, rough hands went down to clasp Theosos' buttocks and he ground his crotch against Theosos' own organ, Theosos felt the huge shaft of the gladiator pressing against his abdomen, only the fabric of Flavius' loin wrap warded it from directly contacting his body, for his flimsy tunic had lifted up with the insertion of those beefy, scarred hands behind to bare him upwards to nearly his waist. The loin wrap was held in place by a thick leather belt, this belt jabbed Theosos' navel as he was held nearly off his feet against Flavius' washboard-rippled stomach. He felt that strength holding him, pressing against him, muscles that moved against him like so many individual living things, and Flavius' lips went to his neck and nibbled the tender, sense-filled skin there, sending moist, tingling thrills through his body, and Theosos moaned, and his own cock rose to nestle under Flavius' basket and nudge there the source of virility that now pulsed and throbbed against him.

Flavius felt it and growled and he lifted Theosos bodily and with Theosos' cock now touching that wonderfully taut and ripped stomach, he carried Theosos over to his bed and lay him down upon it, and placed himself on top of the young Greek.

Theosos fumbled at the leather belt, he knew the accouterments of men's clothing well as he had to disrobe his Master and their guests for bathing, sometimes while supporting the drunken man bodily as he did so. But the position was wrong even so, and Flavius pushed his hands away, rose up on his knees and undid his buckle and cast away the belt, and then Theosos followed it by grasping and discarding the unwinding loin wrap from Flavius' midsection, and nude, Flavius lowered himself yet again. Theosos felt the huge organ throb against his leg and he gasped. He was no woman that lust could lubricate her private parts into receptive state.

"Flavius, please, let me tend you first that you may enter me easier." he pleaded as those masculine lips nipped at his neck once again.

Flavius growled again, but that was a growl of frustration and he yielded. "Then do it quickly." he snarled. "I had that bountiful female at me for five days and no chance to ease myself, and my pleasure is rife within me. Do not delay me in this."

"I shall be quick." Theosos promised and he exchanged positions with Flavius, putting the huge man beneath him and he squirmed down to where his knees were at Flavius' feet, and his face could reach the now-towering pillar of manhood. It was huge and bore a thick layer of foreskin at its tip, within those velvety folds glistened the incipient fluid of seed to be released.

Theosos grasped that column of Germanic majesty and pulled the skin down, watched the foreskin unwrap and slide back to show the purplish bulb of enraged glans and the gleam of precome was stronger than ever, for it flooded out and engulfed the cockhead as he exposed it.

Theosos reached down and his lips kissed the glowing globe and then pressed his mouth on over it and the huge orb's flare rippled past his lips and Flavius moaned, and one enormous hand grasped Theosos' head and pushed down upon him peremptorily.

Theosos had not endured such treatment from another since his boyhood, but he at least now could deal with the result more easily, his mouth and throat had been trained, inured, to this fleshy insertion. He flexed the muscles he needed to flex and his mouth's water flowed as freely as it could, and Flavius' dong slid thus unimpeded deeply within Theosos' throat before it hung and could move no more. Flavius didn't pause, he immediately pulled Theosos' head back, Theosos' lips clung tight to wring the pleasure out of Flavius' rod as the foreskin crumpled and gathered within his mouth, and when the glans reached those silken folds, Flavius groaned and paused, made a few rapid mini-hunches to move his glans back and forth within that zone of passion, and then he thrust Theosos down again hard and Theosos' throat was again filled to capacity and further down even with that hard cock.

More movements of Theosos upon Flavius' prod and Flavius moaned, paused and yanked Theosos off his organ entirely. "Enough. I am ready and more than ready."

"As am I." Theosos gasped out through his sex-ravaged throat, a guttural sound. He cleared his throat with a gurgle and tried again, "I think you will not rip me asunder now."

"I know my size is more than most." Flavius said. "Many a Roman matron has forgotten her modesty long enough to mention it to me. I shall take my care with you as I can."

"I am grateful." Theosos said as he lifted his tunic away and exposed his entire body to his German lover. "May I use my own talents from above?" He demonstrated by rising to his feet and straddling Flavius upon the bed, and then squatted toward the now-spit-gleaming tower that awaited him.

"You may begin." Flavius granted him and then followed with, "But once I am within you, I will take over."

"As you wish." Theosos guided the prong to his anus with care and delicacy. He got the huge sphere of the glans carefully aimed and began to press down. His nether regions had not received much attention lately, he ruefully admitted to himself, for his duties in the baths left him little time to dally with the other slaves, most of which were more entertained by the distaff side of the available slaves. A few of Scutorious' friends had dallied with him upon occasion (and the silver with which they adorned his palm after was welcome to a man who got little such from his owner), and he had given them as much pleasure as he could, but Flavius' manhood dwarfed them all.

Flavius was patient for a man in the throes of lust, he groaned and murmured and made bestial noises within his throat as Theosos wormed the huge man-snake deeper within his bowels. His body knew this sensation well enough to accept the most of it, and as for the rest...well, his body would stretch and where it would not stretch, it would heal. Only a small amount of pain creased his face as he squirmed the majority of the organ within him.

"I can take no more." he gasped after a time. "If you will permit me to move upon you a time of my own power, I can adjust in a while for more."

"This will do." Flavius said. "Now let me be over you."

Theosos grunted, but managed to get onto his knees without dislodging that huge prong, and there he could lie down upon Flavius and hold to him, when he did so, Flavius rolled both of them over and was atop Theosos and his muscled behemoth of a body could dominate the lovemaking.

Theosos locked his heels into the bends of Flavius' knees and held on. Now, he must endure and with luck, enjoy, what was to happen. It had first happened to him when he was fifteen, mating with a very gentle older man, that his body had discovered the pleasure in what had been, until then, only a miserable experience of violation. He had exploded against that lover with a violence that had shaken his very soul. He had fallen madly in love with the man, and been desolated when after a few trysts, the man had discarded him for another, and younger youth. His sale at the auction block had come soon after.

Flavius was lusty and he fucked at Theosos ass with a roughness that reflected his rough life. Those hugely muscled hips rammed the hard dong deep into Theosos with rapidly smooth motions that Theosos found stroked his prostate with undeniably pleasurable results. His cock was slapped against Flavius stomach with each thrust, striking the taut skin like a drumstick upon its drum, thump-thump-thump-thump-thump! Theosos held onto Flavius as his passion grew within him, and he pressed his cock tighter and began to rub himself as Flavius continued to pound his butt.

And as his desire rose, he clutched at Flavius the tighter. "Oh, oh, Gods and Goddesses, I am near!" he gasped. "You please me, Flavius, you please me greatly!"

Flavius' own face was flushing with his rapture and he grumbled with the low roar of a bear in the arena, and he humped Theosos and Theosos' fingers dug into Flavius' back and Flavius gasped in the shock of that sudden pain and that translated in him into passion and his grumble turned into a loud howl of ecstasy and Theosos felt the hot rushing flood of spunk as it squirted into him and he spasmed and creamed all over Flavius' stomach as Flavius' jizz flowed out of his ass, and the rough, raunchy smell of male sperm filled the room.

Done, Flavius lay upon him heavily and Theosos bore it as well as he could, for he had always thus been used by the men who had mounted him. The huge organ lay still imbedded within him. Knowing that Flavius had not been able to release his seed for several days, he was not unduly surprised to find the massive dong rising within him once again.

The second session took a good deal longer and, at the same time, more relaxed. They moved into several positions, With Flavius on the bottom as Theosos rode him, with Flavius holding him completely off the bed as Flavius was on his knees, his huge arms moving Theosos up and down upon the turgid pud. Theosos climaxed again in this position, spraying Flavius lavishly with his love-juices. Flavius then moved them so that Theosos was resting upon his shoulders, his legs splayed wide in the air and Flavius was poised with one leg inside Theosos' and one leg outside, standing thus and driving down into Theosos' butt. Flavius gained his own second orgasm this way, thrusting and ejaculating down into Theosos' body. After this, they rested for some hours, waking well before dawn to join yet again....

Scutorious checked on them, and catching them thus in mid-coitus, appeared angrily disappointed. Theosos judged rightly that Scutorious had hoped to find their pairing unsuccessful and thus know that his gladiator was open to female advances, which would have permitted him more schemes to gain children slaves. Even with this, Theosos knew that Scutorious was not yet totally defeated, it was possible that he would yet try something like gathering the spilled seed and use it to impregnate some waiting female artificially.

As their five days of joy continued, Flavius showed increasing trust and versatility, he would masturbate Theosos, from there he began to ply his lips, and by the fourth day he was actively sucking Theosos off, they would lie end-to-end and feed upon each other for hours. Flavius was insatiable and Theosos found the lusty German very pleasant company even when not locked in sexual congress.

Scutorious came to them at the end of the fifth day and was more than disgruntled. "Well, I said I would reward you and I shall." he grumbled. "It seems that my stallion is a mare, but as long as you win in the arena, I must endure it."

"I am pleased to have been of service." Theosos said. "And I am ready to return to the bath, the richer for the experience." A hint for the money Scutorious had promised him.

Scutorious understood the hint very well. "I said I would reward you and I shall, in a way more valuable than silver."

"Yes, my Master?"

"I shall give you your freedom. You may pack your belongings and return to your home."

Theosos felt his heart pound in panic. "But...but Master! I did not wish to be free!"

"Well, you are." Scutorious said. "From this moment forward. No, no need to thank me, your happiness is all I wish. Now, come, this cell is no place for a freedman!"

Theosos looked at Flavius. He would have given anything for his freedom, and been denied it, while Theosos, who had never wished it, had had it thrust upon him. What was he to do now?

He returned to Scutorious' house, there to bundle his few possessions and small store of silver (Scutorious' friends would tip him on occasion, and he had saved more than half of what he had been given thus) and left the house that had been the only security he had ever known.

He found a room and a job of sorts, at the Public Baths, hawking his services to the merchants and common soldiers that patronized the place. He had many competitors and his life was a daily struggle to survive and he often went to bed hungry. He could have sold his body on occasion, but never quite managed to return the amorous advances, for every time, Flavius face would flash into his mind and he would turn away.

He lived thus, if such can be called a life, for over a year, when it happened. He was bending at that moment to pick up a towel when he heard the voice. "Theosos, is that you?"

He looked up to see... "Flavius!" he cried out in joy and rushed into those massive arms once more.

Flavius now bore a scar across his face, a bout in the arena no doubt, but his smile was broad and merry. "I have found you."

"I have never been lost." Theosos said. "Save in my heart which felt lonely without you. What has happened to you this past year?"

"I have been battling in the arena, of course." Flavius said. "And after more bouts than I care to remember, I have finally been able to purchase my freedom. I had to run a little trick upon Scutorious, but he named a price and I was able to meet it, for he never knew how much money I had been gathering."

"You have done better than I." Theosos admitted. "I barely have kept myself fed and clothed."

"Then you would be open to a new job?"

"I would love a new job." Theosos agreed.

"I have taken my funds and my successful reputation and opened a gladiatorial training school not far outside of Rome. In the old port of Ostia which is now too far above water to be useful any more, I have taken over a portion of the old buildings there for my school."

"Sounds wonderful."

"But my young men need the help of a trained bath attendant at the end of a day. I have managed to repair a bathhouse near there, and it needs someone to attend them after practice. I have three young men there, but I want someone to watch over them and teach them more than the basics. Would you like the job?"

"I would take the job even if I had to pay you." Theosos said ardently. "For it would mean I could be close by you. But I thought that if you ever got your freedom, you would return to your home."

"I could have." Flavius admitted. "But I realized soon after my freedom that my home was not where I thought it was. My home is wherever you can be with me."

"Then the entire world is our home." Theosos said, kissing that scar fervently. "For I shall never leave your side."

And he walked out into the streets of Rome and, for the first time since he was born, Theosos understood exactly what freedom was and for him, it had not come to him as the gift of his Master, but the gift of a gladiator to whom he had given his heart in turn.


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