Ginger Pumping Gas

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Apr 2, 2018


This is a fictional tale of the hot ginger guy that I saw at a gas station while pumping gas yesterday. He is the kinda guy that sets my loins afire.

He was hot and by his reddish beard, A 'Ginger'

From the moment I saw him I wanted him.

This tale is of course fiction and would not suggest the sexual preference of someone. Especially since the only thing we shared was a few glances as we pumped gas.

Wish this huge bear would pump me Enjoy....


Ginger Pumping Gas (Chapter 1)

...... Byron is his name. The name tag in his work shirt telling of the man's name. I met this big gorgeous man at a gas station. Of all places, a gas station. But all I can say is I was glad I decided to stop there to get gas that day.

"Big ginger bear" i sighed as i thought of him.

Heres how it went. It was a normal work day and i decided to stop to ger gas. I stopped at a place I don't normally go to do so. But my gas light came on as I was heading home from work. And I have a tendency to only use certain gas stations. So I pulled into this station and pulled my small crossover into a spot on the right of some pumps.

On the other side of those pumps was a big pick up truck. Myself am not a fan of the things because the suck up so much gas. And as I have tried to change my habits to be more excited friendly in the last few years, I find those big vehicles and the people who drive them uninterested in such things.

"Guzzler" I huffed to myself as I pulled up.

Then as I got out of my car and went to the pump. I pulled out my wallet to cpget my card to swip in the machine so I could pump my gas.

That's when I looked up at the man at the trucks pump. I nearly dropped my wallet as I gazed at this big burly guy standing there. I mean he was big. Maybe near 6'3" or 4" of height. But the man who didn't notice my looking at him at first was gorgeous. His big full face had an almost reddish sandy colour to it. His head, the same. That beard framed his handsome face. And boy was he handsome.

"Damn" I said to myself.

"Truck man is good looking"

I looked down to see he had on a work short that sported his name. "Byron" it read. The shirt was long sleeved and covered a big beefy chest. My eyes trailed down his frame and down to his tan pants.

That's when Byron looked up and saw me there. I looked back up at his handsome face and half smiled. He did the same. I then plugged in my card to the machine and chose the gas. Then placed the nozzle into the door for my gas tank.

I glanced back at Byron and he had turned and walked away from his car. I watched as he walked to the front of his big truck with hands in his pocket. As he did it afforded me a look at the man's backside.

"Oh my. Look at that" I said to myself

I could see the man had a big butt pressed to those pants. And as he walked I could see the back of his thighs stretched in the legs of those pants. He had thick legs and it was obvious.

I felt a tingle in my loins as I watched him. Then as he looked at something at the front of his vehicle he seemed to glance in my direction again. I turned so as not to make it obvious I was staring at him. But he was a big man. Even standing there in front of his big truck he looking imposing

"Damn you are a big boy" i said softly.

Then he came back towards the pump again. I looked at his crotch in a glance. I could really see much. So I surmised this big man had a tiny dick. But I found his eyes looking back at me again. Regarding me with a wandering glance.

I turned to the pump as I held the nozzle in my hand. Then I noticed that the thing seemed to be taking forever to pump gas. The numbers on the pump moving at seemingly a snail's pace.

"Fuck" I blurted out

This was probably the slowest pump in the history of gas pumps. Why was it going so slow. As this was becoming torture now. I was trying not to look at the big hunky man at the next pump. But found it increasingly difficult not to as the pump was taking forever.

I sighed in disgust at the damned thing.

"Hmm. Fuck" I said again

"Yeah. They are really slow" came a deep masculine voice

I looked up and it was Byron. He was talking to me.

"Shiit!" My head screamed

"He's talking to you"

"Ohh God!"

I stared at this huge man dumbfounded. I didn't think he would say one word to me. This guy that was obviously checking him out. But he did. So I answered back nervously.

"Um. Yeah. Does. Doesn't it" I said without really looking at him

"And I always come here" he laughed

"Not me" I blurted back.

I then saw as he rea he'd down and seemingly adjusted himself. His dick must have itched or something. But my eyes fired back down to his crotch. His big meaty hand moved his dick around. I looked at the wrist that had shows. There was light reddish blonde hairs on it. I felt my dick oush at my pants as I saw this. Was he hair. Was he a hairy ginger?.

"Fuck me" I said to myself

I needed to get out of there. I tried to make the pump work faster. Clicking at the handle several times. As itpf that would make it go any faster.

"That won't help" he said over the pump.

I looked to see him leaning over the pump on his side. He was a gorgeous beast. His eyes looked greenish in his. With some flecks of browns and other colors. He smiled and I nearly fell over.

Then I heard my pump click as it finished. A relief washed over me as I knew I could finally leave. 'Yes!' My head screamed at me. I could go. Get away from this hot man. I half smiled at him and then jumped in my car. I started it as I saw him waving at me. I then pulled away to leave.

I Had to wait a moment as there was traffic. But then when I saw an opening I rushed out onto the street and left him behind. I looked back for just a moment. Then I felt the hard in in my pants.

"Fuckk!" I huffed as I drove on, heading for home ................


To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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